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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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210023 No.210023 [Reply] [Original]

>high tier
mouse (love her singing in spanish)

>they're fine

>no appeal

>> No.210071

Where's Hime on this list?

>> No.210085

banned for having fat tits, apparently. she seemed fine in the 20 second clips i saw on YT

>> No.210091

Second gen when?

>> No.210117




>> No.210123

You're OK with Hime but not Silvervale? She's the same character but with less personality.

>> No.210149

i'll backtrack. she literally hasn't been around enough for me to decide one way or another.

why do you like froot?

>> No.210217

Nyanners, Mouse, Melody, Silver, Froot, Zen
>Not enough data

>> No.210220

Best design, cute/soft demeanor, most unique personality of the group, and she's an amazing artist

>> No.210242

Projekt Melody
Hime Hajime

>> No.210278

I find nyanners, mouse and melody pretty funny. Haven't watched the others.

>> No.210291

>High Tier

>They're fine
Silver (who?)

>No appeal

>> No.210323

We have more than enough data on Hime.
Give up on her, it's not worth it.

>> No.210348

Why'd they botch this one so badly? I thought I read she was selected specifically by Mel.

>> No.210360


>> No.210395

I don't know the story, they're probably friends and Mel is an extremely kind person. Maybe she's alright when she's with friends but christ, she has never learned how to present herself publicly.

>> No.210396

Silver is as slutty as Hime but is much more likeable. She actually has a personality before she starts talking about her tits.

Hime is... her tits. That's it. Did you watch her debut? It was fifteen minutes of technical difficulties and another hour of boob jokes. It was fucking wretched.

>> No.210431

... Hime is Sydsnap, and Sydsnap is pretty popular. She can be funny, but is mostly known for being lewd and reviewing hentai. I guess someone thought that would translate well into Vtubing.

>> No.210435

have to establish the persona i guess? debut jitters?

give it a few more streams and i'm sure an actual personality will develop

>> No.210448

People raggin' on Silvervale. I wont.... I won't get mad. I wont get mad!

>> No.210465

Yeah I gave up on Korone, Mori, and Ame after their debuts as well. Clearly unsalvageable

>> No.210476

She'd better hope so, 'cause I can't imagine she'll be able to carry this current bullshit on for more than a month.

How does Melody do it?

>> No.210514

Swap Melody and Nyanners, and I agree.

>> No.210524

I like Silver. She's cuddly. She just gets overshadowed by the better talent in her agency.

>> No.210534

>high tier

>they're fine

>no appeal


>should not exist
all of them, i don't know their names lol

>> No.210539

Watching Korone's debut is so weird but endearing. She was much different back then but now she's matured and opened up so much.

>> No.210546

She VERY CLEARLY made no effort to delineate her VTubing style of content from her YouTubing style of content. Why would she? She's used it for years. I would be EXTREMELY impressed if she gets better, you can grudgepost me on this.

>> No.210547
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never saw a full stream but i like her stupid cartoon character model. what's the story with that?

>> No.210567

Nyanners tried drawing Melody with her eyes closed. Melody thought it was hilarious and got that abomination rigged up. Malady is actually pretty funny, not gonna lie.

>> No.210585

i tried watching ironmouse for a full 10 minutes and all it was was thanking people for giving her money

checked back an hour later, still doing the same shit

>> No.210651

her highlights are decent. i liked her playing the prison break game w/ nyanners

>> No.210670

>i dont know what im talking about but I hate all of it
based burger, never let anyone make you think

>> No.210680

Mousey has legit talent that is hampered by her illness. She was also an aspiring opera singer and dancer. The fact that she has to be a vtuber is a fucking travesty.


>> No.210699

other vtubers have super sundays anon

>> No.210704

melody is a literal camwhore and I've seen enough clips of the rest of them to know they have no appeal at all

>> No.210747

>not in the trash
You had me in the first half, but failed the execution.

>> No.210829

They put Froot in the trash, too.
Froot is like Jerma to me, I've heard incredible things about them and it seems deserves from the clips I've been shown, but I've yet to actually watch a stream of theirs.

>> No.210840

Yeah but she's a hilarious camwhore. Melody's appeal is more in her stupid blonde commentary than in seeing her anime model naked.

>> No.210850

Melody outside of her CB streams is the autistic sister experience
In her CB streams she's the autistic and incestuous sister experience

>> No.210999

I like most of them, but I absolutely cannot stand Hime, and I'm honestly dreading any group interactions with her around. Best case scenario is she shuts the fuck up about breeding and her tits and just sorta hangs around in the background like Zen's TTS.

>> No.211061

Nah, she'll talk. Zen keeps quiet because he has to type shit out and it's loud enough to interrupt everyone else. Hime will go off on the same autistic eroge tangents that she does on her normal channel. Worst part is that the girls will probably eat it up.

>> No.211066

This. She's a comedy black hole.

>> No.211192

She just provides a different flavor. Yeah she's a big booba girl and likes playing around at dom but I don't think I have ever watched someone truly enjoy playing a video game more than she does. She always seems to find the beauty in games that nobody else appreciates. Her playing Subnautica got me to want to play it and I'm glad I did. I still didn't enjoy it half as much as she did tho.

>> No.211274

I like

I'm indifferent to

Kinda hope veibae and snuffy get into it eventually if I'm being honest

>> No.211324

Not just rigged it up, rigged it up in time for her VSHOJO REDEBUT. The girl trolled all of her and Vshojo's fans expecting Mel when she said she had a new model to come out with something somehow more amazing than what she already had (and this is in the wake of the DigiTravX bullshit so some people were really expecting her to legit switch models) or updated one like the other girls showcased and she comes out as Nyanner's blindly drawn possibly drunk hell spawn incarnation Prajeckt Malady.

It was fucking brilliant.

>> No.211326

veibae has been pretty funny, i like her

>> No.211344 [DELETED] 

based underdog appreciating the underdogs

>> No.211360

And her being a genuinely good person is something of a niche in itself. I often get the impression that vtubers are only doing it for the money and put on an air of interest in their audience. Silver strikes me as someone who legitimately enjoys what she's doing and loves the people she interacts with.

But she could also just be good at acting. Who can say?

>> No.211382

based anon appreciating the underdogs

>> No.211393


Not appreciating every inch of this video. Imagine being you.

>> No.211464

>her illness
>The fact that she has to be a vtuber is a fucking travesty.

it's called laziness

>> No.211472

veibae and snuffy have been getting really funny lately, snuffy's last stream of making veibae in sims while talking to her was pretty entertaining

>> No.211526

>The fact that she has to be a vtuber is a fucking travesty.
why would anyone ever work hard ever when the alternative is being a vtuber making hundreds of thousands, eventually millions, of dollars. its a sob story.

>> No.211548

Silver isn't my favorite VShojo but I do respect that about her, if I had to pick one of them that genuinely loved video games it would be Silver. She gets bonus points for having Okami as her favorite game too.

>> No.211564

Zen uses a speech to text -> text to speech system. That's why with her new model you can see her lips move then the TTS comes out a few seconds later.

>> No.211577

anyone with a donation bar or any of that stuff automatically gets thrown in the trash

>> No.211579

Extremely funny joke, anon.
She has an auto-immune disease that prevents her from going outside and will inevitably kill her.

>> No.211631

Probably sooner than later. I'm sure Mousey has another ten or so years but we may eventually see a big vtuber memorial collab for her.

>> No.211681


>> No.211797

what an age we live in where we can get both from the same streamer

>> No.211838

I don't think it's an act. During Christmas she took a very long time to talk to her fans on stream about how much she appreciates them and how with everything they've given her she's been able to finally give her mother (the equally awesome Mamavale) all the things she's ever wanted. Her song she wrote is also supposedly about how much she loves her chat. If it is an act, it's an amazing one.

>> No.211860


>> No.211871


Mousey has such a voice on her, it's really sad someone of her talent got dealt such a shitty hand in life.

>> No.211918

Froot is queen.

She's way lewder than most of them, but is so incredibly shy that she hides it. I mean, her art is some peak horniness. All this contrast with the other, more explosive members of the group make her the drop of salt on the caramel of Vshojo.

Zen is bad but I think her comedic timing is shockingly good. best part of her stream is her chat though.

>> No.211974

>that trill at 0:16

honestly speaking, a little flat at times but i just love that she can pull out a genuine talent like this whenever she wants

>> No.211985

literally 14 year old HAHA SEX GIRL SEX humor, just trashy and unfunny

>> No.211988

I think her problem is that she's being WAY TOO HIGH ENERGY. if Hime/syd calmed down, it would sell her character a lot better.

