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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 165 KB, 1280x1157, AB5D93E3-92CA-4693-AA6D-8E2F9581CD56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2178279 No.2178279[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

And you Coco simps, too!


>> No.2178321

>Say fuck these asians for other asians is anti-asian

Nytimes is a fucking joke.

>> No.2178348

Asia is only China?

>> No.2178357

good, america needs more racism

>> No.2178367
File: 767 KB, 789x633, 1614392322405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niggers violently attack Asians for no reason
>Post funny haha racist memes on chan
>Full media attention up the ass

>> No.2178395

>black people attack asians
>somehow white people are at fault
i fucking hate this shit
t. non-mainland chink

>> No.2178414

I love watching my oshi and then walking down a dark alley to beat up some poor fried dog seller
let me be in the follow up article I'll do it again

>> No.2178427

>literal who on twitter
>tries to attribute a situation he doesn't even understand to the current asian hate retards in America

>> No.2178436

You keep posting this faggot. Look, we know the people committing the violence are much more influenced by a culture that is very permissive of street crime than by anti-asian memes online. Crack down on crime and asians will be safer, end of story.

>> No.2178460

The link is from the Times, though.

>> No.2178535

Deep down Americans love China’s cock in their asses and want to be taken over. I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened within this decade.

>> No.2178539

These retards know asians hate each other like China and Japan??

>> No.2178586

This has nothing to do with chuubas, now fuck off back to /pol/ no on here gives a shit about your retarded culture war. That image isn't even in the NYT article you linked.

>> No.2178588

The link only mentions 4chan, but nothing about haachama or coco. The twitter embed pic is shopped too.

>> No.2178594

It's only one part of the political spectrum doing it.
I'm shocked no one is questioning why this one section of the far-left part of the political spectrum both dismantled America's ability to function and trust its own neighbors and is now laying down to a totalitarian regime and doing their own PR work for them. Other than the fact that anyone who would question it is also part of that far-left section of the political spectrum.

>> No.2178601

yeah, same as Islam.

>> No.2178631

Thsi is going to result in literally all of your oshis disowning you. You know that, right? NYTimes makes hit pieces directly at instruction from the Democratic party, and their associated media arms. So the next step is every vtuber in hololive disowning 4chan and everything associated with it.
You will take it
You will keep giving them money
They will continue badmouthing you to your face.

>> No.2178642
File: 286 KB, 588x541, 144937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Article doesn't mention anything about Vtubers, or /pol/ or /vt/
>This picture is a shop (pic related)
>This is the original: https://twitter.com/derickson/status/1373258437975552002

This rrat needs exterminating.

>> No.2178705

They already don't deal with us. Being ghosted is part of the deal anon, are you new or something? Inb4 but Risu? Risu is from a branch Cover doesn't care about and says whatever she wants already.

>> No.2178719

Being ignored is better than being actively derided.

>> No.2178742
File: 138 KB, 463x453, 1612437355096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one even checked to see if it was real or not before they started whining

>> No.2178754
File: 881 KB, 297x277, zoomchama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2178761

Nobody cared? The point is the article is nonsense regardless of the picture they use.

>> No.2178773

I will take any chance to shit on jewish media

>> No.2178780

The vast majority of any and all hate crime happens in shithole blue states/cities/localities; New York City being the largest garbage pile of them all. Maybe libshits should stop being racists.

>> No.2178815
File: 157 KB, 333x307, 1612065362946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has literally nothing to do with V-tubers, you idiot. Report for /pol/baiting and move on

>> No.2178833

Because the retards who are buying into this are part of the brigade to bump the thread. This same image was posted earlier in the day but was completely ignored so he realized that he had to get help. This thread is completely offtopic and OP should kill himself.

>> No.2178835

No one cares about the article. They care about the fact that they're whining about this at all.

>> No.2178852

You're a retarded Peko poster anon, no room to talk to anyone like that. Fuck off.

>> No.2178941

>directly responsible for hate crimes
Unbelievably based, Haachama is the strongest vtuber

>> No.2178971


>> No.2179041

The 24/7 noise that goes on inside these people's heads is circus music on loop.

>> No.2179141

Top kek
Some people literally need to make up fake evidence to continue their charade of the false reality they are living in.

>> No.2179195

Well, that's par for the course here. Mindlessly believe the things you want to be true, staunchly deny everything else.

>> No.2179199

Do you hear circus music after finding out OP's pic not in the article at all?

>> No.2179215
File: 1.13 MB, 498x498, 1617264704784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2179232

The article is real. So who is the one making fake evidence again? The guy ignoring FBI facts going back 30 years or the guy who is laughing at the article?
