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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2234441 No.2234441 [Reply] [Original]

why does a horny girl with a phone camera have better face tracking than Hololive

>> No.2234462

This is pony content anon, go to /mlp/ with it.

>> No.2234472

Why do you care this much about mouth tracking?

>> No.2234510

Oh hey look it's another bait the Holofags thread using a western vtuber who has suddenly grown in popularity so they can rile up antis against them.

Don't fucking take the bait you morons.

>> No.2234517

because if the mouth doesn't look good you may as well just put a still jpg of an anime girl in the corner of your screen

>> No.2234565

And her mouth looks creep and goes into uncanny valley territory. So I guess she fails?

>> No.2234578

what bait? hes asking why a fucking corpo like hlive cant do what a indie does.

>> No.2234596


>> No.2234632

it's not uncanny valley it's just accurately tracking her lips and it's hot

>> No.2234736

>I care because it doesn't look good
>Actually I'm a fucking furfaggot who gets sexually excited by it
Every fucking time.

>> No.2235042

i never said it looked bad, and i'm not a furry because i like girl fangs. It looks good, and frankly, better than Hololive.

>> No.2235205

They all use phone cameras

>> No.2235277
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she's a literal fucking memoji

>> No.2235372

i've watched a few of her videos and she also tracks her hands too

>> No.2235442

Because her model is shit and low quality. It's easier to have good face tracking if that's the case.

>> No.2236077

Looks like shit

>> No.2236230

There's nothing special about the tracking. It's all extra work on the part of the rigger. See https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=blendshape+vtuber
I like how they can puff their cheeks, but the more examples I see, there's a samey quality, like they're all characters from the same show.

>> No.2237792

I only watch hololive. Is there a reason people are so heavily against better tech? Is it cope because we're never getting it or something?

>> No.2237818


>> No.2237855

That's not hololive's problem, that is you having a shit net connection.

>> No.2237916

She looks like the twink from Ladybug who is the target audience for her?

>> No.2237948

>open link
>twitch shit
Don't (You) me, either. I didn't even open the thread.

>> No.2238167

indie company prease andastan

>> No.2238423


>> No.2238465

Hololive does expressions with buttons. Sad, click the sad button; angry, click the angry button, etc.

>> No.2238493

Doesn't accurately resemble a human being or an animal.

>> No.2238533

Kek this is how I imagine every schizoposter sounds

>> No.2238748

Hey anti’s if you’re gonna shit on something at least do it with style instead of this lame faggot ass shit all the time. Derpa Derp...she’s a furfag, bad mouth tracking, I’m only a Hololive fag, etc. My grandma comes up with better disses and she’s dead. Seriously go work on new material and come back after your balls drop. Post your pathetic fag comments and come at me bitches.

>> No.2238808


>> No.2238815

hololive is not very good with technology. Pretty much everybody is better at models, 3d etc.

>> No.2238867

I want to fuck snuffy in her hairy asshole

>> No.2238915


>> No.2239794 [DELETED] 

At this point, it seems like "scouting/ auditioning talent" is the ONLY thing Hololive is actually good at

>> No.2239835

this, I feel too uncomfortable watching her mouth move

>> No.2239889

Man... I want her to be my pony so that I can cum inside her jar!

>> No.2239924 [DELETED] 
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I want to get a nursing handjob from Snuffy while we watch S2E25: A Canterlot Wedding Pt. 1

>> No.2239949

is there any lazier content than watching random or viewer-recommended youtube videos

>> No.2240956

Cover likes to pretend to be a technology company and they develop all their software in-house. It turns out they aren't very good at software development.
Snuffy has already explained that she's literally just using a custom model with luppet and an iphone.

>> No.2242298

Is there a similar tutorial for 2d?

>> No.2242351


>> No.2243669
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i believe it

>> No.2244230

No agency is using that tech.
This is more of an argument of 'Indies versus Agency'

>> No.2244457

Doesn't everyone just use ARKit for tracking?

>> No.2244986

guys can i have one normal thread pls

>> No.2245051

She got a LOT better once she dropped the fake voice

>> No.2245139

ARKit, ARCore, big 3D studious have their own things most likely.

>> No.2248848

it looks better than hololive tubers

>> No.2248930

Good. She deserves it for being a bandwagon jumping whore

>> No.2252721

>mfw seeing snuffy get mentioned on kiwifarms

>> No.2253071
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that face tracking is a little too uncanny valley for me

>> No.2253104

funny that it looks so loud and egoistic even without audio. pure roastie aura

>> No.2253120

It looks like shit and gives them giant chins.

>> No.2253251

>that rant on her spyro stream about purityfags
Classic. /vt/ would have had a stroke.

>> No.2254325

I fucking hate these ugly things. They look so corporate and soulless. Westerners should stop making visual medium.

>> No.2254843

Every time this girl is posted here, it's always about how good her mouth tracking is and nothing else. I'm starting to think that's her only redeeming quality.

>> No.2254967

They probably don't think it's worth shelling out for. They have little reason to believe otherwise on the business front and I agree Snuffy's tech is overkill, but I wish they did spend more on the talents' visuals.