>> No.211993

Fucking hilarious, makes the horny chat not cringey, good at singing, is making the most out of the shitty hand her immune system dealt her (DONATE PLASMA).
Good artist, good rig, cute voice, chill, low-key almost as funny as Mouse.

Shitposting extraordinaire, which alone makes her A tier.
Adorkable, chill, is basically the reason why EN vtubers got popular, stunted on irl camwhores by stealing all their simps.

Is actually really good at video games and co-ordinates the rest of the girls in multiplayer stuff, actually does lewd stuff... but it's behind a paywall, her fans are the biggest simps her constant "I WUV YOUS" grates a bit.

Is Syd and I like her content and voice, but knowing who she actually is breaks kayfabe. Not enough data otherwise. Could go up or down at this point.

Her chat is funnier than she is, used to have the best model/rig until she decided to go 2D, text-to-speech is awful to listen to and is like communicating with someone with a 400 ping, is a dude and didn't go the trap route.

>> No.211995

That's not WAY lewder, anon. That's being a covert pervert. She's not even in the same fucking galaxy as Melody.

>> No.212006

She doesn't have that anymore. As of right now watching her stream it is a sub goal, but her goals always come with rewards. She gives back a lot to her followers in the form of entertainment.

You may not agree sub goals are different, but I do. Yes they still benefit her, but they also benefit others who don't pay for subs. The chat benefits from people gifting subs. Sure, the benefits aren't amazing, but to people who like being on Twitch it's a fun thing to have.

>> No.212076

If someone is watching tonight's stream, please clip the point where she's watching a video of Gura and Risu singing Plastic Love and then joins in. I wanna see HL + VS collabs so much if nothing more than to hear these angels singing together.

>> No.212125

I'd imagine its just due to a lack of training. Mousey definitely has the talent to be an incredible opera singer but due to her situation she likely can never. I think that's why she cries every time they do VR Chat collabs, she gets to feel normal.

>> No.212133

>didn't actually watch it

You didn't have to expose yourself.

>> No.212173

That sounds awesome, luv mouse.
I'll check the VOD.

>> No.212211

kek I literally did, nice cope

>> No.212231

is there much of an EN vtuber webm scene on /wsg/?

it's neat being able to save bite sized clips

>> No.212247

I'm glad I met you guys, because you guys are making me appreciate Silver a lot more. I just saw her pretty cringe Dommy Mommy stuff, but I started watching her gameplay and yeah, she loves what she does.

>> No.212346


You know her illness is not at all what she talks about right? She has an autoimmune that causes inflammation excess to IgE, like a mini allergic reaction. Long term, she takes steroids and occasionally interferon, she ain't dying g of cancer nigga

>> No.212364

She's stated that she's losing her abilities. She used to be able to sing at higher and lower ranges but her lungs have betrayed her over time.

>> No.212405

i can't believe mouse has foxdie

>> No.212410

If you say so. When did Twitch streamer Sykkuno show up in the vid?

>> No.212439

No, she's dying because her body is actively trying to kill itself. It's not cancer, sure, but it's a death sentence either way. She'd be better off with AIDS; AIDS has pills you can take.

>> No.212473


When she and her mom get together the stream is wholesome and hilarious.

>> No.212566

I don't know why Zen went 2D, her 3D model was probably the best of the bunch and it was far more expressive than the new one

>> No.212595

I imagine because putting on the rigging suit every day is a pain in the ass.

>> No.212656

It's not quite that kind of auto-immune disorder. It is a cousin to AIDS in that she is immuno-deficiant meaning she doesn't produce antibodies to help fight off diseases and inflammations. It isn't like her body attacks her, she just can't fight off attacking pathogens, especially ones we're all immune to naturally. She has stated recently that she's able to afford better medication thanks to the support she gets from her fans and is now able to eat some foods she couldn't eat before as a result (probably doing better with fighting off other diseases too). The other guy keeps harping on plasma because she needs injections weekly not for having blood but so she can use another person's antibodies. So get vaccinated and donate plasma.

>> No.212681

Do you honestly watch... them?

>> No.212691

Imagine doing your fucking job.

>> No.212737

>actually does lewd stuff
Really? IRL or her model?

>> No.212762

I do. I love watching Zen streams and Dragon-Froot streams are high entertainment.

Can do her job in a 2D body and there is a 3D body based on this model coming so she'll have the 3D back, she just won't use it all the time.

>> No.212793

Anon, almost all the VTubers you watch don't put on a rigging suit. That's not part of the job.

>> No.213417

This is news to me. She regularly posts / retweets lewd artwork of herself and has merchandise with her avatar nude (body pillows, mouse pads, etc). So if she does any actual lewd content, beyond what she already does on stream, she sure doesn't advertise it.

>> No.213453

No, Silvervale's never done a porn stream like Melody has. She has a NSFW store but I'm pretty sure it's never gone beyond that.

>> No.213566

Melody gremlin mode is so pure though

>> No.213818

I unironically think her voice fits the gremlin better than her normal avatar

>> No.214141

I'm gonna admit, I actually didn't watch the video. And then I did, and I'm not surprised at all that I was completely correct. Literally all the "humor" save like 2 clips are just HAHA GIRLS SAYING SEXUAL CRUDE THINGS. Did YOU even actually watch it? Because that was a pretty horrible video to prove me otherwise.
>blue hair girl's entire being is just cursing and having outrageously big tits (on an ugly model in general)
>pink hair girl makes joke about sucking dick
>blue hair girl acting like le sexy dom teacher
>red one with voice to speech for some reason makes sex joke about how you have foreplay
>camwhore puts 69 as age haha
>daddy give me your oil
>another daddy "joke"
>she ate his gonads haha get it testicles
>penis problems
>underage girl at strip club!
>I love cock!!!
>then the red haired one who is clearly a man using text to speech has some skimpy black outfit on for some reason
>I have the power of god and anime on my side
>nice feet lol. thank you teehee
>unironically "ironically" using the owo voice
>I'm gonna hook your dick up to a battery

>When did Twitch streamer Sykkuno show up in the vid?
I don't know who twitch retards are but I'm assuming its the guy at 1:46? or 2:50? or 3:30? or 5:10? none of these instances were remotely funny either

Also, even if I never watched it, what would prevent me from just scrubbing through the video until I found that moment? How would answering that question prove I watched it? You vshitjo retards are actually 14 year old dimwits.

>> No.214151

yes, she gets a good mix of the two when she is letting nyanners or mouse lead and she just sits back quietly


>> No.214832
File: 312 KB, 2115x1169, 5D45B843-D233-4367-802C-DEB831CCB4C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the last two secret streams snuffy did in the middle of the night because she couldn’t sleep where she just watched the most bat-shit insane YouTube videos she could find and using TTS with her in a garbage can

>> No.214860
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>> No.214946


>> No.214988
File: 144 KB, 556x1037, Nyanners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ranking nyanners high
Oh no no no no no

>> No.215054

Yeah, no one except middle aged incel lolicons cares

>> No.215437

Bro who cares it's still gonna be on youtube forever

>> No.215463


>> No.215481

oh god her silly beatboxing at the end. i can't take it

>> No.215559

>still not over it
Oh no no no no no

>> No.215909

To all of you who're stating Nyanners is even remotely close to A tier, I have some bad news to tell you. You do realize she threw all of her old fan basis under the bus because of the incident where she deleted the POMF! Music video, right? She walked back on it by legit comparing it to pedophilia, and stated it was complete trash, looking down upon her old fans because of it. Frankly by that standard, she's F tier instantaneously.

You don't go and do that knowing fully well what the subject you were singing about was, and act like "Oh, it was just a phase, bro! You're all toxic people, bro!"

What pisses me off even more, is she's anti-loli as well. Meanwhile, her fucking model IS a loli. Complete fucking hypocrite if you ask me.

The thing is, people quickly forgot about her before she even decided to become a VTuber, and I guarantee you she's doing it for easy money.

You even try and call her out on it in her chat, they ban you instantly, even if you make mention about POMF! to her.

She's basically an SJW infiltrator in disguise. Fuck her completely.

If anyboy deserves to be kicked from the group, it's her.

If you need proof, here it is.


>> No.215959

No, I didn't know that. There definitely haven't been thousands of posts in the nyanners threads with 90% of the comments about the pomf video. Thank you for being the first person to bring this to our attention.

>> No.215989

I don't care? I appreciate her for her current efforts, not some mistake she made five years ago. You're trying to discredit her for something that is completely irrelevant now. Stop living in the past.

>> No.216003

Just say PINK CAT BAD and be done with it, I assure you it's a lot quicker and gets the same point across.

>> No.216011

Absolutely based

>> No.216034

>Nyanners in high
Only if she hadn't burned her roots

>> No.216035

Silver's design is also 100 times better than Hime's

>> No.216057

It's no mistake. She should've just owned up to it, and let it rock as part of her character's personality, not treat her existing fan basis like utter shit for liking something that was legit funny, as opposed to random Seal noises, and fart jokes.

