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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20545032 No.20545032 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone pretending that their entire "live concert" is not obviously pre-recorded. AM I missing something? Hell during the songs it's kinda obvious that it's not even them doing the mocap during certain sections

>> No.20546029

wise words; Fake it until you make it

it doesn't really matter is it real or not;
if they are faking it, they will eventually get caught
if they are not faking it, the the weakest ones will get weeded out

either way, the model is unsustainable on long run

>> No.20546184

Dance is pre recorded, band is live, girls talking to the audience is live.

Literally just look at the video and pay attention.

>> No.20546226

what does it matter if its pre-recoreded or not honestly

>> No.20547907

because that's the whole fucking point of a concert, retard

>> No.20548051

me looking at the free stream on youtube made me realise that them talking is not live. It's so obvious

>> No.20548145

If people paid for a live concert and got pre-recorded dances, that's kind of shitty.
That said, I'm personally not watching and I don't know how it was advertised anyway, and how shitty it is depends a lot on that kind of stuff.

>> No.20548188

is that why cheering is not allowed? otherwise this shit gets exposed

>> No.20548230
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I wonder...
If nijisanji didn't cancel their event, will nijiniggers still this salty?

>> No.20548619

>is that why cheering is not allowed?
Mandated by the Japanese government because of the coof

>> No.20548850

Holy ESL
And with an image from a shit-tier show too
This would be finely crafted bait, if I didn't unfortunately believe it was genuine

>> No.20549053

You clearly haven't heard of Vocaloid live concerts

>> No.20549132


>> No.20549142

Pretty retarded restriction

>> No.20549373

Vocaloids aren't real people, there's no expectation it'd be truly live in the first place.
Holomem ARE real people AND previous concerts were legitimately live. If they changed from that policy without informing the people who'd be paying good money for it, that's anti-consumer.

>> No.20549560

/vt/ can't be this retarded... wait, it can

>> No.20549690

They weren't live, they never were.

>> No.20550094

Fuckin finally someone posts a link.

>> No.20550315

Nothing that would surprise me. Why taking a risk when they can play this safe?
Easy to tell that's prerecorded. Fans are happy and cash flow.

>> No.20550474

I've seen Holofans argue extensively that they were, and from the footage I've seen in the past I'm pretty sure they're correct (Since I would hope they'd be better choreographed if they were pre-recorded).

>> No.20550683


People didn't pay for a video on playback, they payed for a live concert.

>> No.20550710

>spins rat about it being preprecorded
>pics the group dance and song that had fuck ups in it
you aren't the brightest tool in the shed huh...

>> No.20550714

Luna being visibly tired af is proof enough for me. Singing is obviously the prerecorded part.

>> No.20550819

t. voices told me

>> No.20550835

Holy shit imagine being this serious

>> No.20550890


She's not visibly tired at all. Just because she takes 3 or 4 fake deep puffs of breath before going back to talking normal doesn't make her tired.

>> No.20550915

Somebody once told me

>> No.20550951

wrong, dance is live, song is pre-recorded. There's already been handful of choreography misses but even the girls that can't even sing properly in the comfort of their homes are hitting notes like divas

>> No.20551015

If your rival company is so good why aren't you watching one of your hundreds of talents instead of doing this? Think about it.

>> No.20551030

Live-band. Not to mention obvious mistakes in the dance and scuffed singing/rap parts(basically just mumbling. If this is pre-recorded then holy, I actually feel insulted to watch something so shit even though it was pre-recorded.

>> No.20551044
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>she takes 3 or 4 fake deep puffs of breath

>> No.20551122

You can do pitch correction live. It has been possible for years, it's not expensive technology for a company like Cover.

>> No.20551232

pretty much. the girls that can't sing and dance would just dance and lip sync. this common even in irl concerts. there are girls that do everything live like Suisei and Watame

>> No.20551436


>> No.20551585

>there are autistic girls that do everything live

>> No.20551786

This is more believable. I can't imagine Luna being capable of singing And dancing when jumping has her hyperventilating.

>> No.20551959

When Ina steps out and starts dancing amazingly you'll see how obvious it is they have hired dancers in the rig.
Even this simple dance Gura is doing now is too advanced for the real person to learn

>> No.20552106

just buy the paid Solo for Suisei and Watame and just for yourself poorfag

>> No.20552815

The whole point of vtubers is suspension of disbelief. It really doesn't matter if it's live or pre recorded.

