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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 624 KB, 1366x768, Z12l9uD[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2233953 No.2233953 [Reply] [Original]

I see in here about how male vtubers are a failure but those numbers in this video are insane.

Is it because of Holostars or some shit that this mindset came?


>> No.2234030

It's lopsided, for some reason all the fujos seem to converge on a few nijinigger streamers who make insane bank.
Meanwhile you have way better odds of at least making a living as a corporate female vtuber, the same can't be said for males who will likely make pennies.
Also why the fuck is Tamaki included in that graph, would make more sense to put shartemis in there.

>> No.2234072

Tamaki doesn't count because it's a trap voiced by a woman. (Norioo)

>> No.2234111


>> No.2234157 [DELETED] 

>you will never be a male vtuber on which fujos coverge
it hurts

>> No.2234159

Because of the idol mindset or whatever. I don't know or care. I only wish more people watched Holostars. I like Akina Yashiro and Kanae and I also enjoy Astel Arupapa and Roberu, they're all nice and deserve a good amount of watchers, but it's quite lopsided.

>> No.2234171

>Inuyama Tamaki

>> No.2234199

we said male chuubas won't work in the west, niji beating holostars is even more proof of that

>> No.2234248

Joe deserves better

>> No.2234394
File: 1.24 MB, 1138x2205, niji male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subscribers as well

>> No.2234440

damn, that's a big fucking gap between Kuzuha and Kanae

>> No.2234463

Fujos, which is why they threw a shitfit and dislike bombed Kuzuha's suggar mommy channel when the rumor about hom bot being gay were semi-confirmed

>> No.2234523

Open the video faggots. Tamaki is considered because the vtuber is a man in the character setting

>> No.2234605

As if everyone doesn't flock the same way to Hololive. And the gap between them and everyone else is even wider.

>> No.2234682

Maybe that's Cover's key to male chuuba success. Get a gen of Kagami Kira-like avatars, but they are all piloted by actual women, and they all behave and speak like women.

>> No.2234697


/vt/ knows jack shit about actual vtubing

>> No.2234707

Using that logic, if coco declared she was a man she'd be instantly number 1 on this list.

>> No.2234740

It's still not the same audience as an actual male performer. Should not be grouped together for statistics.

>> No.2234747

Huh, this lines up with that OkCupid attractiveness/messages received graph between the two genders.
Women received messages from men uniformly across the spectrum of attractiveness, whereas only the top rates (i.e. most attractive) men received messages from women, and the rest of them got almost nothing.

Pretty damning, huh.

>> No.2234811

If her character setting was a man instead of a woman sure. Tamaki is a man crossdressing as a woman since the beginning in their lore.

>> No.2234889

it's hard to know if this is true because i can't tell if nijiboys or holoboys look more attractive. i personally find kuzuha kind pf ugly yet he's the top dog.

>> No.2235051

Pretty much this. Majority of this board are holofags who only got into this last year and know jack squat about the industry and its trends. The majority of the market is in Japan, but they falsely believe that the overseas market is somehow the reality of the industry.

>> No.2235077

Then why Chaika is there? And no Kuroi Shiba? Though they also have Aki Suzuya and Masaru. Not that it matters.

>> No.2235223

Yeah, the real mystery is what could possibly cause women to pick one male Vtuber over another.
What attribute correlates with their success?

>> No.2235283

Would suck feminine peen

>> No.2235337

That's just bullshit. Kuzuha alone made more than the bottom 6 combined. What kind of inequality is that? Even if you ignore holos, the distribution of attention/money for female vtubers has a much more gradual slope AND on the whole it is still bigger in area than the male vtubers.
In this chart you can see how low most of these sub numbers are. Keep in mind these are tippy top of males if you think it's high.

>> No.2235417

I actually was warming up to him but then he had to go and fucking graduate, I guess it was for the best but then when Karou left too I lost interest

>> No.2235452

made a mistake in my math, Kuzuha actually made slightly less than the bottom 5 but still, these are the top 15 of all males and the bottom 5 are like bottom feeders compared to the king

>> No.2235480 [DELETED] 

Tokyo Ghoul and other male Nijis aren't some big secret to the holofag boogieman this board has created and are (rightly) treated as an exception

>> No.2235640

males beat out females in every entertainment industry. kpop, jpop, movie and tv actors, comedians, twitch streamers, news anchors, youtuber, tv hosts even beauty gurus you have males dominating. as the vtuber industry grows it will happen here too

>> No.2236593

By being entertaining. Here's a testimony of his talent by like a dozen figures in and out of nijisanji

>> No.2236711

Well duh. My point is, what exactly do his viewers find entertaining about him?

