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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21663758 No.21663758 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they so fucking BAD? I literally don't see any reason why you'd choose any of them over anyone in Myth.

>> No.21663849

They're better than Myth I like them a lot

>> No.21663965

Mumei is the only awful one

>> No.21663999


>> No.21664047

Kronii and mumei have better chemistry than gura and ame desu

>> No.21664050

True. But Fauna and Bae are decent enough. Not as good as Myth but pretty close.

>> No.21664120

*Mumei is the only great one
Fauna and Bae are good too.

>> No.21664130

>Fauna is the only decent one

>> No.21664134

That's just because Amesame died. If we are back to 2020 no ship can compare.

>> No.21664213


>> No.21664343
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>> No.21664370

Even back then their interactions were kinda awkward

>> No.21664406

I think Kronii just works better in collabs in general. She's the perfect straight man.
So when you pair her up with someone wacky like Mumei, the comedy duo works because Kronii is a fun person to tease.

>> No.21664443

Fauna and Bae hit niches that nobody else in HoloEN really hits. Sana has some pretty creative ideas once in a blue moon but is otherwise pretty bad.

Kronii, Mumei, and Irys are all milquetoast as fuck and you can get what they offer literally anywhere else.

>> No.21664446

Good Council members:
Kronii (when she streams)

Good Myth members:

>> No.21664527

why is sana's model so fucking ugly dude

>> No.21664556

Council is better than Myth now, update your shitposts.

>> No.21664574

kronii sucks at making material to work with on her own, but when she's given some (i.e. shit happening in a collab), she's incredibly fucking hilarious.

>> No.21664601

There's a pretty big obvious reason: its her brown skin debuff

>> No.21665128

Slow the fuck down the rrat is fucking great. She literally carries her group

>> No.21665212

Used to feel the same way until she started doing GFE and finally changed my opinion on her after she went on ironmouses podcast with vshojo.

>> No.21665260

Bae is in that image you son of a bitch.

>> No.21665283

She's a hard worker, but outside of gimmick streams she isn't that interesting.

>> No.21665413

I like Fauna. She has the best variety gaming content, good zatsudan skills, is secretly a rage gamer but doesn't force it as a gimmick, consistent schedule, and cute as fuck.
Kronii has huge potential but self-sabotages and appears to hate streaming.

I can't get into the other three, i don't even know wtf Mumei's personality is supposed to be beyond "le cute" + the recent "ackshually le creepy" gimmick.

>> No.21665526

I mean all four of them have their own niche or gimmick that they can make work and I can respect that even if its not my cup of tea genre wise

>> No.21665584

Nope, i'd rather watch fauna, bae and irys over anyone else.

>> No.21665646
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used to be a mythfag, now i guess im more of a hope council supporter.

>> No.21665743

I can agree to this except add Amelia, stream wise she’s boring as shit but she has some creative contributions to the group

>> No.21665753

More or less the right way to put it. She's talented, hard-working, creative and has a good personality but she just seems to be a totally regular girl with no outstanding characteristics or interests to leverage on stream.
And she actually does basically zero pandering on top of that so you can't get the vanilla girlfriend experience out of her either.

>> No.21665834

Kronii is a narcissistic bland bitch.
Is that her kayfabe? Is that how she really is? Who knows and who cares, it's how she comes across. it's her gimmick and it's tiresome as hell.
Also she hates her job, hates her avatar and hates her fans.
By far the worst of the bunch.

Sana had retarded hiatuses and she's boring and barely interacts during collabs, plus a shitty accent. I often forget she even exists because she leaves such a weak impression.
She's the second worst.

I have nothing negative to say about the rest.

>> No.21666102

Mumei is good.

Bae is good.

Fauna is good.

Sana is cool but I don't think she fits well as a corpo vtuber. I would rather her go indie and use her own art style for her model.

Kronii sucks. Carried by Wada-sensei's art. I thought I would maybe warm up to her more but nope she still sucks. This is coming from someone who hated Kiara for months and finally warmed up to her. Still waiting for Kronii to have something click for her or she should just fucking graduate.

