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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21084424 No.21084424 [Reply] [Original]

In the end, what was the situation even about?

>> No.21084449


>> No.21084517

Artificial drama for publicity

>> No.21084573


>> No.21084622
File: 465 KB, 334x581, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A faggot

>> No.21084779

Nux being a faggot as usual and vShojo finally telling him off like they should have months ago but were too scared to do because they have an incestuos numberfag relationship.

>> No.21084862 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 1103x621, nice thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We shouldn't really bother too much about these kinds of drama anon! We should instead support our favourite vtubers simply by watching them! Keep the quality threads coming though!

>> No.21084923
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>> No.21085014

He won

>> No.21085035


>> No.21085058

all that alleged money and has the most cancerous live2d model, nigga should go fuck himself

>> No.21085140

I preferred his old model where he still looked like a gintoki sans ripoff

>> No.21085299
File: 43 KB, 606x350, NuxTaku - long-term Twitch stats - SullyGnome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he?

>> No.21085410

But he's my favorite
He's the ultimate attention whore drama queen, but he really fell off after this. People had enough of him.

>> No.21085468

Nyanners being a hysterical woman unable to handle things like an adult

>> No.21085568

Pink cat

>> No.21085679

bless you migo poster

>> No.21085692

yes, seeing as they went all out to cancel him and he's still alive

>> No.21085779 [DELETED] 

What happened to the vwhores auditions?

>> No.21085803

It was a scam

>> No.21085864

they all got doxxed and swatted

>> No.21085923

Mikoposter you're so fucking based, I'm just out of words

>> No.21085927


>> No.21085935

They got doxxed and he blabbed about it to the entire internet even though the investigation was still underway.

>> No.21085991

Last word was last month

>> No.21085998

Lmao there was no investigation

>> No.21086056

the vid he made about the incident inferred that vshitshow fucked up bad and allowed ppl to get doxxed so they threw him under the bus to save their own rep

>> No.21086112

this, nux did nothing wrong

>> No.21086140

Literally 1 applicant got doxxed before they found out and got the site shut down

>> No.21086167 [DELETED] 

Will vshojo ever compensate the families of people that died in the swattings?

>> No.21086202
File: 151 KB, 1570x1161, Gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The doxxer is serious business, they got 2, yes TWO, confirmed victims
>Luckily one of the victims was my Trojan Horse operation
Why is this a drama again?

>> No.21086212

Yes, I’m sure the FBI had their top men on the case.

>> No.21086419


>> No.21086423

i will never understand how much this board stands up for nyanners even though she never showed receipts about how she told nux to not release the vid. nux is a clout chasing kike but vwhore niggers dont realize that kikes are actually very womanlike.

>> No.21086623

woman vs faggot in the end

>> No.21086653

This image is singlehandedly fixing /vt/

>> No.21087194

because Nyanners threw a bitchfit when the video was released when previously vshojo told nux that he can do whatever he wants, so then vshojo had the choice between walking back on their previous statements or painting nyanners as an unstable fuckwit
guess which one they choose

>> No.21087239

unfortunately Nyanners does have fans on this board before the drama broke out whereas for most of us the drama is the first we've heard about Nux

>> No.21087337

essentially, a dramatuber pointed out a company was not properly protecting their applicants, and he made the actual company kneel while pinko catto used it as a platform for pity points

>> No.21087430
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>> No.21087448

I kinda got the impression nux just did for clout too

>> No.21087639

oh for sure, but had he not, Vshojo would have tried to hide their horrendous clean up efforts ad infinitum

>> No.21087842

he wanted to be a hero by exposing the doxxer for sure but he already got the OK from vshojo when he did that. Either way he's a retard that happened to not be in the wrong in this drama

>> No.21088128

Whores being whores and a faggot being a faggot.

>> No.21088220

ffs I wanna fuck the hololive coyote so bad

>> No.21088386

>retard that happened to not be in the wrong
some day I'll be that retard, but not today

>> No.21088973

Honestly speaking I just find Nux to be an obnoxious fag. I wanted him to be in the wrong so his dumb face wouldn't show up again.

>> No.21089194

Destroying Nux pseudo-company before he destroyed indies.

>> No.21089277

he's trying so hard to be funny and quirky, I kinda respect that

>> No.21089364

>>21086423 #
I think Froot was the one that told him she didn't liked the video . Nyan and Vei got scared when the video was released so they probably didn't knew about it.