>> No.2236765

I can't understand any of this

>> No.2236800

How is Kuzuha getting so much when he has less than half of Kanae's viewers?

>> No.2236875

Can we just agree that we'll never know, not being Japanese, I'm tired of every thread mentioning Holostars being numberfagging, comparisons to Nijiboys, idolfaggotry. Just watch them or don't watch them.

>> No.2236943

it's fucking hilarious seeing anons try and justify and spin facts to fit their rrat that male vtubers are at a disadvantage compared to female vtubers itt
the simple fact of the matter is:
1 - make good content
2 - make it consistently
3 - every stream rep you put in is an opportunity to grow
but anons on /vt/ cry and bitch about how they're not getting simpbucks from degenerate men, as if that's the audience you really want to attract.

>> No.2237078

What? Kuzuha generally have double Kanae numbers. He's also a viewer magnet OUTSIDE his own channel, unlike a lot others whose viewership can drop full two digits if they appear outside their channel. If there's a collab stream with Kuzuha but he's not streaming his POV, the other streamer's POV will gain an additional 4k-7k viewers which will bleed out quickly once Kuzuha started his POV, I've seen this happen too many times.

>> No.2237201
File: 735 KB, 583x983, Go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree lets cry about m-muh EOPs in /jp/ fellow faggots

>> No.2237258
File: 765 KB, 954x540, So this is Niji now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need to cater to the die hard fujos, just like Kuzuha and Kanae do with their faggot pairing.

>> No.2237334

Not really, considered lot's of their Fujo pandering stuff are in separate channel like your image.
I it really hard to accept that there are male who like male vtuber?

>> No.2237346

Pretty sure if you put gura against the bottom 5 you will see similiar results desu

>> No.2237547
File: 404 KB, 1146x645, march2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2237704


>> No.2237928

Eh, he has been playing anything other than APEX lately but his viewer is much less the same.

>> No.2238793
File: 98 KB, 640x578, cnr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idol unit

>> No.2238818

>attracting literal fags
>attracting fujoshits
male vtubers were a mistake

>> No.2238843

Faggot, since when 200k is low sub number?

And as another anon said, if you combine the bottom 5 hololive, it's not the same as Coco/Rushia

>> No.2239010

I watch some of male chuba,
but what so good about Kuzuha anon? I find his voice is really annoying.

>> No.2239210

Kanae has 20% female viewers and Kuzuha 15%

>> No.2239231

>but what so good about Kuzuha anon? I find his voice is really annoying.

heavy chat interaction

>> No.2239270

He's a dork and does funny antics. He's not my most favorite but it's easy to see why people like him. Though maybe he had a bit of luck (thanks to the King cover mostly) to get this successful.
Also he actually has a good voice, he can sing well and I think if he tries he can legit get into seiyuu gig.

Is the ratio still like that even now? I know they talked about it long ago but I think the female ratio should've increased by now.

>> No.2239333

20% is kind of high? It would mean that theoretically in a Kanae thread every fifth anon is a girl.

>> No.2239346

they dont have clips for eops. thats why. or chances are that western audience doesnt have interest in male vtubers.

>> No.2239362

actually they do? There's more EN Holostars clip than JP and Niji males get more translated clips than the girls

>> No.2239409

>Niji males get more translated clips than the girls
Only Kuzuha and Kanae, with some sprinkled clips of Mayuzumi

>> No.2239418

compared to hololive its still not much though

>> No.2239458

Korone is based as fuck. Highest JP subscriber count but doesn't pander to paypigs.

>> No.2239750

Kenmochi Touya regularly averages over 10k live viewers and he doesn't do the fujo shit because the guy is Naturally funny. Men in the chuuba scene need to realize that they just can't put up a likeable personality.

>> No.2239865
File: 227 KB, 1177x310, Menhera and Dragon are too strong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco and Rushia are scary. Marine needs to nearly double her SC's in order to reach their level.

>> No.2239914

there's no doubt that there are some JP men that make big bank from fujos. now if that motivates you specifically, the western male, you are missing the point entirely.

>> No.2240242

me neither, i have no idea what's going on.
someone translate.

>> No.2240418

a lot of her subs are underage EOP who only subbed because they watched a doom or tattol haus clip

>> No.2240490

Holostars aren't that good compared to Nijimales.

