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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2239273 No.2239273 [Reply] [Original]

Yagoo's a fucking genius, plucking socially awkward neets off the street, handing them a computer and then he just has money flowing in from other neets.

>> No.2239292 [DELETED] 

Actually Nene is a genki normie riajuu former actual idol who only knew about dancing, singing, gossiping, eating, partying and having sex before hololive

>> No.2239324

what about hot chip and lie?

>> No.2239386

how can money flow from neets? checkmate aetheist

>> No.2240598

Nene was an autist in middle school

>> No.2240628

nene already admitted she was basically a loser in school. weak rrat

>> No.2240969 [DELETED] 

>middle school
So you mean before her high school debut?

If she wasn't such a huge riajuu who knows men then she wouldn't specify middle

>> No.2241070

You watch too much Anime

>> No.2241150

No, he has a point. Out of all the JP holos, Nene is among the ones that irradiate riajuu energy the most.

>> No.2241200

>Goverments pay gibs to neets
>Neets spend most of the leftover money after food/rent/etc to support their oshi
>Goverments notice that instead of spending what little neets have locally they send it outside the country
>Every country starts a vtuber agency to make sure the money doesnt leave the country
>Wars will start because your waifu got called a whore by another nations agency
>Your oshi will encourage you to bathe in the blood of your enemies and bring glory to your country
Its only a matter of time

>> No.2241215

if we're just selling rrats nene was probably a friend to someone who was actually popular and her being friends with an actual riajuu made people forget that she's a weirdo

>> No.2241216 [DELETED] 

it's radiate

>> No.2241291

Do you really think anyone in the world acts like Nene does on stream? Hate to break it to you, but no, no one actually acts like that. She gets her attitude by being fucked retarded by her boyfriend right before the stream starts. Ever notice how sometimes she more stupid than usual? That's from her boyfriend brining his friends over and gangbanging her. Sorry to burst the bubble.

>> No.2241318

Thanks. To be fair, I’d have made the same mistake in my native language.

>> No.2241322 [DELETED] 

now hold on, I didn't go that far. I merely said she was your average riajuu for whom sex is a normal part of life. Not a crazed slut

>> No.2241378

this seems more about your obsession with e-girls getting gangbanged by multiple men than an actual rrat

>> No.2241425

every holo jp member is like that though. even aqua. they can talk a lot when they are soloing they sperg out especially when they meet someone new.

>> No.2241432

>incels projecting their fantasies again
Nene really feels like someone geniune 2 digit IQ like 80 at most. Excessive cheerfulness, constant dumb actions, being friends with Aloe - everything fits in.

>> No.2241517

Nene is a known dummy. Unlike some holos it isn’t merely an act, and because of that she causes real life trouble for her friends and coworkers (doxxing her entire gen, repeatedly spoiling their special stream plans, getting kiara shadowbanned).

>> No.2241529

holy shit thats hot, gonna akasupa next stream

>> No.2241553 [DELETED] 

yeah so she's the dumb girl in the popular group who tries to make fetch a thing. this doesn't mean she's not a riajuu

>> No.2241721


>> No.2241798

>getting kiara shadowbanned
that's a good thing though, not a trouble

>> No.2241860

eops will never understand it but lamy has the most socially decent reajuu talking skills. she showed her flexible and aggressive personality when collabing with marine. she can totally keep up with marine over an hour and even laugh at her.

nene is too retarded to be socially decent. its not a reajuu personality. polka can be your good sis but otherwise always has to cope. botan is pretty socially well adjusted but prefers being a lone wolf.

>> No.2241891

Lamy's big superchat audience is middle-aged salarymen so the fact that she's both more practiced at being riajuu and a drunk makes me believe in the rrat that she was probably a hostess.

>> No.2241991
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>and then he just has money flowing in from other neets.
neets dont have money they are parasites

>> No.2242055

She was born after 1993? Can she cook?

>> No.2242109 [DELETED] 

Probably not. I don't know about you but I'm a '93 fag and pretty much every guy I know knows how to cook. The women are independent womxn who don't need no man and so never bothered to cook

>> No.2242805

Despite kiaras divisive nature, she is Nene’s friend and Nene really likes her. Kiara has helped Nene in the past. The fact Nene accidentally caused Kiara so much grief accidentally just shows the Nene really is an actual, real life airhead rather than just pretending as a character.

>> No.2242834

I wish he would sell neets, I've got a gamer nest ready to go

>> No.2244810

>she is Nene’s friend and Nene really likes her.
when will Nene fuck up enough so they will be forced to graduate her

>> No.2245299

>Nene, Lamy, Polka, DeltAloe have all admitted they were losers in school that barely had any friends and were bullied.
>Gen 3 is pretty bad as well
>EN were all fucking losers especially Kiara

>> No.2245473


>> No.2245767

>handing them a computer
Wasn't there a whole shitstorm about how the chuubas have to fund their own setups and other stuff like songs

>> No.2245880

anyone expecting corps to hand out expensive tech to homes of hired employees is fucking retarded

>> No.2246070

I don't know what the fuck you're smoking, but this is standard practice for any company that has a half-decent IT/operations department
t. Works in tech

>> No.2246150
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i'll take this one

>> No.2246153

codeniggers don't count

>> No.2246218

Lots of big companies loan out work laptops to employees, we do know cover gives them the iphones with the facetracker though

>> No.2246239

if codeniggers don't exist than how the fuck are you on this computer, this website, made by codeniggers.

