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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20698016 No.20698016 [Reply] [Original]

I have a question why the fuck are you people legit watch completely artificial streamers who's only existence is to extract money from you.
Its not even some upstart girl (likely a tranny/troon) playing around with cleverly done AI/algorithmic overlays on youtube asking for *donations* either.

Fucking Hololive is a large corporation that continually STUDIES and actually pays marketing analysts big bux to promote content and insidiously find the right things to hook coomers. You think its some coincidence that these vtubuers like Gura have generally the same color pallet and *kawaii* voice pitch? They literally hire companies like Pantone for the color consulting and do focus groups to get coomers and low value men to build their perfect Vtuber. Case in point you paypigs DONATE MONEY TO A CORPORATION.

>> No.20698109

dilate commie

>> No.20698136

lol poorfag

>> No.20698170
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Nigga I got rich trading shitcoins. Maybe you should stop being poor instead of complaining about "muh corporations. All this merch and superchats are pocket money for me.

>> No.20698249

feels good man

>> No.20698353

All entertainment exists to make money OP. In fact everything in society revolves around making money. If you don't like it go move into a hut in the wood and eat grasshoppers.

>> No.20698483

I can assure you everything you enjoy falls under the same umbrella of this evil "le company making le money" rhetoric you're trying to save us from

>> No.20698496

high effort bait if it is but i'll bite

its because i give 0 shits about corporation this or milking money that. i click on channel, i watch stream or vod. anime girl funny? i watch more. anime girl boring? i go elsewhere. member streams have something im into? i may buy. giving money of free will is different to being exploited in a parasocial rellationship which yes some definitely do but you can see that shit a mile away and if you dont like it find another channel

>> No.20698498

live in a pod and eat bugs*

i guarantee OP is a city commie who doesnt realize his entire existence relies on corpos getting shit done for money

>> No.20698515

>completely artificial streamers
care to extrapolate, OP?
again, expand why thats bad?
if an entity puts a lot of money into making a good product that appeals to me and they succeed, whats the problem?

you are asking "why", but you haven't put together a single good argument for "why not".

>> No.20698559

kys /pol/nigger

>> No.20698612

>a company pays money to research how to make the most appealing and enjoyable product possible, so therefore you shouldn't support it

>> No.20698614

You need to be 18 or older to post here.

>> No.20698700
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>> No.20698701

but but muh exploiting for moneys

>> No.20698758
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Hey man you can spend your money how you see fit, I'm all for freedom of choice, but even a "crypto bro trader" understands the concept of zero gain investments. You can throw less money to stripper and get better gains then superchating a Vtuber.
Technically a NEET if only by serving in the Military. Can't wait till actual poorfags/simps get TLAM'ed or domed with mk48 fire when supposedly the US military goes full globohomo, I'll be right at the front.

>> No.20698973
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I've spent a grand total of five (5) burgerbucks in the year and half I've been watching vtubers and they're still enjoyable for me.
Here's a protip: people that regularly spend money tend to be hardcore fans of a specific corpo. This is because they haven't reached out to other vtubers and are stuck with what they know. This is specially true for holofags, but applies to niji and other small corpos too.
I'd assure you if corpo viewers tried finding good indies for a day, they would instantly stop spending.
Many holofags say they already tried this, but what they meant is "I tried finding an exact copy of my oshi but didn't find one, all indies suck".

>> No.20698975

>Military cuck
Holy shit it gets even funnier

>> No.20699258

>Marketing research is LE BAD because... it is okay?

>> No.20699303

>muh evil corpos
>serves in the military

thats some pretty strong cognitive dissonance you got there anon, you should try /pol/ youll fit right in there

>> No.20699847

He is mad because he thinks our money should go to Israel instead of anime girls.

>> No.20700695
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Its not a donation I get value in entertainment or goods that I consider equal to or superior to the money I'm paying.

>> No.20702982

I don't give them money retard nigger, it's literally free

>> No.20703106

>money from you
But I'm a NEET who have never paid them anything. That goes for the majority of their fans, it's all free shit.

