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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2178891 No.2178891 [Reply] [Original]

I will NEVER forgive the Chinese

>> No.2178990 [DELETED] 

telling you guys that theyre a threat to the entertainment industry and the entire fucking earth!

>> No.2179095
File: 90 KB, 680x383, EpIa5QfUYAEiGFN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this bitch so much. And the way she just smiles and gives such a mature response to all the undeserved shit that happens to her makes me love her even more.


>> No.2179149

What's the context/original for this meme image?

>> No.2179159 [DELETED] 

One day I hope that the dogs that those Chinks like to eat decide that they've had enough and start eating the Chinks.

>> No.2179252

The greatest trick Enma ever pulled was making /vt/ think it was China's fault for the lack of colabs

>> No.2179395

It's Enma's fault but also Zhang's fault for making the conditions that make Enma not want anything to do with Coco.

>> No.2179429

What's funny is that there are so few of them who care now that they can barely keep one of her chats on lockdown. There are less than a half-dozen of them, now. Most people already moved on.

>> No.2179440

Not every Chinese hates hololive, just small dedicated anti minority

>> No.2179465 [DELETED] 

The greatest trick anthropologists ever pulled was convincing the world that chinese are human

>> No.2179534

yet all of them have to pay
cruel world
but it must be done

>> No.2179584

1% in chinese is 15 million

>> No.2179710

Is there even a chance for Coco to collab tho?

> Gura got too big for collabs, she just does the obligatory HoloEN collabs here and there
> Kiara can't even handle the few antis she has; she would have a meltdown if Coco's antis get to her
> An Ina/Coco collab would be awkward AF, way too different types of energy
> Mori collabs with just everyone so maybe?
> Idk enough about Ame

>> No.2179737

Kys racist

>> No.2179745

It's been six months and there are still a few schizos left, but back then it was a huge number of people. Hell, even Artia was with the antis.

>> No.2179809 [DELETED] 

>I will NEVER forgive the Chinese GOVERNMENT and CORPORATIONS

>> No.2179811 [DELETED] 

Shame they didn't kill your gramps at the rape of nanking

>> No.2179870

Artia wasn't with them, but she wasn't against them. You can interpret it as worse, but her being dumb and afraid of scaring her audience makes everything more clear.

>> No.2179911

shut up bugmen

>> No.2179945


>> No.2179950

>And the citizens that support them

>> No.2179966


Ame would fit and would be willing to do it I'm sure. She probably fits the best alongside Kaichou

Also Gura did collab with Anya but it was definitely out of the norm

>> No.2179980 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.2179985 [DELETED] 

This. Decades ago you could say only the goverment was responsible, but nowadays most of them are too deep into the indoctrination.

>> No.2179987 [DELETED] 

This is like saying all Americans have to pay for their government causing 95% of the world's suffering.

>> No.2180038

>reddit dragon

>> No.2180043

No, FUCK CHINA. Plain and simple, this wasn't some grand coordinated conspiracy by the CCP this was a bunch of Chinese schizos that lost their shit because they can't accept the fact that Taiwan is a country.

>> No.2180044

and how is that wrong?

>> No.2180060

ok comrade

>> No.2180108

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

>> No.2180164

not every chinese is mainland chinese

>> No.2180166

It's not their fault. They're surrounded 24/7 by propaganda.Have you heard of the milgram experiment? tl;dr - the human mind are extremely susceptible to suggestions made by authority figures.

>> No.2180170

and that matters how?

>> No.2180184

They really should though.

>> No.2180225

And what's wrong with that?

>> No.2180262

Well, as long as y'all are consistent.

>> No.2180268 [DELETED] 

What? She told them to do so on her roomates account and watched the movie Wolf Warrior on stream the day of Coco's incident. You retards really don't know shit, do you?

>> No.2180276 [DELETED] 
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fyi you're shooting yourself in the foot if you're a non-chinese asian that says racists things about chinese.

>> No.2180320 [DELETED] 

Her roommate didn't say shit. And her watching the movie was planned way before that.

>> No.2180326 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 1920x1080, EwGtXiAVIAIOPlu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is a shitty 3rd world shithole filled with the dumbest people in the world. Whats new?

>> No.2180328

Nature not nurture

>> No.2180359 [DELETED] 

America is The Africa of the western world

>> No.2180381 [DELETED] 

The various Asian ethnic groups hating each other is a tale as old as time and non-Asians hating us is going to happen regardless. There's a reason they call us "perpetual foreigners" in the West.

>> No.2180408 [DELETED] 

This is probably closer to the truth. Many Chinese people are in too deep that they might never have any reason to object; that any attack or criticism on the CCP would be immediately spun into a racist anti-asian narrative. These people are just mindless flag-wavers and apologists.

That's not to say that the yanks dont have them either. The difference here is that the americans can go home after they've burnt their flags in front of their government offices.

>> No.2180430

based teens

>> No.2180433 [DELETED] 

Wdym. He has even more reason to hate the chinese now. The only difference is he hates niggers just as much now.

>they never said what race the teens were

Exactly, you idiot. That's how you know what race they were.

>> No.2180477 [DELETED] 

I hate the Japanese for not finishing the Nanjing Festival to its fullest extent. We now have to face its consequences.

>> No.2180485 [DELETED] 

mainlanders are no better than insects on farm animals because they are brainwashed drones.
You dont even have basic human rights why would anyone need to pay attention to your feelings? You dont have them.

>> No.2180521 [DELETED] 
File: 1002 KB, 250x251, iu[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what ethnic group these teens belonged to.

>> No.2180528 [DELETED] 

Wow another thread on /vt/ full of racism.

>> No.2180533

We're not indoctrinated into blind hate for the west and actually take time to think matters through and form our own goddamn opinions? What do you mean that matters how?

>> No.2180551

Ignoring the Zhang topic for a moment, hololive has become ridiculously cautious about everything. Some caution is warranted and yabs can come out of nowhere as we've seen with Miko/Marine but hololive didn't get this big by isolating their talents and shying away from collabs. Hopefully the managers will relax a bit, if not hololive will be less fun than the other groups out there.

>> No.2180566 [DELETED] 

NYC, Portland, San Francisco... Man I wonder what these all have in common? They're all shitholes and they do not represent the average American city at all.

>> No.2180567 [DELETED] 

the difference is in PRC any sign of being against the regime will ruin your and your family life. Big difference. No wonder they are passive.

>> No.2180578 [DELETED] 

you cant be racist against mainlanders because they arent human in the first place.

>> No.2180601

Ur fuckin retarded to think that the total massacre of one city would solve your current problems. It would make it worse, even.

>> No.2180608

sorry, but some casualties are acceptable

>> No.2180620

How did you reach this level of hate?

>> No.2180632

never going to happen. they got too big

>> No.2180638

Fuck you, I'm going to survive, live, and enjoy life, and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.2180650

You know how. It's well earned.

>> No.2180687 [DELETED] 

Ah yes, "shooting yourself in the foot" if you're a Tibetan or Uyghur speaking out against the Chinese.
Get the fuck out.

>> No.2180694

I could never even imagine being so hateful you refer to an entire race as "non human"

>> No.2180714

When an article doesn't mention the perpetrators race, odds that they're black approach 1.

