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21209856 No.21209856 [Reply] [Original]

Does she actually rank in your top 3 of EN/ID debuts? Everyone keeps saying it's the best debut they've seen

>> No.21209912
File: 316 KB, 561x551, antimigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst debut I've ever seen! I rate it 0/10

>> No.21209953

Name a better debut

>> No.21210001

Holy fuck why do we have to make the same threads over and over and over and over and over and over again about the same topics, please fuck off back to the threads dedicated to her

>> No.21210052


>> No.21210107

yeah i was very impressed

>> No.21210151

Good point, maybe only Gura

>> No.21210199


>> No.21210373


>> No.21210402

I can't wait until migo poster inevitably transforms into Mikoler from HFZ, then I'll care.

>> No.21210434

I refuse to watch anything related to some third world shithole country in SEA

>> No.21210494

Best non-JP debuts:

>Kronii (yes her debut was fantastic, shame about her coasting off that and getting lazy)

>> No.21210531

She really did destroy her genmates debuts. Precious rain gremlin.

>> No.21210563

ok, don't need a downie like you watching this cute shaman

>> No.21210620

yea Kronii was a pretty good debut but still a huge gap from Kobo/Gura

>> No.21210619

Yeah, she did great

>> No.21210629

I can't even stomach listening to the indog language.. it just makes me feel dirty and shameful

>> No.21210668

Yeah, actuall Kobo's debut was amazing, everything perfect, she did it pretty much on time, displayed a wide array of diverse talents, and did not seem to be noticeable nervous. She put on an excellent performance.
Gura debut had pretty cringe moments and she started 15 minutes later because she didn't know how to reset a modem anon

>> No.21210757

ok faggot, Kobo mogs 99% of HoloEN's talent

>> No.21210897

-_- get out

>> No.21210899

What's her talent? Shitting in the street and eating dogs like the rest of the indogs while praying to Allah for salvation?

>> No.21210975

sounds like you're projecting

>> No.21211014

This. Only memorable part about Gura's debut was "a". That's it. Kobo's debut mogged Gura's.

>> No.21211015

Fortunately I'm not a Musrat living in a some mudhut in the jungle like a monkey

>> No.21211055

wow y’all really have nothing other than disrespecting religions? are you a child if you don’t like her nobody is forcing you to watch her and nobody cares about your opinion

>> No.21211183

you probably don’t wash your ass after you take a shit just like an animal, and you probably never wash your disgusting feet

>> No.21211197 [DELETED] 

I'd rather watch a 60 year old man goatse himself for 30 minutes than a minute of some muslim speaking orcish and sucking off first worlders for a chance to eat more than a grain of rice a week (since god knows the indogs they're supposed to be pandering to don't have money).
I have zero respect for muslims, especially those from the country with the highest schizophrenia rates in the world

>> No.21211222

So is Kobo confirmed the best non-JP debut? lmao

>> No.21211259

Sorry anon, I'm not Indonesian

>> No.21211260

Based and PowerPointTenshipilled

>> No.21211415

Maybe? I don't remember HoloChink debuts.

>> No.21211462

me neither, that’s basic hygiene

>> No.21211464

Yeah not like her singing Ride on Time got millions of views on YT and was talked about all over high profile JP Twitter accounts and holo fans or anything. Not like her debut video mogs literally every other vtubers debut video by millions of views either or anything.

>> No.21211542

>cant play guitar
>cant sing as good
>was more nervous
Lapu is my oshi but this debut was better

>> No.21211597

Gura. Her singing Ride on Time during her debut will never be beaten. An iconic moment. You think anyone cares about your shitty indodog? They'll be an after thought in 2 weeks

>> No.21211598

Not the best, but very good. For me Gura, Ollie, Sana, La+ are the top 4 with no particular order.

>> No.21211643

Not enough English speaking. I stopped watching after 10 minutes.

>> No.21211701

Wow! She plays guitar and sings. So do millions of other people

>> No.21211839 [DELETED] 

>runs out of time with 20 minutes on the clock
>dead air and saying the epic meme phrases to string chat along
>ends up ending early anyway
Yeah it was fire

>> No.21211894

>kronii debut
>runs out of time with 20 minutes on the clock
>dead air and saying the epic meme phrases to string chat along
>ends up ending early anyway
Yeah it was fire

>> No.21211979

too much indog speak, switched to luna 15 mins in.

>> No.21212164

It’s strange how people say it’s hard to recover from a bad debut, because while people like Korone and Pekora had rough ones and thrived for JP, Sana’s was by far one of the best ENs with the soulful intro and ending on her accidentally destroying the planet as a set-up for Kronii to reverse time and fix things in the next debut.

>> No.21212280

If we only talk about debut, i still prefer ollie's debut more

>> No.21212311

shame what happened to Sana after debut

>> No.21215370

the only good ID

>> No.21215747

so... how the hell cover managed to get this gem and sana at the same time?
was ID scouting team actually the same for holox? they're good except that blacksmith one, she's way too nervous but we'll see

>> No.21215858

Yeah we should post more bait threads and pink woman bad threads. Those were quality posts!

>> No.21216006

The 3 language rapid fire is still something. When did Ollie calm down? She's more docile nowadays compared to her early days.

Kaela's stream earlier is pretty chill.