The real issue at hand is they don't feel like a group at all. HoloMyth had some growing pains but they truly feel like a group now. Holo Council is just... uh... I guess Bae and Irys are really good friends? But Irys isn't Council. Who knows maybe they will get through this first year and feel more like a group. So far it's looking rough though.

>> No.21666239

Also Irys is pretty much a sixth ranger for Council even though she debuted first.
Her design and theme matches Council and she could never fit in Myth, but in Council she seems very comfortable.

>> No.21666246

Bae and fauna are the only two that actually seem to want to be streamers, which makes them easier to watch. The others do it because they have to, or just don't stream in sana's case.

None of council are anything more than meh though.

>> No.21666311

All out war

>> No.21666460

>Bae GFE
I kinda want to see this, any particular examples?

>> No.21666516

The best part of Kronii is the absolute seethe you can feel from 2views everywhere that she has an insane buff model and she wastes it.

>> No.21666562

>finally changed my opinion on her after she went on ironmouses podcast with vshojo.
What the fuck does this even mean? What opinion changed? What does collabing with Ironmouse signify to you? Ironmouse cares more about Hololive than some Holomems do.

>> No.21666607

Kroni’s legs are so skinny

>> No.21666628

>brap reaper
>la creativetired
>elden autist
Gura is great and Ina is decent it's not like it's a landslide for Myth.

>> No.21666781

Shitpost bait threads aside I don't get why myth is so highly rated. They have no chemistry with each other because they're all reclusive divas with no aligning interests and they're really low energy and uninspired in solo streams. Was it just a free incline because ENtubers were a novelty in 2020?

>> No.21666797

I agree with a lot of criticisms about Kronii but she has excellent highs. I think she's a weaker talent overall but she brings in a lot of numbers because she's very clippable. When she's good, she's very good, but when she's not which is honestly most of the time, it's dead air fucking central and the same three phrases when she does speak up.

I'm still believing that there'll be a day where she turns on and grows comfortable with streaming. Having the worst fanbase in holoen doesn't help her.

>> No.21666902

I’d say Council had a more cohesive start than Myth, but Kronii and especially Sana being sparse streamers undermined that.

>> No.21667135

They play more games I like than Myth. That's literally all they have to do to bring me in. Play games that I like and enjoy them (though I understand differences in taste), that's what gets me watching.

>> No.21667213

Hardcore vtubing fans are a minority, brand fans are an even smaller vocal minority. Most viewership over about 1000 is highly reliant on casual fans who just watch whatever catches their eye.

Even if Myth wasn't first to market, it's still an extremely appealing line taken at face value because all of the girls have immediate appeal with marketable talents except maybe Kiara, and the results of Kiara have been discussed to death. There're a lot of Deadbeats who're effectively just watching the person who made these songs they heard about in weeb circles, or people who watch a ton of content creators but open up Amelia's stream whenever they see her doing something weird. People who started following Ina because they were following her art first then never made an effort to find any anime girls that might've appealed to them more.

/vt/ is not the norm and it skewers perceptions of numbers and fanbases a lot. Honestly the biggest factor vtubers are rated on around here is just how strong of a parasocial connection you can form with them, and that's applied across every fanbase even though most people won't admit it. What makes a vtuber blow up isn't necessariily their quality either, but a combination of luck and marketing. Myth is infinitely more marketable than literally every other group in the western scene. I'd wager every member, including Kiara, was selected for their ability to pull in an uninvested audience, and in Kiara's case her strengths just failed to convert.

>> No.21667332

>obvious bait
>all these people falling for it
You guys aren't actually this stupid, right?

>> No.21667476

What? They are not awkward cringelords that can't hold a conversation during collabs. They are way more enjoyable to watch.

>> No.21667566

>cant audition if you never streamed before

>> No.21667612
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>> No.21667643

They don't stream enough. Other than that, they are pretty good, except for mumei.

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.21667707

>They're better than Myth

>> No.21667751

seeing people argue about myth vs council is funny
i sure wish you guys would do it every day

>> No.21668011

>music producer
>idol and mother of the group
>professional artist
>singer and internet culture expert
>gamer and creative producer


>discount artist
>random girl #1 who speaks softly
>random girl #2 who sounds like boy
>random girl #3 with no notable qualities
>girl who abandoned her meme gimmick after 1 week

Omegatranny should be fired for this fucking trainwreck.