>> No.20552837

Any criticism of Hololive comes from Nijisanji fans, obviously.
Yeah, that would make sense. I wouldn't find it particularly upsetting either, because as you said that's very common. And at least you actually ARE seeing them moving live then, unlike if it's fully pre-recorded.

>> No.20552890

I think it is the opposite, most should already know that it's pre-recorded for perfection lol

>> No.20553065

The imperfections are part of the point of concerts though. If you want perfection you'd watch an MV.

>> No.20553102

Wow the amount of fucking marks in this thread.
Of course it's all fucking pre recorded, there's zero reason for it to not be. You know how much money and stress you save by not actually having to coordinate and facilitate all these talents at the same time irl.
There's no reason not to fake it since there's no way to tell anyways, and we know cover has done recorded live shows before

>> No.20553488

It's very common in many Idol concerts. They value choreo and all of the girls do talk about their choreo lessons to back it up. Not much about their vocal lessons though but rather they would talk about their recordings.

>> No.20553778

plus the most of the EN/ID girls cant travel to japan still so there's no way they can be there live let alone even be able to perform it.
They just recorded the vocals in a studio in their own country and Cover did the rest in japan by hiring dancers for motion cap/animating

>> No.20555114

Of course the EN girls have to be prerecorded. But we both just watched Ina do a really simple dance with limited movement. I don't think COVER would use a dancer for something like that.

>> No.20555539

>there's zero reason for it to not be.
The fact that it's wrong isn't enough for you?
It's not like they HAD to advertise it as a live convert. Nothing stops them from advertising it as a pre-recorded show except that less people are willing to pay for that.

>> No.20556106

Exactly. And I would call they don't care about smaller goofs and inaccuracy. You see it so often that positions are not perfect in line (on every "live") and the movements are not perfectly synchronized and some or sloppy executed.
Why polish this to perfection? Nobody paying money cares. They pay money to see a performance and they get it.

>> No.20556937

>Why polish this to perfection? Nobody paying money cares
Then why wouldn't they do it live? It's the same result (i.e. a competent performance with some minor imperfections) without the risk of pulling a Milli Vanilli.

>> No.20557030

How does cheering slread covid? They're all wearing masks anyway

>> No.20557274

Probably makes scheduling easier and lets people still perform even if they're sick on the day of the event.

>> No.20557439

Holy samefagging

>> No.20557631
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>Why is everyone pretending that their entire "live concert" is not obviously pre-recorded. AM I missing something? Hell during the songs it's kinda obvious that it's not even them doing the mocap during certain sections
The life of a Nijinigger is to only ever shitpost.

>> No.20558286

Gullible masses want to believe that their oshis are really talented at dancing and singing, rather than it just being pre-recorded, programmed, autotuned.

>> No.20559872

>>20557274 and reduced risk overall. Why doing everything live, whey you could just play safe and play videos with the usual performance quality? We discuss it, but why? Just to point out, that Cover does a smart trick, saves stress and risks, and the paying crowd doesn't care.

>> No.20560787

Pot calling the kettle black

>> No.20564340

>pre-recorded (100%real) vs hiring a dancer
which is worse, sister? omfggggg

>> No.20569583

Same reason people go to festivals like Knotfest, they wanna see the band's talent live. They're going to a performance, not a fucking screening

>> No.20572497
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let me tell you about some fantastic words like "script" or "acting".

>> No.20572563

Prove it.

>> No.20572904

>miko and korone telling the audience to roll the penlight, suddenly stopping midway and calling out people holding up the penlight in the wrong section
yeah definitely pre-recorded

>> No.20574306

I'd like to add that the it was really noticeable which songs were prerecorded and live for Watame's sololive. All the dancing seemed live though.

>> No.20575273

Nobody does moth live well, even top kpop groups who are undeniably some of the best dancers/singers in the world will usually toggle off depending on the sequence.

I honestly doubt a single part of the holo concerts are live, especially not the dancing when the visual animation touchups on many of them are glaringly obvious. Their 3D tech is way behind so when you see the extremely smooth perfect animations on parts of the dances you can tell that that it was clearly edited or has a separate animation for it, and it was more obviously not live.

>> No.20575424
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>Why is everyone pretending that their entire "live concert" is not obviously pre-recorded. AM I missing something? Hell during the songs it's kinda obvious that it's not even them doing the mocap during certain sections

>> No.20575459

They weren't using in-house tech. They were using the same AR tech that did V-carnival and were using Bandai namco Live and Live forward for the tracking and studio. The effects were probably rehearsed but the dances all looked Live. The only thing you can say that was prerecorded was the songs themselves which is obvious.

