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File: 350 KB, 650x650, Nanashi_Mumei_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21656492 No.21656492 [Reply] [Original]

I hate her so much it's unreal

>> No.21656524


>> No.21656685

How can a nomal human being hate Mumei?
You must lose your mind

>> No.21656716

only unicorns hate her

>> No.21656717


>> No.21656759

I can't imagine hating Mumei. It's like hating vanilla ice cream. Even if you don't like it, it's inoffensive enough that there's no real reason to hate it.

>> No.21656768

Is it true she’s got a b********?

>> No.21656869


>> No.21657026

ignore that other faggot, she absolutely does. this bitch also needs to stop blaming college being hard for not streaming.

>> No.21657109


>> No.21657132

nijiniggers are not human

>> No.21657193


>> No.21657271

I don't believe she mentioned a brother at any point

>> No.21657290

The only reason anyone would hate Mumei is because they're threatened by her. Either because of an inferiority complex regarding her and the shitposter's oshi/company or they're an actual 2view vtuber who can't comprehend why they aren't popular and she is. She lives rent free in this one shitposter's mind, so it's really only either of the two.

>> No.21657355

I think people should at least praise her honesty. I mean at least she has come out and openly said hey don't simp for me because I already have someone.

>> No.21657367

Can you at least put some effort into your anti thread? So you hate her, so what? Why do you hate her? Any rrats? ANYTHING interesting?

>> No.21657415

Seething 2views and their fans I see
ex: nijien

>> No.21657418

During Mumei's members stream:
>made a salad with apple, shredded onion, carrots, leftover chicken, parmesan cheese, and salad dressing
>eating too many raw onions gives her headaches
>already looked through some of the cooking review submissions
>ranted about all the civilization duty she's been having to do
>hates to read, present and debate stuff
>basically doesn't speak at all the entire day when she's not doing these things
>would like to know how to speak in a more normal way and be more sociable
>thinks Hololive has been helping her embrace her weirdness, though, which seems to be one of the reasons streaming gives her energy
>the fact that she can't act like that in real life has been eating at her a bit this week and dampened her mood
>had to read a book and talk about it, but thinking about how to phrase what she wanted to say out loud made her expend a lot of energy and made her very tired
>kept ranting about how she's a social wreck, doesn't know how to explain things, can't think about what to say quickly enough, gets too nervous, thinks she'll waste people's times, etc
>thought she was gonna have to move again and it made her insanely stressed out. Something she noticed in her house
>after thinking about it for a bit, she now thinks it can be fixed
>was very frustrated about her performance as IRyS, especially because it was on someone else's channel
>her mic wasn't picking up her windy banana and that also hit her very hard
>Bae was copying Mumei before the stream, as practice, and Mumei thought it was hilarious
>wrote down a bunch of yabai stuff she wanted to say as IRyS but chickened out of all of them
>one of the things had to do with IRyS' horns
>was gonna try to deliver the keyboard lube joke but it didn't really work
>usually watches IRyS' superchat readings and giggles at the innuendos
>thought that "that's what she said" was just an innocent statement for years
>something about taking a picture of her webkinz inside a prison cell in Alcatraz, for some reason?
>finds interesting how some people feel full after watching mukbangs. She only feels hungry
>got a couch
>is looking up guitar tutorials on youtube because she's out of practice
>loves how Kobo's guitar sounds in her streams
>thinks Gura's voice sounds like nectar and Kobo's voice sounds like honey
>praised Suisei's voice, too
>there aren't any voice teachers near her. Thinks her lessons will have to be online, which she thinks kinda sucks
>was feeling very self-conscious singing during the off collab because she thought she was gonna make weird faces
>wants to do an a capella karaoke with effects as if she were in a cave
>is really excited to get VR equipment so she can do VR karaokes
>couldn't watch all of Myth's Twister stream but said it looked very fun
>wants to visit relatives she hasn't seen in like 3 years, but intends to bring a notebook with her to stream
>would love to go to Tokyo and meet her JP senpais, especially Lui and Haachama, and the EN girls who live in Japan
>messaged Haachama and said "Haaachamachamachama, do you want war or do you want love?" and Haachama said "WAR", to that, Mumei simply replied "WAR"
>suddenly remembered seeing a bear once in a capture the flag game
>went to what's probably an outhouse in the middle of the night, once, and saw a freaking Koyori
>almost accidentally bumped into a barracuda one time
>was trying to record herself singing some songs to do like a radio DJ thing but her mic kept picking up her mouth noises and it pissed her off
>asked chat if they would like to request any songs in particular
>gets way too mad when she's singing off-stream and messes up. Yells autistically
>lost her HDMI cable. Can't stream Switch games currently
>is nervous about her Ark collab
>it was Anya who invited Mumei to the collab
>didn't notice she kept calling Iroha "Irish" for days on Discord because of auto-correct
>was very surprised that Chloe knew what "psycho" meant back during their collab
>misses the hop in days of Minecraft