>> No.21668050

People already argue about whose better in "Myth" way before council and nijien even debuted.

>> No.21668099

Groundhog day

>> No.21668125

Myth for solo streams
Council for collabs
I love them both

>> No.21668126

They're not. You're just a fucking retard.

>> No.21668188

Comparisons against myth are unfair. They are the most powerful generation in the entire company.

>> No.21668281

literally just search "GFE" on her channel

>> No.21668290
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They're all great except for Kronii.

>> No.21668298
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irys mogs both

>> No.21668382

I can't even tell who are the last 3 there

>> No.21668413

>Kronii hates streaming and somehow got into Hololive wtf
>Fauna doesn't excel at anything
>Sana doesn't exist and is full of excuses

Mumei is literally the only good one. I also think Bae is underrated

>> No.21668418


Other anon is a threadreader
this is the only time she has done GFE and it was a bit for that specific day
Very powerful though, you have been warned

>> No.21668431

her design is ugly and creepy, I just can't watch her

>> No.21668453

Mumei is a whole lot of nothing.

>> No.21668458

>>Fauna doesn't excel at anything
she's literally the only EN ASMRtist

>> No.21668484

>Kronii hates streaming
watch the streams faggot, she loves to banter with chat, it's like her favorite thing

>> No.21668554

Schizos are out of control now than Rushia is gone and Calli is out of their reach
lmao, they don't know what to do

>> No.21668630

based ty. ive been digging into vtubers more recently than usual and I think bae's top tier right now.

>> No.21668632

>sees criticism
>it makes sense
>don't know how to counter it
>projects panic and hopelessness onto others
Absolute state of you.

>> No.21668709
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It's not omega's fault. The english-speaking world is just that short on talent.

>> No.21668723

Not the anon you responded to, but I used to think that too, but she's been slowly growing on me lately.
I think she's still trying to build her own identity and doesn't really know what to be yet, but I definitely see some potential in her.

>> No.21668762

Being the only of something doesn't make you good at it.
She has actually said she doesn't like streaming.

>> No.21668772

Glad you feel that way
She is among my top favorites as well

>> No.21668776

>all these bait posts
>1 IP
i knew it was all me. should've taken my meds earlier

>> No.21669084

They struggled because they went from streaming as themselves before they joined to not knowing how to behave as a corpo with expectations and restrictions placed on them. Some coped by leaning superheavy into the lore of their characters which was cringe and when that didn't work they just stopped streaming.
Bae(by collabing alot) and Fauna(knowing her strengths and sticking to them) got out of this quickest. Mumei was next although I think she is still figuring some stuff out herself. Sana has had the problem of her lengthy breaks killing her momentum but I think she is confident enough in herself to just do what she likes and isnt super concerned about numbers. Then there is Kroni who cant handle the parasocial aspect of being a vtuber and being a lust object for horny teens. My money is on her being first holoen graduation

>> No.21669185

ah yes, an aussie gf, all I've ever wanted in life

>> No.21669280
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dont care for fauna but dont hate her, sana is whatever, kronni is aight but extra design is good in general, I like Rrat because cheese to meet you, and mum is cute birb. Compared to myth with PC bird, Cringy manly "rapper", drunk Boomer same that stole the 1mil from the other deserving talents with a cute and funny design surprisingly for EN audience, funny rage gamer that dropped the brit act, and best Eldritch Horror Oshi that's so soft and a talented artist Ina. Half of myth is garbage. At least council doesnt have any trash females infecting it.

>> No.21669348

Myth - why are they so fucking BAD? I literally don't see any reason why you'd choose any of them over anyone in Gen 0, Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4, Gen 5 and Gen 6

>> No.21669364

Kronii vs Mori who is worse

>> No.21669455

They make for fun collabs at least. Myth collabs always feel forced.

>> No.21669573

probably an unpopular opinion but fuck it,
recently Council has a better dynamic in collabs than Myth. Myth has the issue of Calli speaking over the others loudly and complaining, and it used to be Kiera in this loud position as well. Council actually feels like they don’t necessarily have a leader or someone who speaks over the others, they all feel like girls just goofing around whereas Myth doesn’t always have that energy anymore. Humour wise I’d take them over Calli’s shit or Gura’s foot fetish any day.

