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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20775960 No.20775960 [Reply] [Original]


Has she redeemed herself?

>> No.20776066

fake af

>> No.20776636

She was actually crying because she knew Iofi was about to appear

>> No.20776873


She didn't need to

>> No.20777283

Even better.

>> No.20780112

Not redeemed but she clearly feels guilty to some extent about having so much unjustified ungrateful hate for Hololive. As well as prioritising her fake e-celeb friends such as the Trash Taste gimps, over the likes of Kiara.

I cannot forgive her, as I believe there still a strong chance deep down she still hates Hololive but it is a step in the right direction.

>> No.20780335

Baby steps, anon. Baby steps.

>> No.20781860

It's good to see she's starting to course correct.
Hopefully this has a positive effect onto the rest of holoEN.

>> No.20782035

Fake and gay.

>> No.20782161

Sometimes when I browse the nth mori anti thread on /vt/ and pile on I stop and think about "well what CAN she do to make me not hate her?" and I'm not sure if there really is anything that she can do. It's pretty shitty to go into a company and stay there, reap (heh) opportunities that could've went to someone who was more passionate about streaming and idol culture all while having contempt for the nerd culture because she feels it's beneath her or that it's "all fake" (her words). I guess it remains to be seen what she'd do in the future.

We all know that eventually she'll leave Hololive, and she'll have had the financial freedom and a big fanbase to branch out to what she really set out to do in her music career. When the time comes for her to move on from vtubing and when her roommate surpasses the popularity she got as Mori, how would she regard Hololive or general idol culture? Is she gonna continue with her current tone of "hey yeah maybe I shouldn't have made a blanket judgment that all idol shit is fake and cringe", or will she go back to her previous stance and/or parrot her e-celeb friends' complete disdain of the culture that they built their fame and fortune on?

>> No.20782399

I like Calli, but hate deadcucks. I have shifted my hatred towards nijis in the last weeks.

>> No.20782679

The Trash Taste lot have their problems but they hate the kinda cringe shit we'd be better off without, at least when it comes to online discourse

>> No.20783045

She has once said Hinotori is her favorite Hololive song
Arguably because it was the only one she knew at the time but still

>> No.20783343

yes and she also loved kiaras king cover

>> No.20783423
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>> No.20783928

This. Mori is the ONE holo en member who had a chance to build a beautiful friendship with Kiara. Kiara was there with her in Japan going HARD at trying to be friends with mori, and god knows kiara would be such a great person to have in your life given her personality. And mori reciprocated with nothing but a brick wall, for reasons I cannot even begin to fathom. If I was in mori's position, I feel certain at some point I would look back at all that as one of the single biggest regrets of my life.

>> No.20784131

Kek. Thanks for reminding me of that, I had some sympathetic feelings for mori starting to kindle inside me, and you helped me extinguish them.

>> No.20784151

>If I was in mori's position, I feel certain at some point I would look back at all that as one of the single biggest regrets of my life.
That's basically what she said here>>20777283. Again, baby steps.

>> No.20784568

Three baby steps forward, two giant bottles of Johnnie back. Hit some lean, rant about how much she hates her job. A few weeks later, she's back to "loving" it. Which one is the real Mori? Does she even know which one is real? She's been lying to herself and everybody else for so long about literally everything. It's a compulsion. It's part of her personality. Sure, the times when I believe her are kinda nice for a while. I fully expect her to have a massive breakdown again in the near future. Can't have too much positivity.

>> No.20784575

Why would she say this stuff on stream? I mean, it's almost inevitable kiara would probably hear these things mori said, either watching mori's vods herself or otherwise mori fans will probably send the clip to kiara on twitter etc. So idk what to really make of it. Is mori simply gushing uncontrollably? Is it just a PR move? Is mori really just that shy and awkward that maybe she HOPES Kiara will see it and maybe even take the initiative?

>> No.20784587

Kek what a bitch

>> No.20784679

2views trannys are seething

>> No.20784872

Remember, this hobby actively employs socially awkward girls. Even the big name ones.

>> No.20784922

Hell to the fuck no. Not anymore. I've gone from "anticipating for Mori season 3" to "dedicated anti her and ESPECIALLY the cuckbeats" since yesterday.I will not stop until either she or I vanish from the face of the earth. And that, is a promise.

>> No.20784992

It was from a members watch-a-long stream of HoloFes. >>20775960 is also from the same stream.

>> No.20785030

yeah right bitch, with that posting style you were always a shitposter.

