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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2144815 No.2144815 [Reply] [Original]

I am... forgotten...

>> No.2145013

It's almost been 2 weeks since her last stream.
Her recording the Among Us clip makes me wonder if there's a longer version out there. She may have just wanted to make that clip to show how she was a demon.

>> No.2146687

She clearly hates her fans. It’s time to move on, utokeks.

>> No.2146759

Uto? More like Whoto

>> No.2146763

Is she the most successful scam tuber ever? Managed over 70k before she got dropped

>> No.2151270

Lmfao bitch dont even stream

>> No.2153585

There's a new members post.

>> No.2155426

Its not like the hate was unjustified. The community around her was just really cringe.

>> No.2155497

Negotiations with company went sour, she won't be able to keep the character they commissioned for her.

>> No.2155513

Why does she keep disappearing?

>> No.2155668

>new membership post

Was it so difficult to make that post two fucking weeks ago?

>> No.2155726

I'd have preferred if she made a public version too. There's not really a reason to keep it members only.

>> No.2155748

kek nice one

>> No.2156171

I defended Uto back in January but they were right, I was wrong. She really has a bad personality.
I sent her a message asking if I should cancel my membership a few hours ago.
Suddenly there is a message in the community tab that she can't stream blah blah blah.

>> No.2156336

So what's going on? Is she pregnant? Did the chink company fuck her over real hard? Why was the hiatus notification 2 weeks late? New boyfriend? How much of her viewership and paypigs will she lose this time?

>> No.2156365

Well at least it seems you got her attention. I don’t know what she’s doing IRL but I have a feeling she doesn’t seem to enjoy streaming that much anymore.

>> No.2156485

well did you cancel your membership anon?

>> No.2156769

>but I have a feeling she doesn’t seem to enjoy streaming
I think this was a contributing factor. My guess is that she was kind of burning out and then she got a new computer and game to play around with. What was probably going to be a couple day break to set up her new computer turned into a couple weeks as she fell out of the rhythm of planning streams, making thumbnails, and doing the streams themselves.

>> No.2156859

The first time was understandable. The second time, not so much. She didn't build up her base enough so can be gone for long periods of time like Shion. She also privated that Apex rage quit she did immediately after the stream ended. If she didn't have the Ame connection and the controversy, she'd be a 200k subbed vtuber at best. The recent stream views show that decline and what would be her usual views if people lost interest in the 2 things above. Such a shame but these things happen. Opportunity and success are fleeting and you've got to grab them when you can.

>> No.2156909

Didn't most of her community consist of Teamates who latched onto her?
Don't see why she doesn't just make a twitter post instead of ghosting everyone.

>> No.2156939

200k is actually pretty huge. If it wasn't for that and aggressive SEO, commissioning clips etc she would be just another indie or low tier company vtuber.

>> No.2157143

kek is that why she went so hard with that GFE shit in membership streams recently? So that she can go on long breaks unannounced like Shion? I knew she was a ruthless businesswoman, but taking advantage of her fans like that is a new low.

>> No.2157217

She hates her Japanese fanbase, not her English one.
Her English fans are just "you look like Ame and are cute" with light GFE expectations.
Her Japanese fans were expecting the same level of Idol LARP they get from from Hololive since she had the same papa as Ame.

>> No.2157275

Isn't she more of a Discord streamer now? I don't go to discord so I wish her luck on her new streaming platform.

>> No.2157281
File: 470 KB, 828x948, 1617091402113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The leech tenshi vs The sister spamming a banable offense demon

>> No.2157296

holy shit my fucking sides

>> No.2157350

So, did she ever learn English, or was it too hard?

>> No.2157367

I do not believe she has ever streamed on Discord before.

>> No.2157377

Does the vtuber community have the biggest delusional schizos you can find or what

>> No.2157580


>> No.2157615

It's a joking reference to how she's done vc karaoke on the discord server, anon.

What about either of those posts constitute as schizo behavior? Only the biggest shills and cucks would still defend her. Surprise, surprise, fans don't like being treated like shit.

