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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2037778 No.2037778 [Reply] [Original]

How would you feel if you were told to take down your whole HoloEN arc just because ENMA is a a fucking BITCH.

>> No.2037831


>> No.2038146 [DELETED] 

I hate EnMa for kicked her out of the EN server, but I think Red Heart was one thread too many for Chammers. She ended that stream with “idk” on screen and in the chat, plus I don’t think she wanted to make it canon that Haachama is a smelly pet the gets stepped on.

>> No.2038312 [DELETED] 

I will always hate EnMa for kicking Haachama out of the EN server and blocking the Gura collab. After watching today’s stream I think ‘Red Heart’ was one loose end too many for Chammers. She ended the ‘EN Debut 2.0’ stream with “idk” on screen and in the chat. Plus I don’t think she wanted to make it canon that Haachama is a smelly pet the gets stepped on.

>> No.2038358 [DELETED] 

I will always hate EnMa for kicking Haachama out of the EN server and blocking the Gura collab. After watching today’s stream I think ‘Red Heart’ was one loose end too many for Chammers. She ended the ‘EN Debut 2.0’ stream with “idk” on screen and in the chat. Plus I don’t think she wanted to make it canon that Haachama is a smelly pet that gets stepped on.

>> No.2038392

"Red Heart" was probably one of the last minute ideas she had that she didn't know how to execute properly and decided to just erase it

>> No.2038413

I will always hate EnMa for kicking Haachama out of the EN server and blocking the Gura collab. After watching today’s stream I think ‘Red Heart’ was one loose end too many for Chammers. She ended the ‘HololiveEN2.0’ stream with “idk” on screen and in the chat. Plus I don’t think she wanted to make it canon that Haachama is a smelly pet the gets stepped on.

>> No.2038468

Sorry for deleting that while you were responding I just wanted to get the title right. It’s “HololiveEN2.0” not “EN Debut 2.0” which is what I wrote by mistake.

>> No.2038503

I will always be thankful to ENMA.

>> No.2038512
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We could have gotten this. Instead we get the stupid ending we got. Red Heart is dead. All because of stupid Enma.

>> No.2038524

It was probably just because she used that model by mistake during the ‘Horror Contest’ stream, so she tried to make it fit the narrative after the fact.

>> No.2038606

It was refreshing for her to break character. Instead of giving the Reddit crowd what they so desperately wanted, legitimacy for their stupid memes. No seiso Haato for you, next!

>> No.2038668


>> No.2038720

I don't want seiso haato. I want ENGLISH SPEAKING RED HEART.

>> No.2038759

>Red Heart
Who the fuck is the 4th one?

>> No.2038791


>> No.2038824
File: 301 KB, 319x240, 8FE4D40D-A927-4F3F-A138-67DE53EF9D87.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really want to laugh, go read the chat during the 2021 ‘autopilot Haato’ streams. They were screeching at people for mentioning Haachama.
>Shut the fuck up! Don’t ruin it, this is the real her!!!!

>> No.2038855

Enma carries Hololive on her strong but feminine back

>> No.2038881

The haato vs haachama fanbase war was the real kino along the way

>> No.2038885
File: 173 KB, 1034x1197, 34C4EA73-49ED-48D6-844F-865E07A14C7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are like 53 English streams of Haachama, the only difference is the name. Red Heart was pretty cool tho.

>> No.2038898

>forgot no-name

>> No.2038910

I agree
After that whole ordeal, I'm down for moving away from horror as is, regardless of any rules
It's a thing anyway that works in bursts better imo, instead of milking it

>> No.2039016

She gets to walk away unscathed, with a ton of China IPs banned from chat. They were incoherent and pissed, fucking little emperors. I guess eating gutter oil your whole life fucks up your brain.

>> No.2039053

No-name is Red Heart. She just decides that is her name after asking chat later on the stream.

>> No.2039145

Just like that one schizo here on the boards saying that he was superior because he was an older fan and the arc was bad. He's probably on suicide watch right now

>> No.2039191

>China Gutter Oil
For educational purposes only.

>> No.2039212
File: 17 KB, 1170x250, Trending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chammers was trending.

>> No.2039244
File: 881 KB, 297x277, 4B5BA73F-351A-4C19-8492-11E5BCACF8DB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Happy Haachama Noises

>> No.2039263

who is enma

>> No.2039267

Never doubt the strongest Idol

>> No.2039320


>> No.2039363 [DELETED] 

En(glish)Ma(nager) she gets paid to say no to anything fun.

>> No.2039379

Gottem. Daily reminder not to spoonfeed when you can literally just google it

>> No.2039409

Why would you stunt people's mental development like that, they could've just googled "Enma hololive"

>> No.2039449
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>> No.2039495

I will delete it for the sake of future generations.

>> No.2039506

The next story arc will center around the Tower of Babel as a metaphor for her struggles with Enma.

>> No.2039538

The manager for Ina and Gura, and /vt/'s boogieman, who they blame for literally every single bad thing, even if (or fuck it, ESPECIALLY if) it makes no sense.