>> No.2180760

Seems like most of this thread and those teens would get along

>> No.2180770 [DELETED] 

Ignore pls, paranoid white fucks that cannot have a purpose if they don't antagonize something.

>> No.2180806 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.2180826

Ha, you think the two are exclusive.

>> No.2180830

Then maybe they didn't attack someone you love in every conceivable way for months.

>> No.2180852

ok comrade

>> No.2180862 [DELETED] 

humans would never eat gutter oil

>> No.2180888

Condemning an entire race based on the actions of individuals is all but the textbook definition of racism.

>> No.2180909

boring pasta. he could be Cantonese or something

>> No.2180923 [DELETED] 

Because they literally do things inconceivable as humans. From the very top level (international crimes) to the bottom street level (running over children to avoid paying for medical costs.)
Have you ever considered the fact that there are an equal amount of people suffering as a result of their inhumane acts?

>> No.2180943

Did you forgot about Taiwan or SEA Chinese?

>> No.2180949

you dont have to shit on chinese citizens. Just their government.

>> No.2180957

>There are racist people on 4chan
No shit

Most people just shit on CCP Zhangs though.

>> No.2180967

All one billion of them?

>> No.2180991

I hate sweeping generalizations, they have very polarizing effects and don't help at all.

>> No.2181001 [DELETED] 

Why not? People do it to whites constantly. The entire "ASIAN ASSAULT PANIC" happening in America is literally attributing to a whole race something a single guy did regardless of facts.

>> No.2181012 [DELETED] 

racists cant tell the difference between chinese and other asians. So if youre a japanese that shit on the chinese to westerners, youre putting yourself at risk.

>> No.2181020

Well racism outside of /b/ is explicitly unallowed according to this sites third rule.

>> No.2181026

ok comrade

>> No.2181056 [DELETED] 

> Calling Taiwan and SEA -> chinese

Found the mainland chinese poster.

>> No.2181058

Lurk more

>> No.2181062

>Nijiniggers, Chinks, Western vtubers/ e-celebs
Hololive can't afford any slip ups, everyone wants to see them fail. I'm all for Management being this cautious.

>> No.2181065

>Why not
Because racism is explicitly banned on this board.

>> No.2181075

Bot behaviour

>> No.2181080 [DELETED] 

If you hate on the chinese people you're no better than these black teens.

>> No.2181085

Oh it's you again, the guy who makes these threads because you're buttmad about Coco so you can try reporting every post in hopes that you'll annoy a janny enough to get someone banned.
I wonder when you'll realize that no one fucking cares and you're wasting your time?

>> No.2181114

People in Taiwan identify as Han Chinese. Do your reps. They just don't like PRC

>> No.2181120

The truth is that the average Chinese citizen is just trying to live their life, no different than the average citizen in any other country. Direct your hate towards the people in power or be complicit in the hate campaigns crafted by them.

>> No.2181121

this doesnt actually work

>> No.2181126

ogey bugmen

>> No.2181125

Okay but you literally did that earlier and in other threads because you think it's OK to do it to whites, so fuck off with this double standards shit.

>> No.2181148

The brainwashed majority is the problem. Same thing goes with redneck americans.

>> No.2181151

I am aware the moderation team has a poor track record of address anti Asain hate. Their actions taken in this thread though if continued are steep in a positive direction.

>> No.2181157

okay moron

>> No.2181165

note there's no proof that Coco collabs are banned because of that and it's more likely that it's banned because EN management is retarded and actually hates the JP branch.

>> No.2181172
File: 291 KB, 542x495, 1608007660949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A KiaraCoco collab would be so good...

>> No.2181193 [DELETED] 

anon, not even the Taiwanese Chinese or the SEA Chinese deny that they're ethnic Chinese

>> No.2181203 [DELETED] 
File: 3.77 MB, 483x556, 1591695685928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore mainlanders because they are all racists trying to pretend they have some sort of moral high ground while being brainwashed by the CCP

chinese isnt a race, its a nationality retard. and the mainland chinese are all brainwashed by the CCP.
And for a nationality that is at fault for the current situation in the world you have a lot of nerve taking the high ground.

there is not a single good mainlander as long as the CCP exists just like there was no good german as long as the nazi party was in power.

>> No.2181218

I am against racism end of story. You must be confusing me with a different poster

>> No.2181219

I had a stroke trying to read that

>> No.2181262

They became cautious because of antis who are constantly attempt to abuse automated systems to get Hololive in trouble because they know that they're illogical and managed by people with shit for brains.
Zhangs, Kiara antis, BL doujin artists, and Capcom are all just a symptom of the same problem in that Hololive is beholden to people who have no business dictating how they run their company, and that's why they're becoming the anti-fun vtuber agency.

>> No.2181292

Anti nationalism is a form of racism.

>> No.2181305

>asian hate
>in a board full of love for japanese and SEA streamers
no its just brainwashed chinese mainlanders like you we hate. this isnt racism.

>> No.2181364

ok comrade

>> No.2181376

The thing I don't get is that they dropped China and HoloCN because they didn't want to lose Coco, but how exactly is treating her like a pariah and making it so people can't even ACKNOWLEDGE her any better? Has it even occurred to them that she might leave, not because of the spammers, but because she feels completely ostracized from everybody else? I mean she already set up membership on her roommate's channel, and apparently she has been streaming on there a lot recently, so it's just a matter of time.

>> No.2181388

As long as you hate genuine indoctrinated schizos, but who knows if that's true

>> No.2181396

then you are a racist for being anti taiwan.

>> No.2181397

>naming the managerial menace
sasuga reddit dragon

>> No.2181413

The Japanese are generally treated positively but I have seen far to many posts of "indog", "SeaMonkey" or even worse "SEAn****r"

>> No.2181421

Chinese is not a race.
Thinking it is makes you racist.

>> No.2181446

This board has that schizo anon who always spergs out about racism. Ignore him. I say that as Indo chink.

>> No.2181480

I have no idea what caused you to believe that? Im simply an anti racist

>> No.2181498

and yet there are threads for just about every HoloID.
your argument is futile nigger

>> No.2181541

Ignoring the glowie and the brainworm fag (both of which are pretty obviously ban evading), being unable to enjoy things affected by politics without incessantly bringing up politics because you let things you hate live rent free in your mind and constantly fantasize about getting revenge against is schizophrenic. Almost as if insane ghoulish behavior isn't endemic to any race or nationality.

>> No.2181597

if you are anti racist then you are anti chinese because the chinese are racist against countries like taiwan, tibet and racist against Coco.

>> No.2181624

pretty based ngl

>> No.2181681 [DELETED] 

Taiwan and SEA people recognize that China uses the term "Chinese" as more than just an ethnic term. Just read >>2181203. This is exactly what has happened.

>> No.2181700

>the chinese are racist against countries like taiwan
>the chinese
What country are you from? I'm sure the government has taken question actions but I will not condemn you or your people for the actions of the state. Because I know how pointless of an exercise it would be

>> No.2181710
File: 573 KB, 955x812, 1601670264959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wondering this myself. I've tried looking through archives, but never really found anything, and google is utterly hopeless.

>> No.2181771

citizens that accept the racism of their leaders are racists too. See nazi germany.
Chinese are racists because they inherit the racism of their leaders.