>> No.2157623


>> No.2158813

>Surprise, surprise, fans don't like being treated like shit.
Only Schizos pretend like anything she's done is treating fans like shit.

>> No.2158895

Can you blame her for ditching a weird foreign audience? It must feel like being a zoo attraction.

>> No.2160299

She's figured out she can stream once a month and get a shit ton of 'WELCOME BACK' SC money.

>> No.2161095

Why is she ghosting her fans again? Has success gone to her head?

>> No.2161167

Yes, I cancelled my membership but it won't expire until the 25th of April. I messaged her again asking her to inform her non member fans but she ignored me.

>> No.2161183

"I'm taking a break and doing a lot of work, so you'll have to wait a little longer for my stream! I can't wait to play MonHun: !!!!"

>> No.2161193

How many breaks does she need? Doing a lot of work? The only work she should be doing is entertaining her fans.

>> No.2161350

Bitch needs to graduate. eops are a bunch of idiots whon still believe in her.

>> No.2161413

All teasharts from Ame. I hate them too.

>> No.2162224

>commissioning a model from Gura's mama
>blatantly stealing Gura's jokes from her membership streams
>invoking senzawa
She's leeching off Gura almost worse than Uto did.

>> No.2162343

Her own fault for trying so hard to attract them in the first place.

>> No.2163485 [DELETED] 

Y'all did watch it, yes?

>> No.2163557

She cute and that is all that matters,

>> No.2163636

Have now.
I would rather her be cute on stream than off stream.

>> No.2163757

off topic

>> No.2163885
File: 49 KB, 573x335, -_O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reading this thread has lead me to believe this is a giant bait thread to try to piss off uto fans.
She's a streamer, literally there for entertainment, all these chinese whispers have zero effect either way, the most harm anyone here can do to her is just like changing channels on your tv.

For me, I watch with adblock on but thanks to work all I ever see is apex streams, not that I intend malice but the youtube mobile app is gay as fuck.

Now, if these post were towards hololive I would totally understand, they want your money, and to do it they'll act like they actually love you, Uto is just...cute.

If anything I worry about those here who might take these post seriously, what did she do to you, not read your $200 superchat with a paragraph taken from mien kamptf or some epic meme bro?

But seriously, does anyone actually really well and truly hate her other than not streaming often enough, come on anyone who follows vtubers has least 100+ subs and you only watch a small portion because y'all EOP's, easy enough to watch someone else when she's not on, unless this is how you show someone your love in which case go jerk off or something

>> No.2164095
File: 234 KB, 2208x1242, 1stMire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People just like to shit on others and insert their rrats when a vtuber doesn't behave how they want and suck their dick.
Not even an Utokek but I enjoy her streams.
Still see no reason to shit on her.

>> No.2164141

Does Uto have any original meme or unique content?

>> No.2164189

holy cope

>> No.2164209


>> No.2164397

Antis hate utofans. Uto herself, if you don't go meta, is actually a good streamer. Utokeks come in two flavors:
- The ignorant reddit holofag eop, that does not realize Uto is blatantly leeching from Hololive
- The contrarian hololive anti that watches uto just to bait globaltards

>> No.2164592

She got a lot of money. Why does she have to care about you anymore?

>> No.2165768

>if holowhores do it, it's bad
>if uto does it, it's fine
Now that's some maximum cope. Anon, I came to like Uto because she was high spec and professional. She wasn't the type of chuuba to cancel streams hours before because of menhera depression. She was punctual and consistent.

But disappearing for two weeks and then coming back to tell members "I'm actually on break teehee" only after someone asked if they should cancel their membership? That's just shitty behavior no matter who it is. If she had truly been busy these past few weeks, she should have made an announcement much earlier. Coming back with a late half-assed excuse really makes me think she doesn't give a shit about streaming anymore or she doesn't care about her fans.

Just because I'm an EOP doesn't mean I have shit standards. If a chuuba doesn't give a shit about me, why the fuck would I give her the time of day or contribute to her income? EOP Utokeks may be fucking stupid, as seen by how the chink company rrat turned out to be 100% true, but that doesn't mean I have to be completely retarded all of the time.

