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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2231513 No.2231513[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>artists are arguing that vtubers should have to pay royalties for every single superchat
What are your thoughts on this?

>> No.2231539

sure, they should. if it's part of the artist's contract

if it's not and they already sold their rights, fuck off

>> No.2231555

This (((artist))) doesn't understand Work For Hire and as such doesn't have an opinion worth listening to.

>> No.2231570

Depends in the agreement? Most of the time they don’t even “own” the design afterwards

>> No.2231584

Any artist that tries to pull this shit will never see paid work again. People pay royalties because they don't own the shit they're using, not even bottom of the barrel retards would leave the rights for their character in the hands of their artist.

>> No.2231587

Doesn't seem that out of this world. A lot of a vtubers success depends on their design so I don't think it's totally unwarranted to have some kind of agreement in place to make sure that the designer is rewarded if the design takes off.

Both parties need to agree to it beforehand obviously. I think a lot creators would want to avoid the legal red tape and potential fuckery that could go on with an ongoing arrangement where the vtuber needs to pay ongoing royalties for use of the design and just take a flat commission.

>> No.2231637

>artists are arguing that vtubers should have to pay royalties for every single superchat
really because to me that sounds like she's arguing the exact opposite and you may not be literate

>> No.2231646

Unless it's a pre-agreed up payment plan
Like you owe an artist $2000 for your model so they take 5% of everything you make in superchats until then
Having to pay royalties forever sounds like bullshit

>> No.2231648

>won't get monetized for months
>superchats will be in $5 a month if they're lucky
>artists want royalties on this
i mean, sure? i'll take that. i'll drop the model, graduate and reincarnate with a fresh model and better licensing agreement once i've built a fanbase.

>> No.2231656

no. korone's success as most subbed hololive (excluding no-count countries) proves design doesn't matter much

>> No.2231659

This makes no sense considering they have contracts for this kind of thing, maybe not for indies but they definitely have some kind of agreements.

>> No.2231691

Imagine being a costume designer for a movie and instead of getting paid a lump sum you get paid every single time that movie is ever:
>Played in theatre
>Bought on Blu-Ray/DVD
>Played in a commercial trailer
>Played on netflix
>Whenever a screen shot of your costume is portrayed on twitter

It would be absolute hell.
Starving artist is the phrase for a reason.
Because if they were paid what they believed was "their dues" every industry that ever used them would go broke

>> No.2231697

>make them sign the agreement for straight royalties to some shell S-Corp you set up for your vtubing work

>sell the model to another shell corp

>dissolve the corp that owes royalties

Worked for Disney

>> No.2231698

From what i've seen the artists contracted by cover are able to sell merchandise of their creations but i don't know about royalties or the indie scene so i will not have an input on that.

>> No.2231701

They're not incorrect.

If they don't want to pay a flat fee for the design, you can and will have to negotiate for other methods of payment.

But as an artist, you pretty sure as hell would be dumb to actually be okay with negotiating a percent of Superchat received instead of just installments of what have you.

>> No.2231723

No need to graduate and reincarnate just commision another artist to make a new one for you. Advertise to your fanbase as a redesign or reimagining or whatever.

>> No.2231724

sure, lets also pay construction companies a cut from every sports arena, dance club and restaurant that has been built. If the company didnt build their buildings they they wouldnt even be in business right? /s
fucking twittertards

>> No.2231727

christ why cant artist just get another job if they think art is just business

>> No.2231735

It only makes sense if you're doing art for a company and they offer it. the art industry is one of the most saturated fields out there, which is why so many incredible artists have trouble making ends meet and why it's nothing but clout and connections based.
think of a talented american artist trying to live off of honest commissions, unless they're the best in the world at something, they can always get undercut by someone overseas who is equally as talented. this is one of the reasons why good american artists aren't very common

>> No.2231736

>People should follow contracts
What does this have to do with what Chiika is talking about?