>> No.2181779

How many people legitimately believe Xinjiang is an American hoax? How many people have burned or boycotted products from Adidas and Burberry for choosing not to buy Xinjiang slave cotton? How many have spoked out against these acts of hatred and how many instead implicitly support or even celebrate it?

If you know mainland Chinese society you know the answer. The rise in ultranationalism the past few years have been staggering. People are literally blaming Biden and America for the inflation of their own household goods and currency last year, which the CCP literally controls.

Those with a modicum of morality, compassion, or logical sense have left China over the past half century.

>> No.2181801

according to their headcanon, chinese and taiwanese aren't races, and they're basically the same race, really. It's just that they're on opposing sides, different governments.

>> No.2181810

I don't think Holo management thinks more than two steps ahead. They burned the bridge but then started buying paint for that bridge.

>> No.2181853

China's racism (both administrative and cultural) is one of its few redeeming features. But their other flaws outweigh it, and so necessitates racism against the Chinese for being nasty bugs.

>> No.2181882

Im chinese and I love coco

>> No.2181883

anon, the chinese government aren't the ones harassing coco

>> No.2181887


>> No.2181921
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>> No.2181946

This thread has clearly moved far beyond Coco when people are posting about Taiwan and Xinjiang.

>> No.2181956

based. mainland?

>> No.2182079
File: 231 KB, 710x780, out-transparent-31.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fren

>> No.2182165

China's the reason why Cover is the biggest vtubing agency.

>> No.2182196
File: 80 KB, 300x300, rratia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, Zhang.

>> No.2182211

Reminds me of this channels art style.

>> No.2182215

this is your brain on hololive

>> No.2182233

considering that nothing leaves the great firewall you spout bullshit. HoloEN made more money and gave more publicity to Hololive in its first week than HoloCN in its lifetime.

Also I take this moment to remind you that you are at fault for the termination of the CN brand because you get unreasonably upset at youtube stats being shown.

>> No.2182267

Remember when Coco would respond to English supas in Japanese? Nani the heck changed

>> No.2182400

Welcome, friend.

>> No.2182650

Her Tl group in Discord spam Coco.
Her mod and leader know everything but do no shit.

Do not spam by herself does't mean she do not support spam

>> No.2182764

You haven't met many Chinese have you anon


>> No.2182765

May be , someone in HololiveCN become Cn antis or untrustable

>> No.2182913

Lurking in NGA long enough make you hate Chinese as whole and the fact is " wolf warrior " have the most powerful state of CN net nitizen. No sane CN can stop them.

>> No.2183049

is not a rapist fault that she rapes, she just has a mental illness, anyway both the rapist and the zhang needs to be executed

>> No.2183256
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>> No.2183412

get a load of this real human bean

>> No.2184019

China is a literal scapegoat for Cover's faults now apparently.
>But muh Antis!!
The Antis will be on their ass no matter what. There should be no reason that that they have these retarded rules. Not to mention apologizing for every little thing feels fake as fuck.

>> No.2184178
File: 43 KB, 700x394, aABYJLPK_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half Chinese here, I laugh every time someone posts about Zhangs or the Tienanmen Square pasta. It's a surreal feeling to be aligned with people who are racist against you, but for matters concerning Coco I let it slide.
It's a shame their citizens are so brainwashed.

>> No.2184602

Why the fuck is anyone in this thread talking about racism? Race has nothing to do with it, it is entirely a matter of Nationality and political allegiances.

>> No.2184667

Gura collabed with Anya and Matsuri

>> No.2184725

Here's a meme for you Cocosharts:

>No one:

>Absolutely no one:


>> No.2184798

I’m Taiwanese and I hate Coco, she brought this upon herself

>> No.2184893

Because bigots keeps conflating Chinese (nationality) with Chinese (ethnicity).

>> No.2184928

Can you stop giving (You) to that sissy? He has been EVERY FUCKING SINGLE COCO THREAD using the same bait and somehow you retards still fall for it.

>> No.2185020

I'm westerner and I hate Coco fans.
They are racist retards who attack every Chinese, including CN vtubers.

>> No.2185076

Ok zhangs.

>> No.2185085

And it should be like this every day. Fuck China.

>> No.2185111

pretty based if you ask me

>> No.2185126

And they deserve it, zhang

>> No.2185227

>I'm westerner
If you were you'd have written "I'm *a* westerner".

>> No.2185275

Post proof, zhang

>> No.2185338

I’m Yoda. CCP, get fucked they must.

>> No.2185620

You Cocofags need to come up with better insults, there are plenty of people in dinky little Formosa with the surname Zhang. I’m not expecting much, though, since >>2185020 is right. You pretend to be defenders of nationalist China, and yet you’d gladly fuck over any of us yellows that even remotely resemble your preconceived image of “bugmen”. Let’s hope the Japs don’t use difficult kanji around you EOP fuckers, or you’ll assblast them too.

>> No.2185631

Westerner is not equal English.
I'm a Slavic speaker. We don't have useless shit like articles here.

>> No.2185722

Have just "proofed" in your mouse, check it, please.

>> No.2185739

Why are people so scared of Vshoujo bringing politics into hololive. When Cocofags bring up the chinese at every opportunity?

>> No.2185768

Before you accuse me to being Chinese again

>> No.2185808

>why cant these poor, near-starving people live with dignity like me?

>> No.2185847

The only thing worse than a bugman is a westerner who sympathizes with bugmen..

>> No.2185886

Anon,he's playing RDR2 Online,im pretty sure hes doing better than most

>> No.2186141

Welcome to 4chan, the shit hole of racism then. Good luck being a bug trying to change the course of a truck.

>> No.2186932

Hating China isn't political

>> No.2186933

Based Chen.

>> No.2186990
File: 32 KB, 271x403, 1616259701837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try

>> No.2187122 [DELETED] 

just fyi:

>> No.2187144 [DELETED] 

>Her roommate didn't say shit.
https://files.catbox.moe/p8t64v.PNG Here is artia admitting that she posted those message but instead of being sorry she is surprised that people found out
https://files.catbox.moe/5ecduv.png Here is full convo showing how chinky chink she is

>> No.2188320

Funny enough, someone posted a clip of coco explaining why she don`t collab with EN ( partially blaming management ) , the post got 700 comments and got deleted by EN management on that strange orange site

>> No.2192083
File: 185 KB, 1414x366, 16022454267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imoutoposting was a tradition from /hlg/
>muh spoonfeeding
Fuck you, I miss it

>> No.2192312

The problem is how much damage even one obsessed anti can cause. Youtube needs to fucking get their shit together.

>> No.2192388

Wise words

>> No.2192607

Boot Licker

>> No.2192889

You're right though, not all Indo-anons deserve it. Just the indogs that cause the trouble

>> No.2192981
File: 124 KB, 464x599, icantbreath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2193040

>we use incorrect/non-idiomatic English use to weed out Chinese posters
>the Japanese use a poster's choice of kanji to weed out the Chinese posters

>> No.2193060


>> No.2193084
File: 466 KB, 1000x822, 1602484628085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It stopped because someone started making bruised/ injured imouto edits and it bummed the creator out.

>> No.2193091

Fuck off, we don't care about racism here.

>> No.2193283
File: 115 KB, 390x260, MyDKvTP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My sides

>> No.2193580

expected. paper spines there.

