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22230983 No.22230983 [Reply] [Original]

Is Sana is a result of Ina's nepotism. Then why do they never collab?

>> No.22231129

Sana used to openly support an indepentent Taipei province. Thus she cannot collab with Ina who has CCP party members in her family.

>> No.22231193 [DELETED] 

watch streams indog

>> No.22231206

They have the best collabs in EN and their space apart adds to it. Sana doesn't hold back on her Korean fuck toy and Ina loses her character around Sana. When they collab it actually feels like pre-penis NijiiEN.

>> No.22231303

Well Ina is having an Elden Ring arc and Sana is hort

>> No.22231366

Its pretty much what the first anon said. She is so enslaved to those contacts she has in china in commissioning her for art including Azur Lane that she cannot afford to collab with Sana. The only exception I guess would be if everyone is involved I suppose.

>> No.22231371

The more important question: when will these two graduate?

>> No.22231619

They do collab you dumb bastard.
I wish.

>> No.22231679

They do collab, it's just that Sana's back is literally killing her right now so they can't.

>> No.22231839

She was hired because of her connection to Ina, the question is actually, "Is the reason she not fired because of her connection to Ina?" which is the real conspiracy theory. And I think that is plainly no, Hololive just refuses to ever put its foot down with any of its talents, they have the company by the balls.

>> No.22231943

You don't just half heartedly fire your talents when you're reliant on public support. Rushia was a special case but if they start chopping them off left and right they would lose public (and probably internal) support.

>> No.22231991

I agree, but it's a terrible precedent to leave in place. If EN ever gets another gen, they're either going to be even worse than Council or be the Fantasy of EN and show the previous gens weren't proper gens at all.

>> No.22232048
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>> No.22232297

>Sana's back
my cock*

>> No.22232367

There's no incentive to fire Sana. The majority of her cost to cover was footed before her debut, and having her there generate more revenue than not having her there.

>> No.22232418

Ina drops her character around sana and it honestly reveals a side of ina I would rather not see. I hope they never collab ever again

>> No.22232479

Yeah it can only be one of those two things, you got it all figured out anon

>> No.22232550

Wait that's real?
I never didn't give a fuck who's behind Avatar and the members, I would love to hear more about this

>> No.22232552
File: 65 KB, 2500x312, omegatroon__ao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't like to shine a spotlight on the fact that Sana is literally Ina's nepotism pick.

Btw Ina's former chat mod AO is literally Omegatranny which is WHY she has nepotism powers.

>> No.22232556

Oh, sorry I forgot there's this third option where they are equal to or moderately better than Council but ultimately forgettable. On my scale that would fall under worse than Council because if two things are equal, the first will always be better because it was first.

>> No.22232743

Nah you've got it all wrong anon. Ina is actually Yagoo's illegitimate daughter. She's got dirt on him because he raped her mother, Kronii, who was very underage at the time. Obviously it would destroy cover if it came out so Ina basically owns the company now.

>> No.22232765

Learn English.

>> No.22232885

I wanna fuck OmegaA

>> No.22232917

They made a big deal about Sana's very first collab, which was with Ina and released a trailer and everything. This is when the few people that didn't want to accept that Sana was a nepotism hire realized that this was Ina's Australian friend that she kept talking about onstream.
As for the reason they're not collabing now? My best theory is that Sana was a retard and didn't realize that streaming isn't as easy as she thought it would be and now dislikes it.

>> No.22232987
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juicy rrat.

>> No.22233040

And considering AO used to be considered her IRL roommate/bf/husband the rrat goes deeper

>> No.22233096

AO was actually Anenis all this time.

>> No.22233148

I fucking hate Ina

>> No.22233402

the fun part of any relationship is the honeymoon phase.

Watch two old friends play with each other is like watching a romance anime with a grandma and grandpa. It's boring.

>> No.22233505

So your "evidence" is:
>AO - OA - what a co-incidence!?!!
>tone of tweets
I'm convinced, AO is LITERALLY Omega.

