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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20464946 No.20464946 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20465001

Can't wait for her to lose and cry about it

>> No.20465069

gonna get eliminated in the 1st round then

>> No.20465096

Holy shit

>> No.20465098


>absolute dogshit teammates

yeah shes gonna lose this shit mega hard then cry

>> No.20465156

she solo queued in diamond, it cant be worse

>> No.20465183

Why isn't Akutan the leader? She's clearly the best at the game. Is it because she's awkward about talking? I can imagine it being a problem if she's paired with randoms but not with Suityan and Twappers.

>> No.20465247

Couldn't you post in the already existing thread?

>> No.20465385

She has zero nada null leadership ability

>> No.20465420

But you can't fram kills and points from your fans during tournament.

>> No.20465691

NTA, I don't know what that thread is about but this one is about Aqua.

>> No.20465792
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She’s motivated anon

>> No.20465869

The leader doesn't need to have the best reflexes and aim, they need map awareness, confidence and communication skills.

>> No.20466111

just because someone is good at killing people doesn't mean she's a good leader, those are completely different skills

>> No.20466118

Towa is fine
Suisei can just be put on Gibby duty, just tell her when to bubble and ult

>> No.20466127

What do you expect? He rigs this for Holos so they won't end up with males on their team so dogshit teams is all she will ever get. They used to do the same for Matsuri until she complained enough to make them stop

>> No.20466238

Towa is garbage lol even Suisei has more potential if she starts playing as much as her

>> No.20466384

Suisei is absolute dogshit compared to towa

>> No.20466428

lmao in a tournament setting Towa is arguably the best holo, especially amongst the three.

>> No.20466481
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>shit teammates
They would lose but I'm still kinda excited

>> No.20466547

oh nyo the fagzokus are here

>> No.20466554
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Really looking forward to her mental breakdown on stream when she loses

>> No.20466750

In vsaikyo/CR cup, "Leader" is just the person who the organizers gave the privilege of creating the team. So basically, it only means that ShibuHAL invited Towa, who then invited Aqua and Suisei.

Somehow, I think she will regret it.

>> No.20466762

I'm sorry but what the fuck is suichan doing over there?

>> No.20466812

>I think this will be the first and last time I'll join a tournament!
why she say that, she gonna die!?

>> No.20466816

she'll try her best. She's there to fill the 3 points left

>> No.20466858
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*spits on you aquaschizo*

>> No.20466920

In this tournament, each player is assigned an amount of points and you can't go over 18.
Towa probably invited Aqua but then there's 3 points left and she can't ask someone too strong

>> No.20466931

She’s aquas meat shield

>> No.20466945

>Management enforced shitty teams
hmm I wonder why she wouldn't be enthusiastic

>> No.20466983

because towa and aqua have a combined points of 15 (nigger Hal should've put aqua at 9pts) so they can't get anyone good really

>> No.20467006

Who would you have paired Aqua with exactly?

>> No.20467025

What management? This isn't a hololive event.

>> No.20467040

Twap is a good team mate for morale which is what Aqua needs

>> No.20467046

Too bad her team is literally dogshit.

>> No.20467095
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Who's gonna win?

>> No.20467203

I think Matsuri can make hskw cum before Suityan can make Akwa cum.

>> No.20467263

Suisei's reflexes are good, her aim and situational awareness are ok. However her ability to stay focused and her tactical thinking are criminally awful. Her situational awareness means nothing when she consistently makes terrible choices in combat, her reflexes don't do anything if she makes the wrong choice or isn't calm, and she can't aim if she can't focus. If someone could beat some tactics into her head and teach her to remain calm she'd be good. They don't have nearly enough time to do that though.

>> No.20467320
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Let me guess, you're an ENfag who think the "higher ups" are in control of everything the talents do?

Nigger why would Aqua be 9 points? Astel was 10 points but negotiated with Hal by asking if he could be 9 points if he nerfed himself into playing only Mad Maggie.
According to Astel himself, Aqua is stronger than him, so if Astel was supposed to be 10, there's no way Aqua could be 9

>> No.20467364

Imagine they lose becuase suityan keeps flirting

>> No.20467435

But Suisei can make Aqua cum more often than Matsuri hskw

>> No.20467463

This totally looks like her being forced by them to be in the team to carry this 2.

>> No.20467567

Aqua is going to cry and it's because of Suisei Part 2

>> No.20467592

Towa just simply asked her if she'd like to play, but I bet she's too autistic to refuse

>> No.20467653

She was invited and had every right to refuse.
And if she was pressured into it, then maybe Rushia wasn't wrong about the Holobullying.

