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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 171 KB, 597x787, GGN 9k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21941242 No.21941242 [Reply] [Original]

>Gives away not just 1, but 5 whole copies
They're getting this desperate, huh? Well I guess this is one way being sponsored by Mangagamer actually comes in handy. Although 99% of people who watch Vtubers have ADHD and won't have the attention span and focus to be able to just sit down and read this stuff to the end before fucking off and doing something else, so I don't know if these will be put to good use.

>> No.21941400

built for grotesque old men

>> No.21941449

wait how is this a bad thing

>> No.21941511
File: 611 KB, 960x949, 1644450091201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow imagine if they can't find success, sweaty old men will force them to pay them back for the investment.

>> No.21944042

They're actually super cute and entertaining, you should check them out.

>> No.21945496

So, why are we seething here?

>> No.21946287

When's the last time you've seen a vtuber give games away for reaching a milestone?

>> No.21946632

When's the last time you saw a vtuber sponsored by MG? They're giving away a VN.

Anyway they should give away Maggot Baits, that's a really hot one.

>> No.21946742

Might be hilarious to see them try to play that on a stream.

>> No.21946830

or Kenzen

>> No.21947044
File: 202 KB, 1166x735, KHSNS 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic
just imagine them reacting to this stuff

>> No.21947187

>They're getting this desperate
Yes GGN you are, honestly have you never thought about making the girls play their own game live? Not only would it create interest in the original but would also help you promote the sequel.

>> No.21947314


>> No.21947329


>> No.21947394

Umineko is trash. Shitty agatha christie ripoff with battle shonen scenes

>> No.21947460

they already did that, newfren

>> No.21947476

Umineko fucking sucks, overrated oldfag rec games are always the worst

>> No.21947537

didn't read all that

>> No.21947606

don't make this into a taste pissing match
these two are sheltered and don't know much

>> No.21947706

I'll never forgive them for bastardizing Umineko with that horrible pachinko art. Fuck Mangagamer to hell.

>> No.21947829

why would you blame Mangagamer for that?

>> No.21948484

>Did a human do this or was it supernatural?
>A human did it
>Using SCHRODINGERS CAT we can determine that the theoretical superposition that a human could have done it
>But when we use LAPLACES DEMON we see your theory doesn't work applying CARO-KANN DEFENCE
>But if we use COW IN THE FIELD we can apply the PRISONERS DILEMMA to see it was humans who did the QUEENS GAMBIT
>But according to quantum entanglement if we use NEWTONS CANNON to solve the CHINESE ROOM then KINGS INDIAN ATTACK
It's pseudointellectual tripe. It thinks it's smart by namedropping thought experiments and using chess allegories but none of it even fits.
They're loosely related at best and doesn't even fit the overall narrative point by the end.

>You believe what you want you decide the mystery, the nature of mysteries is such that blahblahblah
Pretentious meta bullshit, complete copout because most shitty mystery writers always drop the ball at the climax due to poor writing.
This game is no exception for not only the mysteries themselves, but for poor pacing, filler, and shit dialogue.

>> No.21948773

>seething this much over a VN
you should totally sign up for their premium membership and tell them what you just posted during the monthly 1on1 voice call and tell us what they answer you with

>> No.21948849


>> No.21948986

You have shit taste

>> No.21949010

Damn 9k already? I watched their celebration for 5k just a few months ago. Nice growth.

>> No.21949223

No one's forcing you to like Umineko...???

>> No.21949253

No one's forcing you to be a faggot but here you are

>> No.21949298

Mikoler is that you?

>> No.21949299
File: 302 KB, 410x410, 1646235563253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, but I'm already a decade away from my Umineko seethe arc and I still get pissed off when somebody mentions it.

>An epic multi-novel length looping storyline about a reality defining conflict between reality and fantasy?
>nah lol lmao even lmfao actually a dude with his cock chopped off did EVERYTHING by being an evil twin to himself
>what do you mean that's retarded and we poked fun at that being retarded in this same series earlier, you care too much lmao you just DON'T GET IT lol

FUCK R07 and his pretentious faggot pseudo-intellectual ass. Talk about ruining a great thing. At least we have the music I guess.

>> No.21949320

>Using a partnership to give away free games is le bad... because it just is ok!
Just watch the cute girls

>> No.21949392

Unfathomably based

>> No.21949834

Oh my...

>> No.21950168

yea plus their next stream will be them being the first vtubers to stream the new House of the Dead remake

>> No.21950223

you guys really need someone to talk to

>> No.21950350

yeah, people on a discussion board want to talk, lmao, no fucking shit.

fucking stupid, illiterate SEAnigger.

