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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2229811 No.2229811 [Reply] [Original]

I want to talk about Hololive's first and only sub-unit, GAMERS. The result of Fubuki recruiting her classmate and a couple she found at an arcade. How does /vt/ feel about Hololive Gamers?

>> No.2230064

Fubuki is actually the one I've watched the least of but I do like all of them. Okayu is definitely my favorite of the bunch.

>> No.2230089

love them all, wish they'd collab more and get into some 4-player shenanigans

otherwise what's the point of being part of a GAMERS subgroup, everyone plays games, even Azki

>> No.2230126

Okayu claims that Yagoo came to her grandma's onigiriya and recruited her on the spot
Okayu also claims she wanted to apply and persuaded Korone to
Now you tell me it was Fubuki

Why is GAMERS such a den of lies and thievery?

>> No.2230238

I love them all and Fubuki is a great person but SMOK collabs are more fun

>> No.2230295

I don't think Fubuki fully recruited them, but rather talked Okayu into applying. Koro-san was a package deal.

>> No.2230373

Why is it the other girls seem to collab more with Subaru than Fubuki?

>> No.2230533

Fubuki probably has her weeks planned out in advance so it's tough for the four of them to play together. Shit sucks cuz I do want to see the four of them exclusively on a stream and not like OKFAMS or SENPAITACHI vs OKBR.

>> No.2230633

Undoubtedly based and a crucial pillar of Hololive. If I had to list all her achievements with sources it'll take me forever. I don't watch her too much because her content is all over the place unfortunately with the constant picking up and dropping of games... but I don't really blame her because she seems to be a workaholic. An excellent MC for certain types of collabs.

Really calm and chill so I watch her if I wanna relax. Shes a really good add-in for collabs. One of my favorite singers.

High-energy meme and reaction machine. Plays a lot of retro games I'm not familiar with right now so I haven't been watching her. Shes very quirky and weird though so her chatting streams are actually entertaining in that way.

Chill incarnate. Also one of my favorite singers in Hololive. Shes a bit of a joker too and I love her laugh. I end up watching her pretty often because she plays older games that I've actually played before.

>> No.2230769

Okayu didn't audition, she was scouted directly on recommendation from Mio whk was scouted on recommendation from Fubuki and she convinced Korone to come along

>> No.2230770

Can we just make Subaru an honorary Gamer already?

>> No.2230778

Gamers is just Fubuki using her nepotism. She used that same nepotism to get them all in V-Carnival.

>> No.2230816

You need to separate the rrats from the ogeys. They don't talk about irl stuff on stream for the most part and they have character settings like onigiri shop / bakery which are obvious rrats. Fubuki and Mio for sure met OkaKoro before they signed, and Fubuki is the one who scouted OkaKoro. All of them have vouched for this at one time or another. Mio and Fubuki were prior friends, OkaKoro pair were also prior friends as well as being part of the industry. Korone (vtuber) and Okayu (streamer).

>> No.2230862

If the onigiriya is a rrat then what becomes of baachan and nokocchi ojisan and the obasantachi that would sometimes volunteer there?

>> No.2231021

The onigiri shop is just a code word for whatever her family's business is, unless it's really an onigiri shop which makes it a 500 IQ move to hide in plain sight

>> No.2231060

okakoro were prior friends and they live in the same city. I bet they've gone to each others houses before + okayu lives with her family. but everything about the family store and all the associated backstory is prob a lie.

>> No.2231071

the point was to copy nijisanji as their gamers units was and still is their most successful part.

>> No.2231091
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Regardless of nepotism, you can't deny that Fubuki's got an eye for talent.

>> No.2231140

Okayu moved pretty soon after debuting in hololive. Apparently she moved to the city on her own which is why Korone's mom likes her so much.

>> No.2231154
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Also I only call the onigiriya and baachan story a lie because that fat cat lies as easily as drinking water.

>> No.2232229
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Here's the ultimate timeline, straight out of my ass:
- Mio applies to Hololive after hearing about it from FBK and gets accepted. She's too late for 2nd gen but just in time to join Cover's Niji Gamers ripoff project with FBK.
- FBK then goes to an arcade (codename for NND's famous offpako orgies) in search of talent and invites a bunch of people (OkaKoro included).
- Okayu gets interested, takes the audition and passes.
- Korone initially ignores it because she already had her NND and chuuba gigs but changes her mind after Okayu convinces her with hot steamy sex.
- Okayu recommends Korone to Cover. Since she's pretty much a streaming veteran and a minor celebrity YAGOO hires her the instant she applies. This kills upd8.

