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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20277266 No.20277266 [Reply] [Original]

list every bad clippers

>> No.20277306

Hololive moments

>> No.20277397

Someone post the clipper who does clickbait Kiara thumbnails, I don't have it.

>> No.20277441

They're all bad. I especially hate the clippers that heavily edit and try to make every clip a meme.

>> No.20277452
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>> No.20277460
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One big yab and this guy is cashing in with fucking 6 year old clips.

>> No.20277503

All of them except lyger

>> No.20277532

It would be easier and quicker to list the ones that are actually good, like Maple Leaf and Kusogaclips.

>> No.20277545

I don't care about shitty thumbnails. What's really annoying is when they add their own reddit meme sound effects/clips into the video. Like just fuck off and translate the video you cuck, that's all you're good for.

>> No.20277619

This guy is pretty smart for cashing in during the yab. I respect the hustle.

>> No.20277760

>Hololive moments
Wasn't this the chinese dude who raged because Hololive refused to punish Chammers and Coco more than a suspension?

>> No.20278080

I got a better question clippers or Vtuber “news” channels Which is worst?

>> No.20279082
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>> No.20279162

Damn respect the hustle, I just pressed "Don't recommend clips tho since Mike=not a vtuber

>> No.20279849

Hololive Historian

>> No.20280261

I have a feeling this guy owns more then one channel, he hopped on this pretty fast. I think he is running an entire scheme of hololive clip channels.

>> No.20280467


>> No.20280959


>> No.20281109

some of these thumbnails kill me, my favourite being the Pekora Black Company one it just looks so retarded

>> No.20281283
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This one is great too.

>> No.20281779

How about easy mode: list every good clipper.

>> No.20282208

As much as you hate the guy you gotta admit his clips are better than what these other channels produce.

>> No.20282437

>shitty clippers thread
That reminds me, I wonder how many subs KamiClips has lost now that the dust has settled.
>Only lost 1/8th his subs.
Yup. Shitty clippers are confirmed like roaches.

>> No.20282511

soju and all his copycats

>> No.20282704

As much shit as OM gets, I still rate IrohaSubs worst. Shitty translations are bad, but cutting content and fabricating entire sentences to try and force drama is bottom of the barrel clipfaggotry

>> No.20282743

All of the Hololive, Nijisanji and now Wactor ones. Niggers just cashing in.

Respect for the vtubers who make their own clips though (ie Kenji) and the real fans who make clips for their 2view idies (ie Max for Bea) tho.

>> No.20282778