>> No.21669594

honestly they're both equally shit. Mori's just louder.

>> No.21669656

Kronii is the best when it comes to banter with chat, almost no awkward silence, she always has a good comeback, it's so fun to watch, Only Gura does it better (when she's in the right mood) Mumei is learning too, and they really love and support each other that's what I love about coincil
Myth interactions are kinda weird sometimes, yeah they're like a family but... a dysfunctional family

>> No.21669705

correct opinion

>> No.21669735

Kronii doesn't banter with chat, she banters with her favorites in chat.

>> No.21669765

See you all after next year's HoloFes when you guys claim Bae is the best thing since sliced bread.

>> No.21669820

I honestly think sana is great when she streams, I hope she makes a comeback this year.

t. chumbud

>> No.21669851

Kiara and mori really need their volumes turned down and/or mics muted for the majority of myth collabs.
They both really need to constantly be the center of attention badly.

>> No.21669930

right now the only good myth member is Gura and maybe Ina

>> No.21669943

I won't watch any stream that has Mori in it
Council is better by default

>> No.21669946

Sana is actually pretty great and loves streaming (eg: probably some of longest streams in EN),

you guys just forgot about all that though since she’s literally been in pain from back issues, definitely hope she can make a comeback

>> No.21669998


>> No.21670088
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bait but I agree that gura and ina are the strongest western vtubers

>> No.21670104

that’s the thing, no one in council really feels like they’re begging for attention over the others, Myth is like a semi dysfunctional family whereas Council feel like equal coworkers

>> No.21670184

Not just unpopular, objectively retarded.

>> No.21670272

It's not bait, I got tired of Calli and her bullshit
Ame is too shy and awkward all the time and her "I fucked your mom" jokes are cringe, and Kiara, well Kiara is Kiara

>> No.21670276

You’re really saying that Calli’s bitching and awkward jokes between each other makes for a better dynamic?

>> No.21670283

Same old shitpost. Same old script.

>> No.21670329

Myth & IRyS for EN shenanigans. Select JPs for JP shenanigans. Anya/Reine for both.
Council provide no value to me. I gave their relay collab a shot but even that fell flat.

>> No.21670355

Not him but to be fair sana is horribly more awkward. Luckily she doesnt join often

>> No.21670371

watch the streams before posting again, thanks

>> No.21670381

It's obvious you're stuck up on Mori like her many schizos, so I'm not going to reason with you.

>> No.21670436

understandable then, yeah I'm not a fan of kiara or ame either but I think we're just not their target audience. mori's actions are divisive, you either like her or you really don't

>> No.21670437

"I've come to realise that the "Council - what went wrong?" thread is a source of comfort for many people. Here they can stay rooted in one point in time, never moving forward, wearing the timeloop like a warm blanket. It's familiar. That way you can hone your posts, and eventually perfect the same reply you've been giving for weeks on end.
This is not the definition of insanity. No one is repeating themselves hoping for a different result. No. You want the same result, you want to read the same words, without ever changing. Sana is black. Baelz is an Ollie clone. Kronii is lazy. Fauna's ASMR is a letdown. Council never streams, they always take breaks.
Familiar, comforting words. Endless validation. I wish everyone here the best ... may you find peace in your chosen resting place."
- Anonymous

>> No.21670450

Yes I watched their most recent big event, it was boring and unfunny.
>just watch 20 more hours and maybe-
No thanks.

>> No.21670508

>"I fucked your mom" jokes are cringe
watch streams

>> No.21670584

Council are objectively less talented and have more boyfriends.
If you enjoy that, all the best to you.

>> No.21671012

Individual Myth members>Individual Council members
Council collabs>Myth collabs.
There's a reason that, despite management trying to push IRyS as the sixth ranger of Myth initially, she almost exclusively hangs out with Council. The Myth girls all have absolutely no chemistry with anyone else, or even really any social abilities to speak of, despite being great content creators on their own. The girls in Council are much more socially adept, and shine the most when streaming with other people, be it each other, or outside of their generation.

