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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21709403 No.21709403 [Reply] [Original]

Why has this board degenerated so much recently?
I know I am on 4chan and I should not be surprised in the slightest, we are the cesspool of internet and we'll always be. But it is rare to see such amount of retards, trolls, haters and shitposts on the whole board.
The whole tribalism, trying to stire drama and put Nijisanji and Hololive fanbases against each other, dozens of bait threads in the catalog at any given time, which get hundreds of replies instead of being ignored and called out like it happens on most other boards here.
4chan has a standard, usually. A very low standard, with regular shitposts and drama stirs, but still a standard. Trolls used to be called out here, and ignored for the most part. It made at least posting and reading here manageable. You could still have a sane conversation.

What happened? Why is /vt/ progressively getting more and more of a burning dumpster fire? We always had bait, shitposts, unicorns. But it was never to this magnitude. It has got to the point where it is taking over the entire board, and it annoys me to no end.

>> No.21709844

/vt/ is the bastard child of /pol/ and reddit with a dose of Twitter, what do you expect?

>> No.21710153

Any board that gets it's kicks pretending to be retarded will be infiltrated by the actual retards who think they are in good company, and /vt/ was merely pretending real fucking hard. Seriously though, 4chan represents a safe harbor for people who want to talk about vtubers without the looming presence of the biggest simps in the universe combing through every line of their post for anything to remove it. Since Vtuber chat spaces are so very totalitarian controlled by the biggest simps in the universe, not even normies can ignore it, and they come to the "wild west" of boards. (while avoiding the boards like snow/kiwi/kiwiagainbutadifferentone who have to say one anti-trans dogwhistle per post or be banned for being a simp.

>> No.21710181

I know.
But again, it used to be much better than this. For a long time, it was manageable. Tgen I have no idea what happened, but we got a mass increase of shitposts and bait.

We got invaded by tourists or what? I have no clue.

>> No.21710471

So, normie invasion? Sounds plausible.
A shame, because I used to enjoy talking in this board. It was a good place to comment without being filtered by yesmen and simps, like you said.
Nowadays though I can't scroll the catalog without seeing dozens of troll threads and retards seething, and it's honestly sad.

>> No.21710744

Well, one of the good things about 4chan is that 4chan culture has historically won out, except for /v/ and /pol/. So, hopefully people will hit that wall of "getting called a retard" for being retards, and shape up or ship out. Be sure to call low quality posters faggots, we all have to do our part.

>> No.21710932

I surely will. I hope we'll also stop with this stupid company war shit.
It has never been Hololive vs Nijisanji, and it'll never be. I am tired of seeing trolls pushing that narrative so hard everywhere.

Just enjoy who you want, who cares.

>> No.21711065

Well, fake as shit consolewar tier shenanigans have always been a /v/ past time.

>> No.21711196

>make a thread consists of 10% irony and 90% actual discussion on other boards
gets deleted instantly
>make a bait or drama thread on /vt/
nah we good

and imagine that it has been like this for 15 months

>> No.21711207

I know, I've seen that for years. But they at least usually are called out instantly on /v/. Not many dall for it.
That's what I'm surprised by. How here everyone bites the bait without even thinking a second.

>> No.21711317
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Shift + click

>> No.21711428

Think about it, you can't say anything negative in the Hololive or Nijisanji subreddits so the tourists usually complains here, this is looking more and more like /v/, at this point the board is going to need a division like /v/ and /vg/, in /vtg/ only generals and usefull info and /vt/ for the retarded console wars

>> No.21711466

True, but when a good 50 percent of the whole board has to be hidden, it is clear we got a problem.
That's why I made this thread, it has to be addressed at least some, or it will grow until it'll replace almost completely any sane discussion.

>> No.21711496
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a) it's sunday and all the kids are out baiting and trolling
b) see pic related

>> No.21711525

Because retards like OP respond to it

>> No.21711564

Street Shitting SEAMonkies

>> No.21711609

>Be sure to call low quality posters faggots
4channel is majorly shitposting so ure going to have to do a lot of cleaning up. why dont you just become a janny already or abandon ship to ur safe havens over at tw*tter or r*ddit? sounds like it to me that ur making the problem for urself and the only way to solve it is to just fucking leave the website kek.

