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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21168645 No.21168645 [Reply] [Original]

>holofes and 3D buff, Myth girls are back to getting more subs, Mori is thriving
>Kiara dead in the water even though she's been streaming a lot and her holofes performance was great
Why do people don't like her, bros?

>> No.21168683

>told to get the fuck out of global
>actually does it

>> No.21168690

I'm not a dedicated anti, but I genuinely find her personality annoying and detrimental to the group dynamic in collabs.

>> No.21168692

It’s the probably the voice. Also she complains all the time and it’s annoying

>> No.21168698

1. Chicken voice/accent
2. She is the least memey or zoomer out of Myth
3.People think she's fake/annoying

>> No.21168756

Gura is extremely talented, that is the difference. Come back again when Kiara says "uwu" as talented as Gura does.

>> No.21168774

This and to make it worse, she still retains that voice even when she sings and I really love her real voice

>> No.21168802
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>> No.21168827

>annoying and detrimental to the group dynamic in collabs
This, but for Mori.

>> No.21168846

I find Mori bearable in stuff like the jump king podcast desu

>> No.21168936

Mori is worse sometimes, you're right. Kiara was pretty decent in the dance lesson collab for example, even if she is a terrible teacher, while Mori was extremely annoying. On the other hand, the last kiara collab I saw before that was monopoly, which she really screwed up.

>> No.21168957

All of Myth been in this state for months already. I guess there's a cap for everything even for this niche.

>> No.21168978

vtubing is just stabilizing now, it blew up in 2020 and early 2021.

>> No.21168987

I hate her voice.

>> No.21168994
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>Didn't stream for weeks.
>Gains the same growth as Ina with hours & hours of Elden Ring.

>> No.21169017
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All of them are whores, so why should you care?

>> No.21169021

I think smol ame trending on twitter boosted Ame a lot.

>> No.21169024

learn english

>> No.21169027

go to sleep mumei

>> No.21169056
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Schizo's with Orange Derangement Syndrome seems permanent.

>> No.21169093

good post anon, here's a you for your happy brain boost!

>> No.21169107

Dead subs do not matter. Show views and sc or do they not fit your narrative? You cut out the vod views for a reason amd everybody knows it

>> No.21169114

>Why do people don't like her, bros?
Same reason's from when she started minus the shit mic and technical issues.
If the KFP want to keep going on about how good she is and mogged everyone at the 3rd fest, good for them. But the numbers speak for themself.

>> No.21169126

every board has it's permanent schizo syndrome.

>> No.21169144

Gura is pedo bait only reason shes the highest.
>no talent
>not funny
>no consistent streak schedule

>> No.21169173
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>Why do people don't like her, bros?
>1.3mill subs in any niche is huge
>one of the most active and loyal fans
>second most earned superchats in Myth next to Mori and twice as much as Ame's.
She's bad at collab I'll give you that but that's her role. She's trying to keep momentum by pressuring the girls because Ame and Ina are always silent and wants to go home, Gura is trying but too smol and quiet and Mori is just always load.

>> No.21169182

See this
And learn english

>> No.21169194

>Mori bait doesn't work anymore
>Time to go back to the old, true and tested
I'm sorry KFP, we tried to keep their attention as long as possible...

>> No.21169205

who's your oshi? you probably just have a different sense of humor than what gura has. All the JPs basically have different humor from gura

>> No.21169214

My English is fine

>> No.21169225

Mori isn't thriving. She got mogged by kronii in a collab and mogged by gura in song views

>> No.21169243

everyone would get mogged by Gura in song views desu

>> No.21169244

It was coco though I’ve moved onto marine, korone and polka

>> No.21169272

Did you literally copy paste your bait from Global after you didn’t get bites? Jesas

>> No.21169273

But deadbeats always say mori is the most popular holo musician?

>> No.21169275

well that's fair, you just have a different sense of humor then. enjoy them, anon

>> No.21169278

>Why do people don't like her, bros?
Why don't people like her, bros?
>It’s the probably the voice
It's probably the voice.

>> No.21169291

mori bait works, just ask the jannies

>> No.21169297

I like Kiara but I can't listen to her for too long before her voice starts annoying me.

