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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20368592 No.20368592 [Reply] [Original]

I was an anti ever since the Connor incident but it's obvious that she contributes to the unity in Myth and without her the gen wouldn't be complete. For now I kneel.

>> No.20368677 [DELETED] 
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Nice try cuckbeat.

>> No.20368733

>saying this right after her TTS shit
at least be more organic about it

>> No.20368855

Based schizo

>> No.20368917

first thing she did is fingerfuck

>> No.20369380

Nah, had to pause the stream when she paraphrased about cocks for a solid 30 seconds

>> No.20369486

this proved that Mori is just a Vwhore in the wrong place, just quit and join melody on chaturbate already.

>> No.20369540 [DELETED] 

nice try cuckbrap

>> No.20369766

I like all the girls, but i don't understand /vt/'s take on them. A lot of people hate Mori and want to see her gone, yet you fail to realize she is a very important piece of the myth group.
Ina, on the other hand, could graduate tomorrow and there would be next to none impact in myth as a whole.
Mori is one of the EN talents that bring the most to the table, yes she goes a bit overboard sometimes, but you fail to see how myth would crumble without her.

>> No.20369944

she needs to stop hitting the lean and SHUT THE FUCK UP and let Kiara have her one stream she wanted desperately for like a year and a half

>> No.20371146

She was playing the good buddy role to Gura and pampering her all the time. That's why omega couldn't discharge Mori. Poor shark needs a tard wrangler or her mental health get worse

>> No.20372580

You can tell from Mori roommate streams that she’s still figuring out her place in Hololive. I think she needs to recognize that she’s at her best as the person who can get everyone in the same room. She’s great at getting JP and EN together and has a proven track record of producing great collars even if they don’t go as intended. Did the jump king race turn into the big company-wide competition she wanted? No. Did it produce a 5hr long discord call that brought the EN girls closer together? Hell yes. She doesn’t need to produce “clippable moments.” She needs to lean into her role as the hostess who gets the ball rolling for everybody else while just being a chill comfy streamer when she’s solo.

>> No.20373064

Gonna need you to take those reasonable opinions elsewhere this is a shitposting board sir

>> No.20375635

There's no reason to watch Mori when Kronii exists. She's way better at playing the sexy deep-voiced lady.

>> No.20375917

I agree with this, but I believe her "clippable moments" are just her being herself.

>> No.20375978

This is so blatantly fake I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.20376035

>has a proven track record of producing great collars even if they don’t go as intended
D-Do you actually watch Mori...?

>> No.20376068

Pathetic samefagging

>> No.20376109

these did not break any rules
was this thread made by deadbeat janny himself?

>> No.20376118

i will never understand the appeal of this woman voice, i always have to close the collab after 5 min hearing it

>> No.20376235

Closed the stream because of mori. I'd prefer a l2d troglodyte making grunting sounds over her.

>> No.20376318

Lmao why did the janny remove this

>> No.20376414

>Minecraft with Gura
>Jump King Podcasts
>GG with Ina
>Minecraft with Ina
>CHaD Cast


>> No.20376465

those were all unwatchable...

>> No.20376467
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At this point I gotta wonder, is Cuckbeat janny a nepotism "hire" or do they really just have no one else who wants do this shit for free? Why the fuck is he still here.

>> No.20376591

Kek. Pathetic false accusation instead of substantive response

>> No.20376612

Zoomers love "ironic" faggotry to the point where they'll simp for a baboon as long as she's "ironically" eating shit.

>> No.20376730

> see the mori anti thread
> pretend to be a mori anti that got converted, make a thread for it
> barely any replies, OP has to keep bumping from page 10
> half the few comments he gets are just people shitting on Mori again
> turns out, Op IS cuckbeat janny himself

>> No.20376739

>forgets she brought indies into collabs

>> No.20376751

>Minecraft with Gura was more than half pure silence
>Jump King Podcasts are very hit or miss for obvious reasons (I do love the concept though, I'll give her that)
>What was even remotely noteworthy about GG with Ina?
>same but with more silence
>started out good, fizzled out hard
>yeah, actually pretty good
But anon you're just listing out a few of your favorites, do you remember how many fucking duds there are in her collabs? She's at least no longer completely dogshit at it, for sure, but I wouldn't try to sell it as her greatest strength either, or anything. Remember the second english lesson? Where Gura and Iroha were entirely excluded and said nothing for 95% of it? The only thing that even remotely saved that collab is that Laplus knew enough basic english to half understand what Mori was saying most of the time, and I'm not sure if she even planned that.

>> No.20377023

>do you remember how many fucking duds there are in her collabs?
Like what? Meme Review? Pummel Party? Cuphead? That's 3 out of her whole career.

>> No.20377176

>>Minecraft with Gura was more than half pure silence
No it wasn't.
>>What was even remotely noteworthy about GG with Ina?
It was enjoyable? There was constant banter and jokes.

>> No.20377872

reminder that if you are anything other than pro unity at all times you are a schizo freak and all the girls would hate you

>> No.20378334

don't care, hate Mori.

>> No.20378984

Mori herself is a shitposter where the fuck would she get off on that.
Then again Mori herself is also a giant hypocrite.

>> No.20379955

>Mori herself is a shit poster
So you're using Mori as a reference for what you should or shouldn't do? Seems rather counterproductive.

>> No.20380032


>> No.20381012

What rules did these posts break? Asking so I don't break the rule myself.