>> No.21671051

Agreed. Mori objectively ruins all collabs she's involved in, therefore all collabs with myth are ruined. Council collabs are better because they really don't have a single member who is as offensive to listen to. They have a better dynamic

>> No.21671239

not anymore, not hers anyway

>> No.21671269

no she has a weird face sometimes. chocolate paizurituber is otherwise a 10/10 concept

>> No.21671285

>Gura's foot fetish
Wait, does she still do that? Just so you know, there's some kind of thing in the foot fetish community where they will pay you big money to just to bring feet into topics. So someone is paying Gura to constantly talk about it. Probably the foot fetish clipper.

>> No.21671327

It's absolutely correct though. Kiara constantly tries to talk over everybody else, Calli is either doing the same if she organized whatever they're doing, or just completely detached and not paying attention to what's happening at all, Ame and Ina are complete wallflowers who barely participate, and Gura just interjects with something retarded every once and awhile. There's absolutely no chemistry between the Myth girls at all. I honestly used to think it was retarded when people said that they had no chemistry until Council came out and I saw what a group of streamers with genuine chemistry actually looks like.

>> No.21671363

Its literally sanas face itself or the way she positions her work phone. Go watch Kronii's april fools stream on her channel using the model, its 100 times better.

>> No.21671487

No, this is absolutely true and their greatest strength. Everyone in Council feels like they're on the same page and there's no "leader". Contrast that with Mori's actual asperger's and Kiara's narcissism and never being able to read the room.

>> No.21671545

>all these bait posts about Kronii not streaming at all
I know that 4 break week like 5 months ago was kind of a big deal (?) but she's been consistent since then. I dont get why people still act like this is the norm. Its like pretending that Mumeis still super fucking nervous all the time

>> No.21671705

Because Council antis don't watch streams.

>> No.21673069
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I like all of them (My favs are owl and rrat) and I've been watching them since debut. Council personalities are way more diverse and outgoing than Myth.

>> No.21673494


>> No.21674077
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From Council I only watch Kronii and Fauna

>> No.21674172
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I love Mumei!!!

>> No.21674302

her latest powerwash she talked about how doesn't treat streaming as work but as enjoyment: "playing video games and hanging out with you guys".

She hates the incel culture and sweaty men, it seems she's growing to get used to it a lot more now.

>having the worst fanbase in holoen doesn't help her

Kiara definitely took a backseat for the April Fools collab, kobo made her double down on the mommy side in a good way

>> No.21674630

Bae has never once had a single interesting thing to say. I don't know how you people simp for her. That and the fact she always gets overpowered in collabs by people with stronger personalities is pretty cringe too. I guess entertainment is optional for vtuber simps.

>> No.21674876

I would literally choose to watch any one of them besides Sana in place of Mori and Kiara.

>> No.21674989

>HoloMyth had some growing pains but they truly feel like a group now. Holo Council is just... uh... I guess Bae and Irys are really good friends?
to this day almost every one-on-one myth collab is still insanely awkward. but if you pick any two councils (note: sana does not exist and IRyS is the fifth member of council) and put them in a collab together they'll do great.
myth does look a lot more cohesive though. that's a design problem though. council just looks terrible.

>> No.21675222

alright i'll choose to believe this rrat

>> No.21675357

Bae is great and entertaining, also cute
She never runs out of interesting things to talk about
Suck ma pp Baeschizo

>> No.21675372

>hates incel culture and sweaty men
Who did she think watches these streams? It's otaku and men who are probably single. This doesn't change my opinion of her.

>> No.21675481

I second this. We need to vote Sana off the Council and replace her with Irys.
I don't understand why Sana hasn't been fired yet. She never streams

>> No.21675609

her past self was very cute, and had a gimmick she was passionate about

the new persona is so wholly detached it's no wonder she's having a Hachama ark and going crazy about what to be

>> No.21675681


>> No.21675958

Fauna is great.
Mumei is ok, if still awkard.
Kronii is the same but a different kind of awkward.
Sana is still stuck in month 1, just needs to stream more to get her shit together.
I don't watch really watch Bae, and every time I give her a chance I guess it's the wrong stream to because she's annoying as hell.

