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2076041 No.2076041 [Reply] [Original]

135P Edition

Previous thread >>2016020


>> No.2076431

This fucking drama Is killing all the miko thread a little too quick

>> No.2077347
File: 100 KB, 246x291, whatever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WTF kinda normie-ass "reporting" is this? Was anything actually looked into besides running a few tweets through Google? Not even going to mention the name of the artist and/or the name of book? (Gee wonder why?)
"Let us make it clear: if the parties involved have accepted responsibility, then it is your responsibility to respect that decision! Plus, any fan who reads these statements and decides to go against them isn’t a true fan."

>> No.2077408

kek, im not even giving them that click

>> No.2077616

Based fujochad author dunking on Hololive, hopefully Miko takes another extended break

>> No.2077686


>> No.2078709


>> No.2079004

Thank god the drama is over. Hopefully Miko will be back to streaming as usual soon

>> No.2079118

I'm guessing there'll be another day or two of "considering her actions", but I'm pretty sure she'll be back by the weekend

>> No.2079128

Smell like hired writer by chinks. It is not the first time they do this to Hololive.

>> No.2079245

>True fans can't disagree
This is why hugboxes like twitter and reddit are a cancer

>> No.2079460

I can already imagine the red SC coming.
Celebrities/Holos always win financially after these "controversies."

Also, Marine gachikois are crazy dedicated.
They already mass-reported bunch of online BL doujin sites, and the authors all took down their stuff, which actually doesn't do much damage, considering this is not the first time they(BL doujin artists) experiencing getting reported by internet mobs.
Still, it feels nice that fans are actually doing something.

>> No.2079817

I hope so too

>> No.2080408

Recap of the entire thing (if im missing anything do tell)

1. Miko bought and put a doujinshi in a fridge as a joke
2. Marine read out the doujinshi's name while censoring part of it
3. They laugh at the doujinshi because it's written as a comedy
4. Marine read out loud 2 (T W O) lines from the back page of the doujinshi
5. A few hours later, doujinshi author did an ego-search and found out about this, then went to complain on twitter about :
- how she didn't get any cut from the stream
- how they're infringing on her copyright (by merely mentioning the doujinshi and read the name and a few lines from it).
- how she doesn't want her work to be exposed because doujinshis are a grey area (i know it's ironic)
- how Miko/Marine has bad manners for that
6. She then sent takedown request for the stream in question to Miko/Marine.
7. All of this spread out like wild fire.
8. People starts attacking Miko/Marine for various inane bullshit like :
- It's disrecpectful to the author because they laugh at the doujinshi.
- It's disrecpectful to the author because they put the doujinshi in the fridge.
- It's copyright infringement to literally mention the doujinshi's name on stream.
- It's copyright infringement to literally read 2 ( T W O ) lines from the doujin.
- They should not mention doujinshis on stream because minors might be watching
- other inane bullshit
9. Miko/Marine fans start arguing with those people and the author.
10. Author locked her twitter account.
11. Cover being cover and kneeled to antis once again, forcing the girls to apologize for nothing.

>> No.2080410

is miko going to stream today?

>> No.2080669

I would be surprised if there's anything scheduled before Sunday

>> No.2080679

guys remember to go to #miko_Art and report the spammers

>> No.2081081

Will do, and this is the account @jC4PQJOGhaSF3AN, just report the account and all of the tweets for targeted harassment

>> No.2082200


>> No.2082546

You should probably add a note that the BL doujin is using characters from another well-established series (Gundam iirc) so even claiming copyright infringement is illogical, since she is infringing on copyright herself. This is why it's a gray area, as you said it's ironic.
Also, from what I understand, she was complaining that she couldn't get any benefit from the mention because the doujin is out of print *and* that she didn't even get a cut from the stream.

In any case, I'll leave it to the more schizo 35p/ichimi to go after the author and the antis, and I'll wait for Miko's next stream

>> No.2083067
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>> No.2083091

It's unfortunate, but Miko and Marine will probably just sit out a little bit longer so it cools down and they can collect their thoughts. Shame they won't be able to participate in the April Fools stuff at this rate.

But I'd imagine if they try to stream again so soon, they'll probably get attacked by antis accusing of them of not being 'sincere' or some shit.

>> No.2084308

maybe you can add that antis are still spreading bullshit in youtube in some videos with more than 10k views
I only searched for 同人誌 which is doujinshi

>> No.2085146

God I miss Miko so much

>> No.2085208

they look at the fucking video that is all evidence of how miko and marine didn't do anything wrong and still all the comments are like "boo fucking hoo v-tubers bad they make doujinshi author feel the big sad"

>> No.2085744

Every time I read or see anything about this whole situation I just get more and more angry. It's so fucking stupid. I need to disengage until I can see Miko having fun on stream again.