>> No.20381130

I liked her collabs. Her personality is still insufferable. Someone else can do what she does.

>> No.20381242

I can put 2x on and Mori becomes tolerable.

>> No.20381277 [DELETED] 

I hate how she has to put on this whole sexual front whenever she’s 3D now. The whole hand sex hand gestures were so cringey even gura was like nope.
I believe either she’s a virgin or she’s been mind broken but dick before that she has to be retarded

>> No.20381895

I usually try to not shit on Mori and be full unity, but in this stream she was so fucking annoying and attention whoring all the way. It almost made me an anti.

>> No.20381938
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Look at this cute dork

>> No.20383424
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>Remember the second english lesson? Where Gura and Iroha were entirely excluded and said nothing for 95% of it?

>> No.20383611

Why can’t any vtuber have a collab without artists over analyzing every word they say

>> No.20383745

tbf Gura goes full autist and doesn't talk much when there's more than 2 people. I don't watch Iroha, so I don't know what her problem is.

>> No.20383772
File: 8 KB, 227x222, images - 2022-03-17T120224.285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE MORI !!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.20383839

Iroha's problem was just that she knows 0 english, and the only japanese speaking person was trying to speak only in english.

>> No.20383846

I'd love to hear an explanation from deadbeats why mori is so "based" that she acts crude and lewd in certain collabs like this most recent one, but in other collabs she gets all scared when she says a bad word and lies to people going "OH NO OH NO I DIDN'T SAY SON OF A BITCH I SAID "SUN ON THE BEACH" PLEASE DON'T ACCUSE ME AHHHHH NOOOOO" like a dipshit attentionwhore

>> No.20383984

Basically, she just exploits what's popular, but she's too autistic to do it properly, BUT this somehow works out entirely in her favor.

>> No.20384070

What you just said makes absolutely no sense and is completely removed from the question of why she thinks swearing is bad sometimes but thinks it's okay other times.

>> No.20384355

He’s not wrong though. Iroha and gura were almost basically an accessory to the stream at that point. Only person she interacted with was laplus for majority of it. I feel bad for both of them, especially gura because she used her for viewers.

>> No.20384442 [DELETED] 

She’s autistic anon

>> No.20384489

In an opportunity to be based, the other option in that situation doesn't automatically have to be negative to counteract it.

>> No.20384493 [DELETED] 

I still agree with your points though btw

>> No.20384535

Her entire on camera persona is so fake and unnatural to her that she sometimes forgets what character she's supposed to be playing.
She plays the shy prude sometimes and the loud gross wigger others, both unpalatable

>> No.20384553

Gura doesn’t know Japanese you fucking retard. Mori was her translator and majority of the time the attention was on laplus.

There’s a literal moment in stream where they mention cup sizes and gura goes “huh, what are you guys laughing about?” As host and translator in that situation she could’ve done more for them.

>> No.20384637

> OP makes a Mori praise thread to counter the Mori anti thread.
> It just turns into the new anti mori thread
Love to see it

>> No.20384863

antis always post this clip but leave out the part where Kiara laughs and teases Calli about it while Calli jokes about being able to go to the future and they both laugh and move on with the stream.

>> No.20384993
File: 2.78 MB, 1280x1666, mori_calliope___render_by_sinisterrenders_de815qn-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mori love

>> No.20385476

post it then

>> No.20385648

Relevant part goes till about 51:45

>> No.20385738

You're missing the part where it gets akward for about a minute, and how late and akward Mori's "save" was. And of course they just moved along, they're doing live entretainment theyre not gonna dwell on it, they're not retarded like (You). It's also not as big of a deal as retards try to make it out to be, it's not like Kiara would be petty enough to hold it against Mori.

>> No.20385869

Remember when it was other way around? But then again this is what Mori wanted.

>> No.20385913

I'm not denying mori got caught in a white lie. Fuck who hasn't done something like this? "hey dude you get my invite to the party on Friday?" "yeah dude totally, I'll be there." I just posted the clip because I think it's a bit of a nothingburger that gets brought up all the time and the context shows it was a bit awkward but no big deal. It's not like it was some malicious deception that E X P O S E D mori or something like schizos make it out to be.

>> No.20386234

>>Great collabs
>>CHaD Cast
fucking Hell

>> No.20386910

I think they are good. It is mostly girls talk anyway.

>> No.20387087

>What was even remotely noteworthy about GG with Ina?
She exposed Ina as a fan hater, that's pretty based

>> No.20387623

Our dorky reaper idol can't be this cute, but she is.

>> No.20387851

Don't know why schizos kick up a fuss every single time she shows up. Yeah almost everything she hosts turns shit like the pokemon tourney or the english lesson but when she joins in and can be herself she's great, case and point with the jump king stream recently, the impromptu collabs are great

>> No.20387968

>She needs to lean into her role

>> No.20388178

You motherfucker. I almost didn't use that word cause I didn't want to give someone an easy joke but I thought nobody would go for it. but I overestimated this board. Kek

>> No.20389398

what kind of shitty people do you surround yourself with? i don't do this

>> No.20394590


>> No.20395098

Ogey falseflag
She was the worst in that collab
Cringe as always and disrespectful at that. Worst combo

>> No.20395212

Blatant samefag with trash opinion
>bring jp and en together
>great collabs
What are you smoking?

>> No.20395218


>> No.20395686

i don't watch any stream with pink women