>> No.216062

I accept these rankings as definitive.

>> No.216227


>> No.216232

She pulls like 5k viewers a stream, pretty sure someone must find her seal noises and fart jokes funny

>> No.216249

imagine being this butthurt over a tumblr post lol

>> No.216275

^ This. She's a fucking SJW trying to cling to relevancy. The fact it feels like she's using Ironmouse breaks my heart even more.

>> No.216301

>cling to relevancy
>literally the most popular western vtuber in the world

>> No.216310

>I guarantee you she's doing it for easy money
And? Would you prefer she do it for the dignified artistry of being a cartoon cat playing video games?

>> No.216555
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>> No.216568
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playing the game

>> No.216596


>> No.216694

which part do you need spoonfed to you, anon?

>> No.216784

honestly entirely correct

>> No.216813
File: 843 KB, 2894x4093, 20210114_145222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry harder

>> No.216868

just so you guys know hime is this chick

>> No.216904

jesus christ is this "post shit everyone knows as if it's brand new information" the thread?

>> No.216965

If you're trying to drop what you think is some hush-hush info, you're a gossiping faggot scullery maid and deserve to be locked in the stocks for a fortnight.

>> No.216993
File: 281 KB, 1039x1600, 1592051149308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat my ass faggot. I will rape you along with your commie vtubers

>> No.217033

Eat your ass? Sounds pretty gay to me

>> No.217058
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you betcha

>> No.217062
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Called it. All Nyanners haters are e-celeb asslickers. Therefore nyanners is the best vtuber by default

>> No.217100

just imagine if Nyanners had not burnt her roots for internet points a few years ago, before suddenly wanting money from the people she burnt.

Silly bitch you could have been so much more successful.

>> No.217153

I don't have to imagine it. She's kicking the ass of every other indie tuber by a significant margin.

>> No.217171

I'm confused by Veibae's accent. I know she's some sort of brit, but she doesn't sound like any brit I've ever heard.

>> No.217190

Her mom is Polish so she’s half Polish

>> No.217228

Look up ANY clip of Mouse singing.
She's a sassy little Puerto Rican with an amazing voice, and a sad backstory. (In real like she was going to a school for fine arts, specifically Song and Dance, but she had to drop out after developing a literally crippling auto immune disorder that has left her mostly bedridden)

>> No.217315

>I'm gonna admit, I actually didn't watch the video. And then I did, and I'm not surprised at all that I was completely correct.

At least you're being honest. I feel like now we can at least have a conversation. Also sorry for the trickery but Sykkuno never shows up in any of these clips. So you could have scrubbed away and found zip. The trick was to make you actually look which would have required viewing the clips.

But I get that you don't have a ton of love for lewd or crass humor which is fine. That's a taste thing and everybody has them. And admittedly the Vshojo editor guys really promote that stuff in these "best of" clips. Not that the girls don't plenty of that shizz but it isn't the only thing they do. They're actually highly entertaining and have a wide variety of things they get humor out of. Tho in fairness to Zen (the red head with the TTS British voice) she wasn't trying to be lewd at all. They were talking about that video which was a Sham-Wow and the guy on the video was talking about how you can take the cloth and just knuckle it or push it with fingers not needing a lot of effort to get water spills soaked up. Zen asked her chat how they do it (referring to the Sham Wow) and then realized her horrible mistake as soon as she said it and got up and walked out (because she knows her chat is going to annihilate her for the innuendo).

So now some other clips (hopefully without any lewdness):

Nyanners and her clone Nyanders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYSGhUSlAe4

Ironmouse sings "Satisfied" from Hamilton: https://youtu.be/W3AqIItl3ek

Zen gets bushwacked by a huge bit dono: https://youtu.be/wVs4ULg-HiE

Melody gets sassed by the Mod: https://youtu.be/dmy2nhCOlkA

Silvervale's totally not a Furry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HawSfV8ZYMU

Froot dresses as Bob Ross for an art stream: https://youtu.be/oCow52pKGKI

There are a ton more. They're not always making crass jokes. They do make them a lot but not always. Streams regularly go about 3-4 hours in length so they can't be doing dick jokes all the time.

Again different strokes for different folks but give 'em a chance. They're not going to hurt you.

>> No.217355

Reddit is back the way you came, nigger.

>> No.217387

It sounds like you're having problems with the posts you're reading on 4chan. Maybe you're the one that needs a safe space so your feelings don't get hurt? Try discord.

>> No.217437

>ITT: People who barely showed up to 4chan last year pretend they're oldfags
>Added Bonus: They pretend Nyanners was a "hero" and not just a popular underage they all wished they simped for back in the day

>> No.217466

This is exactly something a tranny from Discord would say too. You cat's a shit person. Deal with it.

>> No.217470


I love her coños! Especially when it gets her in trouble:


>> No.217479

Nyanners should just change her hair to orange so we can just condense this information down to ORANGE WOMAN BAD like with the other vtuber bogeymen-tier girls

>> No.217482

This is going to go down as the worst kept secret in vtubing history.

>> No.217490

Got em

>> No.217491

Zentreya is a man, and you cannot tell me otherwise

>> No.217501



>> No.217503

She has at least on JOI MP3 on her Patreon.

>> No.217505

Again, this isn't a secret.

>> No.217524

I don’t even watch her but she literally retweeted her own debut on her main account anon it’s literally not a secret

>> No.217539

Very probable but nobody knows for sure so why bother worrying about it. I would wager 90% or more of her fans already think the same thing and don't give a fuck.

>> No.217548

Please don't promote your shit video here.

>> No.217562

I keep wondering if she's going to use this as part of her character. Like constantly toying with the tie but never actually admitting it for meta humor. I still laughed when she said "she knows a little Thai".

>> No.217568

You'll never be a woman. Dilate.

>> No.217630

>Hating on Nyanners
>saying she's trying to stay relevant
She has over a million Youtube subscribers. And that's not even her primary platform. Only a couple of the Hololive girls are more successful then her.
She's won, you lost. Take it with some grace.

>> No.217681

I remember back when the POMF video came out. Even back then I felt "this is a bit much". Can't say I feel Alienated because she felt the same.

>> No.217779


>> No.217895

It’s not that she changed her mind, it’s that she also made the people who liked her feel bad. That’s really why they can’t let it go, she hurt their feelings. They just make up excuses because they need for her to be wrong because otherwise they’d have to admit there’s something wrong with them.

>> No.218088

For all the Nyanners haters:


>> No.218149

Here’s one that’s even more fun:


>> No.218224

>High tier
Silvervale, Mouse, Froot

>dont care for
Zen, Nyanners, Melody

>> No.218322

The gift that keeps on giving. During the New Year Day question and answer stream they were asked what their guilty pleasure show was and Froot said "KissxSis" which drew an immediate reaction from Nyanners:

"Wait! The PISSING ONE!?"

She has recently gone back and watched her old review (that video) to explore the Nyanners of yesteryear and was going to do more but Snuffy beat her to it and now she feels "cucked".

>> No.218440

Probably one guy and one girl working as a team, but who gives a fuck?
POMF was over-cringe and it's sad that you can't admit that too.

>>210323 >>210395 >>210431 >>210431 >>210396
Yeah. We really don't know. I can see why Mel signed her - no doubt lovely as a friend, high-energy, existing content creator with a popular YouTube channel.

I did wonder how syd's high energy ara-ara hentai reviews would translate to livestreaming which is a very different, more interactive platform.

The thing is, despite a delay of like two months, the debut was really that one-dimensional shitpost of a vtuber she'd done, but there was stunningly nothing else to it. It was her first livestream ever. It showed. If her only assets are her booba, she won't do particularly well, and got banned for excessive focus on booba but also encouraging chat to do shots, which even Mel would have told her is a TOS no-no.

I don't know what syd's actually planning to do with Hime. I don't think syd really knows either. Maybe LESS of a persona would work better. She's going to have to feel her way around as it's a whole new kind of content and doing the exact same kind of thing is just going to end to a warp-speed graduation.

I'll be interested to see where she goes, but sticking like a plaster to where she is won't cut it.

>> No.218519
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>> No.218560

Honestly it feels like Hime got really lucky with the ban. It got some free publicity for her plus it gives her a whole new angle to play up when she comes back, being “forced” to tame herself down and be more family friendly and obviously pushing back against that. And it also gave her a couple days to hopefully look at what went wrong with the debut and make some adjustments

>> No.218643

The problem, first and foremost, is that sydsnap is a fucking autistic spaz who should be here posting with us, not blathering about in public.