>> No.2231741
File: 160 KB, 728x729, 1617255217111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What >>2231513 said
She's actually arguing for a long-term payment plan as opposed to a single large payment
OP is a faggot who sucks unwashed cock and didn't included that because it wouldn't get as many (you)s if he did

>> No.2231757

OP is clearly just taking things out of context to shitpost, but at least it's an interesting topic to talk about instea

>> No.2231765

This tweet is about twitter discourse on how Vtuber model commissions are too expensive and that artists and riggers need to lower their prices. The tweet in the picture is implying that artists could be assholes (but don't) and ask for a small percentage of any profits that chuubas make effectively ending up making even more money in the long run than charging one time $1,000-$2,000 commission prices.

>> No.2231764

no? the artist is just laying out "hey, there are usually 2 forms of payment, big lump sum up front, or royalties, take your pick"

>> No.2231768

If artists didn't negotiate for royalties AND flat rate, they're a retard and that's on them.
Artists need to learn how to write agreements and contracts. It really all depends on the drawfag and how much clout they have.

I imagine big-name badasses would get royalties but probably not nobody-mc-fuckface who hasn't made a single vtuber model.

>> No.2231769

All of you idiots saying "depends on the contract" are fucking retarded and do not know anything about how character design works as an industry.
You can't license out the look of a character. There is a literal century of case law. You can license the character, but not how it looks. If you need further reading look into the early Gold Key comics lawauits.
If the artist created everything about the character then they can attempt to retain control via a licensing agreement. But if all the artist did was draw or rig the model, they can't try to won anything else beyond their money. Shit they're not even entitled to a credit. That is just courtesy.

>> No.2231783

The tweets sound more reasonable than your summary. Buyouts are generally better since it is a one-time transaction with no strings attached and doesn't involve either party getting screwed. Royalties can only take you so far and the nature of royalties would suppose that you fundamentally don't have ownership of your model and also screw the artist out of money. You would have to incentivize a royalty model by having a lower price barrier, but if the vtuber doesn't make it big, the artist would actually make less money than if they were to offer a buyout and then the vtuber fails to reach an audience. Offering a high price point equivalent to a buyout and then royalties on top is a surefire way to get 0 business.

>> No.2231793

If you want a long-term payment plan, sure, you could be the next George Lucas who hit the jackpot when he negotiated for merchandising rights instead of a flat fee for Star Wars

But that's a fucking huge gamble especially if you're negotiating with indies. If she wants to lose money in the long run, that's on them.

>> No.2231797 [SPOILER] 
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>sure, they should. if it's part of the artist's contract
Here's a better question: Should vtubers disclose how their donations are being split?
The answer is Yes. Why arent more people demanding that they be more transparent? These friggin sheep.

>> No.2231808

armchair lawyer fingers typed this

>> No.2231824

Yes, the artist is being reasonable.

>> No.2231839

But Korone's design is really good

>> No.2231858

You're also an idiot for referencing American case law when the biggest vtuber industry is in Japan

>> No.2231871

Its just the art equivalent of investment then.
Which means it has about equal chances of going really well, and fucking over a lot of people.

>> No.2231891

Vtuber models are literally just expensive commissions
How is agreeing to pay an artist out a percentage of your income until you've payed off the commission retarded?

>> No.2231893

>What if we made this industry more Jewish
Next you'll tell me they have to pay compound interest for missing payments

>> No.2231936

>itt, anons who can't read
the tweeter is right, you pay artists in one of two ways, lump sum or royalties. second tweet is already correct, artists aren't going to accept a royalty deal with a fucking nobody hopping on the vtuber bandwagon since there won't be any superchats to take royalties of.

>> No.2231946

The fag in the OP is an American artist larping as a Jap.

>> No.2231950

Are you actually retarded? It seems like they're saying the exact opposite, that choosing royalties over a flat fee is a terrible idea because most of the time you won't make back your time investment.
Bait thread for (you)s.

>> No.2231978

But that's not what they are arguing, she's proposing an alternative to the current situation where an aspiring indie vtuber needs to shell out 1500 dollars or more to pay for a rig to even get started

>> No.2231993

and that's the point. Her alternative isn't good for artists

>> No.2231999
File: 55 KB, 207x207, 1525067932519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neither parties made it clear who the right of the model belongs to
Let them fight. Those who dont make contracts deserves legal headaches.

