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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 268 KB, 1920x1080, FPbiKjiVEAQ1B12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21858574 No.21858574 [Reply] [Original]

A thread dedicated to the enigmatic JP westaboomer robot.

She just now wrapped up a session of Grim Fandango. KOTOR is next on the queue.


>> No.21859035

>Speaks good English
>Star Wars
You have my interest. Tell me about her.

>> No.21859159

reminder that she buys views and ads and is a seanig obviously by her shit Japanese skills and weird accent

>> No.21859230

uhh, vr sisters?

>> No.21859820
File: 260 KB, 745x994, glitch_lumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>streams almost every day
>extreme westaboo
>took in severely disabled shelter dogs since no one else would take care of them
>retweets nothing but cheesecake on twitter
>isn't in it for the money; memberships are only $1
>has an entire semi-hidden alternative model rigged up for special occasions

>> No.21859906

>puts ads on her streams and pays for ads
>not in it for the money
dyrbi? being /here/ ruined her reputation kek. fuck off

>> No.21860032

I think she just wanted to garner an initial viewerbase since not many people showed up for her initial streams. She's probably spent thousands for all of the rigging and bot aesthetics.

>> No.21860059

There was no point in creating thread right now. It won't survive till her next stream.

>> No.21860154

this. fuck off

>> No.21860237

>>Speaks good English
>>Star Wars
She didn't know anything about star wars until last week

>> No.21860343

I've been watching her since December and I don't remember her ever claiming to be Japanese.
Anyone got a timestamp or something?

>> No.21860375

there isnt people just say she is and they're wrong

>> No.21860430

some anon said it in the last thread, are you implying that anons lie?????

>> No.21860518

I'll singlehandedly bump any Lumi thread for it to survive.

>> No.21860752

don't worry, the local thread shitter will do it for us this time

>> No.21860791

Nah, she never stated this. Some people just assumed it from info about channel location on YT.

>> No.21860806

So she's like what a trilingual Chinese living in Japan?

>> No.21861721

>a woman
>well enough off to splurge on vtubing as a hobby
>has a self-marketing strategy that is showing result
>self disciplined to keep being consistently productive
>has people who like her
no wonder anon feels compelled to shit on her

>> No.21861736

The only piece of info about her being from JP is the location, which might very well just be part of the kayfabe. If anything, I think she might more likely be from Singapore.

>> No.21861902

she gets frequent earthquakes which coincide with the japanese ones, she has gotten pollen allergy, she has talked about her location(city) which is in japan several times.

>> No.21861937

>The only piece of info about her being from JP is the location, which might very well just be part of the kayfabe.
Bro she had an earthquake live on stream the other day.

>> No.21861939

Actually, in a recent stream she DID mention ordering from Japanese McDonald's.

>> No.21861955

doesnt mean shes japanese

>> No.21861994

her race is up to you to decide but her nationality is still japanese

>> No.21862069

kek no she just lives in japan
doesnt make her japanese

>> No.21862133

also, youtube can't transfer your adsense money (superchat, membership included) if your bank isn't in the country you selected

>> No.21862344

this, with that logic mori is Japanese because she moved to japan

>> No.21862407

>nationality : the status of belonging to a particular nation.
am i missing something here?

>> No.21863381

nationality means what country you were born in.
she could be a foreign national living in japan (on work visa, spouse visa, PR, citizenship, or whatever)

>> No.21863559

ah i see thanks for the explanation

>> No.21863696

Are there more lewd pics of Lumi other than the one she tagged on twitter? Asking out of curiosity.

>> No.21863978
File: 26 KB, 106x133, ahhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must... give... more... RAM

>> No.21864255

literally me

>> No.21864271

probably just the ones on #onolumi

>> No.21865064

why are you spergs so obsessed with her race : /

>> No.21866273

I dont know why they are. All i know is i wanna be stuffed between lumi's booba!

>> No.21866702

it's just the thread shitter replying to himself again. ignore

>> No.21866868
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Me too anon...

>> No.21867577

thread shitter trying to dox lumi?

>> No.21869438

I WILL give Lumi my RAM

>> No.21869876

I'm going to RAM Lumi

>> No.21872364
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>> No.21872684
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I put all the lumis in a single pic, enjoy.

also vr thread is back up.

>> No.21873534

I just find her somewhat mysterious in general
> Speaks English, Japanese, and Chinese, but doesn't have the accent of any of those
> Streams super regularly even though it's not her job
> Doesn't seem to care about making money from it, but also doesn't seem like a spoiled rich girl at all
> Streams retro games, even though she's apparently never played any of them before
All of these are weird combinations I've never seen before

>> No.21873782

inb4 she's a social experiment and we are all being watched

>> No.21874103
File: 496 KB, 541x722, Lumi cleavage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed Lumi laughs today

>> No.21875967

pretty sure most of us are already on an fbi watchlist

>> No.21876180

Lumi love!

>> No.21878144

Thief 2 and Fallout when?

>> No.21878531

Onolumi is innocent and pure and Kaneko and the wolf girl are hoes.

>> No.21878878

/lumi/ when?

>> No.21879417

I'm not sure if these fanbases overlap at all. I myself watch mostly lumi, then sometimes lumi and never lumi

>> No.21884500

>Speaks chinese
mandarin, cantonese, or something else?

>> No.21884541

stop bumping this shit thread fucking hell she isn't even streaming

>> No.21884864

>new IP
he took my advice

>> No.21885406

>anything negative is le baiting shitposter

>> No.21886086


>> No.21887815

I do wonder what Lumi's job is. A translator maybe?

>> No.21888040

her english is pretty good so maybe she just works with an english speaking company in japan or something

>> No.21888707

You can be a literal mongoloid with average english skills and still be a teacher over there. I watched some interviews with foreigners living there and some african girl was speaking like your typical ESL but for some reason she got hired as an english teacher in japan.

>> No.21890127

Just started watching. She's cool. Will probably continue.

>> No.21892935


>> No.21895432
File: 402 KB, 520x638, 1648761559195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21897408
File: 2.92 MB, 800x450, lumi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this woman.

>> No.21901671
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>> No.21904658
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>> No.21908095
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>> No.21908215

HEAVY lumi booba!

>> No.21910753
File: 334 KB, 408x415, lumipog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lumi live!