>> No.2232296

My rrat:
baachan = mom
ojisan = dad
flower shop girl = kayoizuma = korone = galneko

>> No.2232407

>Baachan = mom
Pretty much confirmed, she's made the slip before, and we know she lived with her mom pre-hololive

>Ojisan = dad
Maybe, but it seems a little less certain at times. They're almost never mentioned together, which is strange because she could just have him as ojisan instead of shinseki no ojisan. Maybe her parents are divorced

>Hanayasan = kayoizuma = korone = galneko
Nah. Kayoizuma-chan and Hanayasan sound like different people. Also it'd be weird for Okayu and Korone to be making Kamuy cookies from a manga chapter that's not even animated yet when Korone hasn't even watched all of S2 yet. As for Galneko, even if the age gap was only a few years, they still couldn't have been classmates.

>> No.2232509

Flower girl is her cousin and the daughter of shinseki no ojisan's brother.

>> No.2232590

I think what we really need to know is if nokocchi ojisan molested okayu after grooming her with games, leading to her emotional eating problem.

I would personally so it makes sense

>> No.2232617

okayu supposedly only has two friends or only had two in that era so some of them have to be the same. I forgot what a hag korone is though

>> No.2232684

>They are all awful at videogames
I don't know how I feel

>> No.2232690

How the fuck do you go under with the talent that upd8 had? Does Hololive just enable their talents in a way upd8 doesn't?

>> No.2232711

Rewatching her talking about her acquaintances just to be sure. She says she didn't meet Kayoizuma until she became an adult. Hanaya-Oneesan is the one who would drive her places when she was a kid, and corrupted her with BL. Also Kayoizuma-chan's cookie art is waaaay too good to be Korone.

>Okayu asks if it's too hard for Kayoizuma-chan to come all the way out to visit, and says she should value herself more.
>Kayoizuma-chan says it's fine because Okayu is her savior.

Damn, Okayu. What did you do?

>> No.2232726

I'm also quick to dismiss all of it for FBK being busy and she clearly is, explain Bakatare then.

>> No.2232744

Why did Pekora and Korone hate eachother back in their NND days? What did Korone do to Pekora to cause it?

>> No.2232791

Is this a new rrat? I've never heard it

>> No.2232795

If you want to expand Gamers, Botan and Aqua need to be in. Arguably Luna from what I've heard. 4 is the perfect size for Multiplayer things tho, and it's Fubuki's unit to begin with. Don't think cover talks much into her plans anymore.

>> No.2232835

No, it's an old rrat that's been around for a while.
It's hard to substantiate tho, because everyone just says any bad talk between the two is just friendly banter, and not anything more.

>> No.2232839

Why does Okayu hate English?

>> No.2232874

Could be but it wouldn't surprise me. I've heard so many stories of people that have issues with Pekora. Seems that Pekora is just a huge bitch and apparently she isn't even tight with Miko anymore who was the only one that could tolerate her.

>> No.2232890

Too lazy to learn it in school, wasn't in the job description, invites legally braindead EOPs shitting up everything. Not everybodys jive. Certainly not Okayuns, and that's good.

>> No.2232914

Lazy cat does whatever she wants. She doesn't hate english, but doesn't see a reason why she needs to learn it.

>> No.2232927

>who are Moona, Marine and Kiara?

>> No.2232982

Okayu's friendship alone must feel like a very precious thing. I think I can understand wanting to visit even if it's far away.

>> No.2233032

i would guess that pekora's brand of menhera causes her to withdraw from others
it doesn't feel like other holos have any dislike towards her, but it seems she has trouble maintaining friendships

>> No.2233041

Don't trust every rrat you read. I was in the PekoMiko thread the other day posting rrats and I'm not even sure I believe them myself lol

>> No.2233058

Okayu's house is always clean and clear while Kayoizuma has to live with her schizophrenic hoarder mother.

>> No.2233065

Interesting, the only NND narrative I've heard before about pekora was about Aqua and rrats never produce any evidence when asked and the only one involving Korone I've heard is that hilarious telenovela plot about her fucking Shiina, Sasaki, Aqua and Okayu

>> No.2233104

I remember an old one about Shiina and Korone fighting too, but no evidence for it was ever shown either.

