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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22009883 No.22009883 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji is good.

>> No.22010003
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I agree!

>> No.22010164

I like Millie so can't really debate you on that.
t. chicano

>> No.22010213
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>> No.22010232

Nijisanji is good. Nijiniggers are not.

>> No.22010247
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>> No.22010308

No it's not what the fuck eww

>> No.22011228
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I agree

>> No.22011469

Brown filipina cunny

>> No.22011504

She's a light coloured flip though?

>> No.22011527

All flips are brown in my book.

>> No.22011570
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They're alright

>> No.22011576

>first pomu
>then rosemi
>now millie
What's your angle here, holobronies?

>> No.22011600

Nijisanji... good...?

>> No.22011626


>> No.22012392

I like nijichuubas but their fans are absolute dogshit. They’re insecure about everything.

>> No.22012541

I imagine your only experiences with Nijisanji fans has been through bait threads on the catalog

>> No.22013211
File: 3.53 MB, 2034x2454, evidence for every time holobronies try to gaslight people again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They’re insecure about everything.
When this is what the catalog normally looks like, can you blame them?

>> No.22013343


>> No.22013366

Feels like an all out war desu

>> No.22013430

I don't care if she is brown: MILLIE IS CUTE

>> No.22013523

ear licking when

>> No.22013659

Unless it’s all make up her roommate doesn’t look brown to me.

>> No.22013683

What the fuck

>> No.22013812

pic shopped reeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.22013965

Reminder that it's fine to have all of this niji-anti tribalist threads, but if you dare post a thread critical about Mori, you get instantly deleted and banned.

>> No.22013973

EN has been pretty trash past Obsydia and it's only getting worse with each new wave.

>> No.22014026
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I disagree

>> No.22014138

I don’t like Niji because
>none of the Niji girls can do a good ara ara, meanwhile the majority of Holo girls can do amazing ara ara
>Niji has too many flat girls, meanwhile Hololive is the booba paradise

>> No.22014219

All nijibitches are whores. They deserve to graduate.

>> No.22014231

SEAniggers infiltrated moderation or Hololive has paid mods.

>> No.22014243

>best hologirls are flat
you seems to be suffering from gay

>> No.22014244

Yeah hololive pretends to be a pure seiso idol group but all their models are over-the-top lewd. Niji has no lewd models at all but everyone accuses them of being "too lewd" even though they aren't lewd at all.

>> No.22014592
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>> No.22014782
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NijiJP is good.
NijiEN is shit.

Same as hololive but for different reasons.
HoloEN is too safe and boring, they just don't really do anything interesting and their commentary is always extremely lacking. The only one with a particular skill of interest is Ina but she's as charismatic as a sack of potatoes.

NijiEN on the other hand has just decided to go full shitcan. Be it going full twitchfag or full slut mode, theyre just obnoxious. Their entire identity rests on their shitty family meme and they don't think for a second that maybe we don't like all 200 members equally and hate having them shoved in our faces at inopportune times.
Plus they seem to double down on not caring about their fans, instead of realizing maybe they're fucking up they just go into it further and start rubbing your face in their bullshit.
Maybe some of you nijifags will keep eating it, but I got fed up with it.

Both of the branches are still retarded and think streaming = gaming though. And gaming is the worst type of streams by far. There's nothing wrong with hiring streamers who mainly do zatsudans or artwork. Even Ina who was supposedly the artist chuuba rarely does art streams.

>> No.22014964

I don’t understand why NijiEN is this bad. From management (if there is even one) down to their streamers. It’s absolute dogshit.

>> No.22015232

They constantly contradict themselves too.
They jump through 1000 hoops pretending they don't have a boyfriend. But then act like unicorns are the worst and should go fuck themselves.

If you want to be whores just go full vei.

>> No.22015268


>> No.22015422

I really don't give a shit with much of the drama, I just want to watch these girls do dumb shit and laugh at it.

>> No.22015944

You should try Elira, she seems to be your type

>> No.22016011

Well that didn't last long. Good try OP. You now remember that this board is infested with schizo.

>> No.22016020

>Nijisanji is good.
Not bad for a bunch of HOLO REJECTS

>> No.22016132

Chungus Covid status?

>> No.22016170

Pretty ironic how these nijiniggers say “rent free”

>> No.22016246

Still can’t play ring fit

>> No.22016320

can't find his penis

>> No.22016439

the thing is that it's usually like 2-4 niji antis max samefagging each other
for example, neither of these posts increased the unique ips in this thread:

>> No.22016477

Nijisanji needs a weight limit requirement for their applications.