>> No.2170395

Are you kidding me have you seen most indies, 20k at absolute most and more likely around 2k

>> No.2171897

Did the management suspend her for that? I thought she's an indie

>> No.2172775

So how did we get here? I don't follow daily, so the last thing I remember were people freaking out about maybe she not being an indie (did that ever got resolved)?

>> No.2174131


>> No.2174480

so is there an actual reason why she has disappeared

>> No.2174604

this is why indies are shit

>> No.2174840

According to her side of the story, she was initially an indie. Some shadow company hired her and told her that she wasn't allowed to mention them on her streams and that she was basically supposed to continue as an "indie" while they worked behind the scenes.

However, the shadow company was apparently pursuing contracts under her name without permission and other shady shit. She stated that she cut ties with this company and during a return stream she mentioned that she was negotiating stuff with them. There have been no further details regarding the company since then.

Fast forward to today. Most of the JOP's have either left her or don't know who she is. The vast majority of her audience is from SEA, with some westerners here and there. She enjoyed a return boost for about a week (5-6k viewers) and has been steadily declining ever since (1-3k viewers). Now she's taking an impromptu 2+ week break (due to "work") on top of leaving for more than a month in January and only announced this yesterday to members, after having been gone for 2 weeks already.

If a vtuber disappears without a peep, it's always because of: "health reasons" (playing monhun with her bf), "work" (playing monhun with her bf), or because she's having a menhera episode.

>> No.2174951

yeah fuck this. holowhores may be whores but they really are pros who are built different. guess I’ll go crawl back to Ame.

>> No.2174962

getting sick of this bullshit, sucks because i really like her but fucks sake this disappearing act is fucking maddening

>> No.2175316

There's absolutely no need to tolerate all of this bullshit anon. If your oshi isn't meeting your expectations and is stressing you out more than necessary, sometimes it's best to let go. EOP's may certainly be known for tolerating much more shit compared to their JOP counterparts, but that doesn't mean their patience is unlimited.

>> No.2175779

you may be right anon, it might be time for me to move on

>> No.2177161

They are one and the same >>2162224
fortunately for Luto and her company, kek, people have caught on and are soured by how shameless Uto leeched off Ame and the rest of Hololive. The shill attempts in hlgg are quickly reported as off topic, reddit has stopped the "sister" connection posts, and Gura being Gura is the worst EN to leech off of just ask Kana.

>> No.2178096

Why hasn't anyone attempted to leech off Kiara?

>> No.2178142

>Now she's taking an impromptu 2+ week break (due to "work")
It's not due to work, but due to "working" on things. The Japanese part of the announcement uses 色々とやっている, which means that she has been doing various things.

>> No.2178143

what does EOP stand for? im very sorry for asking but i cant figure it out

>> No.2178212

EOP -> English only person, a.k.a, can't speak nip
JOP -> Japanese only person, a.k.a can't speak eigo
ESL -> English as a second language

>> No.2178249

The other shark keeps trying but gets ignored by Kiara pretty much.
It's interesting to see how she's pretty much burned through her fans. Maybe she was just a flavor of the month to the EOPs after all? Even though they kept denying she was.

>> No.2178327

Thank you very much! It took me quite a while of reading posts and not fully understanding what SEA meant to figure out from context eventually it was South East Asia, I didn't want to ask because revealing that I'm a newfag isn't my favorite thing to do but I couldn't figure this one out on my own

>> No.2178406

Same shit. "Work" is just as ambiguous of a term as "iroiro" when your main job is being a content creator and that's the English translation she gave. Neither is a better excuse than the other.

>> No.2178660

>Maybe she was just a flavor of the month to the EOPs after all? Even though they kept denying she was.
She was. Uto debuted right around the time people were losing interest in holoEN. I remember Ame was streaming boring kusoge and watchalongs.

The thing is Uto had the potential to be more than just FOTM, which is the most disappointing thing.

