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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21988777 No.21988777 [Reply] [Original]

What is this board's opinion on Chibi? From what I've clipfagged she's one of the very few EN indies that is actually funny and has a personality beyond being a disgusting roastie whore.

>> No.21988825

She's pretty funny I think she's succeding doing her thing but I don't really watch the streams ever

>> No.21988887
File: 130 KB, 900x900, Austrailiakeepswinning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't watch, didn't care. Looks cute but that's about it really.

>> No.21989235

She sucks. Annoying zoomer pandering to coomers but is a hypocrite about it.

>> No.21989242

>Disgusting roastie whore.
That's just Gura junior then.

>> No.21989432

>I'm not a loli, don't fucking talk to me
Okay bitch, dropped.

>> No.21989499

She's just as much of a hypocrite as the pink cat.

>> No.21989533

Based, lolipedos are scum.

>> No.21989552

I've always hated her ever since I found out she's just another filthy political virtue signalling western vtweeter. I've always wanted to be proven wrong on that. She can kys.

>> No.21989583

Is this the bitch that said "Sorry for ruining your immersion, go talk to a real woman instead!" or whatever the fuck. Yeah, she can go fuck herself. And she distanced herself from loli shit even tho' she is using that avatar. Western whore par exellance.

>> No.21989596


>> No.21989628

She's scummier than anyone else, and actually supported a pedophile who groomed a 13 year old. I hope the worst for a dumpsterfire like her

>> No.21989646

Not as cringe as getting raped by a big black guy in prison for molesting kids.

Anyway, I wanted an actual discussion of Chibi, not a bunch of seething pedophiles.

>> No.21989710
File: 1.12 MB, 714x3009, 1644857895503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but the seething pedophile here is Chibi however
>be anti lolicon
>most of your close friends end up being virtue signalling groomers and defending them

>> No.21989713

Her voice isnt as cute as I thought it was going to be. Shes forcing it hard.

>> No.21989778

so when is chibi gonna get raped by a black guy?

>> No.21989799

Its important for her to be toddler in a stripper outfit instead of picking a model more appropriate to her voice because reasons.

>> No.21989811

You have to go back

>> No.21989857

>hypocrite anti loli vtuber that uses a loli model
into the trash it goes

>> No.21990009

>you say she has a personality beyond being a dumb western whore
>gets proven to be a dumb western whore
kys chibi

>> No.21990034
File: 196 KB, 383x369, 1649067636374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same opinion I have about your mom.
I'm gonna take her to bed and smash and you should kill yourself

>> No.21990730

She has her moments but wouldn't make her my oshi.

>> No.21990854

Considering how much I hate western vtubers especially insufferable projecting idiots like her. Only for her I would not feel any remorse if someone were to pay her to get her throats slit, raped and then burnt her corpse to ashes. She should quit vtubing and stop being a massive embarrassment and a disappointment.

>> No.21990956

>stop being a massive embarrassment and a disappointment
She's not your mom, stop projecting.

>> No.21990972

>grooming shotas

>> No.21991072

Whoever edits her youtube videos is good.