>> No.2232008

Reminds me of that thread 2 days ago of a vtweeter crying about how charging $800+ on a Live2D rig that indie vtubers "need" is extortion and should be canceled.

>> No.2232057

Lmao if you want a live2d model for cheap then go make it yourself

>> No.2232074

Isn't that essentially what vtuber agencies do with owning the character rights and taking cut from the revenue? Beside the other things.

>> No.2232105

Are people not aware that vtubing is a large investmen with large payout if successful? I feel like they treat vtubing as an easy job.

>> No.2232119

>The tweet in the picture is implying that artists could be assholes (but don't) and ask for a small percentage of any profits that chuubas make effectively ending up making even more money in the long run
Except that 90% of vtubers who debut never even make it to break even point, never mind turn a profit. Especially in this current market when every two bit wannabe with a webcam and a pc thinks they've got what it takes to be the next Gura and end up flooding the market. If artists started accepting royalties in place of payment half of them will go broke.

>> No.2232124

agencies in theory
>get you connections
>do marketing for you
>manage you
>get you collabs
>make merch for you
>pay for model updates + models + assets

>> No.2232125

introducing this to the west was a mistake.

>> No.2232135

>vtubing is a large investmen with large payout if successful?
It really isn't. It's a hobby and should be treated as such. 99.999% of them will never even recoup the cost for the model in donos.

>> No.2232187

It's the same problem with streamers. Everyone looks at pewdiepie or asmongold and thinks they have an easy time earning money by just playing games on the Internet, not realising that for every success story there are thousands if not tens of thousands who have half a dozen views every time they stream and make maybe 3 dollars a month. The difference is that any chump with a pc can start streaming on twitch but it takes a few hundred dollars to even get started as a vtuber

>> No.2232225

>Royalities for a design
Going for that is pretty much a gamble (Specially with indies) but I don't like it that much, the feeling of "losing money" is pretty much an afterthought, when the vtuber gets popular.

There's a lot of stuff like that, for example a lot of artists sell logos or other kind of stuff they design in online plataforms and there's a chance one of those might end up in a really profitable company or project, going to them and asking for royalities is pretty much being greedy, royalities work better with stuff like books or comics

>> No.2232233

It's a hobby until someone earns almost $1 million in 1 year then everybody else thinks they can do it too.

>> No.2232244

yeah, then it becomes a delusion

>> No.2232247

Also imagine when your indie decides Vtubing isn't for them and just quits before you recoup expenses

>> No.2232304

>The difference is that any chump with a pc can start streaming on twitch but it takes a few hundred dollars to even get started as a vtuber
Kek this might work as a litmus test for vtuber.

>> No.2232339

>might work
It already does, that's why vtweeters are a thing

>> No.2232365

What's next? Every fanart/community creations of the vtuber need to pay royalties?
Dudul and 2snacks need to pay 5% of their adsense?
Fuck the west honestly. Fuck disney, and fuck music publishers that has been normalizing this dumb shit.

>> No.2232416

If they agree to royalties, they get royalties. If they dont, they get a flat fee. How is this even an issue?

>> No.2232420

Actually, there's even a precedent like that with Gyari and VOMS. They say he doesn't take cuts from superchats but profits from VOMS merch. But also is not involved with anything past that like management or collabs. Should be possible for other artists, at least the famous ones, to arrange a deal the same way. So it's nothing new even.

>> No.2232440
File: 196 KB, 816x781, need.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did my archive reps. i found the original tweet that the person in OP's pic was responding to. enjoy.

>> No.2232466

tl:dr; this person was bitching about how artists charge money for their art. and the person in OP's tweet is explaining why artists usually charge so much in a lump sum.

>> No.2232474
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But it is business. Professional level art/design work requires a lot of time and monetary investment to develop the necessary skills, and the actual creation process takes many hours as well.
If artists were obligated to offer up tens of hours of work and hundreds of hours in training without recompense, you'd never see anyone proficient enough because they'd all be fucking dead.

>> No.2232493

>That money should be used for RENT&FOOD
It's almost like artists and riggers need rent and food, too...