>> No.21169300 [DELETED] 

Don't teach seaniggers english

>> No.21169309

probably because she was the first to branch out or was that mori?
it was either mori with trash taste or kiara with pink cat

>> No.21169332

it's not that, she had much less subs even from the first few months.

>> No.21169340

Why are you tell them to see their own post?

>> No.21169357

Because Gura will always steal the show no matter how good people she puts up against with Ame has people that advertise for her 24/7 and Mori with her music

>> No.21169384

Gura has a single original plus a song with Moridumb dumb. Guras also had a weaker recurrent views for reflect after the first week than Mori does for her better performing songs. There are ones that do worse with recurrent views from Mori but she has like 20 originals

>> No.21169444

Good point desu. I think every myth has a niche audience for their specific interest eg. Mori with her music, Ame with her variety streams and fps games, Ina with art, Gura with singing and her humor. I don't know what niche Kiara fills

>> No.21169470

She has an abrasive extroverted personality and most people watching vtubers are introverts. They identify better with Ina/Gura with soft voices and little talking

>> No.21169508

Eurofags don't watch vtubers and that is the time she streams. It's her own fault for leaving Japan.

>> No.21169552

good point, timezone is a really big killer for her views

>> No.21169604

Kiara can objectively be obnoxious when things dont go her way. And its not in some endearing or fun way like with others. Her screeching in Yakuza was awful.

>> No.21169643

I unsubscribed to Kiara over a year ago due to various reasons noted in this thread.

>> No.21169656

This is weird
Kiara had best performance in Holofes, why no growth?

>> No.21169676

What is the point of subs? Pekora gets twice the viewers that mori and gura have and has less subs than them. En as a whole is a failure and subs are just cope

>> No.21169703

It's interesting that despite having the best performance in Holofes (out of EN), potential subs might've watched a VOD or two and didn't sub.

>> No.21169704

The esl is strong in this thread

>> No.21169712

You know about the december 2020 EN cut right?
Just look at Gura's views vs Pekora, and Gura mogs the fuck outta her.
Gura has many more 1M videos compared to peko, anything else you say is cope
VOD Views will always be more important than CCV

>> No.21169742

I don't watch EN so i don't know what the others do but everytime i see Kiara in a collab she is annoying. I give her bonus points for creating Holotalk and sticking with it but even there she seems like a bad talkhost.

>> No.21169745

EN has an international audience which watches VODs because they're all in different timezones. JP basically caters to JP viewers in the same timezone.

>> No.21169779

She swears too much.

>> No.21169885

>Oh no the millionaire streamer does not have as many subscribers and subgrowth as the other millionaire streamers

Do anons really?

>> No.21169899

Most yurofags moved to NijiEN because Cover couldn't give a single stinky hoot about Europe.
t. Yurofag

>> No.21169921

also the only myth that doesn't have 1m twitter followers, despite tweeting much more than the other girls

>> No.21169955

ooohh nooooo soo saddd plss dont leavee

>> No.21169987

Cover needs to look at viewer demographics on youtube, if there are a lot of Yuro viewers, maybe they should think of getting a better streamer to cover those hours.

>> No.21170093

Of course they monitor viewer demographics, that's one of the important metrics utilized by their business model. Considering that, their lack of euro timezone friendly streamer can only mean one thing.

>> No.21170147

Yeah I assume it isn't a big demographic. Asia dominates with NA in second.

>> No.21170271 [DELETED] 

This is cope for the fact that not many Euros watch VTubers in the first compared to NA

>> No.21170378

Nigger I said most I never said I left to be a Nipplesanji
>maybe they should think of getting a better streamer to cover those hours
Unless they hire some Euro for the next batch or even homoEN, putting someone else in that timeslot is just telling them to shoot themselves in the foot. Consistent stream hours are the key to build up your core audience, look at Ina, she's been consistent since debut with her afternoon NA/night time EU timeslot and she's been getting pretty significant CCV numbers that just keep going up and up.
On the other hand, we had Kiara who tanked her entire channel by moving her NA and SEA friendly timeslot to EU after going back to Austria, and then her channel got shadowbanned on top of it.