>> No.20467677

this is gonna be so fun i don't even care if they get raped in the first 10 seconds after dropping
can't be any worse than HPS

>> No.20467705

what was gorilla excuse to be another 9pts? hes pred

>> No.20467734

Weak rrat.
Towa is so influential she could've invited anyone in her team. The tournament is in 1 month meaning this is a huge commitment. There's no reason for Aqua who's supposed to be "so busy she can't stream" to accept if she wasn't willing to participate.

Plus Aqua already said on stream that she was invited multiple times before but always refused.

>> No.20467746

this is retarded. im better than suisei and im dogshit plat iv

>> No.20467797

Gorilla is 10 points, the 9 on screen was a bug.

>> No.20467817

Yeah I bet she could influence some men with her sloppy pussy but that's about it

>> No.20467877

>Check VSPO thread
>It's already full of tribalfags

>> No.20467885

Is Apex Legends a fun game to play solo? Is it better than PUBG?

>> No.20467991

there are males
this is a dating event

>> No.20468037

Anon, leaders are the ones that decide the teams...

>> No.20468100

Shes gonn get washed and shes gonna cry about it

>> No.20468146

>he doesn't know about the offpako orgy post tournament
>he doesn't know Aqua accepted Towa's invitation only because she wants to be dicked by Predator Gorilla and make future Apex pro players

>> No.20468163

it's pretty fun even alone. IF you can tune out the occasional toxic 14yos. if you played league or any other moba then you'll probably be fine.

if not, prepare to be stuck with 2 retards each game.

>> No.20468189

Most of Towas friends have their own team and Bora is dead.

>> No.20468254
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>this is a dating event
Yes. It's date between Aqua and Suisei with Towa as third wheel.

>> No.20468303

This is her 1st tourney so I'm lowering my expectations.

>> No.20468485

Win or lose, I will watch just for the interactions between the trio

>> No.20468540

He's 11 last time. What happened?

>> No.20468664

Regardless of the outcome, the board will be horrible.

>> No.20468673

Yeah, even Astel in that clip says he could probably win if it's a custom. Aqua is good but I hope her fans realize this will be different.

>> No.20468844

Aqua herself has mention before that team dynamics is different than playing solo so she is aware. As for the board, it will be horrible no matter what happens anyway

>> No.20468907

The FPS thread already got raided

>> No.20468945

#nigger bronies are truly a menace

>> No.20468973

Aqua must have bullied Towel into inviting her just like she bullied Rushia into leaving.

>> No.20469054

>Towa the well known choke artist
>Suzy "can't aim for shit"
Aqua will be salty as fuck if she takes this super seriously

>> No.20469085


>> No.20469106

>map awareness and confidence
Assuming you mean confidence of decision making, Aqua is far better at both of those than Towa

>> No.20469140

Tourney isn't the same as ranked even if ranked has everyone communicating together. Dudes like Faide/Timmy/Shiv and Aceu didn't stomp tourneys like they fans thought they would.

>> No.20469191

If we assume suisei will be on gib who will towa play if Aqua is ash?

>> No.20469202

Who the fuck did you want Aqua to play with?

>> No.20469203

I can't wait for her fans to harass anyone that kills her in the tourney.

>> No.20469215

t. plat 4 gamer

>> No.20469252

Astel was probably being nice. Imo his mechanical skill is better than hers but her game sense is a bit better when it comes to movement. Aqua's inability to talk to communicate is a far bigger detriment than Astel playing a meme legend

>> No.20469296

>source: the voices in my head

>> No.20469448

Aqua was the one who forced herself in the team.

>> No.20469727

It's a bit more difficult than casual FPS like battlefield/cod/halo but a lot easier and enjoyable to solo than really teamwork heavy FPS like CS, valorant, and Siege

>> No.20469871

>aqua forced herself into the team

rrat slained

>> No.20469931

Yea no, the circumstances that led to her breakdown at the end of THAT solomasters challenge are way different Aqua isn't Selen, you faggot.

>> No.20469950

>Gold IV
Yeah she's going to be a liability

>> No.20469996

Try Hard, Try Harder, and Towa

>> No.20470019

kys, schizo

>> No.20470094

It's literally the point you dumb tourist nigger

>> No.20470127 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20470145

don't interact with the schizo

>> No.20470169

and as a leader it is important to COMMUNICATE those awareness and confidence CLEARLY. Towa is the better communicator.