>> No.21216429

nigga are you serious? i was rooting for kronii in her debut but the second half of her debut was pure cringe it was so bad. i had to turn it off before it ended. debuts are never good. theres only tolerable one and shit ones.

>> No.21216603


>> No.21216604

I dropped Kobo after like 15 minutes because she spoke more indog than English. Zeta's debut was much better.

>> No.21216677

The scuffed ones like Korone can even be the most memorable. The yubi tribute idea started right from the start when Gamers joined her for Splatoon and everyone thought she was acting delirious for saying it.

>> No.21217141

The edgy 13 year old just found out about Vtubers and 4chan, please undahstand.

>> No.21217555

Judging from all the shit she can do, she seems to be very disciplined or/and a hard worker. As long as her mental health is in check she could potentially surpass Ollie's numbers imo.

>> No.21217618

go back, faggot.

>> No.21217899

it was a really well done and polished debut. makes me think she was a vet streamer/youtuber before hololive, it was way too polished for a normal vtuber debut. above and beyond anything cover would help them put together.

if she didn't feel so calculated i'd of loved it more. but it felt to me like she spent 2 months studying debuts and reactions to them then put together a calculated debut designed to check all the boxes.

still i can't deny the girl's natural skill. she had a wide range of talents that really make her stick out, she'll easily be the breakout of that gen unless she doesn't like streaming much. unlike cloe who played hard into the cute pumping up her hype but couldn't deliver past that, this girl showed she was multi-talented.

it will be interesting if she keeps up with the flawless debut. this girl will be a huge success if she can avoid the misteps of other hot starts.

>> No.21217980

One good thing does not cover up the rest of the shit.

>> No.21218044

sorry i don't speak indog

>> No.21218140

You're a Chumbud aren't you? About the right age, worship the chosen people and hate their enemies etc. It all fits.

>> No.21218306

kobo's debut was great and checked all the boxes. but it did feel a bit calculating. almost like she watched all the successful debuts and took the best parts from all of them.

now there is nothing wrong with wanting to hit it big. frankly. thats one of kiara's best traits, so i can't hate on a girl putting in some serious work to make sure her hololive debut is a block busting success.

still to say she mogged gura's debut is a bit... overall it was a better debut, but there were a couple of moments in gura's debut that sort of set her appart from everyone else. one was the mindblowing "ride on time" performance, and as good as kobokun's debut was, nothing came close to ride on time, or even mori's debut songs.

still i think kobo will soon be the most subbed ID member if her streams are anywhere near as entertaining as her debut.

>> No.21218450

Alot of Holos have recovered from 'bad debuts'. Hard work and dedication comes through in the edn.

>> No.21218658

A couple things to add
>didn't even mention her schedule
>didn't introduce Mumei

She had the worst council debut and it's not even close.

>> No.21218661

I seem to remember having a good impression of Ollie's debut. All of ID2 actually.

>> No.21218860

It was confirmed already that she was delayed on her stream because she wasn't expecting to stream that early. Ame wasn't finished so Gura and Ame swapped timeslots.

>> No.21219008

Everyone in this board hates Ollie but she really had one of the best debut streams ever. Even if your hate her you have to recognize how she really is a natural when it comes to streaming, her energy is amazing.

>> No.21219219

Twomad is a pretty popular streamer after all, so she has plenty of experience.

>> No.21219436

>Everyone in this board hates Ollie
No, just a vocal minority do.

>> No.21220349


>> No.21220921

Chumfucks shaking cuz their cumdump's singing is about to get mogged

>> No.21221228

I was with you for a second there but this is just SEAcope, rumao

>> No.21221741

Fauna fixed Sana destroying the earth, not Kronii.

>> No.21222195

Eh. So what if Gura had technical issues at the start. A bad start lowers viewer expectation which made the impact of "a" at the start and Ride on Time at the end all the more memorable in comparison to many other debut. People will remember a bad debut but will memoryhole most normal debut.

>> No.21222318

her hair is stupid and I don't like her for it

>> No.21222758

Voice is shit ya
1/10 debut

>> No.21226191

this is objectively the best debut. front-end professional level website, self made MV, acoustic guitar song. I probably won't watch her streams because of the language, but this cannot be denied. the other answers are biased by personal taste.

>> No.21226386
File: 118 KB, 579x900, cunnaeru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to overreact but this is probably the best debut of a vtuber ever.

>> No.21226698

10/10 debut

>> No.21226756

EN wise? Gura. There I saved you an entire thread to consider

>> No.21227037

You are stupid. Her hair is cute.

>> No.21228983

"A" is literally the only memorable thing about her debut, and mispronouncing salmon to look cute.

>> No.21235521


>> No.21235584

zeta/kobo >> blonde

>> No.21235870
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then learn, you'll be thankful 10 years from now

>> No.21235941
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, 1648331436096.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find her voice to be completely annoying and fake, however I wish her the best and hope that ID bros can welcome her as their oshi

>> No.21239884

Gura’s debut will be remembered in the history books. She went from scuffed blue balling everyone for 15 mins then saved it with the infamous A to her insanely cute-retard act and finally made everyone kneel with her legendary Ride on Time performance. Gura was a nervous shaking mess that couldn’t eat or sleep but when given the chance at greatness she grabbed it and never let go.