>> No.21170458

Because nips find her weird

>> No.21170471

if they have a large audience, maybe it's worth it. If they don't, then it's shooting themself

>> No.21170479

>Her Twitter follower number not being 1 million
Oh God, I didn't think it could get any less pathetic but you did it anon, you exceeded my already low expectations

>> No.21170511

Sub show how popular you are . Just like the famous Vtuber Kizuna AI with 3m sub .

>> No.21170652

I just can't stand her voice, it's too high pitched. Heck, if she's using her voice during an impromptu voice collab (lower pitched) I'd watch her more.

>> No.21171167

You literally copy and pasted this from global after nobody took you seriously, kek. >>21168110
That desperate for validation?

>> No.21171201

>It's Gura.
>Elden Ring and new album drop
>Smol Adventures and Smol Ame in general
>Elden Ring

Kiara is doing what she's always done, which is fine. She couldn't really take advantage of the Holofes bump because most of the people who would sub to her were asleep when it happened. She streams in the middle of the day for most of the western audience, so there's little chance of them just turning on youtube and seeing the Kickeriki meme girl and subbing to her.

>> No.21171208

She's a german
I hate germans so fucking much it's unreal

>> No.21171295

i went through an intense japanese learning period that lasted 2 years just to stop watching EN and cringing, for some reason watching and understanding what japanese vtubers say it's far less annoying and cringe inducing

>> No.21171306

Unironically Euro Timezone.
All the big population of weebs are from East/South East Asia, or the Americas.

>> No.21171371

how'd you learn? mind sharing a short guide?

>> No.21171418

what is the point of this split thread

>> No.21171524

I dunno, but thanks for bumping it.

>> No.21171547


>> No.21171823

That doesn’t make much sense. NijiEN females’ numbers are still low with little to no significant change in the last two to three months. NijiEN males’ numbers are high, but their fanbases are dominated by TW/HK/SEA. So are there only dozens to hundreds Eurofags or something?
Looking at numbers during EU hours (from Ina, Kiara, Selen and occasionally Fauna), there don’t seem to be “a lot or Yuro viewers”

>> No.21171830

Imagine Seething this hard and so obviously Kek

Dread it, run from it, 4M approaches

>> No.21171890

she's not german

>> No.21171982

Gura released a literal png MV of an old song and still mogged mori’s “passion album, the the thing she’s most proud of” lol come on now.

Without gura being in Q that shit would’ve been unbearable with mori’s wigger rapping. It’s also because of gura the song grew so quickly as no other mori original accomplished what that one did.

>> No.21172032

Kiara is the fucking marmite of Vtubers and you're not going to find more people that can stomach that shit easily

>> No.21172062

>dead in the water
She might be the least successful Myth, but she still completely mogs three quarters of Hololive members and 99% of corporate vtubers. You need to get your perspective sorted.

>> No.21172180

I feel like kiara is good at tangents and keeping up discussion, but her biggest problem is she streams way too long. I’m not watching like 5-7+ hour long vods. If she limited herself to 3 or 4 maybe she’s have more people actively wanting to watch

It’s essentially like 7-8 hours of info you might’ve wanted to see but don’t want to sit through half a day of a stream so likely people wait to see if anything notable gets clipped.

Sometimes more hours isn’t better, casual viewers have a short attention span.

>> No.21172420

Kiara is an acquired taste too rich for social media normalfags.

>> No.21172485

I’m confused why people constantly claim CCV is the end all be all out of nowhere? Even the girls themselves value subs over ccv.

Despite pekora averaging 30k+ she has literally no traffic to her channel. It’s the same japs watching her over and over again with hardly any fresh nousagi joining. Pekora will never be as big outside of Japan, even cover knows this with how they made gura the main attraction of the expo.

I should also mention despite high CCV why do her vods average less than gura’s or just about the same?

Mori, Hell even marine is about to mog her in sub growth. Potentially stealing the 2M

Keep coping nousagi faggots

>> No.21172633

The only stats that actually matter are Membership and Merch Sales, neither of which are available to the public. Both of your chosen dick measuring methods are worthless in the grand scheme.

>> No.21172666

This, which is sad because pekora has all of the JP assets that the EN just don’t have access to. EN and ID will always be at a disadvantage until cover sets up studios for their overseas talents.

Despite all this EN has been doing better, especially gura which is insane considering she streams the least out of myth.