>> No.2240536

I mean, that's moreso because women are able to shoot for a peg or two above their actual attractive level because they hold all the leverage in a relationship. For every story of the 'chad who cheated', there's 10x the stories of women who cheated on their man.

>> No.2240997

Based Sachou, being in top 3 solely because he is too chad.

>> No.2242116

Why are holostars not top?

>> No.2242191

Its all Nijisanji. Thats the only agency where males can be successful. Good luck repeating that success anywhere else

>> No.2243359

>It would mean that theoretically in a Kanae thread every fifth anon is a girl.
They are on twitter, I have seen shitload of western fujo and weeb K-pop fans talking about him and Kuzuha

>> No.2243439

So https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i01AKcuLfdA open SC one in blue moon and still on the top of list?

>> No.2243506

Yeah, let's all go back to /jp/ haha

>> No.2248478

>They need to cater to the die hard fujos
>implying any male vtuber knows how to pander to fujos
>implying fujos will follow and simp after some weak voiced white boy weeb pretending to be a man based off zero social skills

>> No.2248702

I though Belmond was more popular

>> No.2248745

being in hololive bubble means you're ignorant about everything else in the vtuber world

>> No.2248804

That's not a bad thing in itself. Voicing your very important opinion while being in a bubble is.

>> No.2248947

more love for pizza dad


>> No.2248983

Chaika's design is a powerful filter

>> No.2249016

>draw a girl. Call it a man.

I see that's how delusions work.

>> No.2249046

t. scared westerner EOP too afraid to accept non-traditional feminine presenting males

>> No.2249283

Meanwhile Holo EN girls who have barely been around 6 months are going to surpass Kuzuha in total superchats.

That just shows how fucking weak male vtubers are when the total efforts of the very top who has been around for more than 3 years can be undermined in just over 6 months.

>> No.2249330

>it's an "EOP brings up HoloEN girls" post
now that's a smallbrain take

>> No.2249480

SuperChats earned last week.

Kuzuha - $4,080
Mori - $64,747


>> No.2249617 [DELETED] 

>female character design
>voiced by a woman
>"t-totally a cute feminine guy, just like me"
Just eat a bullet already nigger. Genderbend is a garbage genre, be it in anime, manga, games or vtubing

>> No.2249642

t. scared AND TRIGGERED westerner EOP too afraid to accept non-traditional feminine presenting males

>> No.2251826

While we are talking about numbers, I wanna tell you faggots a fun fact about ID vtubers.

Before PekoMoona happened, did you know that the most subscribed chuuba from Indonesia is a male?


If not for Pekora, HoloID would still be in 200k subs.

So male is not inferior in vtubers industry. It attracts more normies while the girls attracts weird gachikois.

>> No.2251829

Not that anon but Tamaki's roommate isn't even trans. She's just very, VERY, into traps. Tamaki acts rather feminine, sounds rather feminine and looks feminine. So it is kinda unfair to use him as an example of a male vtuber.

>> No.2253248
File: 139 KB, 311x378, admiralbahroo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because VT always rrats. Also heres what peak male Vtuber performance looks like.

>> No.2253342

Because /vt/ has a very skewed perception on what is a succesful vtuber thanks to this place for being very hololive-centric. Niji males are doing great, but there's actually a vtuber idol group that has 1M subs that never talked about here.
On the other hand holostars are actually doing fine. Hololive numbers with 10k viewers are actually outliers, most vtubers are lucky if they even got 50 viewers per stream...

>> No.2253758

Because people dont take into account dead subs. Even an holostar WHO like Astel gets on average one of the best viewer to sub ratio and one of the only holos to consistantly get above 1% in that regard.

>> No.2257503

he hasn't done a single celebratory stream since 200K, not even after 3D events or concerts. christmas? apex. valentine's? tarkov. even his last outfit reveal was just 5 seconds long. he's not even trying anymore, he just wants to play games. he puts in so little effort into his channel that he probably doesn't care about being overtaken.

>> No.2257618

It's not just a matter of attractiveness. Popularity on its own is already a selling point.

>> No.2258120

You will never pass

>> No.2263992

but i already did

>> No.2264124

Kuzuha has the Pekora effect.

>> No.2264196

I'm impressed that an open cunnychad pulls those kind of numbers regularly. Ibrahim punches above his weight purely out of personality as well. Dude shines in collabs too.

>> No.2264201

Depends. I watch pizza papa because he’s an entertaining person to hang around and listen, not because I’m attracted to him. Women have it easier, they just need a cute voice and be able pad out awkward silences.