>> No.2086153

That really sucks

>> No.2086292

>they both probably had some april fools jokes cooked up and ready to go
>can't do shit because of some greedy fujoshi being a bitch and Cover being babies

Real shame.

>> No.2086561
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All of you in this thread, pseudo 35p along with r/hololive are a bunch of pussies watching how they are burning Miko and Marine.
While the real 35p are fighting back and crushing the crazy fujos...

>> No.2086620

How am I supposed to fight the fujoshits if I can't understand Japanese? But I'm trying as hard as I can to report anti's tweets and comments

>> No.2086697

Best thing is to just keep silently reporting. Clarify something if somebody is spewing shit to somebody else who asks what happened (a lot of retards from here throwing "they made fun of it" out there) but don't go engaging the shit stirrers. They want any interaction they get, doesnt matter if its positive or negative it's bringing more exposure and working in their favor.

>> No.2086770
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>Best thing is to just keep silently reporting

>> No.2087011

Yeah that's what I do, just keep reporting antis tweets, accounts and comments

>> No.2087328
File: 197 KB, 1200x1027, b1xaku9ca0x51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if you're still spamming the author, you are doing this for your own satisfaction, and not for Miko, got it? Miko does not want you to, has asked you to stop, and you will not.

. No matter what Miko or Cover say, this is your own personal revenge.

Well ok, good luck.

>> No.2087490

>How am I supposed to fight the fujoshits
Arm yourself with Deepl and go to threads, hashtags and comment sections

>> No.2087525

I'll see you crying rivers when she retires like Mano Aloe

>> No.2087552

How did one minor incident spiral downward into this mess? Damn, I hate fujos.

>> No.2087733

At that point i'll join them.

>> No.2088044

Its impossible for miko to encourage it.

Its also impossible for fans to turn the other cheek to this fujo. Actions have consequences. She will find that fans are not as forgiving and have long memories.

>> No.2088243

right now are fujos telling Miko to kill herself, and this is much more bigger than what happened with Aloe, and these schizos harass to death

>> No.2088267


>> No.2088374

Ok redditard. now tell 35p in 5ch, because last time i heard they send death threat and try dox the author

>> No.2088438

Nigga, Miko is stronger than she looks. It's not her first rodeo either dealing with antis

>> No.2088710

comparing this levels of hates with mano aloe... guys i think we have a spy in here.

>> No.2088805
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>> No.2089020

this ain't miko first rodeo with antis, i'm not saying we should duck a wait for the storm to calm down but all i see here is someone trying to hard to start a witchhunt.
the author the fujo-shit already lost, she is playing the victim but she lost, miko just need to wait a 2 or 3 days and she can stream again, there will be still antis, she fuck them / report them and done, this is not coco leves of antis
but yeah please someone take out this fucker @jC4PQJOGhaSF3AN

>> No.2089670

Old account seemingly reactivated just for this drama, therefore suspicious, nonstop hostile Tweets directed towards Miko and her fanbase, and technically spamming on a hashtag? This looks like an open-and-shut case to me.

But yeah, like what I've seen someone said elsewhere, this isn't the first time, and it won't be the last time antis will try attacking the Holos for any excuse. If anything it'll likely just unify the fanbase even harder than before like it always has when something happens to one of the girls. That'll definitely be something Miko and Marine will appreciate more than any shitstirring.

And like you said, this isn't the first time she had a rodeo with antis. She'll probably be fine and especially when she had to contend with antis trying to falsely link her with a r18+ camgirl in the past if I heard correctly

>> No.2090270

It pisses me off knowing they could be having so much fun rn

>> No.2093154

Based pic OP

>> No.2093186

Miko barley apologised. If anything, her apology was very aggressive which is mega based

>> No.2093307

I only retaliate to antis who are actually doing something harmful such as doxxing and slander. Mainly reporting because I'm not a nigger enough to dox

>> No.2094011

What is it about Miko that attracts antis so much? They seem to go after her with such viciousness (obviously on her NND days with the JAV shit and her GTA stream already has more dislikes than the chinks could even push onto Coco's stream).

>> No.2094225

>JAV shit
NND antis keep bringing slander up with this shit which then gets into the brain of coomers which then causes the west to spread lies. Absolutely disgusting, they actually need to be shot

>> No.2094550

Actually reminds me of a doxx channel actually using that shit to identify Miko. I've seen a bunch of morons taking it for face value and had to be clapped back by the 35p that were monitoring that video. It honestly is potentially damaging if those 'forbidden knowledge' idiots believe everything that they're told even if it's common sense to realize that some of it is simply BS

>> No.2094638

Miko is just too pure for this world and every wants too hurt the poor little thing...

>> No.2094702

Shes a fraud fuck her. Her voice isnt real, it's all a show how could I have been so blind and dumb.

>> No.2094790

Using your eyes to see if her voice is real is dumb, anon.

>> No.2095058

t. anti

>> No.2095069

why are pekora fans like this?