>> No.21676035

Not really her fault when management doesn't let her play off her gimmick.

>> No.21676107

Kronii is a weird one because she has great comedic timing and seems the least autistic member of HoloEN which was also confirmed by the council members during the offcollab trip, I feel like she tries too hard to be funny and falls flat when she doesn't have any material, maybe she should be more open and just talk about her hobbies and personal life more during the solo streams.

>> No.21676160

amateur asmr, any 5 view on twitch is better

>> No.21676171

It's a bit silly the lengths to which she goes to cover up her model's tits in her streams, but DESU they aren't very good tits to begin with.
They got no shape, just size.

>> No.21676244

Her ASMR is fine.

>> No.21676283

Objectively not true. Her microphone cost 10k, by just that measure she beats out any 2view

>> No.21676665

her model is pretty fucking stupid looking below the neck, as expected of fateshit. only good thing about it is how incredibly expressive the face is.

>> No.21676806

>random girl #2 who sounds like boy
She talks like how a woman that's never spoken to a man would think men talk, just to be honest.

>> No.21676873

technically a professional, actually

>> No.21677145

are you deaf or just dickless

>> No.21677282

Have you never spoken to a man either, femcel?

>> No.21677506

All anti narratives are solidified in the first few months and never change because they don’t watch streams.

>> No.21677692

Bae is my bogan waifu and moom is okay I guess, idk the rest

>> No.21678544

Hope and Council feel like a cohesive group of friends who love to goof around and arent afraid to dunk or shit talk each other out of love

Myth used to have this but lol @ anyone in myth doing a 1 on 1 collab with anyone else in Myth beyond 2021, the very idea is a "myth" in its self

>> No.21680851

Council together is WAY funnier than Myth together. Except for Bae. Christ. Her Loud = Funny schtick is maddening.

>> No.21681035

I think Council's relay was better than Myth's VR stream. I think there was more effort put into the relay than the same 3d model garbage that Myth has attached themsleves onto. They go for novelty rather than anything else.

>> No.21681378
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they are good girls and they have fun together

>> No.21681417

>discount artist
lel, you might want to flip that around

>> No.21681611

Unless Sana has an anime being made based on something she worked on and will be borrowing her style for it, Ina is on top.

>> No.21681662

I do but ok bro

>> No.21681898

The model itself is good, need to polished in some areas here and there and she would 10/10. Months ago I saw a really good edit, but can't find it anymore, buried deep in archives.

>> No.21682386

yeah, she had some good moments starting out— seemed to be forcing herself a bit—but very quickly that faded and we just hit this brick wall of her never streaming for one reason or another, or some other sort of weird dramatic thing like her literal addiction to minecraft. she's too inside her own head to control the mood of her streams. she kind of just 'isn't there yet'.

>> No.21684476

Ina herself said that Sana is better, and that she teaches her things

>> No.21685436

when you look at the actual work they've done for gacha, ina is being extremely humble.

>> No.21685666

Myth got delayed their 3D models for too long. Doesnt help that COVER doesn't fucking care and one of the EN talents has to spend her time doing what the company should of a year ago.
Its probably going to take council 2 years (if they last) to get theirs as well while holox will have theirs in a few more months.

>> No.21686110

I have problems with most of Council because they aren't like the sorts of vtubers I enjoy but I think comparing them negatively to Myth is laughable. Their April Fools' relay showed more genuine interest and respect for one another than any Myth collab ever has.

>> No.21690292

they're not bad, in fact they would be better than myth if myth didn't have Gura

>> No.21690393

>>Kronii hates streaming and somehow got into Hololive wtf
>>Fauna doesn't excel at anything
>>Sana doesn't exist and is full of excuses
You don't know shit

>> No.21691973

I like fauna, she is soft spoken and also a fembud

>> No.21691999


>> No.21692110

>Their April Fools' relay showed more genuine interest and respect for one another than any Myth collab ever has.
This. With Myth it feels like pulling teeth getting them to interact in a genuine way. Council and Irys generally just have more chemistry together overall.

>> No.21693670

because not everyone is a faggot like you, OP.
