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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.06 MB, 1103x621, A-MIGO-POST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21282514 No.21282514 [Reply] [Original]

Whenever you shitpost or bait thread or tribalist thread, there she shall be, posting positivity and unity.

She shall everywhere, always, all the time.

She is your, A-Migo. Fear her, shit poster

>> No.21282584
File: 691 KB, 1103x621, 1648328205610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a job and I'm a tranny

>> No.21282649

It's a forced meme and unfunny at that

>> No.21282723

that's what makes it an instant 4chan classic

>> No.21282765


>> No.21282947

>instant 4chan classic
Nah. It's only ever going to be the same 2-4 samefagging people spamming it and that's it.

>> No.21283516

>he said that while miko is ignoring her old collab partners and holostars

>> No.21283689
File: 149 KB, 1609x872, 1631241434979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is being pushed by a discord shitposting group.

>> No.21283983

Migo posting is cringe and unnatural

>> No.21284081

Aka exactly how every classic 4chan meme gets its start.

>> No.21284112

>migoposters are literal discordtrannies
i fucking knew it. why even censor it? they don't deserve the anonymity

>> No.21284481

anti migo poster is better

>> No.21285279

Maybe it is. But do you think it matters?
Migo is here to be the opposite of you. In the face of your self-superiority and conviction that no matter how much you think - fuck, how much you KNOW - in your tiny, twisted mockery of a soul, that there will always be opposition.
You can be a sorry bitter asshat projecting his misery onto the oshis of others. You can be an objectively correct criticism of another anon's oshi's laziness, whorishness, etc.
It does not matter what you are. Migo is here to be the one thing you cannot destroy with your cynicism, your carefully constructed observation, or your non-stop unfiltered shitposting. Migo is a representation of the sheer fucking concept of opposition. Migo represents the opinions of others - valid or otherwise. Migo represents that which you cannot control. Nothing, and I mean ABSOLUTELY GODDAMN NOTHING will stand in the way of Migoposters.
And that is why you hate her.

>> No.21285444

I can't understand the antis. How can you be that retarded? Are this like edgy teenagers or some shit? Is this like your first or second month on the internet?
This anon is +18yo and gets it
Mikoposter tskr

>> No.21285630
File: 81 KB, 1103x621, ___nice thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that's unbelievable anon. Thanks for the screenshot of the /yah/ discord!

>> No.21287360


>> No.21288351

Literally 1986...

>> No.21288562
File: 353 KB, 678x621, miko2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe it is. But do you think it matters?
Everything matters,that's why we should always do our best!