>> No.219210

>not some mistake she made five years ago

it doesn't matter how long ago it was if she still stands by her decision

>> No.219262

Get that fucking whore away from our culture

>> No.219353

So what you're saying is she's a woman of integrity? All the more reason to like Nyanners.

>> No.219355

She seems to be doing fine but you still can’t get over it which means the problem is with you and how she makes you feel bad about yourself and angry at her

>> No.219430

Nyanners watching that old review was gold.

>> No.219432

Could be. Her immediate reaction was "if you think I'm too loud, just deal with it" but she really should reflect and figure out what she WANTS to do with a brand new platform and persona.

Don't get me wrong, booba would not have been a proper reason for the ban according to the rules (but when has Twitch ever actually cared about the rules - Mel still hasn't got her partner status back even though the DMCA from DigiTrevX was counterclaimed and she has literal receipts - and Mel is a million times more seiso on Twitch and actually a bit of a lovable dork - probably because she gets all the horny out on her spicy CB streams). But encouraging chat to take shots with her genuinely *was* haram and she should have known that if she'd read the ToS or even talked to the others for long. I'm not sure if she's a listening kind of person.

I don't know. What does she want to do, outside of the niche she's already got on YouTube? She mentioned she likes horror games. Neat, do something relatively unexplored in that direction and go play, idk, SNES Clock Tower or something.

There's gotta be more to her as a person than this. The whole point of vtubing as I see it is: by putting on the mask, you not only insulate your persona from your audience, giving you a space where you can express yourself more freely, but you can express different aspects of yourself than you usually would via your persona.

As they say, he who smelt it dealt it.

>> No.219482

That was her knee-jerk reaction after the ban but her tweet tonight says “Hime is very sorry for her sinful indecency. I have found God and wish to confess and repent my sinful ways to you all live on stream tomorrow after I get out of Twitch jail!” which I hope means she’ll be playing into it instead of just raging and screaming “You don’t want booba too bad!”

>> No.219573

You may not like her, but Nyanners is an oldfag. It is her culture too.

>> No.219652

Yeah so nyanners is in fact a huge narcissist. She's incapable of taking any criticism or looking embarrassing without it destroying her ego or something. It's so childish I couldn't believe it.

>> No.219681

Ah - didn't see that, it must have been a new tweet.

Was getting caught part of her plan?

99 out of 100 there will be a bible pinned to her rigging to cover the booba or she'll be wearing a hastily-drawn nun outfit. Of course.

Cool, I guess. I mean... I care more about what she's going to DO with it. If it's just more of the same, then I don't think she's to my taste, but maybe some collaboration with the others who are (even Froot) at this point far more experienced might help her find her niche more easily.

Another issue she has, which is harder to resolve, is the times she intends to stream. Late in Japan is ridiculous 3am type times in the US and early morning even in the EU. Scheduling isn't something she's had to deal with doing YouTube, and that's more workable if you're Hololive and have a big .jp audience, but she ... doesn't.

I might swing by, but given the choice between that and a Nyanners FFX comfy stream it isn't even close. That game is practically therapeutic for Nyanners (when she isn't watering her computer), and also for me, so it's a clear choice.

>> No.219762

>She's incapable of looking embarrassing without it destroying her ego
Anon, half of her content is her embarassing herself. Some of her fans call her cringe cat and she has embraced it, her channel points are called cringe coins. She recently watched her own ancient videos on stream and was really embarassed.

>> No.219782

Do you have to do special stretches to talk out of your butt that easily?

Nyanners is an incredibly self-conscious and socially anxious oldfag weeb who's painfully aware of, and simultaneously embracing, her ADHD and cringy past (except that one thing which most of us agree went too far). She's about as far from narcissistic as you can get, and if you can't relate to at least part of that, I don't know why you post on 4chan. She's an everynyan. That could have been any of us, except she's got a cute high voice and she's funny, which is something even she'd dispute most of the time.

Then on top of that she's spent the last half of 2020/early 2021 not only going through what we all went through in 2020, but simultaneously blowing up as a vtuber thanks to a good YouTube editor, being terrified of meeting streamers she looked up to, realising they looked up to her, becoming really good friends (but still being nervous/anxious even when doing collabs with them now), getting signed up with a new agency they started, getting massive impostor syndrome, losing a close family member, battling burnout when she threw herself into work as part of her grieving process, and getting a million subs on YouTube.

That's a hell of a rollercoaster ride for anyone.

>> No.219918

Hi Nyanners Nice self take there.

>> No.220028

Like most oldfags, she's not posted on 4chan for years.

You'd be more likely to see Silver, Mel, Mousey, or Froot over on other boards incognito, but I mean - if you were a VTuber, would you even really want to look at the 4chan board about vtubers?

>> No.220101

>Like most oldfags, she's not posted on 4chan for years.
Anon, she mentioned /x/ on stream literally YESTERDAY and how she thinks old /x/ was much better than it is now.

>> No.220169

Yeah, I said posted.

Lots of people browse 4chan for the spicy memes, but even though the bar is low, most don't post (like you said, she thinks old /x/ was prime and recent /x/ is just not that good).

>> No.220255

Someone post the old Nyanners soundbites like the one about her talking about Israel

>> No.220316

S Tier:
>Nyanners (sober)
>Ironmouse (medicated)

A Tier:
>Ironmouse (unmedicated)
>Nyanners (0-drunk in 3 shots of anxious vodka)
>Projekt Melody (mild)
>Mamavale (why are you all forgetting Mamavale?)
>Silvervale (when being wholesome/team mom/organising collabs)
>Zentreya's chat

B tier:
>Silvervale (when being spicy and playing up to chat)
>Projekt Melody (extra spicy CB)

C tier:

D tier:
>Zentreya's drumming

U Tier (indeterminate as yet):
>Hime Hajime

>> No.220341

>literally the most popular western vtuber in the world
...is hololive a joke to you? And even then, she was basically eclipsed by her blue counterpart before she went silent. And if you just want to keep it to VShojo, Melody is more known.

>> No.220348

This is the correct answer

>> No.220378

Pink cat hot

>> No.220386
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Oh yeah, look at these numbers for the blue one. She was really rivaling the 5k average viewers currently gets when she stopped

>> No.220427

I had not considered collabs. Most of VShojo (and indeed some of the indie friends like Veibae and Momo) collab together really, really well - Dragon-Froot considerably improves Zen for me, because you get both Froot AND Zen's chat winding up Zen, which is what Zen is best at.

That may be Hime's greatest weakness, considering her timezones, or it may help her blossom into actually showing a personality.

>> No.220429

Objective and official VShojo ranking despite any personal thoughts on the girls themselves.

>> No.220459

Why did you cling to the joke statement of my post? Blue Nyanners mainly did reaction clips, she was on a different segment.

>> No.220500

I like Hime's personality, but I can't look at her avatar. Seeing tits that oversized repulses me.

>> No.220517

I like Sydsnap but I wish she would do more non lewd stuff.

>> No.220533

I've seen tits that oversized IRL (K-cups) and they are not all that fun.

Agreed. It's a chance for her to branch out. Let's see if she wants to take it.

Right now the only really good part of Hime Hajime's streams is - the background music is a catchy bop.

>> No.220545

put silvervale in the graduate category and we're good

>> No.220619

Assuming she plays a lot of games, specifically from the genres she said she liked like horror and simulator games, I could definitely see the lewdness being tamed down since they don’t lend themselves that well to a bunch of jokes unless she’s planning on everything just being forced and not related to the actual games

>> No.220673

Saved for posterity because it's correct.

>> No.220703

It won't because it literally isn't a secret. No-one is trying to hide it.

>> No.220905
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Nyanners was really killing it too kek Also I imagine randomly streaming unannounced was really helping her numbers

>> No.220910

>Zen's Chat is the boke, Zentreya is the tsukommi. Credit where credit's due, she doesn't sit still.
>Even Sober Nyanners is prone to misadventure (cf the Slime Incident)
>Tipsy Nyanners is fine. Drunk Nyanners gets quieter, trips over her words, and loses her filter.
>Ironmouse, while already talented, loses any semblance of a filter when medicated.
>Melody maintains, as an experienced sex worker savvy in the ways in which platforms can discriminate against them, a consistent and solid gap between her spicy and non-spicy content, showing more of her dorky wholesome self in her non-spicy content. She gets most of the horny out on CB, leaving the wholesome behind for elsewhere. Secretly the most seiso member of VShojo. Gets melancholic when drunk.
>I'm still trying to figure out how spicy Silver can be, but the answer seems to be: spicier off-stream than on.
>Silvervale has a wonderful relationship with her mother, who is brilliant.
>Would like to see Myommers.
>Froot is a hidden gem. Unusual British accent, but fantastic model, great artist, collabs very well with others, and keeps her thirst relatively low-key (compared to the others).
>Hime hasn't found her feet yet. It might help if she could see them.

