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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20792067 No.20792067 [Reply] [Original]

>Best vtuber awards
>Not a single Holo, Niji or Japanese.
How do you even cope?

>> No.20792124

by laughing at the fact vslutshow got mogged despite being 3 of the 4 nominations

>> No.20792135

>twitch circle

>> No.20792161

Nobody cares about the faggot awards
The Juicer is the biggest name in that crowd yet he doesn't win anything
Awarding vtubers and expecting them to show up in person is contradictory anyway, why do you think they gave it to Codemiko

>> No.20792201
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>awards in a circlejerk

>> No.20792214

this is razzies awards of Vtuber alright

>> No.20792239

>White event

>> No.20792253


>> No.20792308

> Miko
> Vei
Why??? I understand Nyanners - the OG twitch tuber and mousey - the current biggest twitch vtuber but why them?

>> No.20792319

You mean CodeMiko won? How? She fell off the map so hard, I thought she dropped the vtuber gimmick.

>> No.20792366

She's the one that rubbed shoulders with the most normies

>> No.20792397

>No videos found.

>> No.20792404

>How do you even cope?
By not caring

>> No.20792427

>vwhorejo paid some of the $11m to be put on there and yet still didn't win

>> No.20792448

What's there to cope. Nobody has cared about awards show in a long time. Everyone knows it's a circle jerk for cliques and rigged. The game Awards is like the biggest joke in award shows since it's like one long ad with barely any awards being awarded out. I would think the streamer awards is just the same since I haven't heard about it until OP brought it up.

>> No.20792532

That's what I'm trying to wrap my head around. I'm guessing this category was made specifically to reward her. Perhaps she's friends with one of the organisers?

>> No.20792537

And people say twitch culture isn't a thing

>> No.20792613

>Not a single Holo
Because it is called "The Streamer Awards"

>> No.20792623

dying company paid vshojo to show up and try to grow their audience with this stupid shit
it didn't work

>> No.20792683

>show up

>> No.20792777

Vei probably sucked the dick of one of the organizers. Not too hard since she admits to open relationships on stream herself.

>> No.20792792

Vshojokeks were bragging about this award show for a whole day till all their sluts lost, now they're calling it irrelevant. 'tis a funny sight.

>> No.20792852

She is literally Soda's gf, who is friends with all these people.

>> No.20792855

Even Miko was shocked she won, you can see it painted all over her face when they put the camera on her.
I wasn't watching but apparently the presenter asked her "how the fuck did you win?" and the mic picked it up.

Everyone expected Mouse to take it.
But that's the power of normies.

>I thought she dropped the vtuber gimmick
Rather, she's doubling down. Just debuted her 3.0 model and announced Mikoverse, her own vtubing company.

>> No.20792904

must sting to lose to a fleshtuber in your own category

>> No.20792944

The board was just a bunch of normie streamers. They rewarded her because she's riding their dicks into the sunset all the time. No one there had any shit to give about Veibae or Nyanners.

>> No.20792995

Western award shows notoriously hate eastern candidates.

>> No.20793174

Poor Soda. Gonna be cheated on again.

>> No.20793180

Western award shows usually are more inbred than Western monarchies. It's not about how good you are, it's about who you know. People who dealt with Oscars talk about this all the time.

>> No.20793403

This event had a chess category. It is literally a made up thing qtcinderella came up with to farm idiots and give awards to her friends. Notice how everyone is either from the austin area twitch, OTV or OTK and their friends

>> No.20793586

>Nyanners - the OG twitch
Vei is literally one of the OG twitch vtubers. Nyanners was only there for the fad.

>> No.20793633

>This event had a chess category

FUCKING KEK! What a sham of an event.

>> No.20793719

Miko is probably fucking someone at Twitch. That or the fact there is still a stigma that anime aesthetics are for children or perverts, but bootleg looking Pixar shit is heckin wholesome.

>> No.20793801

>nyanners started at 4chan a little bit after you
>several years later she is making millions by playing games and you are still here
i'm going to kms

>> No.20793843

Good. Soda is an unfunny piece of shit.

>> No.20793979

Nominees were chosen by audience submission

Which of course meant it was all the most popular streamers

>> No.20793998

Unless you're a femanon the difference between you and her is that she's living life on easy mode with that slit between her legs. No need to feel bad or kys.

>> No.20794004

Basically, we don't have to worry about vtubers going truly mainstream.