>> No.20575475

Jp is all real
En is just prerecorded and hired dancers

>> No.20575539

Its still pretty telling when a model can't even wave without displaying jank, but perfect 360 cartwheels and complex choreography is perfectly smooth and animated.

>> No.20575584

Gaijins not allowed, desu

>> No.20575610

Of course it's pre-recorded. Otherwise, with the kind of tech they are using, it would be way too fragile. You would have people disconnecting and lagging all the time etc.

>> No.20575655

Only korone did a flip. That's not "animated". It was just tracked. There weren't any complex choreo at all. Did you even watch it? A lot of them were just walking to places and or were "dancing" in place. I think Korone and Subaru had the most movements but most were very simple.

>> No.20575686

>Did you even watch it
why would I do that?

>> No.20575687

>sing properly in the comfort of their homes are hitting notes like divas
They sing sitting or even lyong down and half-assing the job. It's a completely different effort when performing seriously.

>> No.20575719

It has been done before and by the same company even that provided them the AR tech. You can check their whole roster. Only the audio is recorded by the looks of it.

>> No.20575730

absolute state of nipplesanji

>> No.20575779

Yes all recorded and also they are all old men actually. They are use fake voices like hatsuni mico. Ask me anything about vtubers, I am an expert.

>> No.20575833

There's simply no reason not to pre-record everything. The result will look exactly the same to the audience, unlike a real concert. Imagine how much easier it would be to organize if you didn't have to think about timezones or lag. Did you see the KFP dance school shitshow?

>> No.20575878

Nah, it's much easier to dance live and lipsync. It's what every boyband/idol group does

>> No.20576339

If everything is prerecorded then they practically wated tens of thousands of dollars hiring live forward and bushido live and lategra. There is no need for an audience as well since they won't be able to see anything at all unless they hired the right people with the right tech to super project a recording. They should have scrapped the live band as well.

>> No.20576576
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>> No.20576660

To be fair, its not like people really care about the show itself at a concert. The band being there is really an excuse to get together with people who like similar things and enjoy the companionship.

People don't go to a concert for the music because its always worse than recording anyways.

>> No.20576732

People still go to hatsune miku's concerts and some even sell out on the other hand even if the dance is prerecorded the fan interactions are at least coming from a real person

>> No.20576736

Bro, singers IRL NEVER use phonogram.
Like never ever. Youve been bamboozled again and you like it ofc.

>> No.20576867

>mogged so hard he resorts to p-prerecorded
literally the same as playing so good people cry and moan hax on you

>> No.20576940

me when Im chinese

>> No.20579879
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>AM I missing something?
A brain. A heart. A sense of wonder.

>> No.20582217


>> No.20582373

>kinda obvious
he's doubting himself

>> No.20582680

I would also like to make a toast. To the Holofag. Who steals our lives, and steals our drive.

>> No.20582969

Maybe modern bands that rely on their engineer/producer to make a record for them.
Watch Carlos Santana mog the shit out of his sober self: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JaaT_HRb4GU

>> No.20583047

it's real to me..

>> No.20583080

Even /jp/ knows it's prerecorded

>> No.20583123

If it's prerecorded, how does the live band work? Everyone can see them there and they're obviously not doing nothing, you can see them play in sync with the music.

>> No.20583137

why are you so assblasted that some part of this publicity stunt is recorded to protect against fuckups.
the vtuber characters aren't real people either.
cover isn't marketting "the girl that voices oozora subaru", they're marketting the character "oozora subaru".
crypton isn't marketting "the woman whose voice was sampled for the hatsune miku vocaloid voicepack", it's marketting the character "hatsune miku".
this isn't rocket science, mister brainlet.
>m-muh autisms!
you're just as retarded as OP.
this, pretty much. live performances always come out shitty, and pretty much every serious musical performer hates them. fans are there for the cameraderie and validation of their tastes, and understand that *being there* as part of the horde is giving the performer validation of their career - even if the chuubas aren't performing everything completely live at something like this, the likelyhood is that they're still *present* and witnessing that, particularly if there's fan interaction stuff going on.

>> No.20583179

Seems like there's way more evidence that it's prerecorded than it's not prerecorded. I wonder why's that?

