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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21803764 No.21803764 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about Vspo, Neo Porte, CR, KNR, 芸人旅団 and FPS indie vtubers.
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (DTN, 3BR, Haremono, etc.) is also on topic.

Upcoming events:
V最協S4 / VSaikyouS4, 4/17 (Sun)

>> No.21804006


>> No.21804067

>>21713763 previous thread

>> No.21804071

but who is the most SEX of the three, anon?

>> No.21804088

not that anon but the objective answer is reid

>> No.21804154

I miss the previous shit in the OP, but most of those links are nicovideo archives that can't be watched anymore.

>> No.21804312

Yeah, the niconico is for members only. I guess for the next op we can forgone the niconico link and just post the youtube link. Or the github link that one anon posted to download the niconico archives.

>> No.21804436 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.21804522

beginning of split is harder due to deranking sending preds to platinum. end of split is harder because of everyone who didn't bother but is good enough grinding it out near the deadline. midsplit is easiest. however this season because of how much placement points give you, bad players can rat upwards, so late midsplit is probably ideal, since then you can farm the people who don't know how to play, or at least not die to them (easier lobbies).

about Pred, this season preds can farm precisely because of the number of terrible masters players who cannot fight. It's at the point where, given 1 day left in the split, even if you were tufi you would not be able to make it from masters to pred.

>> No.21804555


>> No.21804663

Not just members only, they're only rewatchable after a limited amount of time.
Small indie video hosting company, please understand.

>> No.21804793
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>> No.21804862
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Now that teams and drop locations are known, are there cases you'd like to see added?

>> No.21805096

wait that Elu space has to be changed since she's not participating

>> No.21805098

Elu.... Why didn't she join again?

>> No.21805146

no one invited her I guess?

>> No.21805288

almost all of these are free spaces

>> No.21805319
File: 739 KB, 1216x646, 2022-04-05-1649102096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BIG fullpa almost beat Uruca & randoms in a 3v3
Actually Uruca's team 3rd partied and Uruca then got 4th partied.

>> No.21805582

Enjoy your vacation anon

>> No.21805913
File: 1.47 MB, 1000x1000, 1623411726965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted this dropmap last thread, can someone tell me how the loot situation is?
All of the lootmaps I've seen on google seem outdated but according to wiki only Landslide and Fragment West are mid tier, rest is high tier loot.
Although I'm not sure if that one is up to date either.
I guess that's supposed to balance them being the most central spots on the map but for me as an FPS noob they don't seem much better than Harvester and that's high tier loot.

>> No.21805920

Some suggestions for the actual tournament:
>The final ring is the same for two of the matches
>Astel/Pakael/Reid kill each other soon after landing, the survivor is finished by a third party
>One Neo Porte team reveals their true power level and dominate the tournament
>Ibrahim dies to the lava
>Reimu disconnects mid-game due to her ping
>Shinomiya throws a kami dome that gets Hinano a champion
>Noah 1V3 her way into a champion to replace the general "1V3" case
>All the teams around Towa's rotate away from her

>> No.21806021

>>Shinomiya throws a kami dome that gets Hinano a champion
My wife Shinomiya Runa is so strong she can win the game for her wife Hinano despite not participating.

>> No.21806069

HaYun and Axia just reached Master together I bet it should have been with Lauren too but well. Chigusa also just reached Diamond for the first time. Ars and Ebio are also trying to get to Diamond. Will Nose and Met also reach Master with Reid? Either way, this will make it harder for some chuubas to participate in the next vsaikyo, what's with the points keep getting higher and higher.

>> No.21806085

I have no idea why I said Shinomiya, I meant Miyako

>> No.21806125

Frag East high tier lmao
See this and the first comment:

>> No.21806188

Hal have a 2 lobby system like ALGS. More views for him anyway

>> No.21806217

>Either way, this will make it harder for some chuubas to participate in the next vsaikyo, what's with the points keep getting higher and higher.
I have some news for you.

>> No.21806293

they need a rank between master and pred

>> No.21806323


>> No.21806339


>> No.21806427

She’s having sex with me that night.

>> No.21806471
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Thanks anon.
Fucking wiki.

>> No.21806508

Yes, call it Master and rename the current one to Ratmaster. Verification not required.

>> No.21806682
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What does this mean with the eggplant?

>> No.21806733

noah craves the nasu

>> No.21806739

The wiki is not well updated, to be honest. And anyway, in this case, the devs either lied about it or were incompetent for a long time. It was a big drama in NA for a bit. At risk of seeming like a ledditor, here are some links:

>> No.21806841

mainy's emoji used to be an eggplant before he changed it to the squirrel/chipmunk

>> No.21806948

>>21806739 (me)
Accidentally replied to the wrong post.