>> No.22016599

this but unironically

>> No.22016723

Doesn't matter. It works. If you repeat something enough, any rrat can become true. I know a holofan who told me that Luna left Niji because of bullying and that Pomu and Petra hate one another. If someone doesn't watch niji and all they hear about them is from rrats here then it is essentially facts to them.

>> No.22016785

I love posts like these, because it really shows how little people actually watch streams. It ignores how Nina does zatsudans almost as much as she plays games, and how Rosemi and Millie are always doing variety streams like cooking, themed zatsudans, or creative streams.
But this is a bait thread anyway so this will get ignored.

>> No.22016858

Imagine if they weren't

>> No.22017058
File: 1.58 MB, 971x3486, Screenshot_20220407-224610_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're ALWAYS doing zatsudans
>look up rosemis channel
>last 10 vids
>1 zatsudan
>1 cooking strea- psych it's a vshojo 20 man collab
Tell me more about how she's always doing zatsudans.

>> No.22017163

Nijifags are delusional

>> No.22017273
File: 1.21 MB, 972x4524, Screenshot_20220407-224841_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile here's rosemi.
2 zatsudans.
1 fake cooking stream.
1 sponsored stream.

Everything else is shitty games.

>> No.22017359

>are always doing variety streams
>They're ALWAYS doing zatsudans
Your reading comprehension anon.

>> No.22017498

>Trying to imagine Selen in Vshojo or Hololive, especially on how on the nose she was about Not-Quchan
It has it's niche, and i love that they let the guys and girls do as they please

>> No.22017550

Okay how is that >>22017273
a variety stream spam?

>> No.22017607


>> No.22017636

still wouldnt watch

>> No.22017748
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i agree, nijisanji is indeed good (jp branch only), nijiEN on the other hand is full of whores and faggots

>> No.22017752

>card games
>horror games
>action games
>collab games
>endurance streams
>comedy shorts
how exactly is that not variety? how much more variety do you expect from a streamer given how limited Youtube and vtubing is? the only thing she didn't do is karaoke.

>> No.22017837

I've never seen a bunch of insecure faggots so desperate to convince people to watch their shit than NijiENfags. They're the only chuubas I've ever just collectively dropped because of how absolutely dogshit their content is. Go away.

>> No.22018036
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Guys help
I have developed Finana sexual obsession

>> No.22018051

Millie, ASMR doko?

>> No.22018142
File: 2.47 MB, 968x6571, Screenshot_20220407-230442_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want zatsudans not video games
>posts pic of recent streams
Cool. So you brought someone up who was completely unrelated to what I wanted.
Good job.

Oh and here's Nina who's "always doing zatsudans"

Have you faggots tried not false advertising for once in your life? Ah but as they say, fans are like their streamers.

>> No.22018158

Reading the catalog and basing your assumption over a fanbase off of shitposts is hilarious because it goes both ways but is ultimately wrong.

>> No.22018243

Can someone please explain why there’s a massive drop in quality with Nijisanji’s EN branch? I like the JP chuubas but I can’t stand EN.

>> No.22018336

Grass is always greener

>> No.22018448

Nijicucks want to deep throat you with their shitty nijiwhores. I’d rather watch a 2view because those guys at least try.

>> No.22018546

Mating press this slut fish

>> No.22018613

I don't think nijifags mind that /#/ has indoctrinated an entire board into acting like toddlers from daily spam threads but I wish they'd stop spamming CP in the actual niji threads.
It's one thing to be an anti or falseflag for fun in the catalog that no one reads but CP isn't cool.

>> No.22018628
File: 683 KB, 1000x1232, Elira.Pendora.(Channel).full.3332822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Isn't NijiEN extremely seiso? While NijiJP has lots of openly sexual models and coomerbaiting and stuff? What are you talking about?

This is the most sexual model NijiEN has. The only one that even has boob physics (and it's not much)

>> No.22018728


>> No.22018895

JP girls don't invite men into their hotel rooms on stream.

>> No.22019008

thank you thank you

>> No.22019039

NijiJP has openly married talents anon.

>> No.22019175

Quite a bit different than single girls inviting men into an off collab in a hotel.

I have more respect for girls who just admit to having a boyfriend than the ones who do the half assed unicorn bait and then whore it up anyways.
Pick one and stick with it. I respect vei for always being blunt about it and her numbers are doing fine because she never pretended to be anything else.