>> No.2264211

This thread is filled with neanderthals

>> No.2264264

I've been saying this for a while. Male vtubers are cringe and they attract a fanbase so vile and toxic that it makes the most autistic incel neckbeard that watches the girls seem like a sweetheart.

>> No.2264285

>thanks to the King cover
It's not even that good. He can't hit the high notes at all during the chorus. I don't get why it got so much traction.

>> No.2264504

Imagine if aqua was a guy 0 viewers max

>> No.2264558

Norio-sensei is a huge masochist and wants to be choked, gut punched, and degraded.

>> No.2264587

I think you're deflecting from the degeneracy that is the average Holo fanbase. At the end of the day it just depends on the vtuber, because their chat likes to mimic them. For example, Aruran's chat is probably the nicest and most supporting chat I've ever seen.

>> No.2264973

>Is it because of Holostars or some shit that this mindset came?
Hololive is basically using the same approach to the males as they do with their female talents. They need to change that in order to succeed among male vTubers.

>> No.2265030

I mean they act like males it’s just the Hololive fanbase doesn’t give a shit about them

>> No.2265365

Well, they're called Homostars with good reason. Hololive packages them as male idols.

>> No.2265416

male idols don't exist in the US, so that's already a filter on top of a filter. if cover ever wanted to do a male vtuber EN branch, they need to figure out what actually works in the west.

the existence of many successful male face-cam streamers shows that there's definitely a market for it. they just need to add a spin on it since it's no longer "cute girls doing cute things"

>> No.2265420

Maybe but I don’t know if I’d say that’s the image they actually give off, but I might be looking through a biased lense since I’m already more familiar with them than an outsider would be

>> No.2265483

>figure out what actually works in the west.
You can either be an annoying spastic faggot that appeals to literal children, like XqC, a pro level top tier player at some extremely hyper popular game or be genuinely entertaining to the level that it's clear you would have ended up as an entertainer one way or the other. One thing is for sure, you can't just be a JP idol.

>> No.2265517

>annoying spaz that appeals to children
>pro tier player
>genuinely entertaining
if you fit the bill for any of these three, you can (and probably already have) find even more success just being a face cam streamer than hiding behind a vtuber avatar.
that is literally the BIGGEST thing that i believe is what's fucking over male envtubers. if you're good enough to make it, you're good enough to do even better as a traditional face-cam streamer.

>> No.2265526

There hasn't been a male idol type singer since Bieber, and he's a Leaf.

>> No.2265528

>male idols don't exist in the US
They kinda did a long time ago, with the boy bands and shit like that. Good thing that died off.

>> No.2265557

the celebrity scene exists for sure, but in the west, it's a bit more sterilized. you only see them in specifically agreed interviews, organized events, etc.

unlike in Japan and Korea where you see idols show up on game shows, embarassing themselves and doing dumb uwu shit to get the audience riled up. there's much more of an audience connection that east asian idol culture emphasizes (which translates to more people simping over them), you don't see that level of interaction with western celebs.

>> No.2265560

But there’s an appeal to vtubers that you can’t get in regular streamers, which is why vtubers including male ones are even a thing

>> No.2265566

>they need to figure out what actually works in the west
Just look at the YouTubers, especially THE OLDEST ANARCHY SERVER IN MINECRAFT

>> No.2265578

>Good thing that died off.
It's not really dead, just kind of dormant. The last semi big boy band was Brockhampton, right? They're still active.

>> No.2265586

There will never be a popular western male Vtuber. Ever. I can say this with one-hundred percent certainty. There is not, and will never be a fanbase for them. Any man who's entertaining enough to get a following would be twice as big if he weren't a Vtuber.

Vtubing is for women, and will never be for men.

>> No.2265596

Idolfags desperately want to create a perception that male vtubers are unpopular to dissuade holostarsEN from happening (or delude themselves into thinking it won't happen) because they're scared of boys collabing with their oshis.

>> No.2265602

>But there’s an appeal to vtubers that you can’t get in regular streamers
Which is what, exactly?

>> No.2265608

>Vtubing is for women, and will never be for men.
Do you not see the chart in OP's post? It's viable for males too.

>> No.2265610

It's the opposite though, they'll be a lot bigger in the west. Holostars is dying because they're JP only.