>> No.2095091

Lol fuck off shitstirrer

>> No.2095103

I legitimately loved her until I realized how fake it all is
She turned me off vtubers for good, I dont hate anyone except her.

>> No.2095189

all of this hate just because she stop collabing with pekora, bro get a life.

>> No.2095199

Anon I know today is april fool's day, you don't have to lie like that

>> No.2095726

Ogey canadian rrat

>> No.2095899

I think you got lost, the Pekora thread is this way


>> No.2095907

Cancer of Hololive, Nousagi.

>> No.2096336
File: 194 KB, 850x1202, __sakura_miko_and_35p_hololive_drawn_by_kousaku__sample-6e27994263b6c88a252544b0d19a2fbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Twitter
>search with #miko_art
>click "Latest
>Report on everything that's not fanart or fan videos for Target Harassment.

Do it now!

>> No.2096417

Report @jC4PQJOGhaSF3AN

>> No.2096432

I've been doing it since 2 days ago, also report the account too not only the posts

>> No.2096522
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>> No.2096528

This faggot

>> No.2096605

Report the account

>> No.2096891

Miko please stream

>> No.2097005
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migo......pls strim.... :(

>> No.2097039

Was it so hard for Cover to laugh and tell the author to fuck off? Makes me wonder how Nijisanji deals with shit like this since I haven't heard of any bullshit things like this happening to them?

>> No.2097122

Because she is small, cute as a button, and doll like. Literally yamato nadeshiko and it makes the Fujos and pimple faced antis seethe.

>> No.2097875


>> No.2098133

Cover has always been dogshit with the handling of these things, they punish the talent while yagoo is still getting best girl memes.
Don't know about niji.

>> No.2098289

afaik the company doesn't deal with it, it's left to talents discretion to either handle/ignore/fuck it.
Could be wrong here too

>> No.2098305

Nijis are too busy bullying each other to worry about outsiders attacking them

>> No.2098418

I am legit going through a big Miko withdrawal right now...

Miko can't even have fun on April fools day, fucking fujoshits

>> No.2098565 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2098601

Agreed. Perhaps we are spoiled since Miko streams basically everyday while other people have oshi's that stream like once or twice a week. Putting on VODS of streams that she did while I am asleep when I get home from work and make dinner and stuff is so relaxing and helps me decompress from work. The fujoshits took that away from me. Fuck them.

>> No.2098899

Fuck fujoshits

>> No.2098927

reminder to mention @NAIZ0N in every tweet even tweets unrelated to her to show support for her, she needs the support
its not like it'll overwhelm her inbox or anything

>> No.2099020
File: 67 KB, 1270x1100, fuckingfujoshitiswear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this pic to shut up anyone that thinks miko/marine is in the wrong

>> No.2099716

What's that?

>> No.2100244

>bullying each other

>> No.2100344

Hoshikawa had to apologize for an even weaker reason, search it up because i dont remember it well

>> No.2100429

Moruru/Luna apparently was bullied out of the company, and there was the drama between Roa and Meiro. You can find more on the archives, I don't want to go too off-topic in the Miko thread

>> No.2100888

Miko I miss you

>> No.2100949

She bragged on stream about forging stamp card stamps to get free bubble tea or something. Apparently that is actually a crime in Japan, or so I gathered.

>> No.2101878

basic fraud.
still a real crime tho that leaves a record

>> No.2101909

She didn't brag about it, she was clearly joking

>> No.2101925

Didn't Gundou also have some controversy with some slightly shady behavior/actions in the past? Didn't dive too much or know how she handled it, but I think it might be why she's still got her like/dislike bar locked on her videos.

>> No.2103722


>> No.2105827



>> No.2109707

>mostly dislikes
>literally all of the comments shitting on Miko and Marin

>> No.2113443
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>> No.2113620

Glad it got resolved, but Cover legal should have responded in kind against the author. He cant even fking claim copyright if not the anime company can sue his ass. Plus with the harassment against the vtubers, he should be glad he even got away scot free without apologizing directly to both vtubers in his public statement. Ppl like him r a waste of space

>> No.2114163

The author is a woman, a fujo

>> No.2114770

Is she Canadian?

>> No.2115291

gundou was working as a literal shill in dating apps for the dev company

>> No.2115304

>can't even write a proper apology
Don't think so anon

>> No.2115919

Good point.

>> No.2116229

ive only read a some of the comments, but aren't they mostly questioning why this blew up? looks fairly unbiased from a japanese perspective.

>> No.2117926

Yes some are like that

>> No.2119117

I miss miko so much

>> No.2119213

I hope there is a chance that the Marine and Miko collab gets reuploaded. Miko's pure unfiltered laugh was a blessing.

>> No.2120455

I hope so

>> No.2121769

I think it'll be back

>> No.2123003


>> No.2123189


Ok the author is legit retarded instead they should of just did Hololive doujin and rake in the big bucks

>> No.2123804

Just imagine being Miko and squeezing Marine's big tits while she's wearing a school uniform.