>> No.20794008

You are going to Kilometers?

>> No.20794082


>> No.20794471

So if I tell Soda on his stream hey soda you fucking cuck hows your dead life filled with money but no love that even your gf clearly hints on the liar detector test that your small penis doesn't satisfy her I won't get banned? Since being rude = close friend after all right

>> No.20794562

OMEGALUL being rude is so funny dude

>> No.20794570

This is what they want you to believe. They only advertised to the streamers they wanted to be nominated and i don't doubt they manipulated votes.
There are several signs like the vtuber category, a literally who getting into the mmo nomination, critical role not winning the RP category, lilypichu getting into the league category over faker. Not to mention the chess, smash and ASMR categories being there for reasons.
Ibai was nominated for one category and didn't win anything and he is much bigger than XQC

>> No.20794575

I don't think you get banned for being an esl retard

>> No.20794630

How many dicks did they suck?

>> No.20794778

>Critical Role not winning the RP category
As far as I know Twitch is not where their main audience is. It's called the Streamer Awards but it was really just the Twitch Awards.

>Ibai was nominated for one category and didn't win anything and he is much bigger than XQC
I find this claim dubious as I am almost entirely disconnected from normie Twitch but I know who xQc is, and I've never ever heard of Ibai

End of the day it doesn't fucking matter, awards shows are always meaningless bullshit

>> No.20794834

The vshojo ones didn't show up so it was down to miko to do the dick sucking. Logical next step from her days as a nude model.

>> No.20794835

Okay soda have fun with your girlfriend cheating on you

>> No.20794879


>> No.20794938

>Nyanners - the OG twitch tuber
fucking what

>> No.20794951

Yes you're definitely talking to a rich streamer with over 3m followers and not just some random guy on 4chan who thinks you're retarded
You got me

>> No.20794999


>> No.20795012

>You got me
Imagine outing yourself this easily

>> No.20795081

Mouse was definitely first to go full time vtuber around the time holo launched but nyanners had been using various models since around 2017 too

>> No.20795148

>Awards shows
>Circlejerk twitch fest
Guarantee you it's going to be all normals hell even the vtuber category felt like it was added out of obligation

>> No.20795166

It was an audience vote so of course they're going to choose the cam girl.

>> No.20795164

You know Vei and Soda haven't actually ever met irl, right?

>> No.20795174

That is a blessing

>> No.20795230

It was, according to the people running it, 70% vote/30% judges decision

>> No.20795277

You sound really salty about it Soda. LDRs are not that shameful anymore, who cares if she is having sex with others, her heart is for you.

>> No.20795278

I didnt watch the shit but it looks like even the announcer is laughing at the award in OP.

>> No.20795285
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>a fucking twitch

>> No.20795360

Someone post the clip of Vei accidentally calling Soda "babe" and quickly changing the subject after noticing what she just said

>> No.20795362

I've been spreading rrats she fucks her brother for years

>> No.20795440

You mean facts? Because everyone knows she does.

>> No.20795448

He was
>the presenter asked her "how the fuck did you win?" and the mic picked it up.

>> No.20795491

if they primarily streamed on twitch and networked in that circle, they might've had a shot. The award show is about twitch streamers though. people that are well known in that specific community. they won't pick outsiders, and especially not outsiders that stream 99% of the time on youtube

>> No.20795533

codemiko's whole thing was interviewing other streamers and content creators so ofcourse more people who were there voted for her. I think shes annoying but im glad she won, fuck vshojo lmao

>> No.20795629

>Coping this hard.

>> No.20795631

her 'jokes' about lusting for her brother is too surreal to me to be considered as a jokes

>> No.20795674

Unironically rigged, and I'm not even a vshitshow fan. And not even just toward the vtubers, Lilypichu won "best music streamer" when all she does it diddle the piano.
The presenters even made Vshojo out to be a joke, going on about how all they did was take Soda away. And there was an uproar of applause for codemiko, and complete silence for every other girl. She's in their clique so they wanted to give her a nice award.

>> No.20795681

The subject of the award show is English speaking Twitch streamers

>> No.20795816

in the LFS sphere of the overall twitch community. If you aren't in their networking circle, of course you have no chance. all of those vtubers were involved one way or another with that community

>> No.20795899

>streamer of the year
>the man who infamously ditched twitch entirely and switched to youtube

Yeah, no, this was an award show with a specific agenda to help their streamer clique.