>> No.21807085

Crying is a free space, Chigusa is in a team and it's all retarded

>> No.21807318

is Uruha's rank team doing better than Noah's rank team?

>> No.21807625


>> No.21807784

The RP/time is worse. Too lazy to check winrate since I went to sleep halfway through Noah. These are worse lobbies also since all three are in diamond.

>> No.21807934

Seems like the Master lobby Noah was playing in went much faster. I dont remember a game going to the last circle once.

>> No.21807945

neoporte teams are literally hardstuck in plat
damn sandbaggers....

>> No.21808075

I should qualify the statement and say the players in the lobby are worse on average. However, in the Masters lobbies though the average is higher, it is much more spread with actual pros (Noah's squad) and actual shitters, with actual Master players in the middle. So the good players steamroll the bad ones (since they know they can and don't have the patience to play sweaty when they can just queue in again and farm after a bad game), and the lobbies play out quicker.

I wouldn't say it's easier to gain RP in those lobbies, though, at least with the playstyle of Noah and co., because they were consistently fighting.

>> No.21809185

there's already a bait thread about this? jesas...

>> No.21809279

I mean, that's definitely Towa, but the other person being Suisei is a stretch

>> No.21809415
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Urucasisters how do I cope... I thought he only played with boys

>> No.21809430
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>40k rp
>still master
is this fucking real or a bug?

>> No.21809465
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rape correction asap sis no other solution

>> No.21809476

Towa is a boy...

>> No.21809532

Welcome to the best ranking system in the world

>> No.21809558

isn't well know that a seanigger numberfag lurks here.

>> No.21809570

What happens when any plat player can rat to Master.

>> No.21809590

kami game

>> No.21809721
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Not a loot map, but here's an interesting map for drop spot advantages. Shows eligible final zones with the yellow circles being not possible final zones.

With the south POIs having the highest zone chances, the teams landing in them 'should' have an advantage.

>> No.21809728
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>43k rp
It's only going to get worse from here huh.

>> No.21810381

double volt noah

>> No.21810430

>>21810381 (me)
also holding this building in this ring is ass

>> No.21812528
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Areru landmark rating

>> No.21812572

seems so random
why even have restrictions for final zones in the first place

>> No.21812689

gori's area will be a bloodbath.

>> No.21812715

because of bullshit like 2/3 of the zone being lava, or rings on a building where teams are fully separated and literally just do a heal-off

>> No.21812739

who was top 3 in the previous tourney?

>> No.21812753

It's mostly buildings or lava.

>> No.21812799


>> No.21812886

towa aqua and botan

>> No.21812938


>> No.21813001

Burning forever..

>> No.21813302

towa,aqua and botan first
google second
who was third?
your mom?

>> No.21813341


>> No.21813452

anon's low IQ.

>> No.21813456

no,botan won first solo.infact I heard she was apexpro and played on TSM in poland.but then she retired to give russians chance

>> No.21815594
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>> No.21816612

holy shit big if true

>> No.21818474


>> No.21818595

just tuned in to see that noah's solomas challenge progression has been stalled for like 2 or 3 days now, noah...

>> No.21819250

noah griefing top team

>> No.21819648

Waste time running through ring damage then more ratting to just die and gain no additional KP if she just fight it out and died 10 minutes ago.

>> No.21819896

this is outdated and at least to some degree incorrect

>> No.21820003

I don't think the goal is about maximizing gains, but minimizing losses, for a comparison Selen ratted like 70% of her way from diamond to masters in her solo climb, it looks dumb but it works

>> No.21820015

she's not going for solomas, that's just her solo account.

>> No.21820084

she's eventually going to get it though from the pace

>> No.21820353

No, i been told only Aqua can get solomas.

>> No.21821323

solomas doesnt mean anything this season.back when aqua did it it meant something
now every shitter gets to masters and we have masters with over 40k points without hitting pred

>> No.21821445

So i stand correct?

>> No.21824233

Why is power plant so underrated?

>> No.21824866

power plant???

>> No.21825195

maybe he's referring to thermal?

>> No.21827121

Thermal is definitely underrated but maybe he is basing it off of vtuber projections, not ALGS (otherwise there are a lot of questionable ratings). Still doesn't really make sense to me though.

>> No.21827923

I thought east frag got nerfed.

>> No.21829222

its loot got nerfed but it still has the easiest rotates in the map, there's almost no ring you can't get to.