>> No.2124819

There is no way this didn't happen

>> No.2125605

I wish I was in the middle

>> No.2125728

So when are we expecting her back bros

>> No.2125763

My guess is next week

>> No.2126538


>> No.2126819

Watch ribbon https://youtu.be/Ys97pr8t8aQ

>> No.2127264

My phone was lagging earlier, did I see she's doing an english stream?

>> No.2127490

Not really, she's replying to some english chat though

>> No.2128396

i think things finally settled down, isn't it?

>> No.2129128

Ribbon is like the canary in the mineshaft. If Ribbon abandons Miko and removes that running Miko gif we know that there are dark times ahead.

>> No.2130033

Yep, I think Miko and Marine will come back by tomorrow

>> No.2130593
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it's dispelling all the rrats those fujos go off of in japanese, quick TL:

"They leaked the title" - they actually put a Piii-sound in Amuro RaPIII
"they recited the whole thing on stream" - they read a total of 2 lines (actually just one line from the back of the book)
"they laughed at it" - it's a comedy doujin for fucks sake
"they belittled it" - they actually praised the contents "the drawings are really good"
"they cooled it in the fridge" - ...yeah, that's the prank
"they took superchats for it" - the stream was 10 hours (10:45) and talking about the doujin was a whole 2 Minutes (that doujin in particular, not even one minute)
"they made fun of BL" - Marin herself is a fujoshi that can't be (well I'll doubt this one since she's clearly seeing the ridiculousness of it)
"don't spread things made for insiders" - the book was normally sold at Mandarake
"they named the coupling wrong" - Marin corrected Miko swiftly

So yeah, the japanese rratbuster. this one is a bit more accurate

>> No.2130656

itll be back, but with a few parts missing.

>> No.2130691

shoot, im happy about seeing that. Subbed for it, though i doubt ill be watching that often.

>> No.2130692

i just hope they never edit out the BL part because the antis can easily feign denial about the truth since "it doesn't exist".

the running Miko gif is still there when i checked the latest stream, or there's something i missed?

>> No.2130750

Yeah, it is still there. I was saying IF it ever goes away then we know dark times are ahead.

>> No.2130809

Or maybe when she got an official job from a black company. Most of them demand every art during the contract belong to the company.

>> No.2130865

i think the first stream miko is going to make is minecraft, just to taste the waters if there are still trolls or something like that, next stream after that would be the koromiko one.

>> No.2130935

Outsider here, who's this Ribbon person in relation to Miko? Quick rep says she's a fan? Regardless, I can't imagine she'd abandon Miko at a drop of a hat over this issue unless she does something that's actually offensive.

>> No.2131031

Yes she's a fan that also does fanarts of Miko

>> No.2131275

If we don't have the usual friday movie watchalong I will fucking riot

>> No.2131477

remember when miko play gtaV for the second time?
i was so fucking sad when she die and nobody did the "F" meme

>> No.2131689

I still use F from time to time when Miko died in a game like GTA or minecraft. But it's pretty understandable since she also removed the F emote

>> No.2132046

Miko come back soon...

>> No.2132357

I wonder if Miko's ever watched her streams. I remember Matsuri popped into one awhile ago, probably found it while egosearching.

>> No.2132584

Well Miko followed her back on twitter, pretty sure she watched her stream too from time to time

>> No.2133084

Miko I miss you...

>> No.2133265

anon, we're not having it.

>> No.2133754


>> No.2134661

No watchalong for today...

>> No.2135044

I was hoping she'd still do it. You can't dislike a twitch stream and it's already in sub only mode.

>> No.2135895

Few angry voices prevent few thousands from having fun
Fucking bullshit

>> No.2136344

How long until Miko hits 1M?

>> No.2136405

Was looking like 2-3 weeks but it's going to take longer if she's not streaming

>> No.2137314

3 weeks

>> No.2139094


>> No.2140113


>> No.2140203

She lost the file for it. I have a transparent one but I'm not sure its up to youtube's settings. Could just send it I suppose.

>> No.2140959

Reminder that this fucker never apologized for spreading bullshit @NAIZ0N
Reminder to stop being leddit and take it up the ass like a femboy.

>> No.2142898


>> No.2143325

Miko where are you...

>> No.2144283

in guideline enforcement reeducation camp

>> No.2146237

Hopefully she'll be back by the weekend

>> No.2146259

It is the weekend anon...

>> No.2146693

God it's been almost a week since they're sleepover...

>> No.2147718
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>> No.2147759

If she and marine don't come back this weekend I'll resume harassing the artistfag

>> No.2147781

I miss Migo bros...

>> No.2151835

Me too...