>> No.21711615

Because my tribe is better than yours

>> No.21711704

The generals are all you need and are generally fine, any other threads aren't worth looking at.

>> No.21711727

not your hugbox, leave if you dont like it faggot

>> No.21711767

go back

>> No.21711873

>it is rare to see such amount of retards, trolls, haters and shitposts on the whole board
It's the SEAniggers. They can't even make witty replies on threads, I even see some imgur or reddit tier meme comments whenever I visit this board around midnight. Couldn't really expect anything from a region with average IQ below 100.

>> No.21711908

Nah 4chan culture lost HARD in /sp/ since man they went down hill hard. Hell I'm seeing a bunch of modern /sp/ starting to leak into /vt/ now.

Hey we're not up to having ~35+ hidden due to being complete repeats of themselves whenever [Corporation Name] EN DID A THING.

>> No.21711913

There is a difference between a hugbox and being genuinely unable to have a sane thread because of shizo, trolls and baitposting.
I am all up to be called out and get an honest opinion, positive or negative. But when it all devolves to shit like this it becomes unbearable.

>> No.21711912

You're a faggot.

>> No.21711925

>anons breaking containment by advertising the board on Reddit and Twitter

>> No.21711968
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There's a massive forum I visit that unanimously agrees that /vt/ is an anti board. Is this true?

>> No.21712004

It's been a lot worse. And if mods didn't do anything when it was worse, they're not going to do anything now.
So, if it comes down to anons to self-police, that's not going to happen. And there are multiple Discord servers and subleddits that use this place as a shitting ground.

>> No.21712097

Not your hugbox either, retard.

>> No.21712129

I.e. there are groups that are deliberately shitting the board up, which can only be cured by direct moderation.

>> No.21712216

It is such a shame. I usually just hide troll threads and ignore but again, it has got to a point where it's almost impossible to avoid tards, trolls and shizos here.

>> No.21712235

>It used to be much better than this
Okay newfag

>> No.21712413

SEAniggers are bad at understanding irony, they bite every bait. But now it's getting worse and worse because NijiEN attracts fujos and femcels into this place recently

>> No.21712570
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Pretty sure there was never such a time. Unless you also disliked/dislike Kiara and considered that time acceptable shitposting.

>> No.21712665

That's partially true in my opinion. It is true that such fans have come here, inevitably. But a good half of those kind of posts are trolls and haters falseflagging to stir shit.

>> No.21712686 [DELETED] 
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>not your hugbox, leave if you dont like it faggot

>> No.21712728

What was even with the massive Kiara hate? I don't watch her because her accent is fairly grating but aside from that I didn't think she was significantly worse than the other girls.

>> No.21712922

It used to be that some group would epically own us with baits and stupid shit that no one would ever fall for and then retreat to their discord and they'd all victory high five and jerk each other off. This was stupid but whatever, but now it's like several groups that are all just totally owning the other which is creating some kind of fucking perpetual motion machine of stupid shit

>> No.21713037

The key difference is that at least they used to not take over the whole board systematically. It used to come in waves but now it's just constant shitting up without a pause.

>> No.21713117

It was bad but at least it was not a fucking 24/7 thing like now.

>> No.21713466

I'm just waiting to see what it'll be like in two years

>> No.21713507

The board was shit outside the generals for a long time now

>> No.21713599

u should get your entire family killed by drunk drivers

>> No.21713660
File: 276 KB, 463x453, 1647787503933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons got some good filters i could use? Tired of seeing the same filip schizos spamming falseflags in catalog.

>> No.21714197

There was a good one in a shizo thread a couple days ago, do your reps

>> No.21714270

she had alot of haters from /cgl/, and the sad thing about 4chan is that anyone can shit up a board with enough time and dedication

>> No.21714458

This doesn't really happen does it?

>> No.21714513

>/pol/acks injecting themself into everything
worse than the jews they always cry about.