>> No.221142

the character was created as a joke youtube video where she's essentially lambasting the idea of vtubers and hololive. Hime hajime is purposefully stupid and poorly designed. It's like sydsnap wrote a crappy essay and handed it in twice, once as a youtube joke and once as a vtuber audition. I don't think there will be any growth because she was created as a joke.

>> No.221257

Silvervale also did some voiced porn scenes with her 3D model.

>> No.221632

In case people are wondering, the majority of Froot fans are just people who were huge simps for her pre-joining vshojo. Its second nature to them just to shill her despite being all-around boring.

>> No.221685

D tier:
>Zentreya's drumming
Steady on, now.

>> No.221772
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>Hime hasn't found her feet yet.
>It might help if she could see them.

>> No.221944


I think this is the worst part about her, she was shitting on vtubing until she realized she could make money off it. Fake bitch.

>> No.222089

Maybe she just converted by how cute and nice vshojo is. I used to think vtubers were dumb before I fell in love with one.

>> No.222157

When did she shit on vtubers? No a parody video doesn't count, I mean real shitting.

>> No.222455

Look, I'm just being honest here. Drumming takes lots of practice. Unlike people who stream drumming all the time, Zen's basically just started learning and her rhythm is as bad as mine. Of course she's not very good yet - who would be? There's always scope for improvement.

Two things. 1. Like Veibae said I think yesterday - how much do you think anyone would do it if you didn't make money off it? There's nothing fake about that. But there's also more to it than that.

2. I saw her parodying it as a joke, but I wouldn't say syd was exactly shitting on it. The YouTube persona is an act too, you know. She parodies hentai, and she loves hentai.

If she genuinely thought so low of vtubers, Melody wouldn't have made such good friends with her. And if it was just such a 1-dimensional joke, even if they're friends, would Mel have let her in?

But like I said, she hasn't found her feet yet (lol). Debut streams are often shallow, and many vtubers have had lacklustre ones and developed and reinvented themselves when they recognise what such a different platform means and what they, beneath the mask, really want from streaming. It's really, really different from recording videos. If it's just money, wouldn't she just stick to getting porn game sponsorships from YouTube?

(note: her YouTube channel also got suspended from posting because the AI thought a sponsorship link was spam, she's had a bad week I guess)

>> No.222541
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I jacked off to melody some time ago and I still regret it

>> No.222565

why'd you do it bro?

>> No.222610

There would always be people who do it, just because some people enjoy streaming. After all, there are people who stream to 3 viewers for years. I just think they would stream a lot less because it goes from job to hobby so things like 8 hour streams just wouldn't exist since it's not sustainable for someone who works a job.

>> No.222830
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I was too horny and wanted something different, I have no idea how I ended up watching that slime stream
God what have I done

>> No.222887
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Don't feel too bad. I've wanked to live action Sydsnap.

>> No.223040

a) eh, entertaining people is Melody's job, you do you, no need to feel guilty

b) At this point I think I can safely say: you're not the only one in VShojo with a penchant for slime.

And hey, if the person in question happens to be doomscrolling, firstly: stop, you know this place is a trashheap, why would you subject yourself to this; secondly: ...look up methylcellulose or J-Lube, you can buy the powder online, mix with hot water from the tap, stir until dissolved and thickened, don't stand up it's very slippery - you never have to tell anyone about it if you don't want to, it will usually wash out of things unlike PVA-based slime... enjoy I guess?

>> No.223075

I don't know how many there'd be - original art is expensive, and that and rigging are a ton of work. But I suppose there are furries defying that, and of course a lot of tiny indie up-and-coming vtubers too, so maybe some of it subsists okay as a hobby.

I'm just saying there's no way you'd ever see agencies like VShojo, let alone Hololive.

>> No.223136

Agencies wouldn't exist, I agree, because agencies are always profit first entities. I don't think that means the people inside the agencies wouldn't be doing it, since a lot of them have been doing youtube long before it was ever profitable for them and were clearly more than willing to do it as a hobbyist before it became a job. As far as expenses, I think we'd see a lot lower quality stuff across the board, since not many people would be paying for the big boy models and rigging, but that wouldn't stop people from throwing shit together from VRoid with minimal rigging

>> No.223226

Sell me on Froot. I love her model and voice (when I can hear it, she speaks so low). But every clip I've seen of her is like 30 seconds of nothing and low audio.

>> No.223313

>High Tier

>Meh Tier

>Shit Tier

>Sub-Shit Tier

>> No.223813

Froot is mostly art. She's also the one who relies less on sex jokes (not that it doesn't work for some of the others).
See >>221632 and >>220910. I think that like Ina'nis from hololive her main thing, besides collabs, is her artist thing.

>> No.224085

You know that's a collab I'd like to see. They're quite similar in many ways.

Yeah, next to the rest of VShojo, Froot is almost Artemis levels of chill. She keeps it all much more low-key (it's still there, though - when asked what her most shameful anime like was, she answered kiss x sis lol, to the incredulity/shock of the others).

She's as quiet as Mousey (or heaven help you, Hime) is loud.

>> No.224927

Good, but I'd move Mel's CB streams up to S tier. Mel on Twitch feels like a caged animal, and on CB she can let loose and lose that internal filter. More dumb Mel moments, better audience engagement, even the music is better without having to worry about DMCA strikes.

>> No.225025

>tier lists

>> No.225070

>Unusual British accent
Sounds very South African to my ears. I'd be very surprised if her parents arent from there.

>> No.225081

this is a good list

i'd drop nyanners to sub-shit tier and swap zen with silver.

I honestly dont understand all the hype around a mute vtuber and i think people just like her for her model and the dommy mommy thing.

nyanners and silver though, they are toxic people i can see drama starting with one of them which will quickly spread and will be the reason of vshojo disbanding in the future.

>> No.225226

>nyanners and silver though, they are toxic people
One is only considered toxic because literal pedophiles are still mad that she caught onto their grooming and turned on them.
Fuck knows why you think Silver is toxic though. She's caring of her fans to a fault, and struggles to give everyone the same one to one treatment she used to do back when the community was far smaller. The girls would so be lost without her, as she's very much the only person in the room that knows how to behave like an adult.

>> No.225290

Agreed. I didn't think it sounded pure South African, but I thought (independently, before) that it might be a southern England/South African mix somehow, or maybe New Zealand. It's unusual, I've never heard anything quite like it before. Pleasant to listen to, melodic.

If what you're saying is, I should do some more research with the science team, I find it hard to argue with that.

Positives of vtubing include greater accessibility for people who feel they can't/don't want to show their face - or speak in public. I don't mind that and find people being mean about it tiresome.

I've not personally encountered Nyanners being toxic? I can't really speak as to Silver, I heard something about a disagreement between her and Nux, but that is very likely also just people talking shit on the internet, as people are, as you, wont to do.

Enjoy it while it lasts, don't pine for it all to end.

>> No.225466

Silver is “toxic” because *posts link to video which is the only thing they know about her othe than how she looks*

>> No.225478
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>You don't go and do that knowing fully well what the subject you were singing about was, and act like "Oh, it was just a phase, bro! You're all toxic people, bro!"

society at large really doesn't like pedophillia and in turn, loli, even in a 'ha-ha just kidding' joking way. what she did was completely understandable to avoid being canceled by real SJWs to continue her internet persona and survive on the platform.

>What pisses me off even more, is she's anti-loli as well. Meanwhile, her fucking model IS a loli. Complete fucking hypocrite if you ask me.

subjective, flat chest + short does not equal loli to everyone. and no one will ask you.

>The thing is, people quickly forgot about her before she even decided to become a VTuber, and I guarantee you she's doing it for easy money.

yeah people forgot quickly because you'd have to be a complete sperg, a actual upset pedo, or both to really hold it against her. also no fucking shit she's doing it for money, what the hell do you think any v-tuber is doing it for? this shit is a cash-cow.

>You even try and call her out on it in her chat, they ban you instantly, even if you make mention about POMF! to her.

no fucking shit retard

>She's basically an SJW infiltrator in disguise. Fuck her completely.

you have your head so far up your assblasted anus about one medicore video and a damage control tumblr post that you believe the absence of her mentioning anything related to POMF means shes a SJW. when people meme about schizo and /pol/ you can be used as a example.

>If you need proof, here it is.
>so assmad he made a whole video over it, and then shills it in thread

>> No.225483

>I heard something about a disagreement between her and Nux, but that is very likely also just people talking shit on the internet
Likely the latter. A similar rumour went around abou Ironmouse and Nux, only for it to be confirmed that they are best friends.