>> No.20583460

all 3d streams looks pre-recorded to me ever since okayu had technical dificulties during mogu mogu yummy release

>> No.20583521

See, since it's virtual, no audience interesting during songs, and the singing pre-recorded you could very well just play an holographic video and no one would be the wiser. Also, they did clear cuts between songs and MC segments.
So it depends on how charitable you are about their trustfulness.
But I don't the dancing was other people. To do that simple stuff is too much of a hassle to hire dancers, when the holos would be happy to do it themselves.

>> No.20583665

Never underestimate our detective work.

>> No.20583867

Same reason people will go to a miku concert when you they watch miku vids at home

>> No.20583924

i dont give a shit anymore since due to covid pre recorded concerts have became normal.

>> No.20583959

>too much of a hassle to hire dancers
much less hassle for pro dancer to do simple stuff than getting these streamers to rehearsal for real

>> No.20584001

Everyone here knows it's prerecorded except globalkids. They CANNOT afford to have a technical fuckup live. Nijisanji's live events which aren't prerecorded, tend to have these all the time. So while it's all fake, it's at least smart quality control and assurance.

>> No.20584105

So which holos fucked all the band members minus the bassist

>> No.20584236

Yeah I think pre-recorded is the only thing that makes sense to do. Otherwise you will have all kinds of technical problems which will kill the experience for fans. I don't think they have pro-dancers though, because they make these girls go to too many dance classes to do that, plus that would be an actual yab. No one cares that it has to be pre-recorded, but the girls not doing the dances themselves would be a betrayal. Since it's pre-recorded, I'm sure they get more than one take to get the dances just right, and that's why people THINK they have pro-dancers.

What I wonder is if the girls get to watch the fans from a stage perspective while they are performing and see the audience reacting to them. I hope so.

>> No.20584297

>Nobody does moth live well
I wouldn't say that. There's some that do live excellent. And I'm talking way beyond Hololive and idol standards.

>> No.20584517

I agree that it seemed prerecorded. I think it was still fun because the AR was kind of cool, and they had a live band doing all the songs. But I'm pretty sure last year's holofes wasn't prerecorded, and was better in some ways because of that.
I'm hoping they can do more live concerts with live audience interaction in the future.

>> No.20584822

? I'm pretty sure I'd be able to repeat all sections in 2 days and learn the whole set by a week. You know how long they had to prepare for one retarded dance? It's easy af

>> No.20584992

>Bro, singers IRL NEVER use phonogram.
They do, bro. Kpop idols are notorious for using it, Justin Bieber was caught lipsyncing. It's not too wild to believe that some Holos also lipsync. It's fine to believe that AND appreciate at the same time. In more casual circles this is called playback.

>> No.20585544

It's cope, anon.
I don't know I think there's a lot of good reasons for why it's this way and it's probably not because they don't give a shit or want to deceive anyone, I would bet they had a lot more problems with covid this time around than they did with 2nd fes, for one.
I was kinda disappointed that the ENs all looked like a MMD video but I'm pretty sure Gura is at least excited to see that happen for her, never mind an actual live dance performance.

>> No.20585673

>I don't think they have pro-dancers though, because they make these girls go to too many dance classes to do that, plus that would be an actual yab.
I would guess it's a case by case thing. Those who can't dance (for one reason or another) or who don't have access to the capture rigs in Japan are using hired dancers.

>> No.20586063

So they specifically hired an overweight dancer for Polka to do her patented “resting hands on phantom hips” move? Truly sinister

>> No.20586102

It's give and take. If it's prerecorded, everything can be controlled a lot better. The singing and instrumentation can go through production, it doesn't have to be in one take, and there won't be any weird mo-cap glitches so the dancing comes out a lot better. Of course, this also means it completely loses the live aspect of it. I think this matters if you're watching it live, but if you're just watching a stream on the internet I don't think anyone actually cares. I think Cover was just prioritizing the streaming experience over the live concert experience.

>> No.20587076

They just play along with the recording, what's hard to understand?
I remember Miku AR Live concerts having a live band too. Really sells the experience.

>> No.20587163

Because a true live performance has a authenticity that a studio recording can't capture, even if seen on a live stream. The fact that it's done right in front of you in one take is why a live show is exciting, and when the performer can pull it off it is very impressive. If it didn't matter then you might as well just go watch a music video on youtube. It's the same reason why singing streams are so popular.

The only thing live in this concert was the dancing, the MCs, and the band to a certain degree.

>> No.20587191

So does anyone unironically believe it's not prerecorded now?