>> No.2152108

I can understand a week break. More than that is too much and worrying. I guess we are sort of spoiled because she streams everyday, meanwhile other members stream every 2nd or 3rd day

>> No.2155143

These past few days I've been listening to Miko's nandemonaiya cover she sung during her hiatus, it reminds me of that time.

I'll wait for a little more Mikochi...

>> No.2155208

you guys think miko is going to play "It Take Two"? or is just one of those game she dosen't know it exist

>> No.2155437

Maybe after HoloEN play it, Miko knew about A Way Out from HoloEN

>> No.2157404


>> No.2157814

What happened.

>> No.2157997

>- It's disrecpectful to the author because they laugh at the doujinshi.
Oh well get over it
>- It's disrecpectful to the author because they put the doujinshi in the fridge.
Lmao what
>- It's copyright infringement to literally mention the doujinshi's name on stream.
>- It's copyright infringement to literally read 2 ( T W O ) lines from the doujin.
Nope, not on YouTube, US, Canadian, EU, or Oceanic law. Unless japans laws are schizo this is retarded
>- They should not mention doujinshis on stream because minors might be watching
If you really cared about minors marine and miko shouldn't exist as people let alone talk about doujins

>> No.2158123

She was so cute getting excited when she got wished a happy b-day from Micheal last month, I never get tired of watching that clip

>> No.2158131

>Video taken down by cover corporation
Fucking cowards...

>> No.2159715

Why is she such a lesbian?

>> No.2159757

Because you can't fuck men while being an idol
But going full yuri is allowed and can make you more popular

>> No.2160832


>> No.2161445
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1080, MikoComfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2161532

Starting to really miss mikochi. She has that lively aura. Miss her more compared to when peko and chammer was gone

>> No.2161580

Someone's been sending gore to the author with multiple twitter bot accounts. It won't stop until Miko and Marine are back, or so I've heard. Pretty based if you ask me

>> No.2161620

Good. Burn that faggot

>> No.2161636
File: 1.46 MB, 1187x1874, Sakura.Miko.full.2876195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2161668

Are they taking a break or is the garbage cover management making them?

>> No.2161699

It's the management

>> No.2161700

Well well well what do we have here?
@NAIZ0N was caught liking tweets about how it's all the fanboys fault and not hers.

>> No.2161721

They really love throwing their vtubers under the bus

>> No.2161735

uncut vod can downloaded at nyaa.si

>> No.2161782

it's just a standard way of de escalating a situation.
people are angry about a thing, take thing away from spotlight, people will forget about thing and move on to be angry about other thing, bring thing back.

>> No.2161803

hers as in miko or the author? which fanboys?

>> No.2161813

Because it worked so well for Coco

>> No.2161915

The author was caught liking a tweet that is basically saying "It's all miko fanboy's fault, not the authors"
The tweet in question https://twitter.com/ittya_h/status/1378151601265811457
Do note that the author already un-liked the tweet already.

>> No.2161934

What is up with this author? Does he think people are so retarded that they won't noticed him liking the tweet and that people will forget if he unliked it later?

>> No.2162235

What a fucking nigger

>> No.2162252

Its unknown

>> No.2163101
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is '信者' specifically used for Vtuber followers? Because if not the tweet could also be interpreted as 'people who screenshotted the author's whinings and spread it around and then going to the vtubers and attacking them are to blame.

Supposedly the author was whining among friends and intended to dm them about it, according to the tweet. I should mention that the person who said that claims to not be close to the author.

Nothing about it could be interpreted as singling out miko though. if the above kanji mean vtuber followers, then it would mean blaming both 35p and ichimin.

If it doesn't mean vtuber followers, then its placing the blame on outsiders for spreading his words... this would probably be vtuber anti's. drama blogs, and 'afii sites', whatever those are.

>> No.2163152
File: 24 KB, 480x480, aea9edec931ceee1d83139d405643f61caeac0e69509c1caabb9bebcd1626d58_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, i should add that 'and then going to the vtubers and attacking them' is my interpretation, it literally says people who suddenly visit both the vtuber and author. To me that implies they dont 'normally' visit, so not fans, but could be wrong.

>> No.2163186

I'm going to print out this faggots shitty doujin take a piss on it and send her the video.

>> No.2163198

No, it just means fanboys. The context means miko's fanboys.

>> No.2163225

Does anyone have a link to an archived version of the Miko Marine BL doujin stream? I want to see what happened for myself, but Cover has started taking clips down.

>> No.2163261

>Cover doing the antis work for them by taking down the evidence that the antis are full of shit
Fuck I'm so tired of this retarded company.

>> No.2163273

Miko and Marine will both graduate. They’ve gone too far.

>> No.2163320

What's the stat on Pekomiko?
I just want them to get along bros ;_;

>> No.2163379

This is fucked up. Why does this faggot author get to keep on posting while Miko and Marine have to lay low?

>> No.2163386

Pekora ghosted Miko and ditched her because Pekora went on an ego trip. Miko still wants to be friends but Pekora hates her (for no reason mind you).