>> No.2255020

Yeah idk why people are so obsessed with her mouth tracking. It’s good but she has so much more to offer. I find her very entertaining and she keeps getting better. FYI disregard clipfags and check out streams for a better idea of what she’s about.

>> No.2255226
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she has the horny attitude of this hot girl in one of my high school classes who would always purposefully tease me in suggestive ways because i didn't talk much. Literally the same person. Snuffy went on talking about boob sweat while playing Spyro and the ball bursting girl talked about the same exact thing to me once. Teasing slut. I think the reason people like her is because she's always bringing up weird and taboo subjects that only females can relate to. Simps love that shit.

>> No.2255275

Ponyfags win again, we’re just 20% cooler!

>> No.2255389

>Cover used to be a tech corporation
Even Senzawa has a pretty good face track software

>> No.2255437

Thats because it is the only redeeming quality. Its just another Twitch whore who does nothing but "react" to youtube videos for hours without end.

>> No.2255536

Here's a good one

>> No.2256146

I think not liking a vt for mouth tracking seems so trivial to me. Seems like your looking for reasons to hate on her.

>> No.2257352

I've seen that only

>> No.2257445

Snuffy drops hints all the time that she visits 4chin vt threads

>> No.2257890

so her only redeeming factor is she kinda talks like a dude a bit. sad

>> No.2257952

there aren't many redeeming factors for all vtubers. Let's face it, you're literally just watching an avatar convulse while a person screeches at a game.

>> No.2258141

Fucking rule 15 man

>> No.2258399

Yup I knew exactly what she talking about when she mentioned it.

>> No.2258496

>everyone saying the mouthtracking is uncanny valley and ugly

>> No.2258716
File: 1.18 MB, 2048x1559, 274E7020-FFB1-4F0B-B903-FA8CA2E4EA01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so cool. Full on synth wave.

>> No.2258745

what time you dork, i'm not scanning through 3 hours

>> No.2258764

Timestamp is right here you fool

>> No.2258880

She got that white girl money.

>> No.2259075

That’s a obvious observation anon

>> No.2259096

link wasn't working for a second

>> No.2259145

and hololive doesn't have simp money??

>> No.2259399


>> No.2260108

Umm yeah, real cool guy

>> No.2262403

Kizuna Ai also has a better face tracking.
People just get accustomed to it, so they are not bother.

>> No.2262610

That looks horrible op. Slow and uncanny valley.

>> No.2263257

Snuffy should really stop hanging out with Vshojo and start chumming it up with Niji/Holo/other Talent

>> No.2263459
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what do snuffy pit smel leik while gaming

>> No.2263793 [DELETED] 
File: 3.99 MB, 463x453, 1616491537728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Snuffy is like fucking 30
>tfw no older nerdy woman to explore your sexuality with

>> No.2264262

Streamers don't really do anything that difficult because even when playing hard games or something, losing is the same as winning in terms of outcomes.

It's the same as streams that involve a skill like singing or dancing, doing it badly is funny and there's no substantial loss because of it but that's okay because if it were hard and vtubers had to deal with difficult shit on top of a brain dead chat then they'd probably just do it for the money and leave any time.

>> No.2265150


>> No.2265479

>horny girl
>western femoid
That's just a whore. robably has a bodycount higher than your average civil war soldier

>> No.2265525 [DELETED] 

>spastic weeaboo/fujo introvert
I mean, I guess if you're counting "husbandos schlicked to"

>> No.2265604

I'm no furry but I find mouths sexy.

>> No.2265619
File: 35 KB, 500x372, C4F228F0-46C5-4356-984E-8AAE6334FE8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol^ this guy

>> No.2265748


>> No.2265781 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 156x154, I can't believe how hard my cock is right now unf boner oglaf dick lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said she's had the same boob size for 23 years. Assuming 12 years, she's had them for ~35 years (!)
I'm 27

>> No.2265791
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>> No.2266710

>Kizuna Ai also has a better face tracking.
people keep saying this, and yeah the tracking itself is pretty good for 3d, but goddamn does it look utterly robotic when her face instantly morphs into different expressions with no in-between frame

>> No.2267043

Ah, you'll never convince some people here that western women don't sleep with 50 men every time they leave their house. They all believe that asian women are perfect, pure and waiting just for ~you~

>> No.2267223

Fucking zoomers.

>> No.2267232

>he actually believe a western woman can be a virgin after the age of 12

>> No.2267273

So... you're saying Cover has its priorities straight?

>> No.2267283

She’s 24 as of last month

>> No.2267287

Some girls are inept enough socially or too horny to get guys, they just act weird. Two of my friends are degenerates (both draw porn, boyfriend makes money from ot), and she couldn’t get whore herself out. Not that she’s ugly, she’s just really autistic. Plus, a lot of guys won’t want a girl that does freaky stuff right off the bat.

>> No.2267401

Even the most ugly of women will get a billion guys offering to fuck them through dating apps, get the fuck out of here with your reddit tier propaganda.