>> No.2193645
File: 228 KB, 510x361, 1614723790862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until EN's are comfortable collabing with her? Which EN's will reach out first?

>> No.2193830

>no proof that americans bend to the will of bugmen constantly in the hopes that they can earn a quick buck sucking some wrinkly old chinaman's microdick

>> No.2193880


>> No.2193881

Until enma get fucked enough to approve the collab

>> No.2193890

nice, that means I can slip under your radar, lol. it's a fucking blessing to have the best of both worlds

>> No.2193961
File: 38 KB, 496x379, 1611680323832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a coco amelia collab so bad
>Amelia trying really hard to be sieso and respectful of her senpai like she always is
>coco trying to get her to say yab things and generally having fun with her
>shitty kareoke collab
>amelia giving coco a tour of the en minecraft server and building a giant yagoo together or something
>coco inviting amelia on her stream to talk about weebshit

bros why has this beautiful dream been taken from us

>> No.2194127

Mori being EN Coco, a Mori Coco collab would be out of this world

>> No.2194135

> shit meme format
Go back to subtle asian traits.

>> No.2194258

That’s the one I’d thought would happen first too
I mean surely they can’t just NEVER have a cocoxEN collab... right?....

>> No.2194339

King shit

>> No.2194385

>(small)communist hands types this post

>> No.2194987
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>> No.2197095

R1 haplogroup

>> No.2197387
File: 75 KB, 267x267, 1615292180684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cocotards can't fucking stop talking about China
Truly the worst fanbase

>> No.2197498

God fucking shit she didnt deserve this

>> No.2197527

Based lessgo

>> No.2197528

You're a fag that didn't even watch the clip, kys.

>> No.2197574

The saddest part of it is that Cover would fire her if she wasn't making so much money.
Cover hate

>> No.2197694

>being poor near-starving is an excuse to be subhuman
I'm 3rd world, and even we don't do shit like this, so that's not really an excuse Anon, fuck off with your low expectations bs. As my granny used to said, being poor is not an excuse to being filthy.

>> No.2197733

>4chan destroys something the things they love
Color me surprised.

>> No.2197755

I don't give a fuck about Coco but can you assholes please stop talking about China every single time someone talk about Coco? Thanks.

>> No.2197808


shut up chink insect or a pathetic hapa chink. if you are actually a genuine slav you are a goddamn minority faggot. nobody gives a fuck about you. clean up my toilet, faggot

>> No.2197845
File: 323 KB, 1000x822, cea3d02f16f0badbe65d675675c980c7b59c71fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, haha, why would anyone do them, haha

>> No.2197960
File: 176 KB, 1000x650, Best comic so far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't really giving a fuck about China's annexations and gimmicks (e.g Belt and Road Project) that is until they started their attention on our precious womyn

>> No.2198010

I don't half half of those, got a link?

>> No.2198016

the "not all chink" party is over. all chinks should be blamed and totally separated from the world cuz no chink insect will ever even criticise the insect heads ccp anymore, and now chink insects incl diaspora chink bugs only propagate ccp commie bullshit

they are beyond submissive cucks, they are just all programmed bugs.

>> No.2198039

Only if you can english.

>> No.2198129

It's funny, because they're giving a perfect example of WHY she doesn't get collabs with EN.

>> No.2198155

If anything you all should be angry at Hololive Management. Their the retards that are using these rules. Your all blaming the chinese when they aren't even a problem anymore.

>> No.2198203

t. chink insect

>> No.2198223

Come back to me when they topple the CCP. Until then, ALL OF THEM ARE COMPLICIT TO RAIDING COCO.

>> No.2198243

Exact same thing happened with anyone from the Axis or Axis allied countries during WW2. China is basically Nazi Germany 2.0 and thing will only get worse, specially if an actual war starts because of them. You can blame all countries that let and helped China rise to become the world power it is right now, and seeing organization like the UN and the OMS refusing to criticize anything horrible China does and even completely ignoring Taiwan's contributions during the pandemic will only give more fuel to this hatred.

>> No.2198259

if you want to blame a whole race. Blame the fucking japs for having the most retarded business culture in the world.

>> No.2198285

You obviously have never dealt with chinese companies.

>> No.2198287


>> No.2198354

You haven't dealt with japanese companies either have you? Read up on Sega and how they've destroyed their brand. Which is just what Cover is doing with these idiotic rules

>> No.2198370

>no you don't understand, it's cover who forced us to raid and say the most disgusting shit to her on her roommate accounts
This is your brain on CCP propaganda, next he'll repeat the "insulting to the chinese people" shill line.
Tell me anon, Did Tiananmen happen? Because you sound like a 5 cent shill warrior.

>> No.2198382

Ching Chong Ping Pong. Whats the race, you fucking dumb Chink insect? Coco is japaenese and almost all Taiwanese are Han Taiwanese . Why dont you defending Taiwan and Coco, chinky Chink insect?

Chink bugs like you are just soulless bugs totally mind controlled by CCP

>> No.2198543

When did i ever imply in that post that doing that was ok? the spam is fucked up obviously. All im saying is that the only people preventing her from collabing with EN is Cover managment.

>> No.2198553

>Your all blaming the chinese when they aren't even a problem anymore.
lolwut. Not even a week ago they had to make her chat members only because they are STILL spamming walls of text

>> No.2198589

Definitely Ame, Coco is her idol. Plus teamates can give chinks a taste of their own medicine.

>> No.2198614

China won

>> No.2198718

China won wing bing bong ling long chin chong

>> No.2198756

>A company that despite it's hiccups, is still alive, a renowned brand, and making money with a still millionaire market price
Nigga, you may just look at those retarded news outlets of how a company is doomed, but I spent 8 years learning mandarin because "biggest growing market" and let me give you my experience dealing with the bugs
They are the turbo jew, not only do they expect to be treated as royalty and put shitloads of clausules in the contracts just to accommodate their filthy asses, they are always looking for a way to scam you. Sure, the nips may be naïve at times making deals, but at least they are not actively looking for ways to screw me over, at least they are punctual with their deadlines instead of giving me the "oh it's overseas, it's gonna be delays", at least the nips never tried to bug my hotels every time my company had to travel to Beijing, at least if I had to do business in Tokyo my hotel was always better than what they promised, unless Beijing who always "had some unexpected problems, and your 5 star hotel accommodation now has to be a tiny ass room in the middle of mug me town.
You wanna know what 5 years of working in Guangzhou does to a man? I've seen you fuckers shit in the streets outside your food restaurant and then giggle at the stupid westerner for eating close to it.
Let's also don't forget all your bugmen receiving orders to export all the protective medical equipment from my city at the start of the pandemic, then resell the same shit for 200% the base price, that, funny enough, were defective and some infected with the virus. Oh but sure sure zhang, tell me all about how the nips do bad business because they have some xenophobic rules that goes out the window the second I turn profit.
Fuck off kid.

>> No.2198797

The problem is communism anon. It’s a cancer that rots humanity, and China’s got it bad. Hololive is one of the few groups to fight back. Don’t know about the rest of you but I’ll stand with them against the commie menace.

>> No.2198827

>im gonna pretend im from Taiwan
nice bait, anon

>> No.2198838

I've always believed this. There's plenty of Chinese people here in the States that seem like completely normal people.