>> No.225648

I don't even have a problem with Nyanners but god damn you you reek of s o y.

>> No.225683

Yeah, that was my judgment too, it sounded like unsubstantiated third-party trash-talk to me. Nux can be toxic (to toxic people) but isn't known for being shy about it - if there was beef, it'd be public.

Silver seems pretty nice desu. Team mom.

And agreed, the only reason people have a negative opinion of Nyanners is that she's an oldfag, 4chan is part of her formative years, and they can't seem to let go of the butthurt that any reasonable person would consider that an extended joke about a panel from a manga which, in context, is an explicit shota might, maybe, been in poor taste in the cold light of day in the subsequent years.

Let it go. Who would want to stay pinned to that? Except maybe 4chan themselves. Come on.

hey, Froot and Zen can also be adults sometimes.

>> No.225685

The only ones I know are Melody, Froot and Nyanners.
>Melody is a virtual pornstar trying to become a regular vtuber and it feels wrong
>I liked Froot better when she was an artist. Yes its neat she drew her own character but I don't think she works well as a vtuber.
>Nyanners is Nyanners. She used to basically be an unofficial 4chan mascot ten years ago but turned on us, only to come crawling back. It's a terrible look.

>> No.225707

>so assmad he made a whole video over it, and then shills it in thread
Worse. Some dramawhore YouTuber made a video on it to cash in on the VShojo debut, realised that the story was a load of pedocope bullshit, deleted it, and then this asshat reuploaded it.

>> No.225745

Frankly Nux doesn't seem the type to quietly hate on someone, so even if isn't friends with her like he is with Ironmous or Melody, the fact he hasn't vocally talked about hating her is probably proof enough he doesn't.

>> No.225774

Shit tier all

White pig go home

>> No.225878

The melody thing I completely agree with. I like her v-tubing personality but its still so weird to watch her do stuff, but also have the knowledge you can donate money to turn on a vibrator in her adult streams.

I think people are being too hard on Froot though. I think she'll get better at this overtime.

>Nyanners 4chan mascot but turned on us
Is this about the stupid Pomf video/Tumblr post?

>> No.225905

>go home
Twitch and youtube are American companies

>> No.225937

>Is this about the stupid Pomf video/Tumblr post?
It’s ALWAYS about that, the autism is frightening

>> No.226276

Regarding Froot: Never caught her earlier art stuff. I know she's drawn several models (for later rigging) and prides herself on her VTuber clothing range.

About the other two - I disagree about Mel, but you're entitled to your reasonable opinion there.

I don't think your assessment of Nyan is accurate (did Nyan ever come crawling back here instead of considering this a frankly cringy phase in her life and just doing her own shit on YouTube for years? also jokes about shotacon are honestly in poor taste and it's not unreasonable of anyone to realise that - as you can tell, many of the people even here think that's a reasonable opinion).

Yeah. What can I say, some people on 4chan sure are dedicated to their shota jokes... can't think why.

Exactly my thoughts. Nux is not a quiet or subtle person about who he likes and doesn't, so it clearly didn't hold any water.

Max Headroom would like to remind you that vtubing started here.

>> No.226551

Evaluating Vshojo is not about "who's the best", but rather "who's the least shitty". From least to worst:
>Sydsnap (zero entertainment value, character she plays is literally a joke taken too far, therefore nothing to care about, got in because nepotism and Melody sucking up to anitubers)
>Zen (pretends to be a girl, faked voice reveal)
>Silver (lashes out at her entire viewer base because of some retarded comments in chat, typical narcissistic e-thot titty streamer with a vtuber avatar who sends her NSFW art to her mom)
>Mouse (milks her disability for pity points, constantly appeals to saviour complex, cringe-inducing overacted horniness during collabs that makes me feel bad for her child when he or she discovers what mom was up to)
>Froot (cheated on her husband, scammed her customers, disingenuous clout chaser desperate for validation)
>Nyanners (shit on people who made her initially popular for clout, decided to come back and pander to the same people when she couldn't milk more clout from the previous group, lying sociopathic grifter)
>Melody (sucked up to all remotely popular camwhores she could, dumped them the moment she couldn't milk more clout, disingenuous sociopathic whore that lies even about her birthday, extremely obvious fake acting, stoner, scammed Digi and pretended to be the victim, corporate sellout)
It's only a matter of time before Nyanners or Melody backstabs the rest when they feel like they can do better on their own. Not the first time they've done it. All of you retarded shippers that think some of these fake bitches are "friends" or their yuribaiting is genuine can fuck right off. All of them are shit in their own special way and all them would sell each other off for clout. What keeps them together for now is a "MAD" agreement, because they know everything about each other and the moment one leaves, she will doxx the rest, and vice versa(except for Sydsnap, because she's just a nepotistic grifter along for the ride).

>> No.226590

Did you at least jerk off with the rage boner you got writing that horseshit?

>> No.226808

This post brought to you by rent free, the mental health property agency.

>> No.226817

He can't even project the illusion of a cute girl. Its a god damn man using a TTS program. This dude's whole shtick is basically what its like to get hit on by a discord trannie.

>> No.226851

I know that the stuff on Froot and Melody is all true, but you have any proof for the others?

>> No.226853

worse than most trannies because they actually try to act like women

>> No.226918

Zen - There's a few videos on it and is talked about in literally every zen thread
Mouse - According to an old interview she's a mother
Nyanners - Just look at the drama in literally every nyanners thread
Silver - There was a dramapost of her yelling at her fans for a single comment, and her mom is a mod in her streams/discord.

>> No.226947

>Silver toxic

The fuck? She's a sweetheart.

>> No.226971

Damn, someone's got a Ph.D in rrating and internet psychology with all these mental disorders you're throwing around. Should probably use that degree on yourself, since it looks like there are some people living there without paying rent

>> No.226983

She'll insult her chat over the smallest things that annoy her.
stop being a simp

>> No.226998

>not putting up with twitch chat being apes is toxic

>> No.227026

I'm not that anon, but I disagree with you on that last point. The rest can handle themselves just fine for the most part and she often acts as immature as any of them. Like how she was playing FFIV during Lewdcast and only half paying attention, which has led to them restructuring it since there were complaints that it was too unprofessional. Also the way her and Vei behave during the VRC streams make me wonder if they're actively trying to get the girls streaming banned even if they were drunk.

Yeah, she often acts motherly and attempts to take charge when they play games together but I don't feel that makes her the most adult. If anything it feels like she's playing house.

>> No.227052

>Just look at the drama in literally every nyanners thread
Every time Nyanners name gets brought up a bunch of autistic faggots bring up something that happened years ago that they can’t get over which somehow proves that she’s actually the one who is horrible and toxic

>> No.227065

Here's your >(you)

>> No.227078

I have watched a ton of her streams and never seen this once.

>> No.227112

Is this generally summed up by they all have flaws, because they are fucking human beings and don't hide behind their characters constantly. Though some of the alleged problems seem like skitzoposting.

>> No.227136

I suppose I could buy a puerto rican getting teen pregnant. Though since he had an interest in opera I assumed her family might be fairly wealthy, since it aint a poor person pastime.

>> No.227137

There’s a video of her doing it once for 30 seconds and other than what she looks like that’s all half these retards know about her so they just keep constantly saying it like it’s true

>> No.227138

She can snap, but only when it's legitimately deserved. Like talking about other streamers too much, or demanding she play certain games or join some ongoing Collab. All behaviours that would get you flat out banned instantly in something like a Hololive stream.

>> No.227148

I somehow forgot the X.

>> No.227162

>Like how she was playing FFIV during Lewdcast and only half paying attention, which has led to them restructuring it since there were complaints that it was too unprofessional.

Where the fuck do you people come up with this shit? Lewdcast is being done differently for a variety of reasons:

1. Scheduling issues make it harder to do live now that they're busier (and often because of the health of one of them, usually Mouse)

2. They do want it to look more professional which requires a bunch of the glitchy aspects get hammered out. They pointed out numerous times in the last Lewdcast as Zen's model would disappear, Melody and Mouse freeze at times, and one time Silver was completely stuck as a cardboard cutout because of a tech issue. They're trying to eliminate those random things that happen to make the thing look chaotic.

3. Structure. The show has very little of it and they know that. They were fine with it before but it has become an issue as they get a bit too off on tangents and rants about stuff.

I seriously don't know where you people get your information on shit, but your sources need to be checked with some hard skepticism. It sounds like most of you just regurgitate whatever dumbass thing you see sometimes without fact checking any of it.

>> No.227170

Afaik Mouse can’t have sex without dying because of her disease, so that must be a rrat.