>> No.20470171

Holy based

>> No.20470250

Does Suisei have the mindset to be on gibby duty? I’m so used to twap on gib that I don’t remember who else she plays

>> No.20470368
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>> No.20470410

Suisei's try-hard autism will compensate for the ability she currently lacks.

>> No.20470490

She will use bloodhound

>> No.20470493

truly an underdog protagonist trait.

>> No.20470505

Is she any good? I'd be more confident if that slot were filled by say, Matsuri. Or even Nene who has immaculate aim.

>> No.20470585


Can't pick matsuri coz the team maxed at 18 pts, Towa (5), Aqua (10), Suisei (3)

>> No.20470588

anon, the point limit is 18. She's on the team precisely because she's not very good

>> No.20470613

she jus has to try and stay alive and dome/ult whenever towa tells her. Her being towas gibby puppet is the most useful thing she can do

>> No.20470631

Her reflexes are good, her aim is fine and shows improvement, almost everything else is bad.

>> No.20470643

Yeah but she doesnt know strats. I wouldnt be surprised if Towa is the "leader" but just does whatever Aqua suggests

>> No.20470647

implying Matsuri would abandon her chance of interacting with Hoshikawa

>> No.20470687


Nene never reached minimum rank for Tournament so she can't joined (minimum is gold, i think?)

>> No.20470691

Aqua said wanted to play with Sui

>> No.20470729

Does this mean we have a chance of Aqua vs Selen in the future?

>> No.20470768


>> No.20470770


Sui and Aqua said this is their last tournament they will ever joined, so no.

>> No.20470776

Suichan is there so people like me will actually watch the tournament

>> No.20470790

Yeah, "wanted" the same way every asian corporate pawn "wants" something

>> No.20470803

is it possible to not reach gold?

>> No.20470834

Matsuri is worth almost as many points as Aqua in this tourney even though she's arguably worse than Towa lol

>> No.20470860

>almost everything else is bad.
This will definitely trigger Aqua's autism and she will need to take a sabbatical from Apex again.

>> No.20470885

This is the same girl that rubbed baquas legs for no reason

>> No.20470910

matuli is master now huh

>> No.20471004

"""Master""" aka the equivalent of Mercy being carried by her cracked team in Overwatch

>> No.20471006

Bloodhound duty most likely. It will probably be
> suisei bloodhound
> towa gibby
> Aqua ash or horizon

>> No.20471029

do you think 3.333 sui-chans will win vs an onion?

>> No.20471071

only if you don't play, reaching gold is really just a function of play time

>> No.20471073

introverts are so fucking easy. show them the tiniest bit of affection and they fall for you.

>> No.20471131

>ITT: people who have no clue what vsaikyou is or how it works

>> No.20471146


>> No.20471151

kek this will be fun. let's see how strong hololive solo master is.

>> No.20471160

>t. doesn't know what vsaikyou is or how it works

>> No.20471238

aqua is gonna kill matsuri's team and teabag them

>> No.20471397

That’s so hot

>> No.20471419

it will be hilarious if their landing zone is beside vgorrilla. I always thought suisei would end up raped by a gorilla. just not this one

>> No.20471446
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I mean several kind anons tries to explain it. And there's you.

>> No.20471462

>raped by gorilla
thats the whole reason they entered

>> No.20471581

That seems likely. Scan bot duty is a lot more forgiving than gibby duty. Aqua could play wraith too for the most standard comp.

>> No.20471627

How is Suisei regarding FPS?

>> No.20471655

I feel like Suisei can get pretty good if Aqua helps her practice, even plat/diamond level by the tourney.

>> No.20471713

2 years of apex has her highest rank be gold IV

>> No.20471764

Well that's better than Ame

>> No.20471803

did aqua ever collab with anyone in apex except for suichan? was there ever another choice?

>> No.20471860

So the rule is 18 pt, I presume. What's Ollie's count? Or Fubuki?

>> No.20471877

Bad, not good, makes poor decisions on a regular basis. Will pursue targets into small rooms when she has grenades. Her aim is fine if she practices, and her overall reaction speed is good.

>> No.20471923

>Even in a Shibuhal event Hololive is grabbing all the attention

>> No.20471930


>> No.20471934

Funny how Tetris skill does not transfer over

>> No.20471937
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RPR next year

>> No.20471947

>hoshikawa and matuli on one team
Get ready for the menhera meltdowns

>> No.20471978

Why the fuck it would
Does your masturbating skill transfer to not being a retard skill?

