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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21961078 No.21961078 [Reply] [Original]

If I donate to a lower view vtuber, I get:
>personal acknowledgement
>superchat read immediately
>people in chat comment on my superchat
>helping a talented person that actually needs help

If I donate my superchat to a millionaire, I get
>no acknowledgement
>usually not read
>if read, it's motor-mouth and forgotten in 2 seconds
>donating to someone who doesn't need it

>> No.21961145


>> No.21961572
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Based take OP. Keep saving them, they need you.

>> No.21961785

This is the start of Anon's grooming arc.

>> No.21961819
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Good advice.
I will stop donate to my milord now.

>> No.21961947

>having to seek personal acknowledgment from a lower view vtuber to make your life remotely worth living
>not actually out to support said lower view vtuber, but rather just desperate to have your existence acknowledged by the vtuber since you got ignored by your big vtuber and their chat
What a pathetic and empty existence. You're not doing this for the 2view, you're doing it for yourself. You're not doing the 2view any favors by latching onto them because you got ignored, you're literally just using the 2view as a coping mechanism. You're a piece of shit OP and you should kys.

>> No.21962646

go back to twitter

>> No.21962712

It's why I never tip Holos and Nijis.

>> No.21963981

>personal acknowledgement
Be careful not to send a lot of small SCs
>superchat read immediately
That depends on when you send it in relation to what the chuuba is doing
>people in chat comment on my superchat
Unless you're funny it depends on the chuuba actually using the SC to tangent

>> No.21964034

Yep. It's your moral obligation to only SC those that need it.

>> No.21964213
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all of these are valid points fellow saviorchama

>> No.21964984
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>> No.21965501

>If I donate to a lower view vtuber, I get
Nothing. Anything else is cope

>> No.21965560

Don't even have to donate. They actually interact with chat.

>> No.21965615

The irony here is behind every shadow, the holofag only sees nijiniggers

>> No.21965743

youre right but poor people donating hundreds of dollars for 5 seconds of personal acknowledgement is not healthy

>> No.21965787

this guy again? how many threads and posts have you made by now

>> No.21966502

Based reality check
>Go back to Twitter for pointing out the truth
You should buy rope

>> No.21967960

This. If the op is un unironic, I urge you to seek help fellow anon. You might be super retarded, but change is indeed possible.

>> No.21968666
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I don't donate at all..
But I'm glad your thread is doing it's job.

>> No.21968999

This is bp

>> No.21969202

Anon the op is a 2view beggar infamous for using nijis and indies to shit on Hololive. You can see his autism in the numbers thread day after day.

>> No.21970928


>> No.21971020
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Or you could be like me
>don't donate
>pay for membership in ARS
>still get my comments read regularly

>> No.21971087


Rope is on sale rn

>> No.21973251

sorry you guys have to deal with OP, she's /#/ resident schizo

>> No.21973509

I kneel.

>> No.21974447

Whatever you choose to do, you shouldn't superchat.
I can understand wanting to payroll your creators, but superchatting is an impulsive decision and the pressure is predatory.

>> No.21974803

Dumnass support who you want or not and stop bitching
>buuuhhh i need attention

>> No.21975438

I know this is just because its SEA hours but i'll answer regardless.
The streamer becoming more successful is the purpose, the richer than they are than us the better.
Also, those nips probably have you on a list from your shitty posts here.

>> No.21977658

t. 2view

>> No.21977800
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you're donating money not purchasing your comment getting read you dumbass

>> No.21978179

>donate to a 2view
This idea sounded appealing before I actually went to their stream and found out I was too shy at the prospect of having a long conversation with them.

>> No.21978314

I don't need to paid a single buck and still get noticed if I go vtuber with less than 20 viewers though.

>> No.21981082
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I'm sorry you're so dumb or boring that anime girls don't want to talk to you

>> No.21982802

good. save more.

>> No.21983248
File: 455 KB, 569x509, 1626136145873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you donate to a lower view vtuber, I get:
>to enjoy the stream in peace because attention-seeking faggots like you are somewhere else

If you donate your superchat to a millionaire, I get:
>subjected to my oshi pretending to be interested in whatever low IQ opinion you have on whatever she happens to be saying or doing
>irritated by the momentary derailment that your pathetic attention-seeking has caused

>> No.21983507

>confuses personal interaction with attentionwhoring
>also moralfagging while endorsing suicide
such retardation is a sight to behold! too bad it is a common sight to see

>> No.21983796
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>noooo, you're supposed to give your money for no reason and expect nothing in exchange!

>> No.21985323

What's wrong about spending your own money for yourself tho?

>> No.21988123

Dude, even a homeless guy has more creativity than your average Holowhore.

>> No.21988261

Yeah but donating gives you a sense of superiority.

>> No.21989336

Ok groomer faggot

>> No.21989380

This, but vtubing as a whole is predatory and about separating lonely people from their money.

>> No.21989836
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