>> No.2163403

omg the covers were the antis all along!!!1!??1?11 yagoo is rapsit we smtaslfdkjggha sdie aas fdahglllllllllllllll

>> No.2163440
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1611846546992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't believe at this fanfiction at first but after some anon posted her reaction to shikemura construction... it seems like the rrat has gotten into me.

>> No.2163537

Fuck off fujo

>> No.2164331


>> No.2164657

if miko isn't back by monday i swear

>> No.2165046

You don't have an army of crazed nationalists hellbent on forcing Cover to choose one of their talents or their entire market in this instance, anon.

>> No.2165364

When you forget to take your meds for too long.

>> No.2165368

she will not be back by monday anon. My guess is Wednesday.

>> No.2165427

I saw that clip too and I didn't get the vibes from the reaction everybody else did. What about it made you think that way?

>> No.2165481

post it here as well

>> No.2165858

Miko I miss you so much...

>> No.2165903

That's not going to help Miko

>> No.2166235

does it harm either?
Fujos have been going at it for a week, showing no signs to stopping

>> No.2166454

It can defo harm vtuber fans' reputation if it is revealed.

>> No.2166457
File: 1.23 MB, 753x1064, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my dick anon, i do what i pleases.

>> No.2166621

as mentioned, they are still going at it regardless do we participate or not.
at end of the day, its our content that gets sanitized so I don't blame anyone who wants to make sure they get fun for the whole money.

>> No.2166696

But fujos can harass Miko for a fucking week and no one calls them pigs or looks down on them because of it

>> No.2166807

Being fujo is already an embarassment itself

>> No.2166862

So you're just a shit-stirrer who doesn't even care about Miko and Marine? Especially when the drama is pretty much has already blown over and they'll probably be back by tomorrow or Monday? What's the difference between you and seething fujoshits and vtuber antis now that if you keep throwing tantrum instead of act like an adult? Don't make this harder for both Miko and Marine, do you want to see them keep apologizing for their fans behaviour?

>> No.2166920

oh I forgot to add to >>2166621
Cover has been going around issuing takedowns to the clips that disproves the fujo narratives. That sounds super helpful trying to preserve the girls reputation...

>> No.2167089


>> No.2167302

You reek of leddit.

>> No.2167472

fuck off fag

>> No.2167479

No I just want Miko to come back soon, and I don't want to see her to keep apologizing for her fans behaviour

>> No.2167541

So you'd rather want Miko to keep getting suspended then, I see

>> No.2167762

And you'd rather let them get sanitized even more like a leddit tourist you are.

>> No.2167933

What I want is Miko and Marine streaming again and for the fact that they don't I blame the artist for starting this shit, antis and faggots for blowing it out of proportion and Cover for reacting like they did.

>> No.2168531
File: 59 KB, 300x300, first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tatsunoko checking in

hang in there lads, she'll be back soon. though i can't imagine she'd want you to fight her battles for her.

>> No.2169378

Thanks tatsunoko

>> No.2169964

Tatsunoko check in 2

If you want to talk or hanging , feel free to join with us

We welcome

>> No.2171376


>> No.2172225

It's already been 5 days without a Mikochi stream...

>> No.2172630

On her members only post concerning the incident she was liking every comment that said she did nothing wrong, lol. She knows it's bullshit at least but has to keep up appearences I suppose.

>> No.2173209


>> No.2174547

monday is the day, i can feel it

>> No.2175198

I've waited 3 months for Miko, so I thought it'll feel like nothing waiting a week or two for this, but I was wrong.
Last year she'll tweet or draw something almost everyday.
It feels worst getting nothing at all.

Also, Marine and Miko probably would have talked about more behind the scenes stories of their off-collab, but now it became such a bitter memory that they'll probably avoid mention it ever again in the future.

I just hope this won't have a long lasting effect for them. They might find it awkward to mention each other's name on stream.

>> No.2177226
File: 52 KB, 226x260, 1613452839940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Miko would teach Senchou the ways of FAQ
She talked about wanting to be an "owner of a big dog" but looking at these member post comments, first thing that comes to mind is "pack of poodles"

ichimis have fallen to sad state recently

>> No.2177310

They didn`t murder a person, anon. Most likely they just share the hatred with all the bullshit the antis have pulled

>> No.2178832

Miko doko...

>> No.2180105


>> No.2180267
File: 15 KB, 407x64, 1609721574678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes alive you guys

>> No.2181046


>> No.2181116

I'm sorry but you're not allowed to receive likes from my wife please end your existence

>> No.2181181

What was this comment from?

>> No.2181222

You have been blessed by the Elite, anon

>> No.2181268

comments on her member post.

>> No.2181607

Miko basically giving a heart to every comment on her members-only post showing support of her and saying she did nothing wrong

>> No.2181908

Membership post. I made my comment after her last round of likes so she just checked it again today. Nice to see she's still active, maybe it means she might be coming back soon if she's checking her youtube account again?