>> No.21950591

I don't know which of those two guys you are, but stop seething over a VN you chose to read on your own

>> No.21951226

>VN characters turned vtubers giving away VN keys
>somehow worth gossiping about

>> No.21951420
File: 211 KB, 1331x1061, Old Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grotesque old men
>sweaty old men will force them to pay them back for the investment
Yea, specifically -this- old man. I bet he's already licked their hands and one cheek at the very least.

>> No.21951441

Based vtuber giving away top tier fiction for free would have subbed if it was muv luv

>> No.21951622

you can premium sub and complain/suggest muvluv to them during the 1on1 call

>> No.21953025

I see a burger right there though?

>> No.21953325

it's...uh...it's a fake burger...yea that's it, it's a fake burger! You're so hungry, you're imagining things.

>> No.21953712
File: 55 KB, 914x1024, 1648711607682m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest if I where q vtuber I'd use whatever excuse I could to make people play my favorite games, especially if their as kino as umineko.
Like seriously I had a big platform I'd use it nonstop to shill my schizophrenic taste in vidya

>> No.21954057

sounds good
imagine a female vtuber occasionally streaming /ss/ games

>> No.21954200

What the...

>> No.21954262

So are they actually Japanese or are they just white women that can speak japanese?

>> No.21954522


>> No.21954982

unless evidence comes out proving otherwise, they are most probably Japanese, since plenty of times, they revert to speaking Japanese when they are unsure of how to say something in English
Akira (the one in green)'s already scared as fuck and losing her wits, so doesn't bother with English and says something in Japanese after they pick up this blue crystal

>> No.21955820

Oh wow, I thought they weren't Japanese since their English was pretty good.

>> No.21955970

yea they're pretty proud of it, Akira especially, since she supposedly was able to learn it in one year, but don't mention it much

>> No.21960044

I still haven't finished it.

>> No.21960252

That's pretty funny considering that it actually kinda matches up with the VN characters. What's especially funny is the VN isn't even good.

>> No.21960513

How are you complaining about FREE SHIT?
You aren't forced to participate, they're not forcing you to play the game, they're just doing a giveaway. Jesus

>> No.21964089

>Like AND Retweet to enter
>number of likes and RTs don't match
probably some of them don't need a copy, but I'm willing to bet more than a few of those didn't read the instructions properly and will just think they were unlucky and didn't get picked

>> No.21964492

The girls are cute why are people so mean to them

>> No.21964759

>steam sprites instead of the originals
Yeah no thanks.

>> No.21964882

sir that's book

>> No.21964982

I kneel

>> No.21965414

it's easier to bully cute and innocent things
they didn't even know what "poggers" meant (forgive me for the reddit link but the clip is two consecutive streams stitched together, and yea it bothered Akira so much she still asked about it in another stream)

>> No.21965604 [DELETED] 

they're still drawn by the same artist, so think of it as a lovingly made update and upgrade

>> No.21966109

the screenshots on the Steam page show some shots still using the original sprites.
I think there's an option allowing you to switch to them if that's what you prefer.

>> No.21966568

Okay, now name an actual GOOD mystery VN, if the classics are all supposedly shit.

>> No.21967099

I just pirated the version with the OG sprites and the voice patch.

>> No.21967169

good for you, then

>> No.21967256

Damn when did they get so close to 10k
I can't forgive you but that was really cute

>> No.21967348

Doki Doki Literature Club

>> No.21967360

If that clip was available anywhere else, I would have posted that version instead

>> No.21967367

>not Katawa Shoujo

>> No.21967535

not him, but does Kara no Shoujo count as a mystery VN?

>> No.21967611
File: 68 KB, 732x732, 1611720947563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anya collab when?

>> No.21967628

Kamidori obviously

>> No.21967727

I don't think vtubers from Holo ever collab with small vtubers

>> No.21967955

Would love to see Anya give them a virtual tour of Japan

>> No.21968173


none of that is what umineko is about, though. Umineko is about a bunch of miserable rich people working out their personal insecurities and unhappiness and how it poisoned all their kids and ruined their lives.

>> No.21968392

>a bunch of miserable rich people working out their personal insecurities and unhappiness and how it poisoned all their kids and ruined their lives
sounds like most big vtubers, except for the having kids part

>> No.21969011

Ryukishi is a hack who sacrificed his greatest work for cash and will rot in hell for it

>> No.21969154

Umineko Steam version? Yeah, 'cause the sprites are steaming shit!

>> No.21969302


>> No.21969374

Who is the dude with his cock chopped off I want to jerk off to him

>> No.21969517

Holy shit who cares where's Battler?