>> No.20703463
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I think OP is missing what is arguably the even worse thing:
People on this board are whiteknighting to defend their Friend Corporation (TM). They aren't just donating pocket change, but literal hours of their life. They've drunk the koolaid.

The Hololive vs Nijisanji tribalism is just another iteration of the Microsoft Fanboys vs Apple Fanboys, both are mentally ill people wasting their life defending a corporation trying to extract as much money as possible from them.

>> No.20703617

It's literally free almost daily content that makes me happy. A better question is why does that make you so unhappy?

>> No.20703916

3 years of Hololive and the only money I spent with them was giving Marine two month membership.
You are right tho, all they want is their fans money, but good luck convincing these "rich" retards.

>> No.20704042

>people on this board are donating
A very small percentage. Most vtuber fans aren't paypigs, most don't even watch streams and just watch clips.

>> No.20704274

Watching a 2view feels like eating a those organic food placed that don't even have credit card payment, you only do it for the insta not because the food is good

>> No.20704345

>I have a question why the fuck are you people legit eat burgers who's only existence is to extract money from you.
>Its not even some me (likely a tranny/troon) you are paying
>Fucking burger stop is a large corporation that continually STUDIES and actually pays marketing analysts big bux to promote burgers and insidiously find the right things to hook consoomers. You think its some coincidence that these burgers like the double decker have same general ingredients? They literally hire farms to supply cow meat and do focus groups to get consoomers and Americans to build their perfect burger. Case in point you paypigs DONATE MONEY TO A CORPORATION.

>> No.20704367
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didn't read lol

>> No.20704424

The most I even paypig is membering my oshi which frankly

5 bucks a month is nothing.

>> No.20704648
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>donating to millionaires

>> No.20704713

To be fair, people don't fucking get furious if you insult their favourite McDonalds product, they don't donate money to McDonalds Inc, and they don't spend literal hours of their life defending McDonalds on online forums, or smearing their competitors.

>> No.20704881
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>muh tribalism!
It has nothing to do with the corporation retard.
If 2 women are having an argument, and Woman A says Woman B's clothes are ugly, you think Woman B is suddenly bootlicking the corporation that made her clothes if she defends herself?

>> No.20704974
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link your yt or twitch and maybe people here will saviorfag

>> No.20705071
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My existence was not even my choice. I was brought on earth.

I pay to live every second of my life. This 'corporation is muhking muney of you~!' is meant to persuade me?

I buy to eat, I pay bills so I can shit, and wash my dishes, that I paid for, and I go work so I can pay for all I do.

I can't think of a single moment in my life that I haven't been a cuck. even right now, im a cuck to 4chan, im a cuck to this drama you created, im a cuck to lack of self control as I feel compulsed to respond to this bait thread.

everything I do is a failure. just let me enjoy my anime girls in peace. at least, Im not a cuck in fitting your world view of what a non-cuck does.

>> No.20705101

Your analogy just proves my point about having drunk the kool-aid. You're not defending someone insulting YOUR clothing. You're defending someone insulting a stranger's clothing. And not just anyone's clothing, the clothing of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world (Niji and Holo are the two largest corps in vtubing). Giant corporations will be okay even if you don't defend them on an online forum, anon.

>> No.20705166

who paid you to post this

please don't tell me you did it for free

>> No.20705188

its just a silly example but they will get furious if you insult (product). The only difference is that chuubas have a pay what you want by necessity since it would be infeasible to paywall this kind of content. OP reeks of the commie coping that is "YOU GIVE MONEY TO THE RICH CORPORATIONS IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS AND SERVICES BUT NOT TO MEEEEEEEEEEE"

>> No.20705273

Yeah, that would be dumb. Like someone creating 3-5 concurrent threads by hololivers shitting on nijisanji (or vice versa) for free. And spending more time defending/attacking them on said threads. Clearly the irony is lost here.