>> No.21172790

I like kiara and i always watch her streams but even as someone that watched her from day one i admit that her voice can be a bit of a filter. I had to get used to it to be honest with you (tho i just needed a few streams since my love for her was bigger than any filter).
Her voice is much deeper than the one she uses for kiara and even in her last roommate streams she still used the kiara voice despite having relatively recent videos where her voice sounds completely different. She recently revealed that she's not going to change her voice even if it kills her throat, so the debuff will be there forever.

>> No.21172798

NTA but subs matter because the Holo's themselves make them matter. It is generally the only metric that they celebrate publicly with dedicated delebration streams.

>> No.21173073

It’s also the only metric alongside vod views companies and brand deals will look at to push their brand.

There’s a reason YouTubers constantly beg for subs

>> No.21173121

Wait, I have no idea that Ame inclined that much for the past month. I read here last week that she had the second slowest growth in EN, only beaten by Sana, which I thought made sense since she basically didn't stream for close to two weeks.

>> No.21173122

>she's not going to change her voice even if it kills her throat
Some real retard shit. Even when Sui had to make her drastic change it didn't hurt her momentum in the slightest. Imagine actually harming yourself for absolutely zero benefit rumao.

>> No.21173167

Smol Ame buff, which she didn't really make use of at all since she didn't have internet to stream.
Smol Ame was a massive success at holofes

>> No.21173218

She is too annoying

>> No.21173491

If what you say would be true and there are no benefits to it, why was Suisei doing a character voice in the first place?
Furthermore, why are other talents still doing it? Marine, Pekora, Miko, Luna, Subaru, they're all doing character voices to name a few and they're some of the most popular members inside Hololive.

>> No.21173496

>She recently revealed that she's not going to change her voice even if it kills her throat
WHY though? It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.21173693

The scenario does not exist. Anon made it up in his head. Why do you believe things written in egg threads in 2022.

>> No.21173870

Nice tactic there trying to confuse people. What is said is factual backed by her members stream.

>> No.21174045

>3rd most total vod views in en
>number 2 in sc
>even ccv and vod views are average in en
>songs perform 3rd best in en
She is doing fine. And more importantly she is happy now. She is getting along with her friends, has a shitton of money, fulfiled her dream of performing at holofes and is finaky starting to go to doctors to fix her health. I am happy for kiara and hope you are happy for your oshi too

>> No.21174073

She sticks with her ideals no matter how fucking moronic they are. I respect the hustle but that doesn't mean I don't think that it's just plain stupid if it does affect her throat and her ability to stream in the end.

>> No.21174088
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Is this you

>> No.21174122

All of that is quantity over quality.

>> No.21174150

Don't make fun of that guy, he had to use his life savings to buy that merch you asshole

>> No.21174167

Not making fun asshole. I wish more people would be as happy as him

>> No.21174191

She's not meme-y so there's no new viewers channeling to Kiara.

>> No.21174207

smol ame blew up on twitter, even in comparison to all other holofes posts

>> No.21174257

it's really just that her austrian accent and that voice don't mesh and just sound awful, japanese character voices are fine because everyone is used to them from anime.

>> No.21174320

Stop being resonable in a bait thread

>> No.21174527

Didn’t/#/ figure out a way to scrape sales off Hololives official merch site?

>> No.21174531

first impressions are a bitch to undo, and chicken voice makes for a terrible first impression.

Despite KFP urging, she won't drop it either, so she's doomed to this.

>> No.21174613

Bigger channels have an easier time getting more subscribers to grow even bigger, because the algorithm favours them in suggestions. It’s why the girls over 1M can grow 10,000 in a day, but those below generally only grow at a 1,000 per day rate,
Ina is the only comparable one to Kiara, but art streams give her an extra suggestion field to pop up in.
Of course it doesn’t help that after they hit 100,000 subscribers, the trackers only count every 1,000 and after 1m they only count every 10,000. Only the streamer themselves knows their actual growth rate. Doesn’t paint the most accurate picture. But YouTube doing YouTube things.

>> No.21174675

That sounds absolutely retarded to me. What the fuck do languages and accents have to do with voice pitch?