>> No.21657471

>asked about a new game Matsuri played with Haachama? No idea what she was talking about.
>said she refuses to learn how to play Minecraft properly because what she likes about the game is talking to the other girls
>wishes she had more free time to collab with the girls. She said not too long ago that collabs are her favorite type of streams
>believe it or not, she likes her guardian of civilization duties to an extent
>nonexistent social life, so she thinks she'd be in a much sadder state without Animal
>Animal is a VERY high maintenance pet, but she says it's worth it
>thought about getting another pet, but doesn't know how Animal would take it
>doesn't understand how people would make friends at guardian of civilization duties, then proceeded to do an exaggerated roleplay of a sociable person
>brief pause to admire her chibi Hololive tapestry
>doesn't want to join any clubs, is scared of discussion and judgment
>laughed at the mention of a sports club
>extensively roleplayed as elitist club members condescendingly admonishing her because of her basic tastes
>her balls feel weird. Her eyeballs, that is. Control your libido, stinky brat.
>wants to play ring fit
>thinks she'll be fine if it's only walking and running in place, but can't do push ups
>wants to play GOI again with Fauna coaching her
>would like to do something tomorrow but doesn't know what
>was cuter than usual right before ending the stream, telling her members some heart-melting things

>> No.21657478

Don't Irys fans currently hate her?
Also if you care about RM stuff then yes she has a bf and she's happier with him than with (you).

>> No.21657555

Well I guess you got me biting, but why would you unironically hate Mumei?

>> No.21657591

So she either has a bf or has an incest relationship with her brother. DROPPED

>> No.21657600

I know anon. Understand Mumei is aimed at a younger audience who scream when a woman does something remotely weird. Y’know how as a kid a girl could say anything in a presentation and people would laugh?

>> No.21657721

what an ungrateful cunt

>> No.21657783

this, it's just irystosharts attacking her now because Mumei couldn't imitate their goblin waifu. honestly they're acting just like chumbuds with Iofi after the among us collab which is absolutely retarded

>> No.21657809

>has an incest relationship with her brother.

>> No.21657830

She seems sweet and seems like she really loves Hololive. I don't get all the hate.

>> No.21657850

I hate her because she's massively popular for NO fucking reason.
Even before she debuted people were forcing the meme that she's "best girl" because for some RETARDED fucking reason you braindamaged niggers thought "brown brown brown with a shade of brown and... some more brown!" was the "LE CHARACTER DESIGN EVER!!!" (actual braindamage).
Her debut was shit, her post-debut stream was even worse, she had zero personality. But did that stop anyone from fucking criclejerking her? No. LE MEIMEI CUTE XD
Fucking retarded NPC niggers.
Now she realized how she's just a boring "token cute" stone with no personality and decided to amp up the "lol im actually so weird and freaky" shtick (wow never seen THAT before), but I have to ask, what for? Your braindamaged fanbase already liked you even when you had the personality of a rock anyway, so there's no need to try to be something more, is there?

Not OP btw.

>> No.21657902

ok, go back to discord

>> No.21657935

Unironically seething anon.

>> No.21658020

>I hate her because she's massively popular for NO fucking reason
Jealous 2view-chan, good luck!

>> No.21658040

yeah, me

>> No.21658061

No offense but this really comes off as a severe case of tart bunches of small round fruits.

>> No.21658121

Note how no Owlfag can actually explain why she's supposed to be good.

>> No.21658170

April's fool was yesterday

>> No.21658175

i accept your concession, incel
now go outside and get some fresh air

>> No.21658185

Same, I never watched her but just what I know about her makes me despise her
Worst council
