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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2240483 No.2240483 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized. It's not the cringe youtube comments or supacha that are wrong.

It's me. I'm the one who's wrong for liking the same thing as them.

>> No.2240489

You like telling Chubas your dad has aids?

>> No.2240570

Yeah ok reddit zoomer tourist. In every single video on youtube there are cringe comments, even if it's something adult oriented i always find comments "where am I", "why am I like this xd". If I couldn't watch anything that had cringe youtube comments I would have to abandon youtube.

You are cringe incarnated, fuck off from the internet until you are older.

>> No.2240801

You have to be over 18 to post on 4channel

>> No.2240813
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This extends beyond youtube.
For every thing that you could possibly like, some cringe motherfucker likes it and is very vocally cringe about it.
Sports? Cringe ass onions dads. Hiking? Tons of hiking "celebrities" who think they're Kim Kardashian because they posted a pic of themselves in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.
Just like what you like, disregard cringe faggots and disregard normies who tell you it's weird.

>> No.2240841

I'm 30 years old. I wish I was under 18 so I could then relive my 20s and not waste them

I'm sorry my realization troubles you. But I must better myself so I don't like the same things as people on this level

>I would have to abandon youtube
Maybe you should.

>> No.2240958

I'm in my 20s
What mistake should I avoid anon

>> No.2241192

1. Don't use imageboards. I don't anymore but I slipped today. It's been like half a year. Part of this is that it's stupid to argue with anonymous people on the internet. You gain nothing tangible even if you win. Don't use social media in general. I never did but it's just as bad as imageboards I imagine
2. Don't play much video games. I also don't
3. Watching 30 anime per season is not a point of pride and you'll forget most anyway. Pick up a few. Or none
4. Lift. It takes 6 hours or so a week to be built better than 90% of the soys you see. You'll start to cringe at their twig arms and legs. This is time limited because if you wait too long your progress will be slower
5. Go to college or if you already are, focus on it (and not on a useless degree). Try to make this something you have a genuine passion for because wasting 8 hours a day on something you don't like isn't fun
6. Get a hobby that's productive, not consuming
7. Don't just consume content mindlessly, e. g. scrolling through video feeds curated by da algorithm. Chimps can do this.
8. If you can't do any of the above because you lack self control, just keep trying or force yourself. It's not so hard to control an internet addiction, for instance. Just unplug the modem/take out the sim and lock it away for a few hours

Bonus that I haven't achieved so can't help you with:
Get a gf because dual incomes are hax. So is having someone to take care of the house when you have literally no time to

Sorry if that isn't much. But it's what I've learned

>> No.2241226

1: don't listen to bitter old people

>> No.2241242


>> No.2241280

I'm much more salty than bitter and personally I don't consider 30 to be old or young. It's just right. 20s are young and especially early 20s seem young as H*ECK

>> No.2241326

You thought watching women larp as cute anime girls for children and special men wasn’t cringe?