>> No.22233595

>Ina's Australian friend
Did she talk about it on stream? Timestamp

>> No.22233645

yeah, me

>> No.22233654

ao-chan is obviously ina's husband

>> No.22233661

>if the talent doesn't explicitly break kayfabe to address something i wont even listen to theories!
Why are you here?

>> No.22233674


>> No.22233788

The evidence is
1. One disappeared while the other appeared
2. They type exactly the same way. You might think this is weak evidence but it's really not. NOBODY talks like this ESL robotic autist does.
3. Both are confirmed FFXIV trannies. What a coincidence.
4. Ina being the only one to have a special snowflake personal chat mod demands an explanation. Ina having nepotism powers demands an explanation. AO=OA satisfies both demands.

>> No.22233834

Would be really funny if it was actually Sana

>> No.22233863

>why do they never collab
>one of them never streams
Pretty sure you have to stream to Collab right?

>> No.22233893

ok I'm a newfag, is that what really happened with Fantasy? They proved the previous gens weren't real gens?

>> No.22233949

They've collabed at least twice now I think, maybe more. Considering the low volume of Sana streams existing period this isn't that bad. Also as it so happens the Super Bunny Man she did with Ina was one of the best Sana streams period as they definitely work really well off each other.

If I were to guess, it's that Sana is trying to make a name/identity for herself different from "Ina's sidekick" hence she avoids doing art generally etc as she doesn't want to just be an Ina knockoff either. Sort of like how we got the impression Ame did not want to be seen as just Gura's sidekick.

>> No.22234007

this, is it actively costing Cover to have talents stream or not? Do they have to pay fees to Youtube if they -don't- stream? No.

You can argue Sana is an opportunity cost taking up what would/could have been someone more successful at making revenue - but that choice cannot be changed out after they debut (and probably long before since they clearly take months to train/prepare once picked). If Sana goes then all the SCs/membership goes with her and doesn't come back because they won't just go "whoaa heyy we found an extra Council member under a rock suddenly, introducing Bana", it'd just be a gap in the roster like Coco or Rushia.

>> No.22234020

Yes. The only pre-3 that people still even pretend matters is Sora, and that one is just straight up REAL nepotism (muh daisenpai).

>> No.22234269

No, retard. It's just that gen3 was a massive success. Lurk moar

>> No.22234274

>Ina having nepotism powers demands an explanation.
There is an explanation for this specifically, Sana passed the audition on her own merits.
The Idea that the only possible explanation is that Ina must have complete control of hiring is schizoid rambling that really makes me believe theres some genuinely seething 2views out there who cant cope that they probably tanked their own audition.

>> No.22234311

Can't collab with someone who never streams. Also, collabs etc are decided by management and not talents themselves.

>> No.22234377

What about Aqua, Subaru, Fubuki, Haachama?

>> No.22234404

I've also heart a more interesting rrat that Sana is AO actually. Omega exists yeah but AO's absence and Sana popping up is time all the same as Omega's presence too.

We did hear AO commenting jokingly about the lasso tool one time while Ina was doing a draw stream, and later we heard Sana having the same opinions on the tool.

Also, Omega speaks in kind of fractured-ESL-like English and I do NOT recall AO being grammatically off much, then again I don't recall AO saying more than a few bits at a time period, and obviously Sana is fluent even if it's a peanut-butter-thick Oz accent.

Lastly, Omega is supposedly actually an amalgam account of all the Council managers put together (I have not seen a source for it but I've heard it said several times) which explains the inconsistency of its presence and varying level of English.

>> No.22234462

Fantasy is the first real gen in JP history, yes. Not every individual who came before them is irrelevant, but Gen 0, 1 and 2 are not real gens, they are groupings of freelancers with limited connection to one another. But from 3-6, the JP's are distinctly thought of as gens and generally associated with those gens. Of course 3-5 now all have a missing fifth member but HoloX is still intact. Gen 2 try to be like a gen sometimes but getting all five of them together at the same time is pretty impossible, Gen 1 don't even try to pretend to be a gen and Gen 0 didn't even debut in the same years, they are just the leftovers that fans wanted to group somewhere.

