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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20595930 No.20595930 [Reply] [Original]

Was Pururin the best choice? I would've gone with Ookami Blues to be honest

>> No.20596194

She can't sing Ookami Blues anymore. They copyrighted the song because of the animal academy anime.

>> No.20596422

I mean it was always from there
Isn't the main girl the one singing it?

>> No.20596548

Yeah Pururin was a good choice. A cover of Kiss Me would be great too but obviously copyright prevents that.

>> No.20596823

If she could have sang Kiss Me I'd be kneeling to cover eternally

>> No.20597371

It's kinda sad she hides behind meme songs because of her weak singing ability. I wish she'd be like Noel and just try.

>> No.20597461

She tries plenty of real songs, it's just that those are the ones she could never sing in an official live.

>> No.20597781

La Creatividad...
Tuvo que subir al escenario...
Y cantar sobre un flan...

>> No.20597885

I think she's said that songs aren't much of a priority for her to begin with so even if she could sing or had confidence in singing she wouldn't do it much

>> No.20597934

Absolutamente basada

>> No.20597971

>literally does karaoke every other day

>> No.20597985

I mean, whatever she felt the most comfortable with was the best choice.

She's not the best singer, even if she has soul according to teamates.

>> No.20597986

They'll force her into a unit for a song for next year's concert. Everyone in JP performed 1 unit song and 1 solo song.

>> No.20598022

Would've been funny if they lined all Myth into one day so they could sing Myth or Treat but they needed a way to sell the 2 days and splitting Myth between them was the best choice profit wise.

>> No.20598061

We all know this would be the song she would pick, if she could pick any song.

>> No.20598104

and yet she's not known for her music. Because she has the fewest cover releases and no solo originals. Think before you type another snarky reply

>> No.20598158

>Myth or Treat
You know they have a real original group song, right?

>> No.20598318 [DELETED] 



>> No.20598596

Because she's not confident in her singing you retard. Yet the frequent karaokes show that she enjoys singing. So she enjoys singing but isn't confident in broadcasting it without the "I'm just memeing" shield

>> No.20598743
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In an alternate universe
>Was Ookami Blues the best choice? I would've gone with Pururin to be honest

>> No.20598806

she didn't even try

>> No.20598831

Ame can like karaokes while not caring about music production, which is what I'm telling you.
She's only contributed to song releases with other people and hasn't pursued it on her own. She just does the karaokes because they're fun and good, easy content.
If she wasn't confident in her singing why does she have song releases? She's done them so she's shown she's capable of doing them, she just doesn't make music production a big part of her schtick.

>> No.20599160

I'm a nijinigger anti and i have to admit Amelia was the best act in the whole show.

>> No.20599269
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Music copyright was a mistake. I feel like Mumei is also gonna get hit hard by this when she gets 3d.

>> No.20599303

I love Ame too but cmon man. Marine, Suisei, and Moona were there too.