>> No.20587266

Isn't it more likely that they'd just have one of the other girls do the dance rather than hiring someone outside of the company?

>> No.20587379

Can't the perfect "animations" be explained by mocapping? No need to animate if you can just use actual people/s movements.

>> No.20587464

There's literally no proof it's prerecorded

>> No.20587492

There's no definite proof either way but if you think about it for three seconds it becomes pretty obvious.

>> No.20587688

The industry standard is to prerecord everything and let the performer decide if it will be live or not right before the show. That's how real idols do it so I guess it's pretty obvious hololive did the same.

>> No.20587818
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I enjoyed the show all the same. That's what matters to me in the end.

>> No.20589092

Technically even if it's another one of the girls it's still a hired dancer.
Some of the motions are way too regular for it to be just normal mocapping, like they look less like natural movements and more like models shifting between keyframes. For example, if you've the VOD, look at Gura's arms and hands when she does her hand motions. Maybe they're doing some kind of interpolation/smoothing being done on the mocapping that results in that effect?

>> No.20589363

not a nijinigger but I can say that
>dance is pre-recorded
>dance is mocapped by paid actors
>half the talents are just housewives or neets anyway

>> No.20590435

Frankly I didn't see anything that looked live.
The motion of the 3D was smooth throughout which is indicative of prerecorded motion capture.
Not that I mind, it was very enjoyable and I would have paid to be there. They're virtual avatars anyway so it doesn't make much difference to me if the performances are live or not.

>> No.20590593

>Maybe they're doing some kind of interpolation/smoothing being done on the mocapping that results in that effect?
This is definitely my theory. The motion capture was all prerecorded and they smoothed it out to look nice on stage.

>> No.20590745

That's splitting hairs. There was live music so there's at least that. And nobody who paid to be there really cared if the performances were prerecorded or not.

>> No.20590999

This is mine too. Cygames is the AR provider, right? Have a look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTEMokbC6cg

>> No.20591079

There's no reasonable theory one could make to say that the ENs performed live, either in vocals or in dancing. The 3D motion was too smooth and too detailed to be live, especially given none of the ENs have access to anything more than an HTC Vive and some trackers.
Given that, I never noticed anything that would suggest any of the other vocal and dance performances weren't also prerecorded.

>> No.20591275

You have to be kinda dumb to think the ENs at the bare minimum were live.
And then because the EN performances blended in with the others so well that makes me think they're just all prerecorded.

>> No.20591311

the "v" in vtuber means "virtual" op.

>> No.20591636

Only people who paid can complain about it, and I'm sure you didn't pay

>> No.20592026

I would just be kinda sad if it was some thing where like they didn't even get to see the dances, like they were assured it would be there. My big fear is that they were basically kept in the dark on this stuff beyond the news of like "yup, this is happening, kinishinai yo" until it was done.

Maybe we'll find out more on the Gura watchalong on Sunday.

>> No.20592082

I'm struggling to understand what you're saying

>> No.20592201
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my wife Nene singed AND danced to her song live, I dare you to listen to it and tell it was not live singing, the part where she was with subaru and natsumi though, it was prerecorded

>> No.20594337

What are you having trouble with? I'm saying I'm afraid they weren't told or shown anything about what would be at holofes, beyond maybe shown some video of the animated 3d model.

>> No.20594673

Who is "they"?

>> No.20594733

Even if it is not live no one gives a shit nijinigger, hololive is loved because they know how to keep the fantasy

>> No.20594823

ENs? This isn't hard. It's in the post I'm replying to.

>> No.20594839

I thought the dancing was live since Nene made a mistake in chorepgraphy. Like haven't everybody seen it?

>> No.20594923

Yeah, I wrote that post you responded to, and even knowing know who you mean by "they" I don't understand your point. What do you mean EN was kept in the dark? What do you mean they didn't get to see the dances?

>> No.20594982

Anon, many in this thread aren't convinced they were even the ones dancing. It would be great if they were, though.

>> No.20595110

Okay, that's kind of a completely different subject from what you were replying to though.
The ENs weren't dancing live but I have no reason to suspect they used stand-in dancers

>> No.20595188

So their weekly dance lessons are just an excuse to fck their bfs?! Can't believe it!