>> No.22234474

What these perma-NEETs call "nepotism" is what is known in actual professional circles as basic networking.
After recruiters round up a pool of suitable candidates, they will ask for third parties to verify their claims, so that they don't accidentally hire somebody with made-up history.
If it happens that one of Sana's references was Ina, sure, that might have carried some merit of itself, but they don't check those until the last process of selection. Sana got there on her own - even if you want to be a faggot and claim she has no streaming merits, Cover likely hired to be an in-house artist and everything else is simply a bonus.

If you can't even network yourself into having some fucking references, of course you'll be passed up, you can't fucking talk to people. This is why you fags can't find a job.

>> No.22234540

how can you nepotism the OG??? she was the one nepotisming other people in.

>> No.22234543

It is true people here are retarded and don't realize that what they consider nepotism is essential for human civilization to survive and they are just angry they lack networking skills. But, not firing people due to those connections is the bad variety of nepotism. So if we can all agree Sana underperforms and is a bad look for the company, then any nepotism that keeps her in that job is a bad thing. But I really don't think it is such nepotism that does it, people who think Ina steps in and demands they not fire Sana or she'll leave are ridiculous. Sana probably wants to be fired, if anything it would be Council and her managers begging her to stay to avoid the drama of a graduation. Hololive is full of members who wanted to graduate and were talked out of it.

>> No.22234546

Gamers arguably might be the first purpose-built gen, however it wasn't called a gen and because Fubuki was also piloting it it's complicated. Remove her however and it's an introduced unit, just not called a gen like how idols go.

>> No.22234588

>networking is ""nepotism"" now
If you don't put yourself out there and establish connections with the people in charge, they're not gonna discover your obscure 2view ass.

>> No.22234595

>Sana got there on her own
You have literally ZERO evidence for this you fucking brainlet. On paper Sana wouldn't even be given a second thought as a potential hire. We KNOW for a FACT that Cover is highly nepotistic.

You're literally saying nothing else but "ehuehahue it was just a coincidence they knew each other" wrapped in an autism wall of text. Ah yes the "inhouse artist" that has produced a grand total of 1 artworks for Cover. Boy you must have felt smart when you came up with that (completely baseless) cope "explanation".

>> No.22234613

considering how isolated sora is, sora failed pretty hard to get any of her "friends" into hololive (if she has any to begin with).

>> No.22234660

not him but I do think it's probable they have Sana working on other stuff we have not seen yet. For example they've been trying to develop some kind of VR world thing and maybe they have her working on assets for it, etc.

However given the Council 6mo anniversary merch from Sana amounted to scribbles of the mascots that look like they took about 5 minutes of her time, yeah at least with what is publicly known it .. is not very impressive at all.

>> No.22234701

Sora didn't need to look far for friends in the company considering she was A-chan's IRL friend to begin with. They basically started Holo (as we know it) together with a-chan as the manager and Sora the talent.

>> No.22234764

ina and sana don't have that much 3d experience (other than helping them do 2d stuff more efficiently). It's a completely different skill set.

>> No.22234824



>> No.22234951

Sanallites have been trying this "she's busy drawing for REALLY IMPORTANT COVER PROJECTStm I swear, just you wait, you'll see!" copeshit for months now...

>> No.22235232

you were saying the same about mori and look what happened
Who will you timeloop back to when that happens, I wonder?

>> No.22235303

Funny how Mori actually streamed despite being ACTUALLY busy

>> No.22235712

>Sana got there on her own
roru rumao. On what merits exactly? She didn't have a track record of previous streaming career she could point to and win over the Cover scouts.

All she had was "uh, yeah, so I'm a pretty big illustrator and have done work for franchises like FGO" (good for you girlie, but totally irrelevant in determining how good or not of an entertaining, committed STREAMER you will be. If we need art done we can just hire you externally on a case-by-comission basis and not waste a streaming talent spot)... and "guess what, I'm buddy buddy with a talent already on the inside, she can toootally vouch for me how much of an entertaining and committed streamer I will be, teehee!" (yeah thanks Ina, nice job, you really displayed great judgement there)

>> No.22235804

nepotism the OG ? how ? what a retard

>> No.22236019

Bro, the copexcuses are running dangerously thin by now, only the most deluded handful few remaining sadcuck sanallites seriously believe that bullshit by now, and everybody else has sensibly moved on.