>> No.21174700


>> No.21174780

everyone's acclimated to japanese loli/cute girl voices from anime, kiara's chicken voice just doesn't sound like it, I'm not sure how to explain that to you.

>> No.21174926

Threads like this always weird me out. It is basicaly discussing wich of these super rich succesful people is richer and more sucessful than the others. Every holo, even the ID, is more succesfull than every single person here. Threads like this are always made by people who have nothing going on in their own life

>> No.21175505

if everybody here watched the Uno collab, they'll understand...

>> No.21176422

It's been patched, thanks the Reddit faggots. Like everything, they ruin it for everyone

>> No.21179661

Gura passed up both DrDisrespect and Valkyrae in subs despite streaming less with less CCV and Valkyrae is gaining subs even slower than Kiara.

>> No.21179704

Also don't forget the monopoly collab

>> No.21180159

I personally like her, but I can't watch her live because her streaming time is just too inconvenient.

>> No.21181229

people are retarded

>> No.21182426

Not really, I just watch the JP holos instead. A lot of them stream from afternoon till late evening which lines up nicely for me most of the time. Couldn't care less about Kiara. I don't like her and I see my time as too valuable to spend it on something subpar. If there was another EU holo streaming at these times I'd check her out at least.

>> No.21182682

Shut your whore mouth man, with Q a lot of very recognizable things came together. Deco*27 is bigger than Gura and Mori combined.

>> No.21183157

Number threads outside of the /#/ containment general should be a bannable offense.
At least this time it's just standard myth infighting.

>> No.21183310

I thought all of Myth already have at least 1,5m
at this point Kiara and Ina will be surpassed by Moona and Ollie

Kinda funny and ironic considering that at the time of Myth explosive debut Moona celebrated 100k while crying.

>> No.21183349

Any way to explain how? Why is having the same group of traffic to one's channel bad? Like, you always have, supposedly including the VOD watchers as well, 200k people every video, but barely any new traffic you still ahve 200k people every video though.

>> No.21183489

Kiara and Ina are both the worst members of myth with no redeeming qualities to them.
Meanwhile Gura and Ame are super talented and do a lot of great streams.
Mori's pretty fun too and she keeps putting out music that people seem to love.

>> No.21183593

Cuckbeat deflection thread

>> No.21183747

I love her, but I do have a hard time when she collabs. She's the only EN who tries to be some kind of formal leader, and it's really awkward since everyone else is so casual.

>> No.21184331

Man this is just messed up, I’m an asshole and even I wouldn’t post some random fan here.

>> No.21184400


her voice is fucking annoying she should just get her vocal cords surgically removed and become a text to speech vtuber. fucking annoying sounding bitch with an annoying personality hope she gets run over

>> No.21184571

Ina and kiara have always been the weakest links for myth. Ina was a lot stronger at debut but she’s just so boring these days. Minecraft arc interaction was her strongest buff

>> No.21184611
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they obsessed

>> No.21184665

Deadcucks coping now, grab the rope and show us how~

>> No.21185061

Well anon, i'm not a kfp so you may disagree with me if you want, i believe she said she doesn't like dead air or awkward silent and so she tried to speak a lot in collab, that was good except she lack interesting topic to talk about with others and you could see that whenever she run out of topic she would look at the chat. Actually it's not a bad idea to tried filling the dead air with nonsense babbling, because she understood it is what a good streamer/ entertainers do. However she always tried hard to become the center of the conversation which let the others went silent and just let her run the entire show.

>> No.21185106

shit voice and shit personality

>> No.21185175

The recent big drawing/pictionary collab that replaced TTRPG was great.

>> No.21185647

>Kiara anti thread
>140 replies

>> No.21185872

>most of the replies insulting op
>only 70 ips
Nah man this isn't even close

>> No.21185914

I unironically thought you were talking about mori at first lmfao

>> No.21186016

Are you too dumb to read? They're both riding on decos name recognition, check the views on his tracks to see how far off you are you fuckwit.

>> No.21186164

>she always tried hard to become the center of the conversation which let the others went silent and just let her run the entire show
Or stays silent, talks with her chat and starts rambling about her food order because she's no longer in the game
>see Monopoly collab
Like why the fuck did she have to act like that, I guess she wanted to act le salty streamer (because she was) but it came off as just her couldn't give less fuck about what her collab partners were doing in the game, and she organized, hosted the collab herself. To think there were so many kfp who actually defended that, when she herself admitted she went a bit much in a SC reading some day after, it made me feel like shit for being a kfpfag myself.

