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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20298425 No.20298425 [Reply] [Original]

Futakuchi Mana, everyone's favorite metal singing communist, just sided with the Russians.

How does she keep getting away with it?

>> No.20298486


>> No.20298607

t. anon with zero political literacy

>> No.20298666

go to /lig/ if you want to shill your 2view

>> No.20298686
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Holy shit, America just got put in its place!

>> No.20298758


>> No.20298799

>wants to keep supporting russia's economy so they can make more weapons aimed at her
I will let this one bad take pass just because she hates Israel.

>> No.20298825

The sanctions DO hurt the people without having any real effect on the government that's actually behind the war. Russia's not even a democracy, it's not like they can vote Putin out.
It's the same thing as making a no-fly zone, where people advocate it because it's "non-violent action" without understanding what it truly entails.

>> No.20298901


>> No.20298937

anon she is a flip, neither the russians nor the americans give a fuck about her country

>> No.20298988

She's Japanese

>> No.20299004

even the flips don't give two shits about her schizo rants

>> No.20299023

Do you not understand how an economy works?

>> No.20299025

Nah he's right

>> No.20299079

Color me shocked that a tankie is okay with Russian autocracy.

>> No.20299096

Then why support BDS???

>> No.20299115

I have like 10x more monthly listeners than her.

>> No.20299145

remember how some of you retards wanted her to collab with mori? the idiot would have listened if it wasnt for jchad

>> No.20299163

I understand that Putin and the oligarchs who have actual power are rich enough that they won't really be effected, and that if the goal is to get people to rebel (a common justification) then you should know that historically that's not what happens. People just go "our government might be terrible, but our lives currently being measurably worse is the fault of the big governments who sanctioned us".

>> No.20299188
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I still want the two of them to collab.

>> No.20299199

drop the soundcloud

>> No.20299247

>not being ok with sanctions = being ok with the russian government

>> No.20299250

It’s because the real motive is geopolitics, not morality, not ending the war. This move makes the sanctioning countries look good on the world stage and also cripples Russia’s economy. Which is their real goal.
If it was actually about peace the US would have been sanctioned ages ago.

>> No.20299275

Fuck off Mana, go whine about israeli vtubers.

>> No.20299304

Is she just a russophile or something? Or is she in favor of everything anti-American?

>> No.20299381
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normie commie.

>> No.20299407
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>Or is she in favor of everything anti-American?
I'm not saying she is, but...

>> No.20299481

Oh no, I'm well aware. Although it's kind of insane how you have things like people taking Russian vodka off shelves or removing Russians from their rosters EVEN IF THEY'RE AGAINST THE WAR, and people support this. Feels like people were looking for any excuse to go full Cold War "anything Russian bad".
You can be against both the US and Russian governments without wanting to harm the people of either for retarded realpolitik shit.
Not discounting the possibility she's pro-Russia mind you, a lot of leftists are retarded enough to think "imperialism is when the USA does things" and treat the Russian Federation like it's the USSR (or like that would be a good thing). But she isn't necessarily.

>> No.20299556

>oh no, whatever will I do?
>*fuels up the helicopter*

>> No.20299680


>> No.20299693

futa coochie

>> No.20299771

my heart and dick can't take it anymore. i need to fuck this girl and make her my wife

>> No.20299779

... ESL, or is she saying we're all rich and drunk?

>> No.20299783

口 means mouth iffin that interests ya

>> No.20299843

I'm shocked she has a good take on this. I guess this proves she's a genuine ideological communist and not the typical neolib drone plugged in to MSM narratives. Communism is still retarded, but at least she's not an NPC.

Ukraine hasn't been an actual democracy since the 2014 color revolution led by the US state department and NATO only exists to implement a similar color revolution on the only Christian superpower left on Earth. Were I in Putin's shoes I'd invade too.

>> No.20299949

Duginism,Putin's driving ideology, is the Russian version of Neoconservative Imperialism. I don't understand why she'd support something like that

>> No.20300060

This is clearly bullshit btw right? Or is she remarking at how clearly bullshit it is? Or...

>> No.20300178

she's not wrong
the sanctions does nothing to putin. they want the population to revolt by squeezing their wallets. good luck with that strat.
the bankers are the only ones winning
also >>/pol/

>> No.20300243

Do you know what the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement is anon?

>> No.20300260

this isn't /pol/?

>> No.20300408

I guess I have to sanction following her then.

>> No.20300442

yeah and? how's that working?
how's the sanctions on venezuela working out?

>> No.20300662

Does she think Russia is still communist? or is this just 'le ebin ownage' to the mutts

>> No.20300819

>how's that working?
It's not working because no serious sanctions against Israel have been made yet.
Great Fantastic it's regime is teetering on the brink of collapse like Cuba
God GOD LAWD O MIGHTY i wish Israel would go the same way as Venezuela

>> No.20300872

Wait, so she's an actual commie and not some faggot Twitter LARPer?

>> No.20301003

Just look at her twitter, she's actually pro-Russia.

>> No.20301446

Apparently she's actually a commie. Though it could be that she is a LARPer but really hates nazis and knows that Ukraine is occupied by nazis.

>> No.20301598

Wtf, she really is a flip