>> No.21714538

Vtubers are unironically the unholy intersection between insufferable ironic weeb culture (Reddit/TT), /v/ console war faggotry, brony culture (watching hours upon hours of women pretending to be stupid), and idol unicorn schizophrenia. It should be no surprise why the board is a bunch of generals followed by a bunch of textual sewage when these are the kind of mentally ill subhumans using the board. Add in that trannycord, Reddit, and Facebook SEAs all use this place as a landfill and you have an entire board of noise. The board died the moment retards thought it was okay to flash their secret club memberships outside of /vt/ (so it died in 2018), and it’s only gotten worse now that a dozen different factions have decided to rape the corpse by linking Reddit threads, posting Discord servers, advertising their SEA clips, and openly asking to raid that gay pixel shit.
That’s not even to begin talking about the insidious 4redditor mindset, where any post longer than two sentences triggers a sarunigger react or a dozen unfunny shitheads reply with the same stale joke and jerk each other off, where you’re not allowed to have a nuanced conversation because everything has to be a shitpost AND you’re still not allowed to criticize your cult without being a Chinese shill/Redditor/SEA, despite every single fucking one of them being some kind of subverter.

>> No.21714579

kys fag op

>> No.21714788

Having a board about internet celebrities was a mistake

>> No.21715919

I think there are like 4-5 tribalism-addicted SEAniggers or a group of discordfags just keep spamming bait thread and circlejerk to keep them bumped. It's so obvious by they keep using those exact same pic over and over again.

>> No.21716518

see >>21712922
it's basically four or five different groups that all use this place as their battleground all thinking that they are owning the opposition

>> No.21716526

This is true. I've rarely seen so much shitting up and it's incredible you can't even criticize anyone anymore without being called an incel. I am not jesus, I just want to be able to give any amount of criticism without being blown out and shitposted to death.

The last straw were the emojis for april fools. I know I should not care so much for it on april 1st, but I was so sick of all trolls spamming pepes everywhere for more than 24 hours straight.

>> No.21716855

It's the natural result of what happens when you have schizos going hog wild trying to turn anything they can into the "next big yab", eventually people just assume that any kind of critism is a schizo trying to start shit and dismiss you out of hand

>> No.21717298

This though speaks volumes about how retarded the average yesman/unicorn/shitposter is. It does not require a huge brain to differentiate between actual criticism and retardposting.

>> No.21717367

Maybe if you stopped using buzzwords like yesman/unicorn/shitposter people might be more inclined to take you seriously

>> No.21718233

How should I call them then? Retards is way too broad and that's what you call them.
You don't tolerate any amount of criticism and for you everything is a troll or intentional hate? That's a yesman. You yell a whole fanbase is a cuck because a streamer you will never meet collabs with a man? That's a unicorn. You impersonate fans to stir drama, hate, and wars between fanbases? That's shitposting.

I don't see why these are buzzwords. It is literally what happens here 24/7.

>> No.21719906

Not him, but those words have lost all meaning, like most words do in the post-twitter era
Correct someone when the information presented is provably false, I'm apparently a yesman
Don't like a collab with a male because he specifically is boring or annoying, I'm apparently a unicorn
Disagree with anything (You) say, I'm apparently shitposting

Take a wild guess which group started using all of these words wrong en masse. Pro tip they came here about 4 months ago

>> No.21720192

Most important boards had a long story of oldfags and culture shaping, with a steady but manageable influx of newfags that had to be called out and ironed into seasoned posters.

Meanwhile, the most cancer filled boards are the ones who got overrun by normalfags and tourists and couldn't be assimilated. Examples: /v/ with Gamergate, call of duty kids, shilling etc. /a/ to a lesser degree with shonenfags, MALfags, DBZspics etc. /pol/ with elections, facebook boomers, Qtards etc. /b/ with all the news articles.
The problem with /vt/ is that the ratio of 4chan oldfag to outsider SEA/kid/Redditor/Discordfag whatever is completely unbalanced. It's a new board where the OG userbase from /jp/ is completely dwarfed by the retards that came along after vtubing got popular.

I think /vt/ is /v/ tier, corruption-wise, with only what's left of /b/ now as being even more of a mangled 4chan corpse.

>> No.21720617

The population of this site skyrocketed in 2016, statistically everyone posting on this board is from reddit. There's no going back.

>> No.21720898
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I just realized you can notice the amount of corruption and normalfag infestation in a given board by how much of the autism-style posting becomes replaced by banter-style posting.

Autism posting is about a given topic. Object oriented. Banter posting is social, it is directed towards other posters. Social oriented.