>> No.20472003

Well well well we will have some good vtuber torneys next year.

>> No.20472006

Want him to fight that gorilla

>> No.20472026

Can't wait to watch! Oh...

>> No.20472031


>> No.20472048

To be fair, it's not like Suisei ever played to get better. She'll probably go try hard mode now.

>> No.20472067

so he is ollie's v-brother. when he enter the tourney ollie is gonna be one of the teammates.

>> No.20472106

Bet you didn't know about the apex sex server

>> No.20472129

>HSKW, Matuli
Will whoresikawa let matuli fuck her if she can win her a round?

>> No.20472162

100%, we know that Suisei has a fast mind. So, she has that. As for other skills required of FPS, she lacks some of that on the account of other posts on this thread. All she has to do is get a brush over on FPS tactics. How much prep time is available anyways? (Factoring out Holo Fes)

>> No.20472175

she'll allow her to give her pussy one singular lick through a piece of cardboard

>> No.20472185
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I'm rooting for my king

>> No.20472212

Harambe said that when you have 11 points you can only invite 2 gold players and claims that it's very hassle and too much obligation to babysit and teach them. So she convinced Hal to lower his points

>> No.20472257

towa and aqua will tell her what to do so she will do ok

>> No.20472266

yo he got a good team, dudes gonna be swimming in pussy. ipn will be so mad

>> No.20472350

you can't micromanage everything...

>> No.20472541

During the tournament, absolutely not. Some game sessions will be in order. If necessary, field the team against another group of three Holomems (Fubuki, Ame, Ollie) for practice sessions.

>> No.20472576

fucking rigged gorilla should commit to a meme like what astel is planning or else this is just bias for him

>> No.20472895

Then explain it, you fuckhead

>> No.20472959

Someone....save the FPS thread....

>> No.20472981


>> No.20473257

>Check last thread
>The second they see Onyan the nijiniggers jump out
They caused it

>> No.20473330

niji tribalists cry out in pain as they strike you

>> No.20473375

Only partially.
Ozymandias' empire was turned to dust.
Ibrahim's lore is that he's an oil baron whose business went south, but he was able to make it again by investing in hot springs.

>> No.20473387

I'm not who you are responding to but if it helps.
Vsaikyo is a vtuber only apex tournament organised by Shibuya hal. Players are assigned point values based on their Apex rank and Hals judgement. They must not exceed 18pts
The tournament consits of a week of practice scrims followed by the actual tournament itself which is five rounds.
Teams are assigned a landing position on the map they must land each map.
Scores are a mix of placement and kill points.
Thats the basics. correct if I messed anything up

>> No.20473442

They really should've put Choco with them, at least Choco plays regularly

>> No.20473494

Why are there so many nijinipples in it?

>> No.20473555

it's going to be pretty much unusable untill the tournament and a few weeks after.

>> No.20473579

It's worth adding how the teams were built: ShibuHAL invited the team leaders, who then went on to invite their team members.

>> No.20473602

i'm as good as suisei!

>> No.20473613

If Aqua loses like a bitch I'll spam the board.

>> No.20473685

A lot of NijiJPs like playing Apex and theyre quite good at it. Gotta remember there are also about as many vtubers in Nijisanji as in every other JP vtuber corporation combined so it makes sense they'd be largely represented.

>> No.20473757

There are tons of them and lots of them are middle of the pack, so they easier to pick without going over point limit.

>> No.20473819

niji has alot apex specialists. there is often more holo/stars teams. Roboco,fubuki,ayame, shion and choco and several holostars have participated in the past. Inies are up to team leaders and they all play together behind the scenes regardless of company

>> No.20473864

Got lost on her way to a tetris tournament clearly

>> No.20474324
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I boy, I can't wait for her to constantly leave Toaw and Sui behind as she tries to solo everything

>> No.20474418

Did you just wake up from a coma or what?

>> No.20474467

This is going to end up like Suisei/Kanata and Aqua will stop talking to Sui-chan after the tournament

>> No.20474556


>> No.20474600

Gibby is not newbie friendly. Also Towa is garbage. Her confidence is shot from playing with pros.

>> No.20474674


>> No.20474717

Okay what happened between Suisei/Kanata?

>> No.20474780

>if Astel was supposed to be 10, there's no way Aqua could be 9
Rank and tourney play are completely different. Also Aqua is accustomed to solo play. She'll get better overtime but is in no way comparable to people like Astel or Reid.