>> No.2198875

Cover might be the only company that did not comply to Chinese demands after "offending" them. Bigger, much richer companies bowed down hard to them (like Blizzard and NBA), while Cover cut off all ties they had with China.

>> No.2198974

japanese entertainment companies usually dont bend the knee to chink insects. too many anime shows have been banned like mha last year but none of them have gotten re-released with censorship. if the insects ban some japnaese stuff it never comes back there.

>> No.2199079

imagine being such an isolated canadian that you think everyone not white is a child that must be coddled
>"poor foreign human, you are so dumb you cannot take care of yourself and all of your shitty behaviour is accepted, we white people have to intervene for democracy"
chinks are chinks and wont change, dont put them in the same group as normal people
you retards are racist not in a violent active genocide way but a passive patronizing genocide

>> No.2199188

and yet you and so many people on this board coddle the japanese.

>> No.2199266

and we coddle taiwanese. you should as well. han taiwanse are the same "race" as you. but ofc you cant because you are a ccp worshiping soulless chink bug

>> No.2199285

The nips don't shit on the streets Anon, the nips don't sell you inorganic paste passing it as food, the nips don't use styrofoam to save on concrete, the nips didn't start a fucking global pandemic for being unsanitary degenerates Anon.

>> No.2199356

It's not that uncommon with media that has "harmful content to Chinese citizens" to never be officially released there, but the fact Japanese anime studios don't make special censored version for the Chinese market is a plus. But what happened with Coco and Haato, while not as politically charged like what happened with the NBA and Blizzard case, would most likely be dealt similarly if Cover was like one of those huge companies that are too greedy to lose Chinese money: most likely give a harsher suspension for them, force them to pubicly apologize and talk about the " One China Policy" on their Japanese/global PR (the Chinese statement was written by bilibili mods and probably had 0 imput from Cover). Dunno if they would fire or even bully hard enough for both of them to leave, but I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.2199467

only ame has any real chance desu.

her chat already has nightbot moderating so any simple spamming will fade out real quick. plus teamates can probably deal with worse.

might be real awkward tho considering how ame is with collabs. she's been better lately buy might need a 3rd leg to stabalize the convo.

>> No.2199487

>if Cover was like one of those huge companies that are too greedy to lose Chinese money: most likely give a harsher suspension for them,

you mean if its an amerimutt company? if so yes. mha is copyrighted and managed by shueisha and such. which is obviously bigger than hololive anyway.

>> No.2199570

I don't think West cares so much about Taiwan. They only use it as a puppy to oppose China.
This makes me feel bad for Taiwanese.
I feel bad for them. From one side they have China which grows stronger and wait a chance to invade, and from the other side half-assed westerners who will not help them in their hard moment, because picking a fight with China just not worth it.

>> No.2199582

To Whom it may concern.

I am humbly and politely requesting a chance for which I may obtain a folder containing these images, many of which I currently do not possess in my collection of similar pictures.
If there is perchance, a referral link for one such as myself to gain authorized access to these files that you would be willing to divulge, I would be most grateful.

Regardless of the outcome, I wish that you have a good day.
Signed, Anonymous

>> No.2199629

thats true geopolitics and golobohomo economy wise but we arent talking about either of them. at least im talking about cultural values. you can share cultural values with the taiwanese if you arent a chink insect and that is all that matters here.

>> No.2199684

If we're being real Anon, most westerners have no idea China has beef with Taiwan, and the corporate overlords of the Amerifats take it upon themselves to censor anything that has to do with it, as they are already in the pockets of the CCP, and with that geriatric puppet they got, things are just gonna get worse. Same story with the flaming homo the fucking leafs have, latin america is it's own beast in itself and has enough problems to care about Taiwan, the European Union is falling apart and are too busy taking notes from the CCP to actually do anything for Taiwan. So yeah, the few westerners that has some idea of the conflict can't do shit to help, and can only use them as proxies to insult the bugmen. What can you do, you are complaining in a korean basket weaving forum, we are not the Bilderbergs, we can't actually do shit to help.

>> No.2199807

anyone explain this EnMa rrat?

Well, there were also those constant fuckups with the chat banlist, so maybe they just don't care or are inept. If Coco does leave, I'll gladly watch her future channel, but I doubt she'd want to abandon her new friends.

>> No.2199822

Japanese definetely have a better perception in the West.
They both share more common values, like democracy. China doesn't even have a free internet access which is a strong offense. Things like dirty streets, air pollution, animal cruelty make it even worse.
Japan is not a military threat to USA, more like their ally. China kinda is.
Also Japanese produce many quality goods and have a much stronger soft power overall.
As I gradually see more quality things from China, like new phones, and hear about tech innovations like high-speed trains or elecrobuses, my perception becomes better.

>> No.2199944

After WW2 The US had a heavy hand in the restructuring of the nation, so we molded them into our allies.

I'm not actively fighting for taiwan, but I do think the UN needs to pull their head out of china's ass and declare it a independent state. I say UN and not US so that china has less room to declare war on the US.
>The fallacy in my thinking is that I assume the UN will do anything, as seen with the coup in Myanmar.
I'm not too up to date on the whole Taiwan vs mainland situation, but I'll start some digging

>> No.2199998
File: 31 KB, 1280x793, photo_2021-03-29_23-17-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And things like this make me dislike Chinese more. Don't do it.

>> No.2200148
File: 174 KB, 800x557, Bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2200216
File: 275 KB, 955x812, hololive imouto coco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any of the images saved Anon, but I'm willing to scour some of the archives for you.

>> No.2200242
File: 227 KB, 1000x822, hololive imouto elite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2200334
File: 235 KB, 1000x822, hololive imouto rushia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2200371


thank you kindly, the ones in particular I'm looking for are Korone, Marine, Nene and Sora

>> No.2200426
File: 221 KB, 1000x822, hololive imouto noel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2200648
File: 205 KB, 1000x822, hololive imouto korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying really hard Anon, you're looking for the rare ones.

>> No.2200814

Wait, let me understand, did all this happen as a result of her leaking her ad revenue (or whatever) which displayed Taiwan as a separate entity from China? If that's the case, isn't the Chinese ire misdirected?

>> No.2200843

You understand correctly

>> No.2200879

I really don't know what to say, I'm rather speechless.

>> No.2200965

You made the mistake of trying to apply normal people logic to the chinese.

>> No.2201003

As I know Chinese believe in her ill intention, because Coco did it after Haachama who made the same mistake.
She also didn't apology properly (that may be false, I'm not sure) and put an ending animation with the catchprase "If you don't like my stream fuck off and never come back" which angered them more.
Cover issued different versions of official apology in different languages which again stir up the conflict.
And now, after Holo CN was disbanded and Cover left China market, it became a personal vendetta for them.

>> No.2201050

I'm not Chinese and all of it is what I heard from their side.
I personally think that the girls shouldn't even apologize because the stream was on Youtube and was not intended for Chinese. And fucking up things because of such issue is dumb anyway.
However, it's a taboo topic in China which they take very personally, almost like showing Muhammad carricature to Muslims.

>> No.2201093
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china lives in tatsunoko heads rent free. they can't let it go. instead of discussing kaichou they rather engage in political shit flinging in creating threads like these. Even Coco moved on. You should too.