>> No.21091040
File: 460 KB, 640x947, 1647424461677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vshojo befriends known dramatuber nux despite pretty much everyone on the internet knowing that's a stupid as shit idea
>nux hangs around, leeches
>Drama happens. People get doxed in vshojo apps in phishing email
>Dramatuber decides he's "on the case" (I literally remember a thread talking about and mocking him for the tweet before all this happened)
>sets himself to drama-ing
>contacts vshojo, they already know
>vshojo does not release any information on the matter, such as warning potential applicants about the emails. They later claim it was because it was an "ongoing investigation"(dubious)
>Nux wants to do a video about it. Surprisingly asks for permission.
>get's wishy washy answers, a yes from the big guys such as the tech people, but pink cat(may have been froot, we don't know) says she doesn't like it, does not expressly forbid him in any way.
>"A yes is more definitive than a I don't like it!" Says nux, dramafagly
>makes video with help of tech guy, asks what he should include/remove when and where
>releases video
>vshojo thanks nux on twitter for the video
>pink cat sees video
>pink cat makes big crying post on "private" discord calling out nux, reading like a cancel fatwa
>suddenly all the vshojo girls, even the girl who's rarely around at all, make tweets condemning nux's terrible behavior within hours of one another
>vshojo deletes thank you tweet
>nux takes down the video
>after some time and sad tweets, he releases receipts countering every claim made against him (he made it without their permission, didn't give them any time to ask him to remove anything, etc)
>Gunrun (the closest thing to a "manager" vshojo has) back peddles on some of his claims such as only being given [I can't remember the exact amount so something like] 10 minutes to ask him to remove stuff (it was actually 2 hours). Does not respond to people who ask about why he'd lied
>Later, after the girls come under some fire, some of the girls come out and apologize, stating that they didn't really know what was going on
>Battle Results!
>nux is banished from the Vshojo Leech Zone
>vshojo uses Pussy Pass! Takes no damage.

tldr Literally both these groups are fucking stupid.

The drama tuber drama tubed and the vshoufus shouldn't have had anything to do with him in the first place. Various bits of evidence point to vshojo lying in order to cover their own asses, and to pink cat coordinating a combined tweet cancel fatwa on nux for the video because it made them look really bad. Nux himself it actually arguably the most clean, only because everyone already knew he was a dramafag, and he actually went to some amount of an effort to remove incriminating things from his video. He attempted to make himself look more important in the video than he actually was, but was closer to "right" in this situation than the company seemingly preforming a self serving cover up to hide the doxes of indies. These days this is one of the bigger pieces of fuel to the "vshojo (and many many indies) should not be allowed to collab with Hololive" debate simply because it exposed the company itself to being incredibly shady, seemingly happy to lie for it's own gain which could very much damage Hololive if someone like Pinkcat lied about something again, many point to her rampant hatred of lolis and Gura as an example of something that could spark trouble in future.

>> No.21091144

wasn't there someone trying to dox nux that scammed a few of the dumb small vtubers?

>> No.21091262

That's what set him on it, they tried to contact him too despite the fact he never applied. He'd been doxed in the past and said it deeply traumatized him, and he used that as a sympathy point to why he soooooo badly wanted to do a video on it. Whether that's true or not I don't know, but it sure is a convenient excuse for the dramatuber to drama tube.

>> No.21091411

He probably thought he struck gold with the story, but got flamed because of it. Nothing is worse than messing with a shady fucker's income I guess.

>> No.21091501

The way I see it, we always knew that Nux was a dramawhore and that a couple of vshitshow are shits. Now we know all of vshitshow is in fact an incompetent shitshow.

>> No.21091709

Most people believe that it was such a big event that even Hololive en's shit management couldn't ignore it, and most of vshojo is now on a blacklist. So far to my knowledge, only Mousey has gotten collabs since the incident, and if you ask me she shouldn't be allowed either, it's just playing with western twitter/twitch fire.

>> No.21092053

So this is all Nyanners fault.

>> No.21092501

Even if she had a problem with it she could've handled it through management or better yet raised her issue with it before the video went live. Instead she had a public freakout and dragged both parties names through the mud

>> No.21092967

Pretty much entirely, yes. Even if you say Nux was in the wrong, which he arguably very much was by default as a dramatuber trying to exploit an unfortunate event for his own gain, everything Nyanners did made absolutely everything worse for literally everyone involved. The proper thing to do was to tell Gunrun to nix it fast, so as to not draw attention to it, which would have been the proper course had she actually been worried about the doxer seeing it, or about others attempting to imitate it, or any of the other reasons she gave.

>> No.21093537

no ones every truly cancelled anon, even EDP445 still makes content despite being banned on the popular platforms.
nyanners lied about knowing about the video, because shes didnt know and just said that because she was panicking.
if i remember right, the screenshot she said that was from her vent server so she was clearly distressed and not thinking, why the others went along with it is another story though.
yes its in part her fault.
but also she couldnt have told management because nux didnt give management enough time and uploaded the video despite managements suggestion he doesnt.
management couldnt stop him because he was one of the 2 victims so they legally couldnt stop him.
mel was the only one who was privy to the discussion of the girls and she was busy with a meetup while the discussion was happening and nux wanted to post the video asap.

>> No.21093778

thats just wishful thinking from vshojo hating anons.
theres no proof theyre blacklisted, especially when niji en didnt do it and they have way better management then holo en.
even if holo en did, holo en almost never collabs outside of themselves regardless making any difference unnoticeable

>> No.21093838

literally who?

>> No.21094016

>nux didnt give management enough time
he disproved that in his receipts
>and uploaded the video despite managements suggestion he doesnt.
That doesn't matter, if the suggest to him not to and not tell him not to, that clearly indicates a deferment of judgement, and as you said they had no grounds to stop him in the first place.

>> No.21094038

Mouse said she made the first tweet because she was worried about Nyan, and also was friends with Nux in the past.