>> No.22019398

You're being very transparent about the fact you've never watched NijiJP in your life and are just regurgitating typical holofag bait.
Honestly it's so embarrassing how 50% of the posters on this board are unironic NPC's just repeating shit they read on reddit jesus fucking christ.

>> No.22019462

Pomu admitted to having a girlfriend before. Does that bother you? I mean she's like 30 years old. I'd be more worried if she never had a boyfriend. I hope she does have someone.

>> No.22019718

There's 300 nijijps, anyone who claims to watch or care about every single one is lying.
There's 10 nijien girls. And all of them are shit. Elira is maybe the one exception because she's the only one in the entire EN branch with half a brain to avoid blatant retardation.

But sure keep coping because I didn't bother reading the Wikipedia articles for every nijijp as if that means I don't watch the girls I care about. And yes I know gwelu is married and I still don't watch him because I give no fucks about him.

Wikipedia readers like you also always claim the JPs do coed collabs so it's the same for EN. Completely disregarding that a huge chunk of nijiJP almost never collabs at all and when they do it's with an extremely small group of friends.

>> No.22019770

>the ones who do the half assed unicorn bait
How do they ever do unicon baits when they frequently collab with males?
Also, NijiJP had a shitton of offcollab between males and females.
>B-but in a hotel
How would do collab in the studio while hanging out offline have any difference from visiting their hotel? They still can have sex just after stream.

>> No.22019864

Called it.

Not worth arguing with you delusional faggots. Literal broken records.
NijiEN sucks, enjoy your remaining cope spam.

>> No.22020026

Millie is the best ASMR.
Pomu is like Kiara but better and actually watchable.
Selen is the most entertaining livestreamer.....period.
Enna is a great classically trained singer.
Elira is a bit like Ina, but very creative.
Elira-Pomu-Finana together form Lazulight, which has the best group-dynamic of any vtuber group.
Rosemi is cute, and very creative. Also much smarter than people know, like she was doing an internship for her university and studying science.
Petra has great piano streams, seriously check them out.

>> No.22020067

>There's 300 nijijps
Bullshit, the whole fucking JP only has 110 members. You are just a falseflagging faggot that uses JP to shit on NijiEN while knowing nothing about NijiJP.
>Not worth arguing
Kek, cope.

>> No.22020188
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I wish I could play this well

>> No.22020400

>people STILL mad about the cooking stream
I'm about ready to disregard anyone that keeps bringing it up.

>> No.22020483

Fucking idiots. It's basic knowledge that Nijisanji has 400 members. You should already be familiar with all 500 members of Nijisanji.
Only newfags don't know about the 600 vtubers under the wing of Nijisanji.

>> No.22021396
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Debatable. I'm still in the process of giving them a chance. Watching them is like being cucked. No, I'm not talking about that Uki collab or the fact that they probably have boyfriends/girlfriends or whatever. I don't care about that. A big part of their appeal is watching a group of close friends. That is exactly my problem. Why would I want to watch other people have fun? Whenever I try tuning into a stream, a collab is happening and I wonder why I'm sitting there watching them when I can be having fun with my own friends. When your job is to be a streamer, I expect you to put effort into being entertaining to the audience. People are not donating to you for you to have fun. They want to be entertained. And I get the feeling that the streamers cannot be strong entertainers on their own when they have this many fucking collabs.
I've tried watching their solo streams. Out of the ones I've watched, Fulgur's the only one who has stuck with me. He cuts the bullshit and streams whenever he's not in a collab. His commentary can be pretty weak at times, but he's still a good talker and it feels like he's trying to just stream and not bait anything.
People have said Selen's the best in NijiEN but I disagree. People have hyped her up way too much and I was disappointed as a result. I'm convinced at this point that the people who try to get others to watch her are just goslings.
Here's to hoping that the new wave of applicants are more promising than what I've seen so far.
>inb4 baiting holofag
I've already tried them all and I have not stuck with any of HoloEN.

>> No.22021629

keep telling yourself that
like all western nijien fans (and livers) you're a former holoen-nigger who's now larping as an expert on nijijp based on clips and gossip

>> No.22021727

nijicope, keep coping niggers

>> No.22021907

>said others were larping when he failed to larp as JP oldfag.
Say what you want, I watched NijiJP way before you fags even know what the fuck Vtuber is.

>> No.22022169
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While i main Hologirls, I like Wosemi because she play and can actually play Yugioh also she's as stupid as YGO player can be

simple reason as that

>> No.22022921
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