>> No.2265618

>There will never be a popular western male Vtuber.
Yeah because it’s next to impossible for them to nail the appeal

>> No.2265631

Not him but you gotta actually read his post
>western male vtuber

>> No.2265638

Working with a set character

>> No.2265642

To be fair, Andi Adinata had a popularity boost due to his covers and also his contents are similar to Kizuna Ai. If we talk about your average livestreaming VTuber, we have Taka Radjiman (NijiID) with 67k subs.

>> No.2265658

am male envtuber myself
all the examples are JP vtubers and japan's culture is completely different from the west. i already know i'm filtering out a huge chunk of the potential audience when i stream with my avatar vs streaming with a webcam. i'm just too self conscious to stream with my irl face, so i'm gonna keep vtubing instead.

>> No.2265659

there are popular western male vtubers thing is they were famous before being a vtuber. Like Takahat101

>> No.2265680

Gonna grudgepost this so hard from the archives someday.

>> No.2265723

>you gotta actually read his post
Ok fine.

>Any man who's entertaining enough to get a following would be twice as big if he weren't a Vtuber.
This part is fact. Males are better off being YouTubers playing games to generate an audience to compete with vTubers.

>> No.2265766

>compete with vTubers
There is no competition. These two sectors are not comparable at all.

>> No.2265778

Explain why, faggot. You can say shit like that all day, but where's the proof? There isn't and there never will be.

>> No.2265796
File: 213 KB, 1920x799, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gives me hope that even I might be able to make it some day.

>> No.2265812

Please. I'll gladly eat a whole can of Surströmming if a male Vtuber (who isn't tied to his old work) can hit a million subs in the same time frame as Mori or Gura. I'll eat two if they do it in less time.

>> No.2265828

I wonder if Norio actually fantasises herself being debauched by Kanda

>> No.2265834

You won't make it. Quit now while you're ahead.

>> No.2265861

>if a male Vtuber (who isn't tied to his old work)
this, honestly.
every single male envtuber that people point to has years long history connected to their old work
>was part of TeamFourStar
>was making meme comics for 4+ years
>was a professional voice actor for multiple games and anime dubs

>> No.2265862

Have you never seen the fujo-style fandoms on tumblr and shit? Destiel, hazbin, onceler, homestuck, etc? They will eat that shit up.

>> No.2265884

So it's entirely based on literal faggotry if they even want to come close to competing with even the smallest Hololive. Got it.

>> No.2265885

>fujo-style fandoms on tumblr and shit? Destiel, hazbin, onceler, homestuck, etc? They will eat that shit up.
the fuck makes you think that some weeby fucking incel will be able to act charismatically on camera (even with an attractive vtuber model) that doesn't come off as mysogynistic as fuck and wants to spew edgy 4channel memes every other second?

>> No.2265912

And they will rake in fucking assloads of money, yes.

Someone is out there who can pull it off. It only takes a handful of people in the entire world.

>> No.2265918

>It only takes a handful of people in the entire world.
cool, so you're proving the point. there isn't a market, and whoever manages to break into is an exception to the rule.

>> No.2265930

I don't follow your logic at all, just remember my posts when (not if) it happens.

>> No.2265955

if it takes literally the world's biggest corporation that specializes in virtual streaming talents to make even 1 male en vtuber a success..........

come on, anon, i know you're not this fucking dumb

>> No.2265961

Well Hololive is based almost entirely on yurishit, so yeah, why is that surprising?

>> No.2265972

you believe what you read here anon?

>> No.2265990

The hard part is opening up the market. Once the successful formula is found, it will be replicated again and again. Vtubers weren't instantly huge overnight, Kizuna Ai had to start it off. The big pioneering western male EN hasn't been found yet, but once he gets a foothold, there will be an explosion of them following the trend afterwards and the momentum will become self-sustaining.

>> No.2266013

the problem goes back to what i've already said. if anyone is good enough or "figure out the formula" to break out as a male envtuber, it's guaranteed that they'll have magnitudes more success by just going traditional face cam streamer instead.

>> No.2266039

It literally won't happen, but keep dreaming, Anon. There will never be a western male Vtuber who will break even 10k subs/followers.

>> No.2266110

Not necessarily, and there are plenty of reasons to not want to do that in the first place. You aren't seeing the bigger picture.

This whole thread is just going to be a goldmine of grudgeposts in a year or so.

>> No.2266131
File: 11 KB, 331x103, Mumbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relying on a vTuber avatar

Just create content. If you need motivation, here's a song:


>> No.2266148

>You aren't seeing the bigger picture.
enlighten us, then, anon. because it sure sounds like you're pulling shit out of your ass and sculpting it into a 1:16 scale model of The Thinker and proceeding to shove it back up your own ass

>> No.2266181

God weebcore is so cringe.