>> No.20474790

nothing. Just rrats. Don't reply to the schizo

>> No.20474901

Kanata chimped out towards Suisei in marika because Suisei told her to 'git gud'

>> No.20474915

You literally just answered yourself. The tournament is in a month and there's a week of scrim planned. How the player will improve during this month is taken into account and it won't take Aqua too long to get used to teamplay.

>> No.20475683

it's inevitable and i'm all for it

>> No.20475795

Nah. They're underdogs this time.

>> No.20476125

to be fair, timmy still fried in algs despite dropping out

>> No.20476307

horizon is literally useless in tourneys

>> No.20476929

If these retards have 10 or 9 points, how many would Timmy and RPR have?

>> No.20477141

Horizon is an ok pick, just very map dependent. She's not as versatile as a valk/ash/wraith pick but she's still a legend that Aqua is very comfortable playing.

>> No.20477209

> vgorrila also join the competition
> matsuri join other team
> shit teammate

She is beyond fucked

>> No.20477259

I'm pretty sure they'd still just get 10, because if you went any higher than that you're basically pairing them with 2 golds at absolute best

>> No.20479053

>matsuri join other team
But that's a good thing.

>> No.20479151
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>> No.20479728

why would she cry?
also watch streams retards

>> No.20479785

she explained how it went down on stream
watch it

>> No.20479831

This is your mind if you are a low T male everyone.

>> No.20480035

I'm slightly bothered that 6 spots were filled by completely new vtubers from ShibuHal's organization.

>> No.20480117

Where can I find all the teams

>> No.20480159
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>> No.20480220

Yeah she used to do a lot of collabs but then stopped

>> No.20480260

I didn't knew Suipiss played apex

>> No.20480345

Every Japanese female plays APEX

>> No.20480626

why would you be? It's his tournament, and it's not like they are exactly overflowing with participants. Two of the slots are still empty

>> No.20480667

how are landing positions determined?

>> No.20481343


>> No.20481663

boy you have homework.

>> No.20481757

She didn't stream for well over a month to practice for an Apex tournament? That hardly seems worth the absence.

>> No.20481965

>throwing by adding gibby to the team comp

>> No.20481999

Doesn't seem to affect you considering you don't even watch streams when she does.

>> No.20482016
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>aqua watame fubuki collab

>> No.20482690

maybe if you had youtube you would know

>> No.20483165

To be honest this line-up might actually have surprising results. Towa with her past experience, decision making and leadership. Aqua with her pretty decent mechanical skills and movement. Suisei with her grit and mental strength, no doubt her desire to git gud will be in play.
From what I can see, Suisei is definitely the weakest link being "3 points", so it depends on how much she can improve to boost the overall team power. From what I know, she doesn't play FPS, let alone much APEX so I actually think there's a lot of room for improvement with actual training and practice.

But overall I don't see any chance of them winning no matter what, other teams are just too cracked.

>> No.20483925


>> No.20485147

aqua got to masters by being a rrat god. she can easily just let her whole team die and rat in some corner and get pretty good placement

>> No.20485280

>aqua got to masters by being a rrat god
You didn't watch her solo master grind at all.

>> No.20485442

>aqua got to masters by being a rrat god. t. tourist

I wouldn't even tell you to go watch streams, please just gtfo instead lol.

>> No.20485499

he said himself he will not join an tournament like this because he is literally a pro.

>> No.20487613

Do you guys think Aqua will pop off when she kills Shiina?

>> No.20487900

Anyone got a list of Holo members and their best (or current) Apex ranks.

>> No.20488032

Seriously, Aqua/Matsuri/Towa is not even an unfair team. Everyone knows the menheras get carried by proplayers all the time.

>> No.20488348
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>> No.20488696

Me, my wife and my retarded daughter

>> No.20488883

And I'm the pillow.

>> No.20488923

heh, I'm the bed

>> No.20489150

If I remember right, Aqua-chan rarely joins APEX tournaments (?) so it's nice to see her take part in one.

And given that it's an all-Hololive team, then this should prove to be plus points for Team Holo / Cover.

Granted, I don't expect them to win given the tough competition (e.g. Gorilla, Kanae, Kuzuha, Ibrahim, Niji-All Stars.......or anyone from VSpo who lives and breathes APEX all-week)...........but I hope all three of them will have fun

And Aqua may have a reputation for being a bit of a crybaby........but I hope she will have fun with her Hololive team-mates regardless of the outcome.