>> No.21831001

Yeah considering he gave a B to Landslide it's definitely based on the VSaikyou teams after the landmark was decided. No way you're rating it B purely by rotation speed alone if you didn't know those landing there have Loba in their comp.

>> No.21831984

Gives that impression, or at least ranking them by these tournaments with predesignated landing spots because if you know you're landing in certain places you will likely bring a comp to make up for its shortcomings

>> No.21832098

considering every algs team that lands landslide has a loba, its not like it would have been a hard guess though.

>> No.21834746
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>> No.21835722

Noah was already on it and had Reimu play Loba.

>> No.21837971

which VSPO has the best tits?

>> No.21838169

that would depend on whether you prefer oppai or pettanko

>> No.21838271

Already installed Overwatch again

>> No.21838364


>> No.21838380


rene soon

>> No.21838516

thank you Asteru-senpai for helping this sexy tard learn to game

>> No.21838847

Cpt, Mondo, and Karonpe fucking around in ANC scrims.

>> No.21838893


Beni apex

>> No.21838914

And yet they got double the points than 2nd place did

>> No.21839496
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What do you call these eyebrows?

>> No.21839648


>> No.21839881

Was there a cup where Kanae didnt job? It's a free space at this point

>> No.21839989

only a valorant tournament

>> No.21840007

i don't get why he is a jobber exactly, he managed to get at least one champion in every vsaikyou, 2 times as IGL, and his team is always top 5.

>> No.21840087

hikimayu evolution i call them hime eyebrows

>> No.21840257

I saw the emperor lowkey diss Kanae's threat level. It was :(

>> No.21840330

Hinano is gonna be in Norio’s stream tomorrow.
Wish her luck.

>> No.21840336

apex needs to copy dota/csgo ranking and actually employ deranking

>> No.21840340

His mental tanks at the last second. See VS3

>> No.21840428

that doesn't work in a RGN based game like this.

>> No.21840465
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nose watt cute.

>> No.21840700

i am a big fan of Norio Wakamoto

>> No.21840937

i wish that was me, i love turtles

>> No.21840974

anon, I'm sorry, but Nessie isn't a turtle

>> No.21841029

its almost like battle royale games have a lot of luck to them... woah.

>> No.21841123

a lizard?

>> No.21841173

Runa Sumire duo Valorant
Runa https://youtu.be/w6iV_9YQrfQ
Sumire https://youtu.be/IQ-dP8Ywm5g

>> No.21841316

Matsuri might hold a custom skim today?

>> No.21841346

scrim... damn phone

>> No.21841359

its either you are shit or good, too many ratmasters this season

>> No.21841434

should hand out keys to hskw's, sena's, etc. members instead since her members will probably just troll her again

>> No.21841525

could just fill up the slots with coaches again, but ban duke.

>> No.21841570

>ban duke
That's no fun at all...

>> No.21841855

>enter mainy stream
>it's apex
>it's actually him changing his clothes and showing off his 300 dollar shoes that don't even fit

>> No.21841909

There should be a custom today as per Sumire and Roberu but no sign on who's hosting


>> No.21841976

Noah said its Matsuri

>> No.21842363


I hope the questions will mostly be centered around Hinano, not OreApo (Tamaki will most likely mention it, but I hope that's not the center of the interview)

>> No.21842430

Wow. Two sex.
I like OreApo as much as the next guy but I think it would be borderline rude if Tamaki makes that the focus of the interview. I'm sure she'll know that too.

>> No.21842569

He's had other ship halves on stream and hasn't made it the focus

>> No.21842578

But that's exactly why he's a jobber. Jobbers are dudes that are meant to be/look strong but lose out to make other people look even stronger. He's championed in all 3 Apex Saikyous and yet has never once taken a PC: classic jobbing.

>> No.21843096

why exactly does a level of rng mean that you can't have deranking?

>> No.21843188

Did Chihiro seriously not talk to her team yet

>> No.21843242

maybe she joined the orgy after the algs and is still sore

>> No.21843292

After this nothing public, probably. Crucially she hasn't been present for impromptu customs even off stream.

>> No.21843298

i mean, no one can know anything for sure, but her teammates definitely do not appear to know what's going on.

>> No.21843309

Because of instability when idiots keep hot dropping.
Personally I think it'll be more interesting if you have to win a match to advance ranks.

>> No.21843465

in any game you can have retarded teammates that throw games, but you also can have cracked teammates that carry your ass. rng goes both ways, and presumably its your own skill that can make up the difference. its not that hard to ratt until positive point values in this game anyways.
>Personally I think it'll be more interesting if you have to win a match to advance ranks.
this i think is an example of too much rng. match point format is an utter shitshow in algs, i do not see why we need to bring that shit to ranked.