>> No.2182760

miko has given me a comment heart without being a member it was in 2019 and miko use to give heart to every english comment

>> No.2182774

Hopefully so, she liked my comment from yesterday too

>> No.2184087


>> No.2184636

what was the doujin?
was it a MikoXMarine lewd doujin?

>> No.2185033
File: 143 KB, 220x228, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you made me check my post from 5 days ago, and yea, its liked. Blessed by the elite.

>> No.2185571


>> No.2186057

Mikochi is likely waiting to return tomorrow or the day after, just letting hologra ease up the way for hers and marine`s comeback

>> No.2187431 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 885x408, 1589343756684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How likely is it this dude is Chinese

>> No.2187712

Today, I'm feeling it

>> No.2187842

high, very high

>> No.2188941

>naiz0n still has twitter private

>> No.2191786

This piece of garbage right here.

>> No.2192443

I'm really disappointed with the ichimi. Anyone who asks my oshi to bend the knee is no bro of mine.

>> No.2192508

Marine seems to have taken it harder than Miko. Miko at least is liking the comments supporting her. Marine has had radio silence since her dogeza.

>> No.2192558

I'm well aware of that. As much as I like Miko, she isn't my oshi.

>> No.2192650

ichimis loves taking it in the ass
i guess there's a reason why migodi and 35ps loves GTA.

>> No.2192683

What do you expect us to do? People are still giving the dumbass author shit and sending Senchou love, but nothing else has happened and the girls haven't streamed or said anything else yet.

>> No.2192725

Are you telling her to kiss the author's ass? Then it wasn't directed at you.

>> No.2192745

None of Marines fans are doing that

>> No.2192794

my dude the top comment on marine's tweet was an ichimi flaming marine with like 200 likes

>> No.2192849

Guarantee you nearly anyone saying/doing things like that is an anti shitstirrer.

>> No.2192933

you fucking wish

>> No.2193059

And there are people in Mikos comments telling her she made a mistake and was right to apologize. There are normie faggots who got duped by narratives in both fanbases

>> No.2193166

Exactly, the issue got big on Twitter and half the people tweeting about it have never even heard of vtubers, much less Marine or Miko.
Well, that plus the fact that Twitter is the worst cesspool humanity's ever created.

>> No.2193255

Just what in the FUCK do you expect us to do at this point???? Do you really just want to keep this retarded as drama going even though it's fucking obvious that everybody relevant wants to move on????

>> No.2193259

marine is more popular that miko because of all the "im horny meme" but is quite sad that she doesn't have a strong fansbase like us 35P who can she this bullshit and defend our oshi.
oh well it doesn't matter anymore miko is going to stream this monday so we all can forget this shitshow

>> No.2193479

miko got sent to guideline enforcement reeducation camp and i will never forget about it

>> No.2193501

Never forget. Never forgive.

>> No.2193612


>> No.2193655

At this point its over
But I want this event to be permanently remembered by everybody so they know just how cowardly cover is and why next time you should just tell whoever is attacking you to do a flip

>> No.2195355

Fujoshits can die in a fire, fucking shits robbed us a week worth of streaming content

>> No.2195773

I just hate that Miko and Marine are being seen as the bad guys for something they are the victim of. It's insane that these morons can be so easily persuaded by false information. Every time I check Mikos twitter I am filled with rage.

>> No.2196215

Surely we can just show these retards the clip that disproves all the negative rrats, right?

>> No.2196249

>Trying to deprogram NPCs
It's pointless anon

>> No.2196338

It's pointless, some japanese put the deleted clip on his youtube channel and all the commets were hate comments against miko and marine

>> No.2196669

I know there are plenty of people (especially those who don't have Miko as their oshi) who will say this whole thing will blow over and it isn't a big deal but I have to disagree. Sure it isn't a big deal in a vacuum but as somebody who has been watching Miko since 2019 it has left an incredibly bad taste in my mouth and a scar on my vtuber fan soul.

This collab was one of her most anticipated events as her and Marine have been wanting to collab for a long time and you could tell how much fun they were having throughout. The following week should have been filled with funny stories about the collab and should have been the start of her and Marine becoming closer friends. Instead it was brutally taken away by nasty bad actors, the innocence was lost, and now the entire event is tainted with a malaise of negativity. To top it all off they have to act like they were at fault and have to apologize to the very shit stain that started the whole thing.