>> No.2246254

kanata confirmed that she has to buy her own gaming laptop to stream

>> No.2246354

The cheapest shit that will do the work, not gaming PCs. Go tell me how some retarded corp will buy i7-10900 and rtx2080 for someone borderline trailing behind
go back to slavery codenigger

>> No.2246422

Same with Pekora, Aqua, and Rushia.

>> No.2246708

I don't know if I'd call her a normalfag, but Nene is demonstrably not a NEET and almost certainly wasn't ever a loser. This is the girl who was an actual idol, remember? There's no way that someone like her isn't popular even if she's not Marine or Fubuki-level when it comes to talking and reading others.

>> No.2246743

>baqua the autist
>anywhere close to normie

>> No.2246796

True, the Chinese have a shortage of females, so the CCP will engineer the perfect oshi for their soldiers to fight for.

>> No.2246829

>handing them a computer
Not even that

>> No.2246834

>Your oshi will encourage you to bathe in the blood of your enemies and bring glory to your country
now that would be based

>> No.2246963

If you want to make a name for your company with high quality streaming of modern games with live2D also running you need actual good computers. It's not too big a stretch since they already have a company reserving 3080s and 90s

>> No.2247015

Stop falling for her shtick. She's a normal fag that wouldn't even be playing games without simp bucks.

>> No.2247076

>being able to sit through months of high rank apex even for simp bucks
absolute lol

>> No.2248042

explain this rrat thing

>> No.2248289

Stop replying, it’s bait.

>> No.2248303

>Aqua is just pretending and she is actually an extrovert normalfag who excels at social interaction and who likes partying and casual sex
Damn..... Now THIS is a good narrative!

>> No.2248504

It's like a mmouse, but rrattier

>> No.2249126

so she was a loser at school when she was like 13 so that means she's some sort of socially reclusive neet now despite being a former idol and the vast majority of her school stories basically being about her trying too hard to impress people and looking like a dork
most people feel socially anxiety, especially the ones that actively put themselves into social situations

>> No.2249380 [DELETED] 

1. originally from pekora saying "ogey" then "rrat" in a notable way in response to a rat with the label "rat" scurrying across her game screen
2. now short for "narrative" because it conveniently contains "rrat". narrative as in a story about a vtuber's background or thoughts or behavior that ties together what's factually known about them. may be true or false, but is not confirmed. may be proposed seriously or seriously believed, may be intentionally false

Lucy had a "rrat" that her favorite vtuber, Shirakami Fubuki, dislikes her fellow vtuber and GAMERS member Nekomata Okayu because she sees her as overly gluttonous. She told this narrative to Chris, but Chris did not believe it and told her that she's a vindictive bitch who hates Okayu and is projecting that with her "rrat"

>> No.2249556
File: 553 KB, 687x687, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene would cry, literally, if she saw the absolute shit quality of this thread. She would cry so hard her snoot would stain the holofive S size t-shirt she loves to wear.

All of you faggots can fuck off, this is not criticism. This is shitposting. My nene does not deserve your shitpost.

>> No.2249569

oh well I know ogey rrat but had no idea about the relation between it and narrative

>> No.2249593

He doesn't get them computers, he gets them phones and avatars, a lot of them has potato rigs starting out.

>> No.2249635

All me, btw

>> No.2249684

>despite being a former idol

>> No.2249828
File: 458 KB, 768x1024, darknessss3033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roomate territory desu. Lurk moar faggie

>> No.2249916
File: 996 KB, 827x1511, 1614296962502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accirding to Kiara, Nene's room has about 50 different teddy bears in it. She's so fucking cute holy shit
Kek, here's your (You)

>> No.2250214

Hololivers have beast rigs though and they upgrade them every few months.

>> No.2250260

>fiable source of information
You can only have one anonchama

>> No.2250860

true, Nene did later hack Kiara for daring to slander her

>> No.2251591

/vt/ is seriously making me consider getting a pet rat

>> No.2253990

Anon please don't fall for it

>> No.2254065
File: 433 KB, 944x536, SelfInserting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys don't self insert into the video game you're playing..do you?

>> No.2254370

At most, I'm like a little angel/demon sitting on the MC's shoulder and telling them what to do.

>> No.2254697

>Nene would cry, literally, if she saw the absolute shit quality of this thread

>> No.2254915
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>> No.2262979

I can confirm what this anon says, it's true.

source: I fuck her brains out before very stream