>> No.2181947

I’m a newfag but it seems like she’s always on break

>> No.2186336

Tenshi wants the money but would rather spend time with her bf.
With so many vtubers I don't know why there aren't any with her attributes, sweet voice, funny, lots of energy.
Sara Hoshikawa is as good as Tenshi but she won't speak English despite being half british.

>> No.2187519

I don't know why you fags need to have such "consistent" vtubers, they are just girls playing games / doing some basic skills shit, who cares if they ain't punctual or disappear for a while? Are you mad because you subscribed? well you are retarded, subscriptions are money to youtube to continue their retarded antics that will inevitably doom the vtuber market, you give superchats? you are less but still retarded, tip somebody after 4 hours of streaming so that they know they have to work (lol, playing vidya is work now) for you. You all sound like twitter bitching that your favorite celebrity didn't chew the right way, there's a million whores streaming right fucking now, tune to another, cancel your subscription, don't give your money so easy and most importantly, never cry over a whore.

>> No.2188235
File: 38 KB, 622x457, EvMDlLHXIAk2iH0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take it easy man

>> No.2189786

>You want to see a streamer you like stream? You must be retarded.
>Just watch other streamers
Other streamers have a different style though. It's not the same.

>> No.2190455

Cute newfag

>> No.2191193
File: 2.30 MB, 2142x3029, Uto x KitKat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope Kitkat is doing ok with the lack of Tenshi streams.

>> No.2192277

I'm sorry to break this to you, but she ignored you the first time as well.

>> No.2192385

Tenshi stop being lazy and stream

>> No.2192439


>> No.2192611


>> No.2199593

Nah, it's fine, this is newfag center board, but if you ask me in /jp/ thread, i will shit on you non stop

>> No.2199692

>Averages like less than 100 views
If so she's doing a shit job
>Says they didn't get to choose their mamas in the clip talking about senzawa

>> No.2199758

There was only an hour between my message with a subject of "Membership Cancellation" and her posting in the community tab. When you talk money to tenshi she listens.

>> No.2200261

>When you talk money to tenshi she listens

>> No.2203004

>see a streamer you like stream

>> No.2203013

Sorry for yelling at you.

>> No.2203145

we dont care about the voices in your head

>> No.2204824


>> No.2214335

she is busy riding cock carousel, seiso chicks are always biggest whores

>> No.2218569 [DELETED] 


>> No.2219759

It's "English Only Peasant", newfag

>> No.2219832


>> No.2220798

Unironically yes

>> No.2220860

Wtf does "bad personality" even mean?

>> No.2221546

Who is this bitch? And why do I keep seeing her.

>> No.2221615

Do I need to become a SEAnigger to join the carousel? How many months of membership do I have to buy?

>> No.2221646

Sure. The message was up for days.

>> No.2221712

No it wasn't, he made his first claim of it being because of him within 2 hours of it being posted.

>> No.2221768

I bet you are not even a member.

>> No.2221820


>> No.2221880

Who is this?

>> No.2221920

Kiara is nearly impossible to copy.

>> No.2222571

I am and I was the first one to post about it in this thread here >>2153585
Within two hours >>2156171 was posted.

>> No.2222593

Meds, basically.

>> No.2222610

She posted that message yesterday lol

>> No.2222623

holy cope

>> No.2222752

Hey hololive, find a tenshi replacement vtuber for me. Someone with a cute voice, funny, lively and will use English for at least 20% of the dialog.

>> No.2222788

>I'm insecure, but also autistic, so I project my feels heavily on an anime character and expect no one to notice

Your oneitis does, in fact, hate you

>> No.2223256

I don't get this girl
She's really cute, adorable and funny
Why does she throw it all away once again?

>> No.2223380

Noel is unironically pretty fun to watch. I gave her a chance during her gta stream the other day and couldn’t stop laughing. Granted she does speak more advanced Japanese, but she was throwing out a bit of broken English here and there for EOP’s.

>> No.2225369 [DELETED] 

She doesn't throw it away. Nobody cares except the 20 people in this pit of autism. Look at like/dislikes on her videos.

