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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 11 KB, 220x220, Pink_Season.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21182146 No.21182146 [Reply] [Original]

>have months in advance to prepare the ttrpg finale
>can it at the last minute
>instead choose to play WITH (your real) FRIENDS as gm
This board will become pink won't it?

>> No.21182281

cuckbeat mods deleted the other thread lel

>> No.21182413

Did she really ditched myth for this?

>> No.21182486

You fucks need to learn how to talk about shit without the keywords. But as a person who loved the ttrpg, I'm pissed. Was seriously the only EN content I watched.

>> No.21182589
File: 702 KB, 1085x852, updoot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember kids: don't trust lean addicts

>> No.21182639

>This board will become pink won't it?
I sure hope so. Some people seem to have forgotten how shit she is.

>> No.21182656

It's delayed to mid April, not cancelled
Dumb niggers.

>> No.21182742

See >>21182639
Do your own research instesd of trusting everything uneducated brown people on 4chan say.

>> No.21182777

>copebeats timelooping

>> No.21182851

nobody cares about the wigger anymore, wont turn pink, but deadbeats will get even more hated on all splits and on global, just banish them to their general and ignore their existence.

>> No.21182864

Calli trying to not look like an asshole (IMPOSSIBLE DIFFUCULTY)

>> No.21182898

i don't play ttrpg, is DM a term only used with dnd?

>> No.21183001

She was recording Suiseis live. Took longer than expected.

>> No.21183004

but I liked pink season anon.

>> No.21183025

Who are you quoting faggot.

>> No.21183056

DM = dungeon master other games tend to call position GM = Game Master/manager. Some even call it storyteller. Basically the person who runs shit.

>> No.21183082

Your oshi likes Trash better

>> No.21183090

What happened? Need more context. At least tell me if it's on her feed or her RM's
It literally means Dungeon Master.
For every other game we call it GM (Game Master).

>> No.21183607

She cancelled the TTRPG with Myth to instead play one with the Trash Taste boys, and that will be streamed too.
It's sponsored shit, but /vt/ has to have a melty

>> No.21184356

You retards will struggle to explain what the fuck a cancelled stream on the 26th has to do with a stream that has not even occurred yet.

>> No.21184621

>have months in advance to prepare the ttrpg finale with your genmates
>don't do it
>instead prepare to be the GM when playing with tt
Truly a mystery for the ages, anon