>> No.21721012

All of the popular /vt/ lingo stopped meaning anything long before the Luxiemsisters arrived.
I'm sure they've added their own flavor of piss into this ocean, but every single buzzword this board misuses has been misused since its inception, entirely responsible by jackasses using words they don't understand because they took them from malcontents intentionally misusing words. For example, Reddit politispergs thinking the Holo-caust was about Taiwan instead of Capcom.

>> No.21721077

the answer is vtubers.
they wake up both the bost and worst of lonely anons.
See pyon for a small scale experiment that reflects the board

>> No.21721080

/vt/ might be bad, but I still don't think it's quite /v/ tier especially now they're a refugee site for /qa/tards and have unironic tiktok threads.

>> No.21721319

to be fair I haven't been in there for quite a while, I should go gaze at the horror for a bit.

>> No.21723460

>Wtf happened.
EN happened. It brought a lot of ironic weebs and normalfags into the vtubersphere. They were insistent on moulding the community in their own image and destroying whatever culture existed before. You could read them openly discussing their disdain for japanese fans and culture throughout the various yabs like Aloe. But this was still tolerable while hololive was dictating the culture, because holoEN was largely true to their jp roots.
Then nijiEN happened, and for a while it was still tolerable. nijiEN were largely true to their own roots in the first few gens, although they should have made it clear they would have males so the newfags didn't get blindsided. But overall the first few gens of nijiEN didn't have a discernable negative impact on the kind of fans surrounding vtubing.
And then Luxiem happened. The wave of fucks brought in by Luxiem, not old nijiniggers (they were fine) but twittertrannys, unironic fags, and fujos, are completely incompatible with large parts of the original hololive/nijisanji crowd. But worse, they have a lot in common with the ironic weebs and normalfags brought in by the original holoEN wave, and suddenly the balance of power in the culture is shifting away from the jp roots to something new and entirely western.

>> No.21724856

Why don't you try thinking for yourself?

>> No.21725793

This is the problem

>> No.21726159

I miss annoying orange general

>> No.21727756

Fair enough. But that's not an excuse to say I'm using the wrong words.
It is those assholes fault for labeling things that aren't that way. Go yell at them, not at me when I use them right.

>> No.21728089

This pretty much sums it.
Despite what trolls here say, it's not the entirety of nijien the issue here. While less constricted, the first three gens still have a barrier, a thin but firmly present line that no one used to cross. Then knce the latest ones appeared, it slowly shifted towards a more western culture.

>> No.21728982

It's simple. We never should've left /JP/

>> No.21729472

Just do what I do. Visit /vt/, head straight for the Okayu / Korone thread, jerk off to Okayu's fat tits, and then leave.

>> No.21729675

Anyone who doesn't point this out is part of the problem.
This board entertains so many low quality posts by people who can not prove that they watch VTubers or have even been on this site for 5 minutes. Things like this, Mori instead of Calli, reps etc are some of the few avenues on an anonymous image board to differentiate between a poster who has spent some non-zero amount of time lurking the board from someone who has been here for some time. When people respond to threads which don't pass these little tests then the board gets opened up to Discord and Twitter raids, r*dditors who see the Suisei Alchemist screencap and come here to "laugh at the schizos", tourists, etc, since at that point there is absolutely nothing stopping them. You shouldn't be able to differentiate between a poster who has been here for a week and one that has been here for a year.

>> No.21731200

split generals have been the best place to be lately, but even the best ones have been going to shit lately.

>> No.21731268

War. War never changes.
The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth.
Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory.
Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower.

But war never changes.

In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons: Petroleum and Uranium. For these resources, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on controlling the last remaining resources on Earth.

In 2077, the storm of world war had come again. In two brief hours, most of the planet was reduced to cinders. And from the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization would struggle to arise.

A few were able to reach the relative safety of the large underground Vaults. Your family was part of that group that entered Vault Thirteen. Imprisoned safely behind the large Vault door, under a mountain of stone, a generation has lived without knowledge of the outside world.

Life in the Vault is about to change.

>> No.21731288

Hololive was redditized from the start and anyone who thinks Myth was "genuine appreciation of vtuber culture" is retarded. I'll even agree with you that the endless Luxiem pog shit is grating, but every single new group they've brought in are divorced from the ironic weeb disdain that /hlgg/ or should I say r/hololive has brought with their open welcoming of anituber parasites.