>> No.20785069

>and gay.
kiara wishes

>> No.20785087
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>> No.20785162

You do you, man.

>> No.20785225

the cunty dramawhore in me feels compelled to say that she sounds like the kind of person who feels like she has to change herself to fit in with whatever group of people she decides she wants to be a part of. She decided that the TT crowd is her ride or die friend group so she distanced herself from Kiara and actively pushed against the image and branding of the standard Holo. Kiara is the one person in her current workplace that could relate to her struggles as a white piggu trying to make it in Japan and admittedly she was a bit overeager and trying too hard at the beginning it feels like she mellowed out a bit now.

>> No.20785309

Obviously, this is a PR move to save face, but she is not doing it on a large scale but only keeps it for her members. She is obviously trying to build a dedicated fan base so when the time comes for her to fuck off, she can have a comfortable number offollowersjoin her.

>> No.20785958

>when her roommate surpasses the popularity she got as Mori

>> No.20786151

Why does it matter what a person does after leaving hololive/vtubing. Why would you honestly care?

>> No.20786502

Your thinking Mori is smarter then she really is, she's just a awkward girl at best gushing. If you've ever had a friendship slip away like that you'd understand.

>> No.20786666

honest mori

>> No.20786731

No Mori is still cringe. It's getting harder to hate Kiara with every day that goes by for sure though.

>> No.20786884

You're under the impression that the ones who make essay-long posts here had friends to begin with.

>> No.20786902

he has nothing else in his life

>> No.20787111

Mate, she's just socially awkward to a crippling degree. It ain't rocket science.

>> No.20787306

When she said on twitter that she hated idols she just confirmed what her haters have been saying for ages, that she only joined hololive to gain clout for DD and I will still hate her for being a fake whore

>> No.20787402

That she used to hate idols but she doesn't anymore*

>> No.20787608

I shouldn't but really what the fuck else am I to do with my time browsing /vt/?

>> No.20787738

Talk about streams of Vtubers you like?

>> No.20787790

Shill your oshi anon, even moreso if she is the most popular.

>> No.20787811

the splits of vtubers I like are very slow

>> No.20787838

Keyword here being "hated", as in past-tense.

>> No.20787863

Who is your oshi?

>> No.20787935

All the better. Less shit stirrers.

>> No.20787956

Ririmu and Reine

>> No.20788221

Fair enough If I were you I'd just post about them in global, they seem to be pretty favorable there.

>> No.20788255


>> No.20788658

Yes but that still makes her a fake whore for joining hololive because the way she said it makes it look like she stopped hating them after she joined, so she just wanted clout for her DD crap

>> No.20788801

Then why join an idol company in the first place if not to just use it as a stepping stone

>> No.20788977

Also, the Cunnor incident pretty much confirms that she'd rather stick with her e-celeb friends than co-workers, so why bother redeeming herself? I say she should go all out and drop all this fake crab. She had already received her second chance (or, as we like to call it, second season).

>> No.20789157

Do you ever stop and have a moment of clarity where you realize that this version of Mori that you spend so much of your time hating doesn't actually exist?

>> No.20789376

>I guess I'm just an awkward person
>I feel like I was too busy and got caught up in my own shit that I just forgot for too long.
Yeah right bitch. Why don't you just say the truth that you were too self-centered to even notice the shit she had to go through, Mori didn't even try be a good friend too her and now that she's noticed it, she just spouts off some bullshit excuses.

>> No.20789847
File: 103 KB, 1208x677, moricalliope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wah wah wah I'm pink and retarded
Crocodile tears

>> No.20789905

nta But there is no need. Mori reminds me why I hate her every day with her wigger behavior and rotten cringe personality. The kekbeats /here/ also help. So go and brun in hell where you faggots belong.

>> No.20789973

>Fake crab
Why can mori anti's never make a full post without esling it up?

>> No.20790235

when she's confirmed to be off the bottle, I'll give her some slack. as long as she keeps up the selfdestructive habit I can't be anything but disappointed in her.
because (you) insist on addressing her by surname.

>> No.20790397

Hey, don't make fun of Luna like that.

>> No.20790496

>friendship slip away

You mean "throw a friendship away" ?

>> No.20790508

Do you ever stop and have a moment of clarity where you realize that this version of Mori that you spend so much of your time liking doesn't actually exist?

>> No.20790637
File: 522 KB, 1181x1181, 1614048242318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm watching her right now

>> No.20790722

That reply didn't make any sense anon.

>> No.20790844


>> No.20791740

mentally ill faggot

>> No.20791864

So why join an idol company?