>> No.227182

I don't care about most of them but as a company VShojo is better than Hololive because there aren't cringe managers preventing them from doing things

>> No.227196

Oh hey, you're that one schizo that posted on lolcow, aren't you?

>> No.227200

She did an interview about it and the basic story is that it happened before her illness was as bad as it is now, it put her in the hospital the entire time but the baby was fine and would be something like 14? now, her illness later got much worse leading to where she is now
I guess most people seem to assume that this happened last year when she was already sick which is why they think it somehow proves she must be lying about how sick she is

>> No.227202

Her illness was fairly ok until her early 20s I think, so theres the possibility she got preggers while in high school? I don't really buy it though, it seems like something she'd get really emotional about and would almost certainly mention it a lot.

I don't know why anons think vtubers are these stone cold master mind actors.

>> No.227209

I'll take a link if you got one.

Oh if that's what you're talking about, Mouse did the same thing. She absolutely lambasted her chat for being in someone else's chat and saying "oh hey soandso is on let's go to her instead". That's fucking rude. If you don't want to be there and want to go watch another streamer just go. Advertising people away from a streamer while they're streaming is just bullshit and they all deserved to be yelled at for it.

>> No.227220

still being mad after more than half a decade
here's your (you)

>> No.227226

She didn't develop CVID until later on, hence the opera cereer that was cut short. She does in fact have a daughter, who has been referred to as "mini mouse" in the past.

>> No.227257

You're talking to people that groom 16 year olds on 4chan. Being unable to let go of the past is the problem.

>> No.227279

Gee I wonder why the people she shat on for clout might hold a grudge and take issue with people trying to have discussions about her on a site she publicly shat on.

>> No.227288

You don't "develop" CVID, you're born with it. I don't buy that Mouse has a child either, mostly because she's never been shy talking about her past. She has flat out admitted on stream several times that she's done some kinky shit in her life, including having her eyeball licked and getting a shot of male mayonnaise in there (spoiler, it isn't fun). But she doesn't openly talk about being a mother at all, which would be strange seeing as how she has no filter most of the time anyway.

>> No.227302

Fuck you, nigga

>> No.227306

The Rei vs Asuka waifu war has been raging on /a/ for the past 17 years since. What is half a decade to that?

>> No.227318

You're right that you are born with it, but most people don't experience any effects and aren't diagnosed with it until their 20s

>> No.227342

actually no, he's my bf and can't post on 4chan for some reason so asked me to do it

>> No.227354

But how does that prove that SHE’S toxic?

>> No.227363

I don't really feel like Mouse milks her disability and she is entertaining enough without having to. Hell, I watched her for like a month before I found out about it. Usually she only brings it up when asked.

>> No.227378

Yeah, you're born with it. What people mean when they say develop is when the negative side effects of it develop.

>> No.227389

Maybe don't be diddler?

>> No.227413

She did an interview with some doctor on their Twitch and openly discussed it but it’s gone now so I can’t point you to it. The fact that she doesn’t talk about it now means she doesn’t want to talk about, nothing more

>> No.227448

She might not have been able to keep the child. Could have gone for adoption or sent to live with other family, which would suck. Maybe finds it easier not to think about it.

>> No.227499

To be fair to them they got a netflix release so that's obviously going to spark a revival

>> No.227526

I can't remember if she went to family or adoption, but she certainly wasn't able to keep the child either way.

>> No.227539

No offense, but I don't see how she could have kept them given that she's frequently bedridden and at the time didn't exactly have amazing career prospects. Depressing situation overall

>> No.227546

She doesn't milk it, she's grown more comfortable talking to her chat about it. She never used to tell us that she had to take a long pause in the stream or end it early because she needs to take her medicines, but she does now. Hell, sometimes she does it on stream now, because she doesn't want to quit at that point and wants to keep going. She also tends to work herself too hard and ends up exhausting herself. I have only ever seen her, one time, ask for assistance from her fans and that was to upgrade her bed to be more comfortable while streaming. And she hated doing that.

So no, she doesn't milk anything. If anything she just wants to communicate with us when she's really medicated so if she says or does something bizarre we know it isn't on purpose (tho I have never seen her actually do or say anything weird while "high as fuck").

>> No.227558

>it seems like something she'd get really emotional about and would almost certainly mention it a lot
Not sure I understand your logic here. If it would make her emotional surely that is something you would avoid talking about much, particularly on livestreams been broadcast to thousands of people.

Not saying I believe it, just that this isn't exactly solid reasoning.

>> No.227585

Please, the war was still going strong long before Netflix got a hold of the show.
And it will continue to rage until Asuka-fags admit that they were wrong.

>> No.227594

There are some cute moments with Zen though. And to be fair, when i watch Zen's streams i don't look for cute girl experience.

>> No.227616

Arcadum telling Mouse to take her meds during a D&D session will never stop being the most wholesome shit ever.

>> No.227637

I really wish I could see that, because I've heard that rumor about Mousey before but nobody has ever been able to provide any shred of evidence on it. So right now it sits in "bullshit" land. I don't mean that to sound flippant but without proof I tend to treat rumors with high skepticism. It is also amazing to me that there is no evidence of it anywhere, seeing as how nothing ever vanishes from the internet. This is the same thing with Zen. There's only one video on the internet of someone claiming proof of Zen being a dude and that video is absolutely easily refuted on every point, mostly because the things the video talks about don't exist anywhere, so there's no way to verify it. Someone brought up the Froot thing and I am curious about evidence of that as well. Not that I would give two fucks if Froot cheated on her significant other in any fashion, because that doesn't involve me at all, but again proof is in the bread pudding.

I can believe Silver yelled at her chat once, sure, even without proof, because sometimes chats are obnoxious fucks. I've just never seen her get upset with them. Anybody who thinks DigitravX was wronged by Melody is a fucking wanker, though. We've got lots of DMs, receipts, and other shit that proves DGX is a fucking scumbag.

>> No.227646

Arcadum is a fucking treasure in general.

>> No.227658

Clips can be entertaining with just how weird she gets, but I can't help but remember her classic 4chan days and how she tried getting away from all of that and now she's walking it back. Still entertaining when she's talking about dumb shit like toilets, though.

Precious and fucking LOUD. Mega-thirsty, but she's Puerto Rican so like, that makes sense. Love how she likes to manipulate her avatar to make it do dumb shit like dance.

Eh. She's fine I guess but just has no appeal to me. She's like the chill sister of a friend that is usually around whenever you guys hang out.

Has a good thing going where she's the straight-man to her chat's shenanigans. Also probably the hottest out of all of them. Also probably a dude, but who cares.

Fucking adorable and talented. She's like the British version of HoloEN's Ina what with her being a soft-spoken artist. REALLY good artist, too.

Thot. But she knows she's a thot so it can be entertaining. Though I'd rather just fap to her art than actually watch one of her streams.

>> No.227686

Ironmouse might be sexless and bedridden now but at one point she had sex and produced offspring which, let's face it, is more than most of us will ever do.

gg mousey

>> No.227688

Zen is weird. The 3D model works both for and against them in determining the gender of the person behind it, because I have seen Zen doing some gestures and poses that seem pretty masculine in nature and then do some shit that just looks really fucking girly to me. Take this clip:


I'm not saying a guy can't be this big a pussy, but.. I mean I've seen a lot of girls do those exact gestures when freaked out.

>> No.227711

He really is. Hearing that he caught a shit ton of flak from people for being willing to take on these girls as a DM is just sad. Who fucking cares who plays D&D? D&D is fun for everybody. In terms of entertainment, if you don't think watching Vtubers playing D&D will be fun, well okay just don't watch, but that doesn't mean people need to just blast Arcadum for doing his "job" as a DM.

>> No.227723

If you really want to find out a lot more about some of the stuff no one talks about any more go to archive.moe and find some of the threads on /aco/ from April 2020. That was when Melody brought a lot of attention to Mouse and Silver and so there was a lot of discussion about who they are and there’s a ton of things that I found interesting to know

>> No.227725

>I can believe Silver yelled at her chat once
It was 30 seconds of her yelling at some caps lock fuckwit who kept on asking her join someone else's stream. The whole crew has said, posted, tweeted many times about not doing this, so I can imagine the frustration when retards retard it up in her chat.

>> No.227766

Okay, but, I mean, if it is just people sharing the same rumors without proof, what's the point? Are you saying I'll find proof there? Not trying to be a dick, just don't want to waste my time.

Talk about a nothingburger.

>> No.227780

Eh, I find Zen’s Twitter to be a dead giveaway about the answer to the question. The topics they choose to tweet about and the way in which they write makes it pretty clear at least to me.

>> No.227791

Though, apparently she has a fiiiine array of toys.