>> No.21843518


>> No.21843534

Sumire and Runa getting nanpa'd live.

>> No.21843586

Why does she still play this game if she's this tortured. She cried in her last stream when talking to her antis who openly reply that she's shit. How and why does one keep doing this and never learn better

>> No.21843589

>its not that hard to ratt until positive point values in this game anyways.
But then you'll encourage even more ratting.
Hell, at that point wouldn't you just overinflate the upper ranks with people who can't fight? Even more than now that is.
Also while RNG goes both ways, we all know people will only remember the shitshows and then whine even more.

>> No.21843737

that's the fucking problem, she actively points out and provokes the antis griefing her games and then breaks down when she reads what they say. no one should have to deal with that shit anyways but literally the only way to deal with them is to ignore them, which she seems incapable of doing.

>> No.21843817

It baffles me because she had to be coddled before her big live concert due to crying over antis and now she's MIA after anti breakdown #100, you'd think she would be assigned a handler by now.

>> No.21843837

Matsuri is climbing again.

>> No.21843917
File: 108 KB, 723x1023, B949A63E-FFB1-474B-A9B5-CD51E8454EC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her. Nothing can keep this girl down.

>> No.21843968

Isnt her dad a cop?

>> No.21844012

by who?

>> No.21844020

Don’t know

>> No.21844028

game has too many variables and there's only so much you can do to carry yourself if left in a bad spot because of your team, while I agree the current KP vs rank in match balance isn't great, if you ever get those two suicidal teammates at least there's some comfort in knowing you can not go negative by map knowledge and rotating properly because we all know how 1v3s feels in this game
frustration apart I wonder if she has some distorted pride from the amount of dedicated haters she has because her antis are in a different level compared to a lot of other chuubas

>> No.21844039

her stories she tells in bed. no idea if they are real or not

>> No.21844104

>frustration apart I wonder if she has some distorted pride from the amount of dedicated haters she has because her antis are in a different level compared to a lot of other chuubas
considering theres a good chance that her antis are only that bad because she responds so poorly to them, i doubt it much of a thing to be proud of.

>> No.21844113

i think the story was her dads friend wanted to be a cop really bad, but wasnt confident so he asked her dad to take the course with him. In the end he was rejected and her dad was chosen even though he wasnt interested int he first place.

>> No.21844172

At that point should as well just not add deranking.
People like to talk about deranking as some panacea, but it's not even certain it wouldn't hurt more than help.
Remember people complaining about KP changes incentivizing inting? Now the opposite happened and you have different complaints.
Then again considering how Respawn is seemingly immune to complaints anyway, there is also no reason they shouldn't add deranking for a season just for some real world experience.

>> No.21844236

There had nothing to do with mental. His team ran into Pakael and then they got third partied by Akina's team.
They still finished higher than both those teams. Sometimes you just get bad luck and drop out early. Mental or not

>> No.21844252

i mean, it would definitely smooth out the ranked distribution and reduce the number of people in masters

>> No.21844322

I feel so bad for Chihiro.
Yeah she doesn't deal well with the situation but she's also pretty young so I'm not surprised she isn't good at coping.

>> No.21844329

I unironically think the best thing to even the field would be to force solo queueing in ranked and have a different ladder for full groups, fuck duos or put them in the trios lobbies. but we've had these complaints for years too and like you said respawn just doesn't care

>> No.21844352

it needs more lobbies. 4800 should not play with 7000.

>> No.21844380

Goddamn I hate antis. Wtf is wrong with em.

>> No.21844383

>reduce the number of people in masters
Would it? They'll just flip flop between D1 and Masters because the issue isn't them getting lucky/carrried to Masters.
With that said, something someone else mentioned makes me wonder if it'll be better if they just have different ranking point gains for different maps. Since they encourage different playstyles.
Like what if KC values KP and SP values placement for instance. Basically instead of a one size fits all, they start tailoring how RP is gained to the map.

>> No.21844396

Anon, if you stick duos into trios lobbies, who's gonna be the third player?
Unless you mean actually putting 2s by themselves into trios.

>> No.21844403

Deranking is necessary so that the bottom 0RP people don't hotdrop and ape into 3 other squads every game. They shouldn't be in ranked in the first place if they don't care about climbing anymore yet there is no penalty for them inting because of derank protection.