>> No.20705308
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>You're not defending someone insulting YOUR clothing. You're defending someone insulting a stranger's clothing. And not just anyone's clothing, the clothing of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world
Fucking kek

>> No.20705333

ok boomer
go donate more money to israel bootlicker

>> No.20705340
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I would but there's no way I can do a non-anime/vidya tuber channel about IRL scuba diving.
Though I would consider paying a model to cosplay as Gura and then dive.

>> No.20705691

It's because men naturally have an urge to support women. Supporting vtubers is far healthier than other forms this urge could take, such as being a sugar daddy or getting into findom. The healthiest form this could take is to support a loving wife, but we all know that's not happening.

>> No.20705812

You might have had a point if you were talking about some other company, or at least didn't use Korone for your post.
Maybe try watching a stream sometime, instead of talking out of your ass.

>> No.20705829

You must have missed when OP admits serving the Military industrial complex in this reply >>20698758, which makes him crying about muh corporations fucking hilarious as fuck, because he supports murder and weapon production

>> No.20705899

best post itt
OP is a hipster fag who doesn't even watch streams

>> No.20706055

Yeah, it's almost as retarded as using the analogy "Vtubers are my dress", or throwing out insults when you can't think of a rebuttal.
At the very least don't use such a normie TV show reaction image here, this is /vt/ not /tv/.

>> No.20706149

You see it is not doing the based thing like OP's employers serving the weapon manufacturing industry

Kill yourself Militarycuck, if you have
a girlfriend/wife, she is getting fucked as you are serving the interests of corporations that create weapons

>> No.20706436

>Supporting vtubers is far healthier than other forms this urge could take, such as being a sugar daddy or getting into findom.
OP supporting vtubers isn't healthier and is far worse then findom.
Findom there's a real whore actually scamming really pathetic people. Vtubers are managed and run by a generally large organization

tl;dr you are giving your money to pajeet, Wang or Satoshi. When they don't reply to your superchats they get audited on that and even written up.

>> No.20706574

Imagine defending findom and the military industrial complex to own the vtubers

>> No.20706697
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When I first discovered vtubers I thought "What? A corporation owns their brand and image? This is stupid, streaming is a new age entertainment, streamers are supposed to be free and independent, I'm not comfortable liking and supporting a fake character."

Now I understand and I'm glad that something like Hololive exists, I still think streaming should have nothing to do with corporations as a principle, but I guess Hololive is the exception, they do the right things with their power, they created this almost perfect little ecosystem of entertainment that couldn't exist without a corporation pulling the strings.

TL:DR; I don't like corpos but I kneel for Hololive specifically.

>> No.20707076

Anon posted this with corporation made device

>> No.20707354

>can't think of a rebuttal
Whatever helps to ease your dunning kreuger. This once I'll follow my conscience and bite: I could explain to you in detail why you're wrong, but the amount of energy and time it would take to drag someone unironically saying "these aren't your clothes, these are the corporation's clothes!" kicking and screaming back to reality is more than I care to expend.
It's like someone telling you, "The earth is flat" and asking you to prove them wrong.
Do they really deserve anything better than a normalfag reaction image?

>> No.20707633

don't care, the little boat next to my name is cute, and so is my oshi

>> No.20707885
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t. I fap to breastfeeding on twitch

>> No.20707924

Commies go back.

>> No.20707957


>> No.20708243

Not to mention the girls themselves are fake, asking each other on discord to retweet things and bitching behind their backs when they don't. If you think that's isolated to just western twitch streamers, you sadly don't understand women.

>> No.20714120

I have a handful of memberships. I view it just like any other subscription service such as Netflix or Hulu. These people provide a service I enjoy, thus I pay my monthly sub. If I no longer like them, I drop membership. It's that simple.

Fuck superchatting though. I don't need their validation, and they'll never know me personally

>> No.20714259

We live in a late stage capitalist hellhole, literally everything and everyone is designed to extract as much money from you as possible. Just do whatever you want, you're getting fucked by the corpos no matter what.