>> No.2232495

>What's next? Every fanart/community creations of the vtuber need to pay royalties?
No, because fans are retarded and do shit for free, like jannies.

>> No.2232512

That's not fun, just some nobodies being an entitled bitch.

>> No.2232530

Why stop there? Carpenters and plumbers should get royalties from people whose houses they've built. Textbook publishers should get royalties every time you use something you learned from their books. You should have to pay musicians any time you hum their song.
Why the fuck are artists so fucking scummy and entitled? Yeah I get it, you're broke and think you can squeeze you grocery money out of old customers.
Fuck off

>> No.2232569

>they do it for free

>> No.2232619

>please give us shit for free, we all wanna be e-famous but we broke
what a whiny faggot

>> No.2232622

That's stupid. We don't pay engineers a cut of the profits for toll bridges.

>> No.2232630

If the aspiring avatar-vlogger is too retarded to read the contract, their fault. Rigging is hard work, so is 3D modelling. Small indie company COVER is still figuring it out and getting better 3 years into success.

It's not too much to ask of someone who wants to talk over video games to read the contract that keeps him kinda anonymous and probably more interesting than camera and greenscreen. If you want to buy the model with all the rights, fine, it'll cost more.

>> No.2232643
File: 362 KB, 750x1334, C235090D-01F4-4993-9CB9-956E84BF0FEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAHAHAHAHA Twitter is so fucking stupid

>> No.2232652

Tbf, GYARI and VOMS are a mini-company: he may not take cuts from super-chat, but he does control much of what the girls do within VOMS.

If they don't want to pay a flat fee, then just look for an artist that is okay with that kind of relationship.

But knowing most VTweeters, they aren't going to spend the time to look for one either.

>> No.2232662

anons who literally lack the skills for reading comprehension and just baited by OP's mischaracterization

>> No.2232663

anyone who's not an idiot will ensure the artist doesn't keep any rights to whatever they're being hired to do specifically to prevent jew shit like this from happening.

they aren't adding value to their work after the fact, so why should we fork over more money? fuck off. sure, they may add accessories or other details after the fact, but those can more efficiently be dealt with on a case basis.

>> No.2232680

Read OP's image, anon. Artists aren't pushing for royalties on vtuber income, the one in the screencap is just explaining the differences between royalties/buyout and OP is just looking to start drama.

>> No.2232683

>Wah Wah why aren't they giving away all their hard work for free.
Western vtubers are a mistake

>> No.2232688
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that ratio on the non-apology
>not all of my opinions are an easy pill to swallow

>> No.2232697

Kek, I’m not surprised weeb neets are not used to read legal documents. This is hero hei tier level of ignorance.

>> No.2232765

If a VTuber took that deal, it would be in the vtuber's interest to never get popular.
It'd be a burner avatar for talking shit or just to build rep to get into a good agency with a new avatar.
And the artist would only want that deal if they expected the VTuber to blow up.
It's definitely a more fair deal to just pay the artist for the work and be done with it. Artist gets paid, and publicity, VTuber gets an avatar.

>> No.2232815

lmao this dude

>> No.2233003

Isn't this more of less what VOMS is though except not with superchat but with things that use the design? Like they get the models and all that shit from Gyari then he gets a cut of some percentage from merchandise? I think paryi had a bunch of vtubers that all operated under a similar principal too.

>> No.2233540

Japan has a lot of vtubers who are managed by some company, such as Hololive or Nijisanji. In these cases, money is already being split between the vtuber and a large company, and that company owns the model and everything. Whether the company has to give out some of its cut to an artist or not is not very relevant, since those companies often deserve whatever pain they get (or at least HL does).

By comparison, a significant number of independent vtubers, who often have to deal with artists directly, are American.

>> No.2233745

Japan most likely still has more indie vtubers. Or at least comparable. Especially if we don't count every nobody who just took a preset from vroid.

>> No.2233769
File: 38 KB, 370x494, 1590863202223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VTube token says hi

>> No.2233793

This guy read

>> No.2233915

>>artists are arguing that vtubers should have to pay royalties for every single superchat
Are you illiterate or falseflagging?