>> No.2039573

They really fucked up by not letting her join the EN Minecraft server, she is probably the best person you could possibly have in your server.

>> No.2039624

EnMa is the reason for the “Bye Bye” stream. Unforgivable.

>> No.2039631

I still don't understand why she was kicked out of the server though. Not just her but Pekora needs permission to even do shit there. Haachama wasn't even doing anything absurd in EN, just upgrading their technology really.

>> No.2039661

Good joke.

>> No.2039762

New Haachama marshmallow. Post your questions quick.

>> No.2039777

Enma is a fucking zhang.

>> No.2039854

What the fuck are you guys talking about, why is everyone blaming Enma for literally everything if this is all just speculation

>> No.2039909

Kiara didn't know if she could even go to the JP server without a collab. idk what the fuck management is thinking with this types of restrictions.

>> No.2039939


>> No.2039946

all cover managers are single digit IQ retards, but fuck enma especially.

>> No.2039981

If Enma didn't have a stick up her ass we'd have a Carlie collab.

>> No.2039987

It could all have been solved if they fucking made their homes in the JP server.

>> No.2040006

It's not just Emma, it's the whole management philosophy EN has. I think giving EN autonomy over the main branch is just stupid because they can simply be a bunch of douchebags if they want to. It creates unnecessary bureaucracy between the girls and make things as a whole feel much more unnatural because you have to go through all this bullcrap to interact with your overseas colleagues, just to risk being canceled like Haachama.

>> No.2040078

Kiara had her channel terminated twice and Suise was demonetized a month, EN having autonomy has nothing to do with the risk of being cancelled.

>> No.2040200

The story then was they wanted to play during the collab ban, didn't make sense but now we know en management decided to make the collab ban a complete interaction ban

>> No.2040218

Sorry, I meant to say "cancelled" by the EN management. Has nothing to do with what you wrote.

>> No.2040395

EnMa and needless bureaucracy also ruined this

>> No.2040693

She's a hot retard, tho.

>> No.2040850


>> No.2041414

Always funny how Enma gets all the flak while Jenma and J-Chad are ignored.

>> No.2041488
File: 8 KB, 239x211, images(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jenma is our angel. Everything good comes from her and everything bad from Enma.

>> No.2041628

Doesn't cover have a policy of same sex managers because of the Mel harassment incident?

>> No.2041629

Anon J-chad has to tard wrangle Mori. She's a hero.

>> No.2042328

Jenma genuinely is nothing but supportive and there is ZERO evidence that she has ever restricted Kiara with bullshit Nazi rules

>> No.2042976

The first name these retards heard takes blame for everything, regardless of if they had any say to begin with. Why? Because nu-haatons are /b/tarded. Room temp IQ doesn't allow for more than blind shitflinging.

>> No.2043853


>> No.2044052

Tell me, why is it Enma then? Because all i have seen to this point are rrats with no substantial source, why is it that Enma gets the first blame and not some higher up from Cover thought that Haato was too much of a loose canon after her trip to Australia?

>> No.2044161

Makes sense since Enma was the first one personified and we didn't really know at the time that there were 3 EN managers. Heck, even now there's people who still don't know that there's 3 EN managers.

Also easier for folks to blame a personified manager than take the reasonable approach that any weirdness involving the EN branch are most likely orders from higher up in the management chain.

>> No.2044192

t. Enma
Thanks for nothing

>> No.2044640

Sorry, you're on the rrats and delusions website, you need to go back for the facts

>> No.2044736

I get that she tried different things and i respect her for it but jesus christ, her new content attract the one of the worst kind of fan and it really shows.
>Haato abused the EN tag, went on schizo arc with worrying imagery that could harm the brand and herself
>Some fags from Cover made a decision to control her content before things go out of hand
>Haato came back
Why are nu Haatons so retarded? And why is Enma living rent free in their head? If they are so sure that Enma is this villain that controls everything and goes out of her way to restrict Haato, why can't they provide any sources but rrat?

>> No.2044945

why can't you tell the difference between hype, shitposting, and false flagging? If you look on the side of your post and don't see arrows you got lost and wound up on the wrong website

>> No.2044976

Nobody cares you little bitch, the hate can't hurt her

>> No.2045583

Source for those claims?

>> No.2045634

Thank you anon! You're doing your part

>> No.2045993

first, enma would have to be relevant.

>> No.2051564
File: 171 KB, 1980x1080, Hachaama 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let them fruitlessly hate on some enigmatic management figure, watching them throw a tantrum in vt and get manipulated by the chinks was pretty fucking funny. EN management kicking out the esl numberfag is one of the only good things they'e done.

>> No.2052354

Because I wish to live in a society where Chama is know as a God Queen and has the world bent to her command. Therefore any resistance is blasphemy.

>> No.2053194

I don't like that people made her a "character" so quickly. She's no A-chan.

>> No.2053421

Her new content is for younger viewers. If you're old, like at least 23 and up, you just have to accept that.

>> No.2055727

Enma lives rent fucking free in your heads holy shit

>> No.2056303

Don't you have a global thread to guard, enma?