>> No.2267526

Just because it’s easy for women to attract men. Doesn’t mean it’s easy to pull the trigger. In college I knew a few girls who could walk up to a guy and ask him to fuck, but they’d never do it. Even girls can find sex scary, dude

>> No.2267532

Most weebs don't really use dating apps all that much, too autistic, and can't deal with all the thirsty dudes. If casual sex is happening it's probably at cons, and those have been shut down for over a year now.

>> No.2267547

Thanks for agreeing that women can only be incels due to unrealistic standards.

>> No.2267649

im sure you could find a homeless lady that'd give you a blowjob for a couple of forties

>> No.2267653

Most weebs, male or female are weird, damaged or both. I dunno, sometimes you are lucky and can find someone to share your weirdness and damage with.

>> No.2267708

>I'm sure you can find someone who'll fuck you if you break the law and hire a prostitute and risk jail
>equivalent to lowering your standards to 0 on a dating app

>> No.2267727

I’m basically autistic, and can get girls if I go outside of what I like. I just don’t want to, because it feels dirty.

>> No.2267829

hololive uses iphones with old software

>> No.2268007

Sachiowo had a really, really good rig just before she disappeared. It's a little sad considering the circumstances.

>> No.2268020
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>Hey antis

>> No.2268042

You have to be 18 to post here, sprout.

>> No.2268084

think man, who's gonna turn you in?

>> No.2268165

Does she really have a scat fetish? If she's pony-pandering, I wouldn't put it past her.

>> No.2269143

This isn't true. Rigging and animation is only half the battle. The camera used and the software is the other half

>> No.2269929
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>> No.2270011


>> No.2270131

>Just because it’s easy for women to attract men. Doesn’t mean it’s easy to pull the trigger

What's your point?
That's still an insane amount of power

>> No.2270397

Hololive is supposed to be anime 2d, not disney/Pixar
>complaining about purityfags on twitch of all places when she "made it"
I can already see the youtube comments, she's riling up anti-idol fags

>> No.2272115

I must be doing good if I outright don't watch them because of how tied they are to vshitshow.

>> No.2281664

It’s pretty clear by now there’s two kinds of vtubers the western ones who talk like unfiltered whores and the eastern ones who talk like wholesome waifu’s. Which is really funny to me cause some of the most fucked up shit I’ve seen in my life comes out of Japan. Personally give me the westerners it just feels more real to me.

>> No.2281914

there's no reason you can't run live2d on a phone and camera quality is almost irrelevant. functionally there's little difference between phone streaming vs computer and camera.

>> No.2285554

This isn't true. The camera makes a huge difference in have tracking.

>> No.2285584

It's not real, is what you are used to so you say it feels real.

>> No.2285590

everyone defending poor face-tracking is just a retard holo-fanboy. the essence of vtubing is face-tracking and pointing out poor face-tracking is suddenly heresy?

>> No.2286100

Facerig has been able to do this for years with 3D models. However, no software supports movement like this on live2D models, even if technically possible, so that takes that out of the question.

The reason for hololive to not have this type of tracking on their 3D models is either that their software doesn't support it or that they don't consider the extra hassle with it, but looking at the facial expressions they can pull off on the hologra episodes I assume it's on the software end.

>> No.2286390

What kind of gibberish is this?

>> No.2290212
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, 1632DDF9-17FF-4263-A3A8-C720C7EED80E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boom boom boom I want you in my room!!!

>> No.2293567

doesn't look like she's speaking English

>> No.2293751

Duh, she’s Japanese

>> No.2303669

It sounds like some holos are using the right cameras but their models aren't rigged well and the mouths aren't fully animated to reflect all consonant and vowel movement. It's the little things.

>> No.2304640

talking about batman in op

>> No.2310391


>> No.2310433


>> No.2310666
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>> No.2315110

Nice chin bro!

>> No.2318256

1 sheckle has been deposited into your account, please continue to support hololive brave IDF operative.

>> No.2318790

Wait! What’s the conversion rate of ruples to sheckles?

>> No.2318886

Plenty of indies have better 2D models than holos but Snuffy's works better because it's 3D not 3D translated to 2D. Also some Holos have tracking that good, Mori for example has some amazing tracking and expression

>> No.2319569

Mori and the holos literally use hotkeys to change facial expressions.

>> No.2320199

Dum dum dum........anon is on the case!

>> No.2322537
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this is the reason why i can't into vtubers. Anytime you see that you know they're literally just flipping a switch to fool you into seeing something. It's completely fake. None of it is genuine. We all know it to be true.

>> No.2322784

Yeah but what in life is actually real??? Think about it?

>> No.2323013

Cover models use Iphone so they can stream basically anywhere on the planet where there is internet connection, that's why they advertise that they will give you a free iphone if you get hired by them

>> No.2323053

Yes, but Mori has good mouth tracking and is the best in EN at changing her expression on the fly

>> No.2323154

Women irl work the same way

>> No.2323175

Bro! Nobody cares about Mori around here. She has like 10 million threads going on right. Go yap about her awesome mouth tracking over there.