>> No.2233922

agreed, but probably they had by contract not disclose that kind of info unless they want to end like aloe at best or hitomi at worst

>> No.2233943

But I've actually seen artists on my tl claim they should get residuals for use of their work. Especially professional animators who think they're entitled to some kind of dividends when shows go into syndication. In this very thread there's another screenshot of at least one person making the very claim and got btfo'ed for it. Maybe OP miscategorized something but that attitude actually does exist, which is why I so readilly believed it in this case.
eat my shit nibba

>> No.2233983

>paidment is done in ARG, MX or any other 3rd country currency

>> No.2234078

read again retard, is the fanartist paid for having the right to do fanworks, not being paid for doing so

>> No.2234131

kekxicano tenía que ser el wey

>> No.2234187

That's not what's being said.
The artist is proposing two models, the latter of which reflects how the creative industries (generally) operate.

Paying royalties for the use of intellectual property is actually the norm by large.

Also worth noting, even a flat fee doesn't give you unilateral ownership of that model unless that's what is specifically agreed. Payment (if demanded) doesn't affect your basic intellectual property rights as an artist, no matter how it's collected.

Usually an artist will effectively stipulate "you can use it for personal use, live streaming, ect" but if you want to use the model on an advert with, idk, Burger King, you'd have to negotiate with the artist again.

The intelligent thing to do as a vtuber though, is to ensure you make the design of your character yourself. That way you can still commission someone else to make art for your Burger King ad. Or if you go outwith the terms of the original contract around your model. and your model designer isn't open to renegotiations, you can commission someone else to for a new model.

>> No.2234229

The person who takes the royalties over just doing the large sum payment would have to be dumb unless they are using it as a burner vtuber to get into a bigger company. I think that's the only viable reason you'd take royalties payment over just one large sum payment. Would there be interest involved if it takes a long time to make the payment if not successful from the get go since I would guess it's a set price the person couldn't pay upfront? Just seems like more hassle than it's worth with possible ways to "alter the deal" if relationships between the artist and vtuber change.

>> No.2234266

yes, this is why almost all of the western artists who are making Live2D models and the rigging are only accepting payments as a lump sum.

>> No.2234279

If that's the mutual agreement made then it's fine.

>> No.2234304

How was Hitomi's graduation worse than Aloe's

>> No.2234553

Then it's heavily context dependent - while greedy/entitled artists certainly can exist, they aren't representative of all artists as a whole.

Creative industries also tend to have a lot of overlap regarding production roles, so it's possible that the artist in your example may have somehow contributed to the show in a way that might justify their seeking of royalties - but it's hard to say without knowing specifics.

>> No.2234586


>> No.2234603

as if public opinion of us wasn't bad already, this faggot just had to open his mouth

>> No.2234718

>X has some negatives, Y is an alternative but it has these negatives
>OMG I cant believe this guy is saying people should do Y wtf hes retarded
this is the lowest IQ board on this site

>> No.2234911

inmediate termination without chance of any kind of negotiation

>> No.2236787


>> No.2236923
File: 14 KB, 300x300, retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>author says that vtuber models are expensive because there are no royalties, so the artists needs to be paid fairly up-front
>author explains why royalties are won't work because most vtubers fail, so artists wouldn't work with unknown vtubers
>Schizo retards in the thread freak out over how an artist is demanding royalties for everything

Read the fucking tweets in the image you retards.

>> No.2236990

>get offered a contract
>I want more money
>oh ok, we'll just offer the same contract to some pajeet artist
>but you can't because... because you just can't, OK?

>> No.2237006

we need more anons who are able to read the fucking pic in the OP like you, anon. jesus fucking christ, so many anons here are as bad as redditors getting baited on the first sentence without looking at context.

>> No.2237136

So, he's saying absolutely nothing of worth then?
Okay, good to know.

Twitter is honestly such a shithole

>> No.2237177

I think indies should fucking pay someone for their work, simple as. If they want "free" shit, then they should search for it or make it themselves. Not hard. Or, rather, it is, and that's why they're crying about the price.

>> No.2237233

He was responding to some moron asking for models as free handouts. It wasn't a worthless statement except insofar as it was a reply to a random retard on twitter, which does make it inherently worthless.
See >>2232440

>> No.2237295

why does everyone bump these fucking twitter screencap threads?