>> No.21844413

the point is not having the third player, like I said, fuck duos

>> No.21844430

if the only reason they got to masters was a lucky streak of games, then they'll drop. if they are flip flopping between masters and d1, then presumably their skill is between masters and d1. we won't see diamond level players in masters forever with demotion.

>> No.21844469

festival humiliating noah

>> No.21844491

wtf why matsuri end?

>> No.21844493

then Sumire will be back to Gold lol

>> No.21844518

man, those balls noah crushed felt good, cute noises too

>> No.21844523

But the current issue is that placement is valued too much and you can rat to Masters. Not that they lucked into Masters.
And I doubt there are enough people who luck into it that it is an issue.
So if the only change is demotion, I doubt they'll be any actual changes in lobbies if so.

>> No.21844525
File: 226 KB, 1920x1080, FPQ-6ahXMBUeWQ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanabana is true

>> No.21844528

oh no, noah is bringing back her baby voice again.

>> No.21844575

I love how she is not afraid to use VC

>> No.21844581

In case you aren't realizing it
It's a 30 mins delayed stream. She only streamed the part showing that she got to Master 'solo', whether it's to give a message to her antis or whatever, I don't particularly care.

>> No.21844634

she wasn't streaming live, so if the game didn't have any yab it's probably fine to upload it

>> No.21844637

I'm gonna need some spoon feeding, what does 963 mean in noah's name?

>> No.21844669

lol mods dont even give a fuck and come here makes sense with all the spam

>> No.21844711

It's spelt Kurumi.

>> No.21844751

but sumire is actually good

>> No.21844755

can be read as kurumi, like 346 can be read as mishiro and so on

>> No.21844857

You can get away with spoilered lewds in any japanese threads here.

>> No.21844860

Thanks, it's a bit difficult to understand it since I don't speak the language.

>> No.21844977

why noah keep runnig away and not cover for her team.... shes just trying to rat to master now...

>> No.21845023

Any Toto watchers know why her archive was privated?

>> No.21845044

There are no Toto watchers. Only her yakuza members.

>> No.21845068


>> No.21845231

To elaborate on what the other anons have said, the numbers have many different readings in Japanese, opening up lots of options for wordplay.
In Japanese most kanji (Chinese characters) have at least two readings; a pure Japanese one and a Sino-Japanese (Chinese-Japanese) one.
For example counting 1-2-3 can either be hi-fu-mi (pure jp) or ichi-ni-san (sinojp). However since Japanese is fucked, the numbers in particular have many more readings because they have unique readings in stuff like days of the month.
In addition, with this kind of wordplay they take some liberties with sounds that are similar like 5 for "go" can become "ko". For example in IDOLM@STER 765 Pro is pronounced "namuko"=Namco (the game studio). 7 = nana, 6 = mu, 5 = go.
Or 4545 as code for masturbating since 4 = shi, 5 = go and "shikoshiko" is an onomatopoeia for masturbating, just like "fap".

>> No.21845363

I see a lot of people doing this in olympus, probably because if a fight lasts more than 30 seconds a 3rd party WILL come so it's wise to run to a favorable position before engaging?

>> No.21845377

Yea I somewhat figured it out after reading wiki
>4 = shi, 5 = go and "shikoshiko"
Is "go" fine even if it's go and not ko? Is it because of pronounciation?

>> No.21845405

Anon you haven't explained what 1145141919810931893 means

>> No.21845555
File: 14 KB, 100x100, weird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kamito goes radio silent
>is he sick? prepping for an event? collab? merch? cover song?
>normal stream after 2 or 3 days
>gets a bunch of おかえり SCs saying how worried they were
>"i just didn't feel like doing anything lol"

>> No.21845568

griefed her team to finish it out

>> No.21845633

>tune into 963 stream for one game
>she hits solomaster

>> No.21845645

God I'm so disgusted at the posters here

>> No.21845681
File: 303 KB, 320x320, stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21845710

This stopped being funny about 15 iterations ago

>> No.21845863

There's some liberty, although apparently "ko" is also a reading for 5 looking at this table: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_wordplay#Numeric_substitution
Another example would be 896 for Yakumo (Beni) if you look at the table there's only "mu" for 6 so yeah it's fine as long as it sounds close enough.
It means "My sexy VSPO wives are very cute and very good at games"

>> No.21845875

let the anon blogpost

>> No.21845920

If Kamitosisters want merch so bad just hit up those artists who do netprints or something then use the remaining money to sc the retard to fix his fucking pc

>> No.21845943

108 is towa. There is some leeway otherwise some words would be impossible.