>> No.2233108

Mio said this on stream before so this isn't roommate talk but it is backed up by what I know about their roommates
Basically Fubuki was friends with Mio who was friends with Okayu who was friends with Korone and it was a chain of recommendations to get in, which was pretty much all the hiring process was back then. Korone said she didn't even do an interview

>> No.2233254

Fact: Okayu has collabed alone with Shiina more than any other vtuber despite being called and having her interests called kimoi by her every stream. Korone is jealous of this and hates Shiina one out of jealousy for taking advantage of Okayu's m instinct and secondly out of anger for her disrespecting Okayu. She also hates that the senryuu she sent in was incorrectly interpreted

Source: rrat

>> No.2234064

I feel the same about Spanish here, honestly.

>> No.2234107

What does that mean? You don't speak Spanish but have a large fanbase that does but you can't be bothered learning for them?

>> No.2234212
File: 125 KB, 954x616, EGCU2xDUYAAdG09__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her name is food
>her opening is eating food
>her song is food
>her larp background is a food store
>her parker is food
>her idol hair accessory is food
>her fans are food
>her superchat omake is serving food
>she steals food
>she quite literally subsists on food and eats it on a daily basis
what did she mean by this?

>> No.2234242

I know you're trying to imply it's because she's fat but most of that is just her character setting

>> No.2234246


>> No.2234289

There's only one thing more universal than entertainment: food

It's an easy appeal to make

>> No.2234313

she's also considered food in chinese wet markets

>> No.2234368

Yeah I think that's the true jist of it and it sounds about right. Though I think the roommate stuff validates it all. desu I think them all talking about meeting in an arcade is just cover for online gaming, they were all in the industry by that point anyway. I don't know MioFubu's roommate history as much, but OkaKoro were confirmed prev youtube streamers (both's old channels still up).

>> No.2234401

Moo wasn't recruited. She just happened to apply to the same job as her old friend.

>> No.2235381

The people Activ8 put in charge of the upd8 project turned out to be idiots.

>> No.2236782

because how they got in doesn't matter

>> No.2237382

>50% of the group is cats
>still wondering why there is deception

>> No.2237647

>75% dog
majority of good girls

>> No.2238385

didn't the dog let slip that there was a Gamers project in the works, something involving all four of them?

>> No.2238873




>> No.2239487

Stop misusing rrats. Lore is not the same thing as a narrative.

>> No.2239501

Stand in for mom and dad and other relatives. Did you think she was actually and adoptee?

>> No.2239544

I thought her mom and dad were hit by a van and she was raised by her grandma like in anime

>> No.2239596

She misspeaks and calls herself obaa-chan's daughter all the time.

>> No.2239625

Then who was ojisan? Why doesn't he live with obaasan?

>> No.2239649

I don't remember her streaming that even once

>> No.2239701

>rrats are narratives and ogeys are facts now
I don't feel ogey about this new frontier. I miss the days before the naive rrat protocol where the rrats were ogey and the ogey was rrat, all this new lingo is tough to keep up with.

>> No.2239758

that's just global destroying everything they touch, nothing new

>> No.2239803

Mio and Okayu were both in *that* video that was getting recommended to a bunch of people before the seanig discords opened the dox recommendation floodgates

>> No.2239804

Korone was a already famous streamer who had her strong fanbase before hololive. Also hololive wasn't this big back then. It was some indie tier group. Its hard to say it was nepotism because for example indie/underground music record labels were always like that. Its just a traditional circle thing.

>> No.2239908

Isn't her past fanbase harassing her now?

>> No.2239988

No but the retards on 5ch who hated her before still hate her

>> No.2240622

She streamed 4 pretty early in hololive. She loves that genre and talks about them a lot. She prefers to play them off stream though.

>> No.2242589

Why are all them so old? animal people age so much faster, no one would ever want them.

>> No.2242634

They're all minor youkai

>> No.2242641

yes, but it's a secret so you shouldn't tell anyone ok?

>> No.2243031

Is Fubuki the only actual leader of a Hololive unit? Also is she the only one considered part of two? She's 0th gen by default and she's listed as the Leader for GAMERS. Sora is considered the de facto leader of all of Hololive by being the first, but other than that, I don't think there are any other ones besides Fubuki.

>> No.2243167

Food is best

>> No.2243213

I hate how quickly this board has deteriorated my sanity, I didn't even like baneposting for the first year but i'm already one with the rrats

>> No.2243386

At least baneposting has context you can understand. Ogey Rrat is so removed from its source that it's basically its own thing and has like 5 different meanings depending on which way you ogey your rrats

>> No.2245079

don't worry, we're all bots here.
