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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 312 KB, 1636x1222, 1643114882575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21429204 No.21429204 [Reply] [Original]

Kiara is declining and Ame can't even get 10k now.
Is this the power of Ametori?

>> No.21429339
File: 124 KB, 465x389, Yibambe!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can save them

>> No.21429482
File: 215 KB, 2000x2000, 1648614151971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a threda

>> No.21429487

Kiara will have 100K viewer when off Collab with reine and sticky thread in /VT/, /JP/, /pol/

>> No.21429490

stub:no /How can we save/i; boards:vt
stub:no /How do we save/i; boards:vt
stub:no /How do we get/i; boards:vt
stub:no /What went wrong with/i; boards:vt
stub:no /now that the dust has settled/i; boards:vt
stub:no /We can all agree that/i; boards:vt
stub:no /can we all agree/i; boards:vt
stub:no /what went wrong/i; boards:vt
stub:no /what's the verdict/i; boards:vt
stub:no /flop/i; boards:vt
stub:no /Why did she do it?/i; boards:vt
op:only /apologize/i; boards:vt
op:only /Is this the power of/i; boards:vt

op:only; /[\w]{8}-[\w]{4}-[\w]{4}-[\w]{4}-[\w]{12}.*/i; boards:vt

>> No.21429493

They are purposefully nuking their own numbers so when they have sex on stream the views skyrocket.

>> No.21429529

wtf you can't just ignore bad threads
I bet you saged too

>> No.21429632

Kiara is the cancer of HoloEN. A collab with her is like dead itself.
I'm glad Mori cut that cancerous leech and Ame seems to be doing it slowly

>> No.21430792

awful connorbrap slide thread
see: >>21429632

>> No.21435539

>cancer of HoloEN
That's Mori in every way. Keep deflecting cuckbeat.

>> No.21436458
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1963, 1648697766101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21436589
File: 460 KB, 550x596, 1640690745951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did she mean by this?
>What went wrong?
>This is _, say something nice to her!
>Who is bestgirl and why is it __?
>Why is she so perfect bros?
>blocks your path
>Who was in the wrong here?
>What the fuck was her problem?
>Could someone give me a quick rundown?
>(x) company is finished
>(x)fags BTFO
>How will they ever recover?
>Is she, dare I say, /ourgirl/?
>Find a flaw; Protip: you can't
>Explain yourselves
>Defend this
>What's her name again?
>Why does she trigger /vt/ so much?
>Would you?
>She did nothing wrong!
>Now that the dust has settled...
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>What was her endgame?
>What am I in for?
>Really makes you think
>How do we fix _?
>The absolute state of (x)
>What the fuck were they thinking?
>For me, it's _
>Was it kino?
>Redpill me on ___
>See this What do?
>Daily reminder
>The perfect girl doesn't exi-
>(x)bros... we got too cocky

>> No.21436661
File: 117 KB, 722x722, 164830663064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, a numberfag. I wonder who's behind this thread.

>> No.21440293

Amelia do be having 3k viewers in watchalong not gonna lie

>> No.21440904

>implying nijifujos know anything outside of luxiem.