>> No.21186287

God I wish. This current nijihate arc is boring compared to the good old days of infinite orange.

>> No.21186345
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everyone remembers you getting assblasted in global
and you still mad

>> No.21186408

Never post positive migo with your shittakes ever again

>> No.21186469
File: 142 KB, 744x790, 1617870920141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me egg, are you cracking because your oshi got turbo mogged at holo fes? Don't be so sad anon im sure next year she will get mogged again by orange chicken

>> No.21186604

>kfp who actually defended that
Nigger I didn't think it was whiny at all, I think Kiara just had some seriously dumb coping mechanism. Like yours and mine.

>> No.21186668
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Oh nyo

>> No.21187455

How the fuck is the shark getting this many subs when she hasn't streamed in 3 weeks?

>> No.21187700

First wigger TT happened a LOT earlier than kiara with pink cat

>> No.21188790

I would say this maybe last year, but now it's just mori. Can't even stand that bitch in group collabs since she doesn't turn off her autistic retarded personality

>> No.21188825


>> No.21188922

Mori getting all those subs and she can't even beat Ina in CCV. She might have more deadsubs than Gura.

>> No.21189251

She has very little to offer compared to the others
Karen with a literal nigger audience, roommate stuff brings fans to her vtuber account and vice versa.
Decent artist, only seiso of the group, mostly yab free, still second last
Colored-hair twitch streamer shenaningans, but she knows to keep her stupid mouth shut about politics so people can enjoy the content
Great comedic timing, genuinelly funny, part of her target audience, already a sucessful vtuber indie before holo
Failed Stacy targeting people in a hobby she's not a part of, this job is literally her settling for something close to what she actually wanted. Tries to copy Pekora and Gura, lacks the comedic timing of both. From coping Pekora she became annoying as fuck, from copying Gura she became that one ironic normie that makes jokes about their fetishes and creeps people out

>> No.21189401
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maximum cracking reached

>> No.21189480

I hate the crybaby RP Kiara does after every difficulty she finds in a game or when she's losing, outside of that she is a good girl but not someone that I will prioritize to watch

>> No.21189789

And yet the merch sales leak showed Pekora’s last batch of merch made just over $1 million.

>> No.21189956

/#/ is that a way!

>> No.21190130

it´s the music
music (any kind of music) always gets lots of views and people go that playing in background and you might start with some nightcore anime music and the algorythm takes u to Mori at some point and if you like it, you subscribe to keep getting that music.
But as a music listener, you wont watch any of her streams.
That´s at least my guess to explain her high subcount compared how little people actually watch her.

>> No.21190907


>> No.21192234

The power of cute and funny meme shork

>> No.21192404

Pretty spot on. Her voice just annoys me. I think she can be cute but says a lot of shit that makes her seem petty and numberfags the most. I’m sure a lot of what she says is due to Austrians having little restraint with their words but Jesus she has a hard time reading the air.

>> No.21195812

You're right that she's afraid of dead air. What she doesn't realize is dead air isn't bad in-and-of itself. It's having too much of it that's bad. It's not as bad in her solo streams because it's just her, but it's awkward in collabs.

>> No.21195876

kiara is probably the youngest in all of myth tho

>> No.21196355

>Most yurofags
Most of us moved to HoloJP, not niji. Also is pretty difficult to compile the entire continent in just 1 chuuba, less if she keeps using english.

>> No.21197688

Never once even chuckled during a Gura stream even though I've watched her plenty, but have laughed out loud multiple times from Kiara. Don't understand where this "Gura has great comedic timing" myth comes from honestly.

>> No.21197881

>not one chucle from gura
>lol'd at kiara
You are the problem, dear kfp

>> No.21197953

Faggots. The thread was minutes away from dying but you had to be stupid and write something. Your are either falsflagging or just stupid

>> No.21198024

>Look, Gura is funny because.. she just is, ok?? She's the biggest vtuber in the universe, you HAVE to like her or it's your fault!!
Are chumbuds actual children?