>> No.21094210

>he disproved that in his receipts
im not talking about the whole 3 hours things, i meant generally he didnt give them much time to actually properly consult the other girls and what not.
more time then they said he gave them but still not a lot of time

>> No.21094260

>only Mousey has gotten collabs since
Of the ones that are big enough to ask for collabs (vei/mouse/nyan) mouse is the only one that actually wants to do them

>> No.21094337

he got the model for free from his audience irc

>> No.21094461

Pink Cat seems to mostly collab with people who are smaller than her in order to boost their views. Vei mostly collabs with her virtual boyfriend.

>> No.21094506

I suppose you're correct, but that's an awfully small nitpick. One could argue that they didn't have a right to stop him either, in the same vein as him being a victim didn't allow management to stop him. I suppose it would have been nice had he consulted them, but I don't think it was really something he SHOULD have done, just something he could have.
I don't really think size has anything to do with it, plus I remember people talking about a potential Ina/Froot collab, though I don't know if that was something Froot or Ina discussed or simply something the vshojo people dreamt up as usual. Suisei did a collab with a literal two view once, so numbers don't seem to be a concern for management, just how yab they are, and even that doesn't seem a concern for en management.

>> No.21094750

There's a good reason why people dislike pink-cat beyond the usual "she's a whore" mentality, and its her persistent bitchfits like this. The fact she's popular enough to consistently get away with it, and have legions of brainless fanatics defend her, only deepens the longstanding resentments her behavior has fostered. Same shit as Sarui, just less of a driving factor in her interactions with others.

>> No.21094974

the thing that surprised me the most about all this is that nux actually asked for permission

>> No.21095070

I know coco and melody weren't allowed to collab so if there is a blacklist I guess Mel's on it. I could see a Hime/Calli collab if Hime ever finds a chance to stream. I think Ina/Froot was just because they're both artists but not really sure how appealing an art collab would be. Also heard some talk about Silver/Ame who were apparently friends before.

>> No.21095201

>I could see a Hime/Calli collab if Hime ever finds a chance to stream
Well they can always collab when the cameras aren't rolling.

>> No.21095310

Mel's blacklisted for being an actual fucks-herself-in-front-of-a-camera whore, not a I-don't-like-you whore, and she's literally not even allowed to have her name spoken out loud to my knowledge. It's bad for the company's image, which is very very bad for sponsors. As for Ame, I don't think that's on the table simply from how she seems to avoid collabs entirely lately, and how she seems like Gura to want to avoid outsiders.

>> No.21095996

He advertised that a bunch of amateur vtubers were doxxed and sent traffic to their private info after promising he wouldn’t make a video about it.

His biggest crime beyond being a despicable autist is that his “girlfriend” covfefe is just him LARPing as a woman with a text to speech program for easymode beta bux.

>> No.21096118

>His biggest crime beyond being a despicable autist is that his “girlfriend” covfefe is just him LARPing as a woman with a text to speech program for easymode beta bux.
Jesus. If being a drama youtuber wasn't bad enough.

>> No.21096463

Ame too busy doing nerd things with tech stuff to collab outside EN

>> No.21096472

Isn't bad about to collab with mouse though?

>> No.21096609

Yeah she's the one that always has collabs lined up. Think she has a couple more planned too.

>> No.21098888
File: 1.84 MB, 2894x3970, 4e8e2ad7b37146a350fc839435277e62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a better quality version, anon.

>> No.21099360
File: 1.42 MB, 1075x1006, 417C4CF5-146F-41FD-941E-106E5FC1F740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don’t care collabs still coming

>> No.21099410

>Attention whore trying to stay relevant
lmao even

>> No.21099704

>and she's literally not even allowed to have her name spoken out loud to my knowledge.
tf did you get this from

>> No.21100198


>> No.21103597


If you still believe that excuse you're retarded.

Vshitshow handled a dumb phishing scam like literal mongoloids and clout chaser Sans wanted to get some clout from pretending to be a hero.

Hilarity and retardation ensued.

>> No.21104717
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>> No.21108647

Didn't only like 1-2 people out of hundreds of applicants get doxxed? Also people saying it was nyan's fault for sperging, but doesn't she have legit reasons to respond like that, given her past?

>> No.21109148


>> No.21110681

Yeah, 1 dox and yes she has legitimate reasons. People will always sperg about her though. Is what it is.

>> No.21113220


>> No.21113816

>nux taku
you need to be 18 or older to post here. now fuck off you underage faggot.

>> No.21113899
File: 1000 KB, 2077x3150, nux1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked vshojocuck.

>> No.21113944

Tried his best to get some e-pussy, but failed spectacularly

>> No.21113954
File: 72 KB, 694x366, nux2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21114385

Huh, that's not relatable at all

>> No.21114467

I am a 28 year old neet

>> No.21114508

you're clearly not if you're bringing up that jew, nux.

>> No.21114698

just goes to show physical age doesn't reflect mental age. anyone that still watches this cuck is honestly pathetic

>> No.21114844


>> No.21117171

>mental age

>> No.21117305

where do you think you are?