>> No.2266193

It took like 3 yabs and taking down his most popular JP clipper but Kuzuha is finally slowing down a bit last two weeks

>> No.2266205
File: 156 KB, 1050x1100, EqGaDa9VQAAQC9w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you are capable of producing your own music? And no, it doesn't have to be rap.

>> No.2266223

i used to do opera before covid, but i doubt there's any overlap between weebs and opera nerds

>> No.2266292

I mean if a popular traditional youtuber/streamer decides to swap to being a vtuber, there will be. Isn't that dude that played Apex with Matsuri and FBK once an example of that? Was just a VRchat streamer dude then became a vtuber?

>> No.2266305

Please. I'll do you one better. I'll eat a whole ghost pepper if I'm proven wrong (I won't be) and you'll get the satisfaction of knowing some Anon somewhere is suffering like the LA Beast.

>> No.2266326

>I mean if a popular traditional youtuber/streamer decides to swap to being a vtuber, there will be.
Eventually one of the guys that would have been one of these if they started 5 years ago will start out from the outset of a vtuber and make it as big. I don't know why people are so strongly convinced this won't happen. It's just a matter of time, vtubing is still relatively new but trendy.

>> No.2266327

vtubers in general are slowing down with vaccines coming out

>> No.2266343

I will hold you to this, anon. And if it doesn't happen by the end of 2022 I'll eat the pepper instead.

>> No.2266360

>I mean if a popular traditional youtuber/streamer decides to swap to being a vtuber
there are literally zero "popular" traditional face-cam streamer who will swap to being a vtuber. why the fuck would any popular and already established brand drop everything to become a vtbuer, thus alienating their own audience?

pewdiepie and pokimane just did it as a bandwagon joke but quickly returned to their original face-cam streaming content, because that's what their entire brand is built upon. there's no reason anyone who is already popular would want to swap to vtubing.

>> No.2266412

No wonder her music is so bad if her entire MO is "just make stuff".

>> No.2266465
File: 298 KB, 837x661, 1607425864448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is probably the biggest western male vtuber and he primarily uses his channel to make fun of Darksydephil, lol


>> No.2266506

Why are you suddenly shifting goalposts and adding face-cam?
Because we have to see if the vtuber industry can maintain its momentum, we've seen it decline hard post-4-kings and pre-holo/niji and even then, vtubers only got boosted last year during corona period.

>> No.2266559

Moon speaks english but he is KR and therefore not Western

>> No.2266587

>Because we have to see if the vtuber industry can maintain its momentum, we've seen it decline hard post-4-kings and pre-holo/niji and even then, vtubers only got boosted last year during corona period.
That's fair, but even if the rate of growth slows post-corona I don't think vtubing is going to die out anytime soon. Big developments are just around the corner to be honest. It's only going to get bigger as VR and capture technology continues to evolve and become integrated into pop culture.

>> No.2266590

>Why are you suddenly shifting goalposts and adding face-cam?
literally cannot believe you are this fucking dumb, anon

>> No.2266615

>if a popular traditional youtuber/streamer decides to swap to being a vtuber

You're not aware of Pewdiedie giving it a try, were you?

>> No.2266624

>giving it a try
Do you not recognize a joke? That was not "giving it a try", that was a gag.

>> No.2266633

The tech advancements as you said, but also, I think the fact that it already went through a pretty big decline only to bounce back to being arguably bigger than ever shows that it has staying power.

>> No.2266666

If it took off for him, he might have continued it. Then again, I wouldn't know. I'm not subscribed to that fuck head.

>> No.2266724

>I'm not subscribed to that fuck head.
So why the fuck would you ever try to bring up something he did to support your argument without even having proper frame of reference or context to understand why or how he did it?

>> No.2266805

Such a waste of quins. Kill yourself, retard. There will NEVER be a western male Vtuber who will have the following of even the smallest and most irrelevant Hololive or Nijisanji member. It literally won't happen within even two years, if not later.

>> No.2266914

>if anyone is good enough or "figure out the formula" to break out as a male envtuber, it's guaranteed that they'll have magnitudes more success by just going traditional face cam streamer instead.
What if they don't want to show their face though. Take someone like Dream. He didn't want to show his face since he didn't want to dox himself, yet he was able to become one of the biggest content creators on YouTube and Twitch.