This isn't just a hobby or a second job or a way to make money to Miko like it is for some of the other girls. This is her life. She streams every single day, never takes breaks unless she is forced to due to bad health, has no roommate account to speak of, and displays a child like joy at every game she plays even if it's her 10th day in a row streaming. It just feels to me like that child like innocence was taken away and now part of me feels like Miko doesn't believe even this job is safe just like when she stopped streaming on NND after she was viciously attacked there. Perhaps I'm overthinking it but part of me feels like nothing will be quite the same. Sure Coco seems to have recovered from her situation well but the part that bothers me is that Coco had the unrestrained 100% support from her fans. In this case there have been actual fans of Miko and Marine telling them to apologize for disrespecting the author (yeah there are some false flaggers mixed in, but if you read Miko's twitter you will recognize some of them as actual 35p). That is the part that makes me worry. Miko lives for her fans and to be betrayed by some of them has to hurt.

A positive thing to think about is that Miko has a strong support structure. She is very close to many hololive members and of course her mom is the original 35p and is very supportive. So hopefully they have made her feel better.

>> No.2196766

Anon... Coco aren't the same now...
She used swear a lot now look at how they murdered my girl.

>> No.2197545

Hopefully this won't affect her childlike joy when playing games

>> No.2197697

what are you looking at exactly? Recently her tags have been pretty clean.

>> No.2197903
File: 1.33 MB, 2894x2894, uheow61rjpj51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon just look back on member comment. She's still liking the support, she is there. She will come back fine. Remember she started from the bottom, she has dealt with disappointment before. she has willingly taken on spam in order to collab with who she likes, and she has dealt with antis before. her guiding life principle is to never give up, and she has built this principle up because she started at the bottom and didn't give up despite failing before.

Behind the baby autism, she is a strong girl.

At least I hope so.

>> No.2198236

Nothing recently. I go back to her twitter expecting that dumb tweet to be unpinned and to see happy Mikochi but I'm reminded of this fake drama and the continued radio silence instead. I won't be happy until I know Miko is happy again.

>> No.2198305

the ELITE name is not just for show it actually mean it

>> No.2198791

Miko please come back soon, I really miss you... ;_;

>> No.2198923

What would have been a contender for collab of the year is now something we're going to have to pretend doesn't exist. Had things played out like they should have, and the Korone collab followed after this, Miko would've been riding VERY high into her 1M celebration.

It was shaping up to be an amazing year for her. Now she's gonna have to salvage what she can in hopes of regaining some semblance of normalcy. It's fucking criminal!

>> No.2198926

Liking the support is good. It's probably pretty easy to lose sight of the people who support you and focus in on the negative tweets in a situation like this, so I'm glad that Miko's at least aware of how many people have her back on this.

>> No.2199041

Wow, when you put it like that it really pisses me off. What a fucking shame. However I'm sure Miko won't let it affect her streams too much and I'm sure her 1 million celebration will still be amazing. Nothing against any of the newer talent but they exceed 100,000 subscribers before they even debut now. Miko started off as a failed project, was the least popular member when she got transferred to hololive, and had to scratch and claw for everything she has. She is no stranger to adversity and overcame all of that to swing with the heavy hitters in being one of the most popular talents they have. After all she has already been through I doubt she will let this destroy her happiness.

>> No.2199659

Me too 35p...

>> No.2199685

That really is the worst thing about this. The collab was absolutely fantastic. Miko should've been on top of the world, we would've had a recap stream and she would've been all primed for 1 million. Instead we get this shit that will kill all her momentum for weeks and probably put a big damper on her 1m celebration.

Fucking fujo cancer

>> No.2199686

Anyone know which BGM she’s using in this stream?

>> No.2200124


>> No.2200421



>> No.2200522

pelase respond

>> No.2200736
File: 75 KB, 762x834, MikoTooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2200751


>> No.2200955

Sorry man but I don't know what's the BGM

>> No.2201320


>> No.2202036


>> No.2202474


>> No.2202819


>> No.2203437
File: 335 KB, 800x800, MikoLonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2203947


>> No.2204142

How are ya hanging in there fellow 35P?

>> No.2204689

I'm taking a break from watching hololive...

>> No.2208485
File: 269 KB, 437x427, 1603669975189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hanging in there ok. Been doing my archive reps and music reps to hold me over.

>> No.2209242

Author clearly was in to make a quick bux
Hopefully this ruined the author's career

>> No.2210010

I just want all of this to fuck over Naiz0n and her career.

>> No.2210348

This whole incident has been so awful and makes my blood boil. I'm not even that much of a miko fan but I can't support any of the girls knowing that I'm supporting also an awful company like cover who throw their talents under the bus anytime any kind of "controversy" happens. It is always apologizing for doing nothing wrong and adding restrictions on the very thing that made them special.
Watch someone like senchou becoming family friendly after this and refraining from mentioning any kind of anime/doujin because she would be afraid of this thing happening again. Or worse: being forced to not mention anything copyrighted by her manager.
Sometimes you have to fight back.

>> No.2212830

>I'm not even that much of a miko fan
Then fuck off, this has nothing to do with you so stop trying to cause trouble

>> No.2213457

You got that right, fellow 35P! We should spread our cheeks and take it without complaining.

>> No.2213717

New thread


>> No.2213854
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