>> No.20795968

You don't know who ibai is because he is Spanish. Check for yourself who has the highest number of viewers when he is live. He has literally connections with sportsman like messi, other mainstream entertainers and filled entire stadiums with his events. All because of the sheer about of viewers he can pull.

>> No.20795970

Ludwig literally saying this might be his last time participating on this award on his speech

>> No.20796041

>because he is Spanish
Well that's probably why he wasn't at an English-speaking award show

>> No.20796044

That's literally all this was. They put in a best Smash Bros streamer award to please one of "the clique" even though nobody watches that shit.

>> No.20796077

he only moved to youtube towards the end of 2021, november i think. otherwise, he had been streaming on twitch for 3 years. but yes, he is still in that clique of streamers regardless of where he goes to stream now

>> No.20796247

Ludwig's whore, QTCinderella, is the one that produced and created the "awards" show.

>> No.20796249

But he was.

>> No.20796396

>best vtuber with only her and vshojo
I wonder if they only wanted to please their friends

>> No.20797315

They're racist

>> No.20797355
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Today, I shall remind everyone how retarded he is.



>> No.20797469

The only awards that mattered were the ones Jerma won. No one cared about the shitty event held in the tiny lot C theater with 30% of the seats empty otherwise.

Also here's your (you)

>> No.20797822

he's always been made fun of for being lea's little cuckold

>> No.20797900

The only one without an anime avatar

>> No.20797933

And now he upgraded to fucking his fat, depressed friend's ex.

>> No.20797974

I dont even know that this is a thing.

Ever since the crunchyroll award, I dont take this kind of stuff seriously.

>> No.20798007


>> No.20798046

Yo that ironmouse outfit is pretty cute actually, is that a new design?

>> No.20798348

these dudes are always like they bait for reactions, I'm glad Gura ignores it every time

>> No.20798350

Always a new design and always another on the way

>> No.20798396
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I guess they put codemiko there because she is an expert at making viewers asleep

>> No.20798634

I recognize 3 being vshojos just from seeing them in this board
no clue who the the other chick is
ugly model

>> No.20798830

>That or the fact there is still a stigma that anime aesthetics are for children or perverts
This is the only answer which is most in line with reality.

>> No.20798929
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Yes, she debuted it around her birthday in January

She's got another new one on the way too

>> No.20799024

CodeMiko is a normie streamer that's occasionally a vtuber
She got big because her model/setup is high-tech
And... that's about it. She's a tech demo.

Her 3.0 redebut was basically just bragging about her updated hair with individual strands (that broke collision multiple times during the stream)

>> No.20799055

>That or the fact there is still a stigma that anime aesthetics are for children or perverts
It's still alive and kicking among normalfags, yeah.

>> No.20799086

Kek, fpbp

>> No.20799469
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>Her 3.0 redebut
Was curious so decided to check out how it did
High early peak but holy fuck did it fall off
I know debut's often drop after the reveal but that's a major nosedive

>> No.20799546

had no idea this shit existed until now

>> No.20799582

That's bullshit and i'm a holobrony

>> No.20799789

She would use the model like 1 stream in 4 and her viewing figures were in the toilet

>> No.20800310

>ibai bigger than xqc
ibai is a spanish streamer so he doesnt count, xqc has bigger follower count, similar vod views and dwarfs everyone by total time watched by viewers

chess had a big boom in the twitch community in 2020 to early 2021 where everyone was playing chess(even mr beast), even Ollie played in one of these tournaments that were a result of this boom and some of the chess streamers remain the top streamers on the platform

>> No.20800504

oh forgot to mention, I am pretty sure /vt/'s favourite male streamer CDawg started twitch streaming because of chess

>> No.20800884

w-whoa... twitch awards..?! so prestigious..

>> No.20801248

Youtube streamers won some of the awards too

>> No.20801301

Got any names?

>> No.20801584

Ludwig who ditched twitch for a massive YT contract and jacksepticeye. Can't remember if Valkyrae won what she was nominated for and not sure about who some of the other winners are.

>> No.20801638

Here's the winners/noms

>> No.20803994

>Fractal reaction shit
I've said it before to what was probably this exact same clip, but this is absurd to the point of farcical. It's something I'd expect to see in the modern equivalent of Brass Eye or The Onion, it's so fucking dumb.