>> No.21845970

Guess who 8723 is

>> No.21846012


>> No.21846333

29 all

>> No.21846625

I thought the holoniggers left. The thread was a little better a few hours ago. Why are there a lot of EOPs again?

>> No.21846700


>> No.21846846

school day ended for SEAniggers

>> No.21846849 [DELETED] 
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>41k for solo sponsored stream
Isn't this great for Holo? More sponsor?

>> No.21846858

Suimre moved onto APEX
Meeting with Lisa and Roberu in 30 minutes

>> No.21846969



>> No.21847009

Lisa room

>> No.21847352

This reminded me I forgot to post about the recent FC destroy thing since it's algs related, a helper was supposed to come with them (laziness) then FC destroy tells him last minute he won't go so he wasted a shit ton of money, made a video complaining but it got privated.
Interesting contrast to Ojiji who is a wallet for all his band of zoomers and constantly kneels to them.

>> No.21847392

oof... imagine not getting any (you)s and having to make a failed bait thread instead

>> No.21847583

Hendy shaved his legs.
Is he gay? Is this why he doesn't have a girlfriend?

>> No.21847606

With Emperor Forte, king of noise canceling

>> No.21847649

take a break from the thread if customs tonight is accustoming the holo team. Ignore any baits for the ones staying and get the original OP description back. Have a nice day yall

>> No.21847653

He got inspired to by Akina
so probably

>> No.21847814

its hosted by hskw. go member to her if you want to get the code i guess

>> No.21847915

most recent updates to that

>> No.21848130

what a dumb drama

>> No.21848218

>Alright let me use this woman that's as BLACK as bangalore

>> No.21848285

soraru and his boytoy are doing a custom tonight too for some fucking reason with cr and utaites

>> No.21848350

very based

>> No.21848360

Literally every jp vtuber says stuff like this.

>> No.21848480
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>> No.21848663

It's very particular for olympus AND rank. It's very easy to get 3rd part in olympus. Also, players push recklessly in ranked, unlike comp. In plat/diamond, another squad will readily does a suicidal push onto your team that will ensure mutual destruction as they'll get 3rd part in split second

>> No.21849007


>> No.21849118

Literally everyone is master now

>> No.21849163

most jps refer to black female characters as クロちゃん which translates to "blackie"
so yes very based

>> No.21849376

What is your problem wih hololive?

>> No.21849425

their fans. the girls are fine

>> No.21849431

why do you think I have a problem with hololive? I watch okayu all the time

>> No.21849489

the girls are fine, just ignore shitposters and falseflaggers who try to use the girls for tribalfagging

>> No.21849509

99% of the people on /vt/ are newfags who can't take the heat of a little spam. You can tell by all the zoomer speak.

>> No.21849556

wonder how future point distribution will be modified with this change

>> No.21849596

lol this guy again

>> No.21849627

Reid's getting a payraise from successfully getting Hendy to shill BaseBread.

>> No.21849743

What happened this time?

>> No.21849767

had her first period

>> No.21849857

Which vsaikyo teams have the best chemistry so far?

>> No.21849943

The replies are all Hinanosisters.
This is your chance, anons!

>> No.21849968


>> No.21849997


>> No.21850015

Time to do some shopping

>> No.21850348

i dont get it are you defending or attacking holofans?

>> No.21850563

kamito haisin doko...

>> No.21850732

Sumire's team practice right now is pretty fun to watch

>> No.21850865

wtf my oshi is an apex spammer?
i mean she's autistic as fuck so no surprise
towa/rurudo epe collab when

>> No.21850881

I'm impressed by how good Lisa's aim can be while the atmosphere is completely brain destroying.

>> No.21850976

Towa has talked about playing with rurudo off stream but I didn't realize she was actually decent

>> No.21851033


>> No.21851188
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Reposting because of relevance to current events.

>> No.21851377

eirisa's "god of new world" laugh is way too good

>> No.21851611


>> No.21851679

will this scrim make use of their designated places or will that be for the official scrims?

>> No.21851756
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>> No.21851799

First match of Hoshikawa's custom starting

>> No.21851855

objectively the best IGL and the best playstyle for this tourney. Playing edge and bullying all the virgin zone teams inside from outside with rampart walls


>> No.21851910

Oh, Elu "Andrade" is here

>> No.21852034

who is matsuri playing with?

>> No.21852232

That team just got massacred by Beni and Hinano

>> No.21852269

They heard him badmouthing, he'll learn his place abandoning honorary status for Neo-Porte

>> No.21852320

Being called Neo Porty is punishment enough.

>> No.21852589

Apo-chan is gaming.