On another note:
-Reimu Endou from NijiEN is joining........and she is teaming up with Sumire Noah (from Vspo). Wow, this is going to be her first APEX tournament.
-Team 2,9 and 12 are Nijisanji All-Star teams
-I wonder if Team 15 can be a VSpo all-star team (e.g. they can team up with either Runa or Nose or QPI or Mimi)


>> No.20489214

This is like watching your daughter grow out of her shell. I will cheer on you onion chan

>> No.20489689

No way they let qpi or runa on that team. Would be a fun team though.

>> No.20489721

Best ranks:
Aqua - Master
Matsuri - Master
Towa - Dia 3
Ayame - Dia 4
Roboco - Plat 4
Choco - Plat 4
Fubuki - Plat 4
Shion - Plat 4
Korone - Gold 4
Suisei - Gold 4
Anyone else never really played ranked

>> No.20490066
File: 2.94 MB, 2560x1440, VSPO ALL STAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see..........but who else from Vspo can fill in the space?

Is Nazuna Kaga already part of a team? (I couldn't see if her pic is there on that list)

>> No.20491322

Imagine not watching that KINO challenge

>> No.20491493

Nazuna is on team 14 with Hinano and Miyako

>> No.20492686

Why is Selen so cringe? She was nervous as fuck while 3 stacking to Masters, sounded like she was going to throw up. Meanwhile Aqua was still fucking around and doing weird meme pushes for stream content even in Dia 1 while soloing. Aqua is ice cold compared to Selen.

>> No.20492893

>Korone - Gold 4
>Suisei - Gold 4
Given the choice between these two, I'd pick Suisei as well, 'cause she's a try hard. A month's time should be enough for preparation.

>> No.20493133

that's a cool way to do it. to keep it balanced.

>> No.20493256
File: 228 KB, 1428x800, ss (2022-03-19 at 07.04.38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything under Plat 4 is "scrub category".
Last tournament, Astel partnered with Choco and Rocobo for a 16 points team

>> No.20493519

I have a feeling Scarz is going to kick him from the team (soon). He seems more interested in VTubers than playing competitive.

>> No.20493654

Aqua is Suisei's cumpet.

>> No.20493661

Ironically Aqua achieving Master ends up as a handicap due to this point system.

>> No.20494433

ESA and C9 play Horizon in ALGS retard

>> No.20495151

No, no, the tournament is in a month from now.

>> No.20495774

If I was global elite on CS GO, how long would it take for me to get Master on Apex?

>> No.20496515

Shion if she wasn't depressed.

>> No.20496536

it's okay suisei will train

>> No.20496916

Shion probably doesn't want to do another after the last one. I don't think she had a lot of fun, and she's the type who will only do something if she thinks it will be fun, competition has nothing to do with it.

>> No.20497021

This team is literally Pastel Sour+. How is it bad?

>> No.20497684

Yes, it will. Tournament/comp play is radically different from regular gameplay and it will take multiple months to actually get used to it, especially so for someone as shy as Aqua that has basically never done on-coms teamplay or had a shotcaller.
It takes a lot of practice to either shotcall or actually trust a shotcaller enough to just instantly do what they call in the critical moment esp when those calls go completely against what you would do in a normal lobby/ranked.

>> No.20497796

You're obviously pretty damn good at FPSs, so not as long as other people, but at the same time starting Apex from scratch is difficult since the playerbase is so sweaty and its also a completely different game from CS in pretty much every core aspect, from movement to shooting to TTK, so its hard to say.

>> No.20498285

good to see fags from that discord are still active and seething

>> No.20498685

Believe in the comet

>> No.20498721

The level of the tournament isn't that high. There is definitely space for Aqua to just roll a lot of teams with her mechanics

>> No.20498978

sure, she just needs to brush up to catch years of tournament experience some of the players in this tournament have in a few weeks...

>> No.20499289

Holy fuck, Aqua does bring out the worst schizos out. Go back to your underwater shit cave niggers.

>> No.20499392

Gib is pretty much mandatory for tournament meta, when you have 12+ teams alive in fucking round 4 and cover is scarce.

>> No.20499532

if you can get a good teacher probably really quickly, a lot of the game is knowledge

>> No.20500464

It's not that difficult since apex can allow natural talent and skill to overcome knowledge check. There's someone more experience on the team making the calls as well so a lot of "meta" knowledge such as rotation can be handled by another player.
I'm sure Aqua was already Master in another account prior the master stream run. The apex circle in vtubing is pretty close so she wouldn't be able to sandbag her rank report even if she had another account off stream.