>> No.20595990

>The ENs weren't dancing live but I have no reason to suspect they used stand-in dancers
There's a lot of reason to suspect that including the fact that all of them apart from Kiara can't really dance and don't appear to have any particular dances memorized or practiced. Even the deadass simple moves they were doing on stage require some amount of planning, coaching, and choreography. It's possible they rented out capture space for them, spent time in a capture studio, had someone from holopro coach/direct them and have them do dances, did multiple takes, etc. I would love it if they had done that.
However it's just as or more likely Cover/holopro just had someone local do all the mocap and dancing locally and just used their voices.

>> No.20596085

The dance moves they did are basic as fuck. A couple weeks of practice using a video reference is all it would have taken for the ENs to be able to record a decent take to send to Cover.

>> No.20596223

Haachama literally said in her segment with polka that she forgot there was an upper row in the audience because she can't see them, why are EOPs like this?

>> No.20596239
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ITT: Expecting imaginary cartoon girls to magically come alive with atoms and bits and celebrate their newfound independence with the most stank audience ever

>> No.20596672

Worked on holo stuff behind scenes last year. They do have pro dancers but aren't always used and the dancers try to coach the girl but will do certaie routines if needed like with onion being terrible dancer.

>> No.20596777

Ogey, proof retardchama

>> No.20596885

i believe the singing was prerecorded for some of the performances, the dancing was live for everyone with the exception of EN + ID which had both prerecorded singing + dancing

>> No.20596964

>trust me bro im totally legit

>> No.20596992

Not that stupid to give proof. It isn't a big deal anyway, there are a ton of behind the scenes tricks etc but it all helps make fun events. I spent most of the time stuck in unity anyway.

>> No.20597611

They had trouble with hare hare yukai and Gura's dance was at least as complicated with that.
Again, I would love it if I were wrong but I just don't think that's what they did.

>> No.20597821

you can't equate the kfp dance streams with a festival that they had weeks/months to plan, practice and prepare for

>> No.20599679

Anyone who watches karaokes streams is delusional if they don't think it was pre-recorded. Do people really believe they're actually better singers while dancing versus their regular karaokes? 75% of them had better singing peformances than they have ever given in a live karaoke. They must have all had a million singing lessons since their last singing stream.

>> No.20604764

lmao nipplesanji seethe

>> No.20612476

stonii is at it again

>> No.20613506

mocapping is what they normally supposedly do, and its not exactly easy to set up, hence its probably recorded.
most games for example mocap then do a whole bunch of touching up after the fact. the mocapping gives you the general motions in a natural way, while you need 3d animators in afterwards to make sure it looks good. the mocap by itself isn't perfect.

But you can really tell in the comparison between normal animations and the smoother ones.

>> No.20616448

Come on at least try to engage with actual arguments. The dances that Aqua performed for her solo concert were incredibly simple, seriously most of the “choreography” is dumb downed to fit the girls abilities. Ina was dancing in place, Noel was dancing in place, and most importantly Suisei’s singing performance was amazing but it came at the cost of simple dance moves.

>> No.20620214

because it's good, just sit back and enjoy it

>> No.20621186

Its amazing how salty the Nippleniggers have been these last 2 days. Constantly trying to throw shade at the biggest event in vtuber history.

>> No.20621753

>the biggest event in vtuber history.
It's the biggest Holofes yes, and I'm really happy for them because of that, but biggest event for vtubers in general?

>> No.20622035

>but biggest event for vtubers in general
Yes and it isn't even particularly close

>> No.20622088

No, you paid for a live event. I am now going to ruin your day by informing you that "live" in Japanese does NOT necessarily mean happening presently. It just means a stage event.

>> No.20622221


Does anyone really think these aren't pre-recorded dancers? You can't seriously think they do these complex, large floor plan show dances live from around the world.

Best case scenario it was recorded weeks ago but actually them, more likely it was recorded weeks ago and was someone else.

>> No.20622466

It was them and their skills match up perfectly with the dancing lesson streams that Kiara was doing. Watch streams. In those streams Gura wasn't up to the level of Kiara but was clearly a step above Ame and Ina and that is exactly how it played out during the show.

Gura has been doing her reps while Ame and Ina were very basic.

>> No.20622505

>complex, large floor plan show dances
Ina barely moved.

>> No.20623427

here's a faggot that understands how the world works

>> No.20625688

they talked about dancing live on twitter. Maybe they're lying, but I don't see why they would be. Maybe you haven't seen the dances yet, but they were all extremely simple movements for EN. I think they probably just danced live to prerecorded songs. The main appeal is showing off the 3D models, after all.

>> No.20627546
File: 95 KB, 209x242, ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Cover truly hires professional dancers, then why are holos always talking about dance lessons?