>> No.21852604

What a shame that Hinano's team is not streaming. Because it looks like they are doing really good and rampaging.

Just massacred Matsuri's team btw.

>> No.21852693

I was hoping Nazuna might stream but at least we have Ema(and Sena)-cam

>> No.21852702

killing teams that are already dead isn't what we call a massacre, anon.

>> No.21852832

base bread man kinda cold this round

>> No.21852860

Hinano got kraber'd damn it that was so close. She got 8 kills and 2.7k damage though.

>> No.21852940
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If Hinano's team comes to fight you, there's no shame in running.

>> No.21852954

imagine losing to a 14point team lol

>> No.21853031

Seems like Meschers is also adopting gas oji now. Wonder how many teams will start putting him in their comp until the tournament day since the most reliable counter to gas oji is another gas oji.

>> No.21853043
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Hina~no posting her results

>> No.21853052

aren't they being coached hardcore by alelu? they're had some strong matches in these customs so far

>> No.21853083

oh damn Shiro.

>> No.21853090

She got krabered by Warabe.
She got sniped by a fucking shitter.

>> No.21853105


>> No.21853118

I stand by my opinion that for some reason streaming is a debuff for her

>> No.21853298

i know nothing about the tournaments but is ratting considered look down upon? Like if ur 2 teammates get downed and u ditch and rat, will you get flamed by the community?

>> No.21853394


>> No.21853398


>> No.21853406

Even if the one wielding it is a shitter, kraber is still a kraber.

>> No.21853462

Baa-chan might be a shitter, but she's a cute shitter, so it's ok.

>> No.21853489

In tournament? No. You want your team to place as highly as possible, and sacrificing yourself just so your Wraith/Valk can escape an unwinnable fight is definitely feasible.
In ranked? Currently you can climb to Diamond by full ratting, like not even bothering to shoot, just pure rat. So it's looked down upon.

>> No.21853490

everything is a debuff for her but when she's doing good mentally potentially strongest vspo

>> No.21853539

i refuse to believe that the blue apex gremlin ghost her own team.

>> No.21853799

then where is she? where has she been for the past few customs?

>> No.21853830

that was a funny portal

>> No.21853915

Post kuzuha

>> No.21853977

reid 5head plan that play.

>> No.21854103
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Depends on your personal goals. If you want to hit a high rank by any means, go ahead. I'm of the opinion of "fight when you can, rat when necessary" and no holds barred if team wants to rat and ambush since I don't see it as any different from holding a strong position and fighting constantly.

Weigh the pros and cons though, if you only ever rat, you won't be prepared if scoring system changes.

>> No.21854177

Pakael, Reid and Astel all seem to want to use a Wingman for the tournament for some reason

>> No.21854273
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cuz wm is meta for this season

>> No.21854287

antis brigaded her social media after the Galeria anken and she mentally collapsed again.

>> No.21854529

Everyone is using wm

>> No.21854562

matsuri's stream went down, who won

>> No.21854597

kamito's gonna reach master in arena without even streaming it
fuck this guy

>> No.21854608

kuzuha's team

>> No.21854617


>> No.21854621

whoever organized that anken at galleria was smoking something, what did they think was gonna happen.

>> No.21854788

The generally consensus, especially for Olympus, is to drop somewhere away from hot zones, maybe find a 50/50 fight if you know that you are safe from 3rd parties but you want to avoid fight until at least 10 squads are left.
Third parties are just extremely prevalent on this map because anyone can hear you fighting from the next town over and make it to you before you finish the first fight.

>> No.21854878

urucasister can't stop winning.

>> No.21854976


>> No.21855227

>まじで調子がいい でもこれは配信取ってないからって知ってる
she knows

>> No.21855478

is landslide guaranteed to have a wingman spawn or something? Noah always gets one like 30 seconds into the match

>> No.21855801

>matsuri getting dp by chronoir

>> No.21856143

lol yufuna not restricted to p2020/mozam

>> No.21856167

gori's on valk?

>> No.21856261

yep and he did some crazy maneuvering to get that 2nd place

>> No.21856306

>noah team struggling without reimu
is reimu actually good or is noah's team actually just struggling in landslide

>> No.21856318

He's been using Valk starting today, seems like he isn't confident that the other 2 in his team could be left alone when he's trying to pick off some teams using Wraith alone.

>> No.21856341

Isn't Reimu that 2hu girl?

>> No.21856397

Reimu is their designated sniper, for obvious reasons. I don't think Chigusa who's subbing in for her today actually have any experience using it?

>> No.21856624

Chigusa is not on sniper I think. Or at least I heard her ask for a 301 and mastiff earlier.