>> No.21198323

You want a rrat?
After Moris fuck up I can guarantee you that kiara has more members than mori

>> No.21198448

Her actual voice is great. It's so fucking mellow and pleasant I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I first heard it when she dropped the chicken voice in the en segment during Coco's farewell. I was doing something else at the time and had to look up at the screen to see who was talking because I didn't recognise who ot was.
Dammit Kiara.

>> No.21199250

There is some truth to this.
I was told a while ago that nips don't mind you visiting their country, maybe even spending some time there working or teaching etc., maybe you learn enough nip to not sound like mori but as soon as you try to negate
by actually trying too hard to be like them, speaking just a little too well etc., then that's when they grow cold to you.
You're no longer just that eccentric gaijin in town or token foreign friend they can practice english with or whatever, you become something of an anethema that activates some deep instinct.
Unfortunately it seems Kiara has triggered this response.
I've been told this by more than one expat with long experience in Japan, shit if you marry a nip it's 100x worse for you.
Xenophobic mostly homogenous island mentality is a real thing.
Hence not only
but you should never try to either: at the end of the day these people want to be around their own and don't want you there.

>> No.21199397

i don't think 1.35 million subs is saying that people dont like her

>> No.21199505

I stumbled into a numbers thread for the first time last month and was surprised that there seemed to be some real analysis on what the optimal streaming schedule for growth is and itcs definitely not longass streams daily, which is what Kiara does.
IIRC the conclusion was that something close to Gura's streaming pattern is "the best". Short to medium length streams every few daysz allowing for the algorithm to have time to push etc.

>> No.21200128

yeah, we know you hate kiara too mumei

>> No.21200528

No matter how many times Mori fucks up, Kiara will always be a plain bad streamer. At the end of the day that matters more.

>> No.21200961

They are mostly pitty subs

>> No.21201223

>only 10,000 after 30 days
Why is Kiara trailing so hard?
I thought everyone agreed she had the best EN Holofes performance.

>> No.21201416

How is she a bad streamer? She may not be a true gamer but her commentary is infinitely better than Cali's. Chicken will take a piece of the game story and go on a 30 minute long tirade about some silly shit, while Cali just makes obvious/expected gameplay comments while she acts like she doesnt even wanna be there. And not to mention pure zatsudan streams. Kiara mogs her hard in that category.

>> No.21201496
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Because /vt/ schizos are the biggest losers to ever live, even by the standards of 4chan. So Kiara, who is an autistic bitchy nerd, seems like a giant stacy by comparison simply because she's not totally fucked in the head. This is scary to them, so they react poorly.


>> No.21201653

If she started using her normal voice and not the annoying bird voice she'd be number 1.

>> No.21202144

Haha, nah. She's too fucked up in the head. And the japanese honestly find her weird.

>> No.21202319

YES it's so damn nice. I first heard it during her off collab with Subaru. Her normal voice is hot. She'd be S tier if she dropped the shitty chicken voice entirely

>> No.21202358

My problem isn't that she acts like a leader during collabs. It's that she tries to be both the straight man MC as well as the funny quipster. She's the most extroverted one so naturally she'll act like the host, but her kraut autism makes every joke she makes painfully unfunny.

>> No.21202395

I didn't sub to Kiara for a long long time until there was nobody else streaming and I happened upon something that made me laugh so hard I overcame my initial dislike of her and finally subbed and have watched more of her ever since.
I think it was in reference to that merch site en was shilling a few months ago, but she was talking about some site and said something like
>wow you guys killed the site [thousands of clicks because she linked it on screen]
>my site is dead... LET'S GOOOOOOO

>> No.21202630

>Her normal voice is hot. She'd be S tier if she dropped the shitty chicken voice entirely
It's been a year. It's about time for a slow phase out, or rather phase in of her actual voice.
Subaru did it, I mean look at her earliest streams and compare with now: much closer to her actual voice that's only really ever heard during off-collabs with the usual gang.
Suisei swapped abruptly and no one gave a shit. Marine will probably have to as well for the sake of her voice.
It's not like the chicken voice is as intrinsically tied to "Kiara" as the rabbit's voice is to hers; it might have been if she'd attempted a similar verbal tic like "peko" and thank fuck she didn't try. She could easily phase it out and no one would complain.