>> No.21969753

extra is the only good one

>> No.21970206

The guy posts on YouTube as well. https://youtu.be/l5hMH5BzJLk

>> No.21970238

But they collab with nijisanji all the time

>> No.21970292

what? no they don't

>> No.21970333

oh, I didn't know that
I'll check this channel next time, thanks for the info

>> No.21970386

not even a month ago

>> No.21970472

All the seething that gets posted about these VTubers are probably from some schizo that got banned from their discord or something because they’re really cute and innocent.

>> No.21970575

you sound like a groomer pedo

>> No.21970595

>cute and innocent
>eroge VA's
What did he mean by this?

>> No.21970969

>eroge VA’s
>Aren’t even allowed to see the 18+ Channel on their Discord
Maybe next time.

>> No.21971131

not him, but so they're confirmed underage?

>> No.21971166

Anon, I...

>> No.21971414

No confirmation they’re underage but their taste in things like music and anime make me think they’re at least in their 20’s

>> No.21971574

I dunno, sometimes they seem younger than that
I can't imagine people in their 20s being super scared of horror games

>> No.21971836

Some people are just bad with scary games. Makoto gets used to them after the initial shock but gets scared if Akira is scared. Which is funny because Akira was the one that was excited to do scary games

>> No.21971876
File: 41 KB, 654x560, 1622366202707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have given away something relevant instead of a meme game. If you're going to do a giveaway at least make it worthwhile.

>> No.21971920

Weird. If she was so excited to do them, then that means she's played some before and wasn't scared of them.

>> No.21971983

I actually have this theory that she only has that expression most of the time because she has to keep her mouth somewhat wide to do her current Akira voice because her real voice is pretty girly.

>> No.21972145

She probably thought she could handle them before she got into the actual game. They even started off easy Yomawari which isn’t scary at all but made her constantly panic.

Anon they’re from a meme game. It’s no surprise that VN VTubers are giving away VNs. They’re also doing 4 other VNs after Umineko.

>> No.21972207

I hate Umineko, it has way too much padding in the writing and it's such a chore to read. I could skip 10 pages of text and miss nothing important to the story.

>> No.21972216 [DELETED] 

I wonder if there's a chance they'll ever play Siren, one of the Silent Hill games, or Fatal Frame
Actually, I want to sadistically watch them play all of those

>> No.21972269

I wonder if there's a chance they'll ever play Clocktower, Siren, one of the Silent Hill games, or Fatal Frame. Actually, I want to sadistically watch them play all of those.
I just hope they never play those cheap meme "horror" games on Steam like "The Closing Shift" which are lame as fuck.

>> No.21972305

Most VNs are kind of like that

>> No.21972578

I think Yuki Onna is made by the same people but at least it isn’t one that gets spammed by other VTubers. I’m sure if there’s enough interest for the game they’ll at least try to get permissions.

>> No.21972684

Yea but Closing Shift isn't scary at all, there's barely anything there. I was curious one time and watched someone else play it. If they played this it would look fake as fuck if they became scared of it, and it would cast doubt on all their previous and future horror game streams.
But anyway, do they really still need to get permission even for these niche games?

>> No.21972857

Yeah since they’re technically a corpo presented my MangaGamer they don’t want to ruin any relationships with other companies by streaming a game without permission.

>> No.21973281

yea ok, but personally this permission stuff still weirds me out since it used to be you could just stream whatever game on Twitch and Youtube

>> No.21973435

It’s just indies that don’t need permission. Corpos like Hololive and Nijisanji have always needed permission since it’s a company using another company’s property for their own gain.

>> No.21973474

ah alright, kinda sucks for the small corpos, but oh well.

>> No.21973552

Hearing how their voices have drifted away from being similar to each other to their current soft/loud is kinda funny.

>> No.21973666

There's always the possibility that the original Akira quietly quit or got fired and they replaced her with someone else

>> No.21974024

Im glad my beloved Akira is already popular enough to have antis

>> No.21974917

Out of curiosity:
If you are a Japan native, how are you able to learn English (with such a level of fluency)???

I mean, I could understand if they spent time overseas to learn the English language............but to learn the English language as a JP native (without leaving Japan)?!?!?!?

I am curious.

Did they go to an Eikaiwa school?
Or do they spend time talking to the gaijins of Roppongi?

>> No.21975029

I don't think they've shared specific details about that, but Makoto spent most of her schooling learning English

>> No.21975346

Over the 150 hour duration, There are like 5 thought experiments brought up, and devil's proof is the only one that is brought up more than once or twice and all of them are discussed for a total of maybe 7 minutes. Chess allegories are used even less.

>> No.21977487

It would be sad if, by some small chance, one of them saw this thread and decided never to do a giveaway ever again.