>> No.2201104

>Haato talks about her viewership breakdown, which includes Taiwan separate from China because that's how youtube does it
>stream deleted, Haato stops streaming/tweeting immediately, people genuinely worried she may get graduated
>Coco does the same thing the next day
Haato did the same thing, but they don't care because they actually do believe it was an accident. The Chinese believe that Coco deliberately did it and pretended it was an accident so that they'd direct their ire towards her in order to save Haato, and so that Hololive couldn't graduate Haato to solve the problem (essentially going if you want to fire her, you'll have to fire me too).
Now, whether or not any of this is actually true is another thing entirely, but that's what they believe and they're still giving her shit about it.

>> No.2201113

I know what they are like but what is bewildering that Hololive didn't hard commit, either to their stars or to the Chinese. All I see is a limp-wristed response where they're trying to have their cake and eat it too. If they were committed to their stars they'd not have suspend their offending stars (even if there were other reasons to suspend, don't do it at that time as it would give the Chinese a sign). They also didn't kowtow to the Chinese by firing them, which would put the whole of Hololive under fire.

>> No.2201175

Coco did the same because she wanted to show her stats and didn't knew why Haachama was suspended, this was Cover not communicating what happened, while they were suspended, Cover did the apology with different versions, this made westerners raise an eyebrow, as it seemed Cover was bending over, meanwhile in chinatown, the bugmen were asking for the suspension/graduation of Coco, not caring about the apology issue, then Coco came back and explained herself, which was a good enough apology, but the zhangs kept demanding her graduation, which prompted the fuck off message, this continued for a few days, and so it was decided Cover and China were no more, with some CN branch stirring the drama behind the scenes.

>> No.2201185

However contrary to many people, I'm not sure that Cover made a right move by retiring from China.
Now Chinese antis could go a full-scale war on Coco. While Hololive remained there and had the CN branch they still could negotiate things.
A bad peace is better than a good war.

>> No.2201195

Korone showed Taiwan flag in one of her streams and literally no one cared

>> No.2201211

I had the same feeling

>> No.2201235

>Coco did the same because she wanted to show her stats and didn't knew why Haachama was suspended
Maybe it's true, or maybe she wanted to cover Haachama.
Unfortunately it's just not what many Chinese believe in.

>> No.2201241

Showing the revenue at all is a big no-no in itself. It's not Cover's fault that the chinks decided to go full retard after she had already been suspended.

>> No.2201249

This is such a terrible take

>> No.2201258

Right after it happened the fucking CCP passed laws to have more control over streamers. Chinese chuubas are now fucking CCP mouthpieces. Now that coco has volunteer mods the bugs are powerless and can only seethe on NGA. There's no negotiating with communists.

>> No.2201265

China don't negotiate friend, it's either their way or the highway, and Cover took the later, as the conflict went away from Coco and started to spill into other girls, which forced Cover to either retire entirely and wait for things to blow over, or fire Coco and give the chinese what they wanted, which was a problem, as Coco was making them tons of cash. And the only lose in all of this was Fubuki who was the biggest earner on Billibilli, still, the chinese went against her too when she mentioned she visited Coco during her suspension, so the really was no reason to keep the CN branch after that.

>> No.2201267

Kill yourself Chink insect

>> No.2201280

Sure chink bug

>> No.2201291

They don't want to comply with a nation of unironic schizos. Despite most of the CN talents supporting the antis, all of them living there risked getting harmed or abducted simply for being part of the company

>> No.2201311

If I remember correctly, Cover were the first one to say they didn't communicated the reason for Haachama's suspension, Fubuki also echoed this sentiment when the chinese turned against her.

>> No.2201319

>CCP passed laws to have more control over streamers
That's definitely not a good turn, however Chinese streamers hadn't stopped streaming because of that.

>> No.2201322

Sorry Anon, I have failed you, I found some, but when I click on the links, google redirects me to completely unrelated warosu archives. I have failed you.

>> No.2201328

Niji still continues working there though.

>> No.2201334

Yeah, because unlike literally everyone else, they know which topics are taboo, so they can be mouthpieces for the CCP without risking a ride in the van.

>> No.2201350

As so thousands of other corporations that didn't had any drama or did but bent over. Are you retarded?

>> No.2201351 [DELETED] 

Nobody gives a single fuck about chink insect streamers other than filthy chink bugs like you.

>> No.2201358

Thanks for the rundown on this situation!

Why was it that HololiveCN was closed? Was CN a new division and they realised that this drama can/will negatively affect them so they decided to pull the plug early, or, was it established for a reasonable period of time already but had poor or dwindling numbers so was they figured it was an appropriate time for a mercy killing?

Why can't someone seemingly as popular as Coco create a new persona and go independent, where she'd have more liberties and no agency pawing off a part of her income? Sure collaborating with agency stars won't happen, nor would they have a manager that could help them set-up events or help with music creation, but surely for someone like Coco, not much would be lost transitioning.

Are agencies really such a big deal breaking into this space/market? Removing the fluff, it's just streaming with an anime avatar.

Probably not the best topic to be asking these questions but everyone is so generous in answering my other question so I'll chance it; besides this topic is not dissimilar to what I'd find on /pol/. Thanks!

>> No.2201378

>because unlike literally everyone else, they know which topics are taboo
Now, that's retarded.
If you don't know that Taiwan is a bad topic to talk in China, it must be just your Americain education. I'm not Chinese but I know it very well.
Maybe Hololive should had better instruct their streamers if they are ignorant about that.

>> No.2201432

CN branch had a few girls in it that literally drank the CCP kool aid and were saying dogwhistles in their billi billi streams to signal to nationalists that they were on their side.
Also, at first cover said that they'd hand the avatars over to the CN branch and let them go independent but then something happened that made that deal fall through. People speculate that CN managers tried to steal cover's proprietary code for their whole chuuba system.

Coco wouldn't get as many viewers on her other account because one of the main draws of holos is watching other holos interact with people's oshi. That's why minecraft streams get so many viewers. Because there's impromptu collabs. Coco had one herself with flare recently that drew in a lot of viewers.

>> No.2201445

>why the CN branch was closed
They were stirring the antis behind the scenes, so cutting the off was the only option
>Why can't Coco create a new persona
She still has her og channel and makes stuff there, but she joined Hololive because she like it there, and, contrary to anti-corporate speech, Cover doesn't really cut much of their income, most of the new rules happened because of the zhangs throwing their tantrum.
>Are agencies really such a big deal?
See Suisei, she has talked a lot about how hard it was for her during her independent time, and how much easier it gets when all the technical issues about marketing and sponsorships are dealt with people that know about it, while they can focus on her streaming ways. As Callie has mentioned, there's a shitload of stuff happening behind the scenes we don't really know about.

>> No.2201446
File: 275 KB, 506x567, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2201461

Somebody call the exterminators

>> No.2201468

I'm sorry but if I went around claiming that just uttering the word "Taiwan" would cause 10s of thousands of Chinese to get foaming at the mouth enraged like rabid dogs and attempt to do everything to ruin an anime girl's life. People would call me crazy and a racist.
Yet this actually happened.

>> No.2201496

>he thinks I'm american
Nigga, there's more taboo topics in mainland china than just Taiwan, maybe if you weren't retarded you realized that's what I was referring.