>> No.20791995

she's said many times in many places that she stopped disliking idols years before joining hololive after she met and befriended one and realized they're some of the hardest working people on the planet who just want to make people happy

i know its a waste of energy to type this because the freaks posting it are never going to listen but maybe ill catch some passerby who might realize the mori that exists on vt is a schizo fever dream and has nothing to do with the actual person

>> No.20792229

>the mori that exists on vt is a schizo fever dream and has nothing to do with the actual person
This but with Kiara. Both of them really are intertwined in many ways.

>> No.20792325


>> No.20792996


anyone who isn't full on unity is a psychopath, honestly.

>> No.20794897

>Mori says MQ changed her mind about idols
>Mori tweets that Hololive changed her mind about idols
So which is it? Or are you just gonna say that "ya boi isn't good with words" again?
She's a duplitious PR-hungry cunt.

>> No.20795598

Would she act like a…?

>> No.20795927

>if you don't love every single member and suck every member's farts you're an evil person

>> No.20796506

Gotta love the people here that complain about the girl's social awkwardness when they can't keep any friends themselves. Also gotta love the people who think nobody can improve because they can't improve themselves. The projection. I don't like Calli or watch her normally personally, but I'll at least give her a chance every once in a while like I did Kiara (Who I now watch after finding her obnoxious initially.).

>> No.20796761


>> No.20796845

For the moment. Then she ruined it on the CHAD cast by forcing Irys to acknowledge the new Stars.

>> No.20796848

We've confirmed a while ago that women lurk here. No surprise.

>> No.20796943

Yeah, 'cause she's the ONLY Holo to ever do that. You eat some sand, ya crybaby.

>> No.20797027

She's the only EN to force others to acknowledge... Most anything really.

>> No.20797574

>Bring up something to someone
>Said someone responds about said something
>This is perceived as forcing them
How fragile are you? Would you literally cry if a friend asked you how your day was?

>> No.20798150

Sounds like the fes really gave her some perspective. I can't say I blame her with how isolated she is. Text on a screen doesn't hit the same way a massive audience of people does.

>> No.20798241

>a strong chance deep down she still hates Hololive
I think this was a big wake up call to her about how good she has it compared to her past, and others right now.

>> No.20798380

Dude, she is still the only one who doesn't like what she's doing.
Even Sana likes it more, and she's never present.

>> No.20799101

Can't blame Kiara.
>gets into a company she really likes where she can potentially make her dreams come true
>has a coworker who you actually like close to you so you also gained a friend
>you have the chance to start a cute dynamic like the ones you love so much with a friend
Might as well do your upmost to get the public to enjoy it. She clearly overdid it, but I'd rather have that than miss 5% who couldn't even get a little on the joke.
I started watching vtubers consistently with Mori's debut, but nowadays, and even before lurking this shit hole, I stopped enjoying her streams and making fun of her was more entertaining for me, and she hasn't made anything to change my mind.
Kiara is growing and deserves better than Mori, who at this point who knows what's more fake: her music, her vtuber persona, or her roommate persona.

>> No.20799161

Sure she is.
I bet she's a whole other person with people she likes. Like Connor, Mouse and Gigguk.
But what do I know, not like there's any evidence to my claim

>> No.20799360

Yeah. She said it like that.
More than a year ago.
Then less than half a year ago
And now
You know what they say, if you repeat a lie enough times you can convince people to believe it's true.

>> No.20799553
File: 63 KB, 634x356, 1647928747890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the new thing is to call Mori socially awkward?
First, she was a victim of idol culture
Then, youtube drama culture
After that, simps and gachis
After that, she's a woman who is her own and for some reason is not at fault for mixing her job and personal affairs.
Why do cuckbeats always make a new excuse? If she were on the right you wouldn't make up a new answer every month.

>> No.20799758

She just needs to stop trying to let her non-Hololive friends leech off of Hololive. Fans were fine with Milkyqueen, but not the fleshtuber males.

>> No.20801733

You sound even more dramatic than her. Bravo, truly.

>> No.20801795

It's good to know you acknowledge you have no proof and are just screaming into the void.

>> No.20801852

Go back, tourist.

>> No.20801896

Oh the horror


>> No.20802056

I do not trust her
If she acknowledges her mistakes at her best behaviour she will go back to her normal behaviour quite quickly
If anything this is a bone thrown to the Takamori crowd

>> No.20803316

Does that mean you would you accept critique from someone that actually has friends and that constantly tries to improve on their flaws?