>> No.2266920

It's kind of strange how skewed everyone's perspectives are on these things because holo numbers. 50 is a fuck ton of people that you somehow managed to convince to sit down and watch you dick around. Hell 500 people watching fucking blows me away, that was about the size of the entire student body at my highschool.

I see this faggot in almost every thread, you sound like a complete ignorant retard. There's definitely a market for this shit. You have faggots like Itsagundam and Ding Dong that have built up loyal fanbases. You're too into the zoomer shit to look beyond the zoomie face came streamers. Hell even Vinny doesn't cam whore himself on stream even though it's no secret what he looks like. It's all about how you market this shit and not being a complete shitter at streaming. "UUUUhhh DUuuuuuhhh if they were any good, the would be known allleadyly" Bull Fucking shit. There's a sea of shit and sometimes the right scouting can find all kinds of hidden gems.

>> No.2266987

There's a huge difference between not showing your face and using an anime avatar.

>> No.2267000

Literally just an incel whose whole shtick is "WOMEN BAD".
>Ding Dong
Literally who? Isn't that one of the guys who leeched off of Chris O'Neill?
He's literally one of the longest-running streamers there is at this point. He's bound to have gotten success simply through the length of time he's spent doing this.

Yes, 50 people is a lot, but if you can't get those 50 people to give you money (or keep chat moving), you're not actually successful. All that matters is chat and money.

>> No.2267026

There's only a handful of female western vtubers passing your test too.

>> No.2267029
File: 252 KB, 800x389, image_2021-04-06_025857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up

>> No.2267050

Is he still using the avatar or did he stop? Has he transitioned fully to using just an avatar, or was that maybe a one-off joke that my man did?

>> No.2267052

>Using a one off joke as evidence that a huge youtuber would ever just transition to an entirely different subsector and branding

>> No.2267062

I don't need to open the video to know it's disingenuous to put a woman playing a feminine character who says theyre a man is somehow counted as a man despite literally everybody watching her seeing her as a woman

>> No.2267063

That was a one time joke

>> No.2267085

anime avatar > no face cam
The difference is in the vtuber's favor since you have a face for people to relate with your brand.

>> No.2267102

god please don't tell me it wasn't painfully obvious it was a joke

>> No.2267122

Streaming is a male dominated medium. Only recently have females begun to rise up the status. The average poster on this board is a 6 to 10 month old retarded holonewfag so of course they'd think being a male is a disadvantage

>> No.2267169

They literally are at a disadvantage, especially in the West. Why would the average Vtuber viewer (loser male who lacks a GF and is probably starved for interaction with women) watch a guy when they could probably watch a girl instead? There's a reason Ame does so well with her GFE shit, because the majority of the global viewerbase eat that up.

>> No.2267178

Being a male IS a disadvantage in streaming. You're comparing the top 1% being male and saying it's mALe DomInAtED despite the majority of women being able to earn stable viewerbases/income while the majority of men crash and burn with 0 viewers

>> No.2267200

>despite the majority of women being able to earn stable viewerbases/income

>> No.2267217

The same reasons any guy watches male streamers and youtubers.

>> No.2267227

It's back on Reddit with the rest of you debatelords

>> No.2267234

There's a huge fucking disparity between those at the top and literally every other male chuuba

>> No.2267262

Because dudes are more likely to watch other dudes. It is what it is. In addition to not understanding idolshit, anons also overate GFE. The issue is that a vtuber avatar doesn't benefit a male youtuber/streamer like a female, so if you're a dude, why even go for vtubing if you want success? vtuber avatars just put extra costs.

>> No.2267266

Elaborate, retard. I watch JFJ (only non-Vtuber I watch) because he's funny and he doesn't censor his humor.

>> No.2267274

If corpse husband get a 2d. All of the arguments here will end about envtubers

>> No.2267315

I mean its the same with females though isn't it? Look at the equivalent graphs >>2237547 you have one person at the top there making 4-5 times someone else in the top 10 does. And this is the very top. Go down a to say 30 or so and its probably 10 times more or even greater.

>> No.2267338

>One extremely popular already established streamer becoming a vtuber proves men can easily make money vtubing
This is why women don't go into mathematics

>> No.2267345

It literally wouldn't, but okay. He'd be riding his like, 7 years of work at that point. Does that really count? I don't think so.

>> No.2267360

>Can we just agree that we'll never know, not being Japanese,
It's not fucking rocket science dude lmao
It's literally just Fujos

>> No.2267376

Man, just imagine how much income they generate when you also involve their merch sales, sponsorships, etc.

