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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 141 KB, 720x401, Screenshot_20220331_200522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21455504 No.21455504 [Reply] [Original]

Empress Inori Hazuki, by the grace of God, Empress of Holy Hazuki Empire. Queen of /vst/ of /vt/. Archduchess of /gsg/, of /civg/ is playing EUIV

>> No.21456979

May her reign be long and peaceful and prosperous for our people.

>> No.21457189

What is she playing as? Is that Savory or Genoa?
And go find other /gsg/vtubers and turn this into a general.

>> No.21457247
File: 2.40 MB, 1200x1507, 1200px-Nicolas_de_Largilli%C3%A8re%2C_Fran%C3%A7ois-Marie_Arouet_dit_Voltaire_adjusted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voltaire was an optimist considering this bullshit.

>> No.21457465

But she's not playing Austria (the emperor of the HRE at the start of the game). She's playing Cologne, a bishopric inside the HRE.

>> No.21457567


>> No.21457575
File: 3 KB, 1200x720, Electerote of Cologne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems Cologne
Voltaire was and his Enlighted cronies were the first enemies of the west

>> No.21457878

But theocracies can't get elected as an emperor. What's her game plan?
t. EOP

>> No.21458004
File: 225 KB, 800x1036, 800px-Hasak_-_Der_Dom_zu_Köln_-_Bild_02_Westseite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I remember right Cologne's cathedral is like national unity of the germans. Right?

>> No.21458276
File: 53 KB, 952x476, t.bobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.21458430

I thought this thread was highlighted in my catalog because of the blue border

>> No.21461044

First /v/, then /vg/, then /pol/, then /his/, then /vst/, and now /vt/. Truly the sun never set in /gsg/ empire.

>> No.21461282
File: 86 KB, 594x900, Charles V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21461573

you can reform into a monarchy later or by forming some map

>> No.21461802

I know. Theocracies are fun to play as though.

>> No.21462628

The Kölner Dom (Cologne Cathedral) is the most famous church in Germany, and historically significant because it was built to house one of the holiest catholic relics - the Shrine of the Three Kings, thought to contain the bones of the Three Wise Men. Barbarossa got his hands on the Shrine when he took Milan in 1164, and it has attracted pilgrims to the Kölner Dom ever since.

The church associated with German national unity is the Paulskirche (St. Paul's Church) in Frankfurt, because the first German parliament met there in 1848 - though the efforts to establish a democratic Germany failed since the parliament couldn't agree on how to include Austria (all of it/only German territories/not at all) and who the head of state should be. When they finally voted to offer the Imperial crown of Germany (excluding even the German parts of Austria) to the Prussian King, he refused; the momentum had shifted, and the revolution was militarily defeated soon after.

>> No.21463431

>The church associated with German national unity is the Paulskirche (St. Paul's Church) in Frankfurt, because the first German parliament met there in 1848 - though the efforts to establish a democratic Germany failed since the parliament couldn't agree on how to include Austria (all of it/only German territories/not at all) and who the head of state should be. When they finally voted to offer the Imperial crown of Germany (excluding even the German parts of Austria) to the Prussian King, he refused; the momentum had shifted, and the revolution was militarily defeated soon after.
I heard the real cause of their downfall because the most of germans wanted to be united under the aristocracy rather than the blabbering peasants

>> No.21464013

Should have offered it to Austriachad.

>> No.21464591

>allows jews to have freedom

>> No.21464676

I wish there were more, but GSGs are such a hard filter for most women.

There is no one "real" cause in political affairs this complex (and "peasants" doesn't mean non-nobles in this context - peasants are low-status farmers who wouldn't rule either way). But it is true that democratic ideas and human rights were mostly promoted by the bourgeoisie and university students while many low-class Germans weren't too interested or even hostile to it.
Parliaments were often seen as less legitimate than (absolute) monarchs, and many francophobe Germans rejected democracy, constitutions and human rights as a product of the French Revolution. The current elites afraid of losing their status pushed for retaining the status quo as well, of course - so when the monarchs of Germany saw the revolution losing steam and started deploying their armies against their own people more aggressively, they found success.

Considering Prussia taking over Germany from 1866 to 1871 ultimately led to Willy II and the Bohemian private losing two World Wars like idiots, it probably would've been better to stick with Austria as the foremost German state. Even Prussia might easily have been better off long-term, looking at how it doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.21464732


>> No.21465123

>Willy II
my guy really ruined the whole west
its kinda surprising that he was managed to make Russia and France an ally

>> No.21465337

Not to mention France and Britain, who had fought many wars and had been hostile towards each other for over 500 years at that point.

>> No.21465695

guy was unmatched at "making enemies"
what if his younger brother succeeded? because him dying in his childhood

>> No.21466339

It wasn't Willy II, it was Bismarck. He brought about a political reality where France wanted to recover Alsace-Lorraine at all costs and Britain noticed that united Germany was now the strongest continental power. WWI was inevitable after Germany was formed the way it was. Maybe it could be avoided if he went easier on France, i.e. not taking any territory and not occupying them for months (like with Austria). Maybe then they would have more reservations about allying themselves with the British. I'm not so sure though.

>> No.21466906

t. grandi

>> No.21467005

>10 posters
so this is current active /gsg/ posters?

>> No.21469075

unironically yes

>> No.21469753

More active than the /vg/ thread at times.

>> No.21470832

bitttchcchchchhcch fucking finally EU4 Chuuubaaaaa

>> No.21470968

We are 12 now

>> No.21471330

I'm hoping she plays Naples next, it's a fun campagin

>> No.21472103

t. rob

>> No.21473050

>have to deal with Aragon
>have to deal with B*rber.
>have to deal with Pope who rival you simply because you happen to be his neighbor.

>> No.21473374

Aragon lets go of the PU through the Alfonso's will event, which fires very early on. The others are a non issue, every war in Italy can be won by sitting behind a hill fort. It's one of the easiest ways to form Italy.

>> No.21478316

I will now watch your chuuba.