>> No.21856797

the fuck is wrong with hal, has he always been a shitter?

>> No.21857029

yes but also he has weapon restrictions - don't know why yufuna doesn't

>> No.21857155

What obvious reasons? I swear if you reply because she has high ping you're stupid.

>> No.21857169

he was doing attachmentless wingman since he's in for a master, but looks like he's on re mozam now.

>> No.21857227

Both of them were already used to teaming up with Reimu. Reimu is not the best but is much better than Chigusa even when the ping is crippling her. Also, her roles are way different. Reimu supports the team with loba and farming a bunch of damage sniping to get their amours ready, Chigusa is asking for the same damn weapons Albio has always used.

>> No.21857299

Noah team never struggled in landslide anon? They actually won one match and kuzuha's customs by maintained a high average in every custom. That's why it was their first option as landmark.

>> No.21857304

i hate wmfags that can't hit shit, hope respawn fucking nerf it next season.

>> No.21857337


>> No.21857493

Should use P2020 desu.

>> No.21857510

the best decision they made was changing noah to valk and reimu to loba, their results with the original comp weren't the worst but not worth in the long run

>> No.21857535

Considering that alot of the teams are opting for Crypto/Wattson team comps aka campy do you think Astel's Maggie pick might be a bit anti meta and to his advantage?

Or is the character that trash?

>> No.21857553
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Shirayuki "steal your kill" Reid

>> No.21857596

if its not areas the character is trash

>> No.21857657

well the team that won EU algs was running maggie so it cannot be that bad

>> No.21857658


>> No.21857671

How the fuck noah can win with shitty landmark

>> No.21857689

noahdono i kneel

>> No.21857710

the character showed some results in algs so it has potential uses

>> No.21857733

Could be useful for drilling against pylons.
Frankly the best option is MM not being used that much means people expect to be drilled less.

>> No.21857814

he is actually using maggie? is he retarded or does he think he is too good for this shit so he needs to nerf himself? if I were his teammates I'd tell him to fuck off.

>> No.21857827

Well I am happy chigusa got a win, even though it's not her team.

>> No.21857852

it's not shitty if you steal others' loot! the position is quite good, easy to rotate out, high ground if ring is there
it was one of the conditions to nerf his point value

>> No.21857893

that's his restriction for his points being lower than normal, watch the team introduction vod.

>> No.21857938

>one less pt
what a horrible trade, he is retarded then.

>> No.21858188

Do not forget the legacy of Gorilla, Hoshikawa and Inui

>> No.21858312

He loves playing Maggie thought, that's all he played before vsai. His fans say it's Maggie that brought his passion of playing apex back.

>> No.21858410

Noah and Albio unironically do better with Reimu....

>> No.21858422

Why are the scrims so soulless without Startend?

>> No.21858427

Why they fight so early?

>> No.21858458

They won kuzuha's custom with that landmark and won a match in the last custom as well. It's not the landmark's fault. They have been maintaining a high average in customs.

>> No.21858498

Reimu is the best sniper in EN. She is really good despite the high ping.

>> No.21858508

too desperate to get inside the ring, get inside another team landmark and die.

>> No.21858562

Better sniper than Noah?

>> No.21858612

>in EN
please read?

>> No.21858653

So is she better or not?

>> No.21858695

I don't know how good or bad Noah is with snipers so I don't know the answer.

>> No.21858722

the answer is no, i mean who is anon even comparing her to, there is no other EN vtuber in this shit but her.

>> No.21858801

You can watch her recent arena stream with haseshin and alelu. She uses sentinel a lot.

>> No.21858837

They're comparing Reimu to other apex players in EN. Reimu does better at snipers than Selen. Selen does better at everything else lol

>> No.21858884

Then you should know the answer?

>> No.21858903

Just asking cause she's a pure sniper and other is all-around type but a higher rank

>> No.21858944

I can't tell how good she is due to high ping.

>> No.21858968


>> No.21858988


>> No.21858990

too greedy for kp...

>> No.21859038

She was bullying Kanae and Kuzuha's team quite a lot in the last custom with a sentinel. If anything being good at sniping with high ping is a nice proof she'd be decent at it with lower ping. I don't know who is better than who though, it's a stupid question and even more when Noah is not a main sniper.

>> No.21859048

she was doing well too...

>> No.21859059
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matsuri should admit she's under aqua

>> No.21859158


>> No.21859166

This CR TSM NRG guy is pretty good.

>> No.21859238

Reimu doesn't seem confident at using it mid or close range.