>> No.2267390

That's like bragging about Nyanners having a million subs despite her channel being around for almost a decade lmao

>> No.2267415

He already checks almost all the marks as far as being vtuber except the fact that he doesn't have a 2d. He has a character that he doesn't stray away from. He sings and raps. He steams. Heck. He even gives the fujos something to play around with

>> No.2267419

>Why can't the baseless, stupid, nonsensical shit I say just be accepted by others as fact?

>> No.2267424

I would have agreed with you if Kuzuha and Yashiro's audience were not a male dominated.

>> No.2267480

Look at the superchat earnings for female streamers vs male streamers. Females earned way more in the top AND middle. Your whiny feminist patriarchy garbage isn't accepted at face value outside your hugboxes

>> No.2267482
File: 279 KB, 1920x1080, EyQlNBjUUAQAt_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji apparently thinks its a good idea to sell mens watches that are identical to the watches male vtubers have on their character design. So yeah kind of think they must have males watching.

>> No.2267500

LMAOing my life right now
99% of mainstream streamers aren't on youtube, anon.

>> No.2267514

The op posted superchat earning so that's what we're going off.

>> No.2267569

Imagine being a male and watching a male vtuber. I can't imagine anything more pathetic than that.

>> No.2267570

>this super successful streamer would be a super successful streamer!
uhh...whats your point?

>> No.2267575

chink shit. Id buy it if its made by Seiko or orient someshit

>> No.2267584

I don't know it doesn't really seem like its that difficult to understand? You might like watching some dude because he covers topics you are interested in, maybe some obscure technological shit or niche interest that women don't care about like card games or whatever? Or you might like the choice of games they have that are similair to the kinds of games you like. You might watch them because they are skilled in a particular game you like. You might watch them because they are entertaining, you think they are funny that kind of thing? There are a whole range of reasons. Lots of men enjoy entertainment primarily made by and for other men.

>> No.2267625

Kinda but I'd go as far to say that the potential audience for females is way larger than males
Like Females are big fish in a big pound while males are big fish in a small pound
I feel like it's easier to garner an audience as a vtuber if you're woman purely by virtue of being a woman, people wanna see cute girls more than they want to see cute guys

>> No.2267629

>one man
>hundreds of women
thats called a female dominated industry bro

>> No.2267634

>so if you're a dude, why even go for vtubing if you want success? vtuber avatars just put extra costs.
The same thing could be said about people who stream more niche things. Why stream some so niche when you could be streaming something popular and make more money? The thing is that some people may enjoy making content about whatever hobby they are in more than what is currently popular.

>> No.2267676

If you can't put forth a coherent argument, your point is moot. Your ESL is also showing.

>> No.2267682

From what I can see its Japanese? The article about it says the movement they are using is manufactured in Japan and the company they list they are working with has its headquarters in Japan.

>> No.2267705

You asked me to elaborate on the reasons why a guy might watch male streamers and vtubers and I just did?

>> No.2267721

>people wanna see cute girls more than they want to see cute guys
The entertainment that most people consume are not just them looking at cute things. As a male tuber you do need to make your content centered around you being cute. There are other things people want to see.

>> No.2267797

Well, what do they wanna see? Cause the world's most popular male chuuba just sits on his ass for 8 hours playing Apex while shooting the shit

>> No.2267809

It is when it comes to vtubers. Theres a reason 99% of chat is people spamming "かわいい" and "cute"

>> No.2267843

Weird, I don't think I've ever seen Nux Taku play Apex and yet you say he plays it for 8 hours a day?

>> No.2267892

>Nux Taku

>> No.2267953

>Well, what do they wanna see?
You could repackage almost anything as vtuber content.
That's not even true.

>> No.2268028

One of the guys getting the watches for men posted earlier does rock music, plays trading card games, builds plastic models on stream alongside the usual vtuber stuff. The other plays rhythm games to a high level and does a lot of older games on his channel alongside the usual vtuber stuff.

>> No.2268031

Look if you clearly dont watch vtubers what are you even doing here

>> No.2268129

I do watch vtubers and none of the ones I am subscribed / on my recommended feed right now to have any kawaii or cute in their chats which blows your 99% figure out of the water.

>> No.2268146

>personal anecdote

>> No.2268162

Is that less anecdotal?

>> No.2268192


>> No.2268209

Have you seen the OP?

>> No.2268224

yeah, hes a faggot