>> No.2237323

>Buy a vtube model from artist for 40$
>Stream twice a week for a month
>Havent streamed for a good long while
>Artist hits me up 4 months later, asking how I'm doing
>Told him I haven't really been streaming because I feel like shit
>He gives my model a hat for free
We don't deserve these saints

>> No.2237549

This. OP has yet to reply.

>> No.2238054

Why not just divide the payments over a period of time instead? Like, then you can get people who can't pay a lump sum upfront. Even better, a lot of idiots will be more interested in getting a model if they hear "ONLY $50 over x months conditions and terms may apply". So you can get more people to pay for models that might not even use them.
No interest though, interest is for losers.

Probably would be a hassle for most artists to be able to do something like that. But if any were willing to do so, it'd be a great plan.

>> No.2238142
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You both sound like awkward autists.

>> No.2238481

>OP is a faggot
Many such cases, sage twitter threads

>> No.2238651

This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.2238875

Imagine trying to get $50 3 months after you've sent over the model and the person has 2 viewers.

>> No.2238940

It's a matter of trust. Most artists demand upfront payment because when you're dealing with randos on the internet there's not much stopping them from just ghosting you once they've got their art. I guess it's probably harder to get away with if you're trying to build a streaming career, but if I were an artist I'd still want to avoid the possibility of having any bullshit like that pulled on me

>> No.2239094

You're kinda misrepresenting what she said, but it doesn't matter.
I just wanted to come into this thread to say that Chiika is based as fuck. She's an artist vtuber and her streams are comfy.

>> No.2239198

Even with 2D commissioned pieces, a lot of artists get ghosted by clients despite being able to "lock" the final product behind watermarks / lower res previews before full payment.
It'd probably be a much riskier investment for something like a Live2D rig, which is far more complex, time-consuming and probably harder to gate.

>> No.2239676

>Be artist
>Make Vtuber model
>Client ghosts you after giving the files
>Go after client to pay you
>Vtuber turns it into sob story and garners support from Twitter/Reddit/4chan while painting you as the bad guy
>She gets $$$$ in super chat while you get death threats


>> No.2239883
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>852 quote tweets

>> No.2240616

Twitter is so full of retards

>> No.2240968

Seems fair if thats how they contractually agreed to handle it in advance.
If they agreed on advance payment, their problem.

>> No.2241232

Based artist bro

>> No.2241269

This desu.
Fucking idiots need to read up on contract law.

>> No.2241391

>Easily one of the best designs in hololive
Anon I get what you're trying to say, but if you wanted to make that point, a far better example would be Coco or Matsuri

>> No.2241436
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This was the retard OP screenshot was replying to.

So the argument boils down to either pay a flat sum, or pay royalties.

Also the guy is a retard. My 2D model (Currently in works, not rigged) cost me 150 dollars flat. If the retard wants to pay more for an uglier 3D model that's his problem.

>> No.2241482

Yeah it sounds like she's saying that royalties seem like an alternative to the ever-increasing price of commissioning a model and design, but that it probably wouldn't be feasible since artists wouldn't really want to work like that with someone that might not bring the cost back

>> No.2241492

As someone with an artist friend (former pro) only an idiot would negotiate royalties. Imagine the fucking pain if you're just some twitter who.

>> No.2241561

Never seen someone negotiate royalties for a model aside from Projekt Melody, which was essentially its own company. Usually royalties can be expected for a single piece of media, like if if you illustrated a mug. You would get a % of the proceeds from every mug sold.

>> No.2241642

I wanna know how rich melody actually was to get Project Melody off the ground.

Did she just walk up somewhere and pitched a porn Vtuber and they said "Sonovabitch we're in" ? I need answers

>> No.2241729

Everyone pretend I'm posting that pic of 4chan interviewing twitter, who looks very fat and stupid.

>> No.2241943

At least Chiika is actually a somewhat successful vtuber and not just some literal who.
OP is still a faggot though for misrepresenting what she said to get more (You)s

>> No.2241986

first world artists are the worst businessmen that humanity has ever produced