>> No.21202787

Bad first impression and lingered into the first few months and then some. Annoying voice, being a neurotic dumb bitch and never shutting up about muh mentals on twitter, and cringe tryharding to set a self-prescribed position in collabs stopped, hinder, and will continue to slow any growth until she changes. But she won't because orange woman dumb.

>> No.21203082

>Still don't understand YT algorithm feeding subs
People not liking her isn't the problem, it's YouTube AI that doesn't like her.

>> No.21203222

>for calling an idiot out
>literally doing this but in reverse to defend kiara
>pulls a no nu when called out
KFPs are literal niggers
5 minutes of spotlight in a overpriced japanese event doesn't translate into extra western viewers on her youtube channel anon. Maybe if she was allowed to upload her own clip of the event, but since she isn't she's limited to the people who watched her live or pirated it. Of which 95%+ are already subscribed to her.
She's a failed stacy. That doesn't make her a nerd, it makes her a failed stacy.
KFP trying far too hard
The best rrat is that the chicken voice IS her "normal voice" and she gets crushed every time she sees someone on the internet telling her to rop it.

>> No.21203273

Guras just so boringly normie 90% of the time is the problem for me, her chat makes it worse too

>> No.21203492

all me

>> No.21203757
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Kiara had the least amount of subs even before the debuts, just like Sana. Which mean that not only her voice but people don't seem to like her design that much either.

>> No.21203911

>Gura close to 4M
that's fucking insane

>> No.21203996

speak for yourself.
I have no interest in Nijisanji whatsoever.
They are whatever to me.
I'm happy you found chuubas who accommodate your interests and timezone tho.

>> No.21204042

I don't watch Kiara, could you link me some clips of her real voice?
is this it

>> No.21204246

I like her design, her original outfit however...

>> No.21204339

It still bit higher than her normal voice just search her rm on youtube

>> No.21206662

She really is sabotaging herself with all the effort she puts in to sound like a JP idol.

>> No.21206733

>Kiara has objectively lowest numbers
The weird thing is I could swear that Ina is the one I always see get forgotten about.

>> No.21209178

stealth-tako is so low energy you forget even if you're subbed

>> No.21209502
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Nobody wants to be the ORANGE power ranger. I think this matters a lot. I hope she gets outftis and branding that shifts away from ORANGE to RED or another color, yes everybody wants to fuck ORANGE hair woman, but when ORANGE is starts leaking into the persona and int othe clothes the COCK starts to soften.

>> No.21209742

Japs like mori in a zoological sense, she's like a little aninal to them
Kiara just tries too hard and has bad time slots

>> No.21210197

What a Chad

>> No.21210533

This, Kiara can be a bit annoying but not to the levels of Mori who is always the worst party of any collab

>> No.21210910

>the color orange makes you flaccid
Today I learned something

>> No.21210972

Holy shit you're kinda right. That's why her casual outfit makes me hard every goddamn time.

>> No.21211432

There was a time where Kiara was a huge numberfag and always seemed moppy about being the least subbed in Myth.

>> No.21213029

Holy shit she sounds like a normal person.

>> No.21213609

She tried to sound too much like pekora, if she used her normal or at least not that annoying voice, I would actually watch her, she is great in collabs though

>> No.21216362

>why was Suisei doing a character voice in the first place
Because she clearly thought it would help her, but its clear now that people would like her regardless.
>they're all doing character voices to name a few
Even a dumb clip watcher would know that the other talents have said Marine and Subaru sound the same even off stream, and Luna is honestly just a weirdo that you can't even pretend hasn't been held back by the baby act. I cant really say about Peko or Miko other than they sounded the same even during their past lives.

>> No.21221605

>hates dead air
>makes it worse than dead air

>> No.21229231

ikr dude it would be so fucking awesome if she used her real voice like I would watch her so much more and I'm sure many other people too

>> No.21229952

The Japanese were wrong about Nichijou too.

>> No.21230027

Imagine being a Yurofag and not watching Watame.

>> No.21230148

Those were good times...

>> No.21231111

She just needs a good depression arc.

>> No.21232057

Nips hate Kiara for what she did.
Do your reps.