>> No.2201508

9 months, around same time as 4th gen. After displaying the taiwan flag under the viewership's country origin, chinks chinked out and harassed Coco and other members of stood against the harassment for Coco. The chink-nnd ripoff site, which hosts all this content cut ties with Hololive. HoloCN was reportedly, by hololive themself, not making money, and was cited as the main reason for withdrawing out of the Chinese market. Coco was making as much as the CN division. 10% of superchats each. Withdrawing money from China was always a hassle.

Taiwan is not a taboo topic in China, as there is only one side. You're completely free to repeat it is part of China.

>> No.2201520

If Hololive decided to leave China it just had to disband them. And Hololive decided to left China because it didn't know how to solve the situation and avoid future controversies.
There're also rrats that CN girls had sided with antis, which is partly true (some of them had disliked Coco after the incident) but their role in conflict is exaggerated.
Coco could go independent however she would lose her model, collaboration streams and some other help from company like creating previews, support etc.
It's much worse for an unknown new streamer.

>> No.2201534

Original is the image of Pekora from this video.

>> No.2201558

Ok, name 10 chink streamers that are relevant outside the mainland, go.

>> No.2201577

Going into the Chinese market, wouldn't Hololive (cover is?) expect them to openly support their government? Antis are those that hate Hololive, right? If so why are the CN stars playing into it with a group that hates them? To show the antis that they are/were cool and it's actually the main Japanese branch they should hate?

Is going independent still not an option for the bigger stars though? You already have traction, a following and likely money to hire a manager so they could focus on streaming (sure the new manager wouldn't be as effective but it something). While the collabs are a big draw, you being the biggest star in the collab wouldn't gain nearly as much as one of the small stars collaborating with the larger stars.

>> No.2201604

But new law doxx all Hololive member to CCP government and they can use Chinese in Japan to terrorize them

>> No.2201622

Actually , Chink want to put up " the bottom line"

>> No.2201642

Nijisanji CN branch is still active and doing good.

>> No.2201644

>Antis are those that hate Hololive, right? If so why are the CN stars playing into it with a group that hates them?
Because they are patriotic and value their country more than entertainment, perhaps?
Ok, I wasn't really serious.
The thing is they well knew that their main audience is Chinese. So they kinda couldn't go against their fans. They've just ended in a shitty situation.

>> No.2201691


They have evidence hi-rank Artia discord group respndsibility to attack Coco from mid October until recently.

Artia may not spam by herself but she and her mod know about this but give no shit to them.

We call this act as indirect support spam

>> No.2201694

>wouldn't Hololive (cover is?) expect them to openly support their government
No. A company would expect it's employees to be professional and not follow guidelines which undoubtedly would say to steer away from politics. That's one of the reasons Yogurt doesn't get attacked here despite being part of CN. She was the most unfortunate casualty. In the end a bunch of dirt came up on all of them showing how shitty they were as people except for Yogurt.

>> No.2201721

Agreed, Ame could handle the bugmen spammers. She's been getting practice with collabs recently a lot too, doing lots with ID. She's noticeably less shy/awkward.

>> No.2201723

>cover is?
The main company. Hololive is the name of the vtuber brand agency, but Cover is the entity behind it.
>wouldn't they expect them to support their goverment
To an extent, but, as somebody who has dealt with Chinese companies, you really don't know a lot of what you can and can't say over there, mainly because the CCP is secretive about it until you commit the fault, then you're an evil westerner trying to overthrow their glory.
>antis are those who hate Hololive right?
Yes and no. Anti is an umbrella term for anyone against somebody, in this case, the chinese are anti Coco.
>why are the CN stars playing into a group that hates them
Some never liked Coco, and kept the hate train going thinking it would result in Coco's firing, but the thing got so out of hand, cutting the CN branch was easier, as they weren't making that much money in the first place. If Coco would've been fired, a few of the JP girls would've gone too, as several voiced how unfair the antis were being against her.
>going independent still not an option
In Japan, the vtuber market it's been saturated, which is why companies like Wactor are trying to expand into the spanish market, like I said, there's a lot of competition for sponsorships behind the scenes, and big corporations have priority in the nip market.

>> No.2201742


They hate Hololive because they do not think Hololive pander to them enough.

>>2201694 yes ,you are right

>> No.2201794

I love how you keep pushing the b-b-but Niji is still doing well there.
The Nijis mainly keep it clear of anything that ain't game, music or degeneracy related, and everybody saw what happened between bugland and Cover, so now they know what shit they really should avoid. Cover was the sacrifice a few companies needed to learn how to keep the CN market floating, and indirectly expanding it.

>> No.2201867

A company would expect professionalism, yes, but these employees were in China so I'd surely be expected that they'd be insubordinate to company rules/policies/procedures so that they can improve their social credit score. Its hard to speak up against that as an outside company because if this gets leaked, it's the noose that hangs you. "Listen everyone, I cannot be patriotic anymore, sorry Hololive wont let me anymore or I'll get fired" boom China hates your company.

Japan is a really fucked culture, huh? Definitely something I considering studying. Both Japan and Korea would make an excellent case study in explaining and understanding burnout.

>> No.2201989

>Japan is a really fucked culture, huh?
Wut? If you're referring to what I said about big corps having priority that's true for most countries. Also I never talked about burnout, I talked about saturation. There's a lot of vtubers in Japan and not enough places to get sponsorships, that's natural for anything popular in such a small country.

>> No.2202082

>If so why are the CN stars playing into it with a group that hates them?
It's their main audience so if they went against them, they would lose money and have some antis against them. Some of them also live in mainland China so it could be dangerous for them and their families.
Some of them also never liked Coco in the first place.
>Is going independent still not an option for the bigger stars though?
There are more advantages to work in a well known and popular agency than going independent. Technical issues, marketing, etc... are dealt by people working in the agency so you would be less stressed about it and waste less time since they are people who know how to deal with that.
Also a well known agency is like a brand and would give the vtuber more popularity. Just look at this board for example. Indie threads are a minority compared to the Holo/Niji or even VShojo threads. Or look at Aloe and her new persona.

>> No.2202127

what a fucking dumb chink insect faggot you are. the chink insect spammers are basically big fans of hololive so they felt "betrayed" by coco. the mob insect mentality is incapable of understanding any logic like a amerimutts echo chamber and cancel culture on twatter. too myopic and brainwashed to research shit.

otherwise what would be the reason? you chink insect lacks social experiences or skills of.understanding context or emotional development. this shit is easy to understand since chink bugs mindset is oversimplified by a ccp cult and doesnt have any inner conflict.

>> No.2202128

>Aloe new persona
Who is her new persona?

>> No.2202159

Google is your friend.

>> No.2202163

It's the right move. You just can't negotiate with China, compromise is almost impossible and they can and will throw tantrums if they don't get their way. I'm speaking from my experience and the stories I've heard from my associates who also tried to do business with them before.

>> No.2202179

>a so I'd surely be expected that they'd be insubordinate to company rules/policies/procedures so that they can improve their social credit score
They don't actually award you goodboy points for that, that type of system would be impossible to keep track of. The safe/rational would have been to keep it professional and never bring up politics, patriotic or not, in the first place. Cover expected chinks to act like rational people, they fucked up.
They did it because they believe their chink bullshit. They made a bad bet, thinking extra money and support from chinks would be enough to cancel Coco and got cancelled themselves.