>> No.2226489

She has 12 more wisdom teeth but she couldn't tell anyone because she's shy.

>> No.2227287

>Look at like/dislikes on her videos
That would only work if there was some sort of controversy. Her taking a break can cause viewers to lose interest in her or find other vtubers who stream in her time slot. Her channel wasn't doing great numbers wise before she took this break 2 weeks ago, and the break certainly isn't helping.
The best case scenario is that this break allows Uto some time to reset and figure out how to restructure the stream to try and turn it around.

>> No.2227946
File: 100 KB, 1053x1103, Ex2AMr7U4AAbYqv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry guys, she's gone.

>> No.2228532

This pit would be 10 times less autistic if you weren’t here anon. Nothing will change the fact that she’s MIA.

>> No.2231565

Why is she not streaming anymore? Did she got suspended again? I wanna see more of my angel

>> No.2231694

Too busy having sex with me.

>> No.2231924

In order of most likely to least likely
1) boyfriend/cock carousel
2) menhera
3) chink company is assblasting her
4) doesn’t give a shit
5) got addicted to monhun
6) gave birth to some bastard kid
7) PC or equipment problems
100) actually doing work

>> No.2232094
File: 106 KB, 954x1350, C1D02E53-CB61-4C1E-8E42-1B0855319A74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Pikamee?

>> No.2232126

1. your ass
2. your mouth
In that order.

>> No.2232434

Imagine having an oshi that actually cared about you instead of scamming you and running away. I actually feel bad for utokeks.

>> No.2232481

Imagine having an oshi that you enjoy watching. I guess you never experience that.

>> No.2232602

I do have a cute oshi who actually streams, anonchama. Imagine having an active oshi you can watch. I guess you shills only get to experience that for a few weeks at a time before you get hit with indefinite hiatuses.

>> No.2232692

So why are you here, why aren't you in her thread?

>> No.2232887

Because I can post wherever the fuck I want? What kind of dumbass question is that?

>> No.2232931

Indulge us, then. Let us know your oshi.

>> No.2232950

I can ask you whatever the fuck I want as much as you can post whatever you want.

>> No.2239015

Pikamee is funny, lively and bilingual but doesn't have tenshi's cuteness.

>> No.2244399

Were her model as cute and funny as that then I would've cared.

>> No.2246182

The one that actually streams.

>> No.2246377

Luto's stream schedule is abysmal for anyone that would have been leeched off of Gura. Which is a good thing imo

>> No.2246410

>doesn't have tenshi's cuteness
Imagine being this gay

>> No.2251549

>new liked twitter post
We need to get kitkat into uto's apartment asap. Maybe she would stream then.

>> No.2251691

I've seen any vtuber show such contempt for their fans. I actually gave her $200 when she came back after her first break.

>> No.2251783

>I actually gave her $200 when she came back after her first break.

>> No.2251793

>taking a break = contempt for fans
Meds. Also proof of the sc?

>> No.2252039
File: 115 KB, 674x940, 1617427438535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rrats post about Uto rage quitting
>this is it

For fuck's sake she was giggling. She was having a laugh. Ame's sister is still based.

>> No.2252875

Well, she did private the vod, but there are clips and she doesn't complain. I guess she just wanted a good experience for the viewers.

>> No.2253083

Was the cock carousel not enough to satisfy her? Uto, stop being such a horny bitch and stream already

>> No.2255225

>giving any chuuba $200 in supachat and then complaining
Anon, stop being retarded. Just because you donate to her doesn’t mean she’s obligated to do shit for you. Spending $200 on a 2D anime girl who doesn’t give two fucks about your existence was completely your own trash decision. You’re not some fucking investor. If you want a girl to listen to your every whim for $200, go hire a prostitute.

>> No.2255517

Honestly I think she's just busy with irl shit, you have to be retarded to put all your weight and future into vtubing as this is a fad that can die out ANY day with all the retards saturating the market.

>> No.2260043

Why does she keep appearing?