>> No.227794

I thought it was more specifically aimed at Mel? I got the impression it was mainly from the those kind of hypocritical woke folk, who have invaded the hobby of late, who are completely unaware of how bigoted it is to hate sex workers.

Either way, good on him for telling them to go fuck themselves.

>> No.227816

There are links to proof, the only problem is they go to mega.nz files that are dead. But there’s enough discussion around them and summaries of what was there without anyone challenging it or making accusations like you see today that it’s confirmation enough for me.

>> No.227825

I legit don't really care about Zen's gender, I just find the conversations weird. Everybody is so sure Zen's a guy without any solid hard evidence. Makes me wonder if people have all just got serious PTSD from being catfished themselves. Don't misunderstand me, I've been around the internet a long time and have seen more than my fair share of G.I.R.Ls, so I HAVE to accept it is a high probability, but I also don't worry about it nor go around correcting other people. Some have just made it their mission to ruin other people's fun in enjoying Zen.

>> No.227881

>Everybody is so sure Zen's a guy without any solid hard evidence.

You would have to have some fucking hole in the neck cancer voice to not just talk as a woman. It would get you more simps instantly.

>> No.227887

I would wager most things come back to Mel somehow. Coco's backlash from HL was due to Mel, too. She's going to remain a polarizing figure because of her Off-Brand Twitch stuff until people either just get the hell over it or she stops doing it.

Hm. Indeed I have to accept that people wouldn't talk about it so much if there wasn't something there. Mousey being a mother doesn't change much for me, and it is her own personal business inevitably, tho I admit a bit of curiosity to find out more. I think it adds something to her as a person, tho I can't say looking at her streams that she comes off as particularly motherly, but it might explain a few other behaviors. She is extremely empathic and kind and sincerely loves her Precious Family to the point where it makes me wonder if that naming convention had more meaning behind it than people think.

>> No.227931

>absolute fucking garbage
>i never watched them because their group has a terrible track record
Everyone else

>> No.227937

trick question, they're all shit tier

>> No.227953

>>227546 If anything the meds mostly seem to make her a bit sleepy.

>>227637 As soon as I heard it was a DMCA and I heard DigiTrevX I put two and two together pretty quick. Didn't he even pull that shit before? The only mistake Mel made was commissioning him in the first place; but well, live and learn.

>>227711 Arcadum is a treasure, honestly one of the best DMs in the world. I could not even begin to herd those cats.

>>227725 Understandable.

>>227791 One of which wasn't sufficiently "discreetly" packaged on delivery, and of course she lives with her family... RIP.

I mean, course she does. In the circumstances, wouldn't you? Probably only equalled by Melody, who, being a professional, burns them out through use.

>>227825 Again, who cares? The character's a girl dragon and if the real person/people thought it was relevant, any of your business and wanted you to know, they'd tell you. It's not even like Zen's a 'waifu' character so people being weird about it don't make a lot of sense.

>>227816 And no mirrors? Eh. Anyway that's personal shit, it's got nothing to do with her streams.

>>227881 There do exist people who can't, or don't want to, talk on stream. If vtubing with TTS gives them a platform, why the fuck not?

>> No.227954

see >>210670

>> No.227986

The problem with the entire group is that its made up of people with very shady pasts. Hate on Hololive all you want, but even the shadiest of their girls don't have half the dirt on them the average Vshojo has.
They all feel like the average e-girl larping as vtubers and it just ruins the mood.

>> No.228005

>average e-girl larping as vtubers
I don't know how you larp as a vtuber. What's even the requisite for being one aside from just having an avatar on screen that you talk through isn't you? It seems like vtubers can do basically anything that any other streamer does.

>> No.228091

Fair enough, that wasn't a good description. Its more accurate to say they can't feel genuine at all due to their pasts and it makes them difficult to watch or enjoy.

>> No.228108

Eh, all of them are too deep into nerdy shit to be average e-girls and reference stuff that isn't whatever the hottest popular show at the moment is, and none of them trade on their looks, vtubing is 100% personality driven. They might have attractive avatars but thats neither here or there.

>> No.228235

Mowtendoo made a massive mistake picking these indie losers instead of going the based Gyari route and casting your own

>> No.228253

Okay, that's your opinion and that's okay.
This thread's not for you.

>> No.228310

desu i think all mute vtubers are trannies

>> No.228313

If they ditched Zen and Syd I'd have no issue saying they're flat out superior to any other group.

>> No.228322

I'm not here to judge the what or why of Zen. Says her voice is recognizable and wants to avoid being doxxed. Considering how fucking insane people are towards streamers and doxxing, you can't blame her. It also could just be a cover.

>As soon as I heard it was a DMCA and I heard DigiTrevX I put two and two together pretty quick. Didn't he even pull that shit before? The only mistake Mel made was commissioning him in the first place; but well, live and learn.

Yeah, I have zero idea how anybody can legit take his side and not be an obvious mental case.

>Hate on Hololive all you want

Is that your problem? Because 4chan denizens are fucking tribal ass morons and engage in any kind of war they can with other fanbases? For my part, I don't hate Hololive and the only criticism I have ever laid at them was over the China bullshit. I don't engage in hatefaggotry when it comes to vtubers. What's the point in that? They're just entertainers. If you don't find them entertaining then fine, but if your form of entertainment is engaging in bitchfests with other fanbases then good lord find something else to do. I want to see HL and VS collab one day. I want to see huge crossovers with dozens of combinations of personalities and see what kind of chaos could emerge. It would be glorious, and I know that the talents themselves have made overtures about this too, both from HL and VS. They want to have fun together, so why can't we?

>> No.228333

Plenty of non-vshojo vtubers have similar pasts too, the only difference is they abandoned their old names and personas and just started playing new characters. it seems more like your issue is just that the vshojo members aren’t pretending to be something they aren’t

>> No.228399

I really didn't mean it in the tribal warfare way anon. I seem to have botched that post pretty hard if that was your take from it.
Fair enough at you getting mad though, I was shitting on VS for what I beleive to be legitimate reasons, but the other anon was right, I should just fuck off and leave this thread be. So I will.

>> No.228404

This is also partially what leads to the rampant doxxing of HL people. Yeah, there are asshole antis, but there's also genuine curiosity where people just want to know a little about the person behind the mask. You see less of that with VS because while we don't know who these girls are iRL we already have enough of their history and background that most of us have stopped caring.

>> No.228449

I'm not worried about people having issues with VS girls, because they aren't flawless or perfect. I just am curious what turns people off to them. A lot of it seems to be very superficial and based on rumors, and as a simp I just want to spread the love. If that isn't possible with you, then okay, have a nice day and may we both one day share a coffee reminiscing about the days of vtubing. Then we can argue and fight as two old farts claiming our girls were the best or whatever. It'll be fun being two old bony retards sperging out in a Starbucks over shit we watched decades ago.

>> No.229305

I feel pretty much the same way, my frustration is more that half the arguments are just “all vshojo does is dick and fart jokes, they can’t go 30 seconds without talking about sex”. If all you ever see are the 5 minute videos edited from a 5 hour stream that contain broad sex jokes to make people laugh of course you’d assume that when the reality is that most of their streams aren’t like that, especially solo streams, but they haven’t been given a chance

>> No.230001

I feel that's the problem. The clippers (and the girls themselves) focus too much on the sex jokes for the clips.

>> No.230647

>...I do not approve of any of my fans proclaiming themselves as lolicons...
So I'm in the clear; nice.

>> No.231101

Can I get some details on the Froot info?

>> No.231553

what is your obsession with clout? you use the word more in this screed than I’ve probably heard in the rest of my life

>> No.231896

New Years when Mel got anxious while drink, Mouse was very motherly in a super adorable way. The energy between those two is absolutely gold.

>> No.231908

Almost any search of her name on /trash/ might give you what you want. Even twitter maybe?
I for sure agree with her being a clout chaser.
She hardly ever draws anything that's not currently something trending or to pander to specific people. But hardly an issue imo.

>> No.231946

Please do enlighten us on all these shady pasts, anon. We're waiting.

>> No.232029

I feel like Hime is the current weak point but we'll see what she actually manages. I mean, after the delay her debut felt like the biggest letdown but we don't know what she'll actually be like on the regular. She also has to get used to everything, unlike the others sans Froot, who already had been streaming. While different level of anxiety behind it.

Zen and her chat are great though. Zen also does a lot of community stuff. Hell, she was playing Halo with a lobby full of discord users the other day.

>> No.232151

I've watched a couple of her streams as Sydsnap which were pretty fun. Those were always rare but I wonder if they'll disappear completely now she will be streaming as Hime regularly.

>> No.232175

Oh hey, it's pretty much meh. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.232710

Noted bro, slime 4 life

>> No.233001

Is this a secret Jerma/Mr. Slime reference?

>> No.233336