>> No.2202250

Great, same response that inevitably just gives me:
>Reddit thread: Her name was Mano Aloe
>wiki for Mano Aloe
>HoloFive Forever
>Twitter thread about people losing faith in Hololive
>Mano Aloe Real identity
>Same 5 articles repeated in different publications
Guess I won't be able to support her in her new endeavors.

>> No.2202329

kys goddamn lazy piece of shit

>> No.2202389

>tried several times with no results because no, google is not your friend
>find that channel but not actually believe it was her as the channel haven't had any activity for 2 months already so I assumed that wasn't her new persona
>every time somebody say "Aloe's new persona" ask for name and every single time people tell me to google it, which gives the same fucking 5 results as before
Well excuse me princess, but just saying "Delutaya" instead of "Aloe's new persona" as if it as a CCP secret would've save us a lot of shit every, single, fucking time.

>> No.2202453

Oh, sorry, I'm not building on anything you said, just that it reminds me of the state and conditions in and of those countries. It's me ranting.

Every company that goes to China is making a mistake, they'll eventually take what you do and make a knockoff, driving you out of the market. The only companies that can actually thrive are those that make consumer good because Chinese know how bad Chinese products are and foreign goods are seen as a status symbol. Even then, look at the current situation with Nike, H&M and other clothing makers...the only way to win in the Chinese market is not to enter it.

>> No.2202754

>negotiate with terrorists

>> No.2202914

Thanks for the earlier responses, I have some more if people are willing to participate. I've no real reason to ask other than just a curious nature, thanks!

Why do you watch vtubers?
When did you start watching them?
Did you watch streamers before? Do you still watch streamers now?
Which vtubers do you like and what drew you to them?
Which vtubers do you not like, and why?
What could be done to further improve the viewing experience?

>> No.2203155

>Why do you watch vtubers?
Daughter experience, have never experienced this feeling before
>When did you start watching them?
>Did you watch streamers before? Do you still watch streamers now?
No, No
>Which vtubers do you like and what drew you to them?
Luna, daughter experience
>Which vtubers do you not like, and why?
Kiara: can't read the room, comes off very rude (numbers, comparing herself to others to boost herself, etc.), shrill voice
>What could be done to further improve the viewing experience?
Mods that don't speak in the chat. More transparency regarding suspensions. Stricter management in regards to health of talents.

>> No.2203329

Great source of entertainment.
Early 2017, started watching Kizuna Ai.
Yes, still watch some, but a lot of them have gotten boring for me. Still watch a few that I like.
A lot, Suisei is my favorite.
Generally I only really dislike ones who are absolute shit people like Narukami
Chat could be controlled a bit more, but that's more of YT's fault. More communication from vtuber companies would be great.

>> No.2203513

My hands are small and beautiful, thank you very much. And a chin chong nip nong to you as well, you ass-plugging drug-snorting racist fucks!

>> No.2203619

Sorry my English is better than yours. I have nothing to prove to you.

>> No.2203802

me too

>> No.2204117

Hate is a strong word though?
Did Coco actions hurt Taiwanese in any way?

>> No.2204201

too many chink insects. you can watch only your chink bug dogshit.

>> No.2204236

He was probably Taiwanese and liked holo CN girls and to be fair if not her yab they wouldn't have graduated...

>> No.2204288

I haven't seen a Chinese fan trying to stop the antis. All of them are complicit to the attacks to Coco. Because of that, fuck the Chinks.

>> No.2204402

Why are chincels like this?

>> No.2204459

delusional. meds

>> No.2204707

>doing good
name one chinese niji without googling.
just because they exist for the sake of ''hey we have a branch in china'' doesn't mean they're ''doing good''

>> No.2204740


>> No.2204880

thats because no chink bug can go against ccp bullshit and commie norms. when some nationalistic drama happens nobody can say no to it. everyone has to join it rationalising chink ethonocentrism and ccp as the national body or keep silent bout it. like american woke shit. the difference is chink bugs actually get jailed if they criticise ccp.

>> No.2204993

They exist for Chinese viewers.
I can't name Niji ID as well, it doesn't mean they are unsussesful.

>> No.2206410

Thank you anon

>> No.2206747

Do you think she'll be able to collab with EN eventually?
I'm starting to think this will never end and chink spam will forever haunt Coco.

>> No.2206954 [DELETED] 

>calling somebody racist on 4chan. Have you forgotten where you are?

You stupid no brain noodle nigger monkey

>> No.2207513

I wanted to like the zhangs, but you all brought this upon yourselves.
My hatred against bugmens are not solidified

>> No.2207551


>> No.2207617

I hope you don't call Taiwan and Hong Kong Chinese "Zhangs"

>> No.2207619

Time to take your pesticide, bugs

>> No.2208041

Looks like we missed a Chink hiding in Leafland during the Day of the Rake. What's wrong, do you not feel comfortable in the Corncrete houses back home?

Entertainment of all types. Also is a nice bridge between the reality of 3d and the idealism of 2d.
Around the time that the Coco/Chammers/Taiwain incident happened, I was a moderate participant on /pol/s TGDG boards and they opened me up to it. Though I had seen Kizuna AI stuff way before that.
Spent alot of time grown up watching lets players. Tina Von Rotter, necroscope, Zupersonic, SKArmaggedon. Never cared for actual livestreams themselves though, and I lost interest once I got to actually play games myself.
Ollie and Chammers are my two favorites but I enjoy almost everyone within hololive and a few outside of it. Ollie reminds me of the crazy rawr xd energy that was all over forums that I lurked on in my pre-teen and early teen years, and I am a sucker for the 'be flirty with everyone' shtick. Chammers is great for ASMR and I love her experimentality, either within schizo arcs or crazy one-off things.
There's no one I really hate.
My viewing experience is fine and I have no real suggestions for improving. Just stay the fuck away from Twitch and China.

Post commie trap hands.

>> No.2208184

It is true that Coco's main talent is collabing with others. Her engagement with others is excellent, and she have a knack for creating collab contents
It is bullshit how hard the chinks clipped her wings. Its getting better though, hopefully she can begin to engage actively with others in the coming months.

>> No.2208237

post hands

>> No.2208710

I used to respect their sheer willpower to go from a broken country to a powerhouse that can reliably threaten the US. As much of an authoritarian they are, they are shockingly efficient and took necessary decisions to ensure the growth of the country.
Not anymore though. The shred of respect I had for them are now gone and vanished.

>> No.2209894

There's nothing to explain about Enma, she is just a name with a face to be used as a scapegoat. Everything about her are just rrats
/vt/s version of "Thanks Obama/Jeff/Riot/Gaben/etc"

>> No.2210226

>After WW2 The US had a heavy hand in the restructuring of the nation, so we molded them into our allies.
>tfw the west left your country mid-remodelling and is still a complete shit hole

>> No.2214155


>> No.2214957
File: 98 KB, 640x821, screencap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's part of their wolf warrior diplomacy style, be aggressive and don't compromise. they treat every country like they're dealing with an african shithole who has no choice but to listen to them.
distrust of the CCP has reached global highs, but they don't care, the world must pay for the century of humiliation

>> No.2215101

Don’t spread lies about YAGOO like that, he is a good man

>> No.2215210

They seem like that but they get defensive the moment you criticize their country. The conditioning does a good job at maintaining their loyalty despite leaving the country.