"N-nooo she's just soooo busy with ALL THE TONS of Hololive related artwork she SURELY must be doing behind the scenes!!! VERY SOON (tm) her thousand page artbook will come out, then you'll be forced to KNEEL and APOLOGIZE, j-just you wait!!!"

It's over half a year now, and we can see that has always been bullshit. She has done, like what, two tapestries (one for council debut, one for anniversary), and I'm not even counting her frankly embarassing pathetic shitjob for the mascots, and that has been the meager extent of her "official Hololive related artwork" output.

We know why she's not streaming. It's not because she's sooo busy with Hololive artwork that'll never come out. She just doesn't care enough. Her dog letsgooo'ed, sure lets take a month off, ouchie now her back horts, sure that's a nice all-purpose excuse card to play when you need another get-out-of-obligations free card in the future.
You can see on her other account what's actually keeping her busy, either working for chink gacha art, or retweeting chink gacha art every day. She doesn't even put half as much effort into her Hololive persona, she just doesn't care and considers it a disposable side gig. And if she doesn't care about Hololive, her Hololive audience will care less and less about her either, and it's frankly deserved

>> No.22236493

God I HATE Sana

>> No.22236934

But.... Gamers....

>> No.22237034

That would include Myth and that gen has some of the biggest unity and overall success in hololive man

>> No.22237073

>why do they never collab?
Can't make it too obvious anon.

>> No.22237193

Mori streamed while working
Mori told people what she was working on
You could even check roommate to verify if lie or not
Mori actually put out the work she talked about
She even did this while doing roommate work at the same time

Don't even act like it's the same

>> No.22237194

I choose to believe this rrat because she also never collabs with the brrat for the same reason.

>> No.22237198

Sana's roommate had a few hundred people watch her on Twitch whenever she would do drawing streams. She has actually been doing drawing streams for years, since even before Twitch was a thing.

>> No.22237354

You definitely seem to care lmao

>> No.22237485

Because she's fucking old

>> No.22238306

just because her music is terrible doesnt mean she wasnt working on it and telling everyone about it
remember the twister collab she dragged down because "i worked 10 whole hours i can't be bothered to try"?
she does put in a lot of effort and communicates what shes doing

>> No.22238503
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>> No.22238551

>collab collab collab collab collab collab collab collab collab collab
Is that all you retards ever think about?

>> No.22238774
File: 380 KB, 1000x1000, 1603443836078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get a lot of leeway when you are an artist who draws shit for fgo.
Game is dying a death of a million self inflicted cuts by the way.

>> No.22239022

I think it's unfair to compare anyone to Mori. Even if everyone else is also busy, Mori's pace is insane that no one can even keep up with. Mori's streams aren't exactly high production value either. There's no showmanship either, it's just her pressing live and play a videogame she would play in her offtime anyway which is why she's autistically adamant about permissions because she only wants to play games she likes.

I think a more fair example of "does projects and streams" would be probably Ame and her streams aren't fairly long and sometimes go through burnout. Ame found a balance though and just streams at the same time everyday and maybe Sana should learn from that.

>> No.22239064

More collabs means yabs are more likely to occur which in turn fuels the rrat economy.

>> No.22239183

Yes, but streaming 3 times a week also fuels the rrat economy.
Meanwhile, the 1 view who streams every day gets nothing.

>> No.22239203

Except there's still zero proof Sana even has any projects.
You dishonest fucks literally swore on your mothers grave that her long break without any given reason was because she was "busy" with le super sekrit special cover project, before Sana herself came out and said "akshually i just hurt my back and decided not to tell anyone lol"

>> No.22239824

cancer thread, but god I wish that were me
