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20254249 No.20254249 [Reply] [Original]

Ina will be the first member to graduate

>> No.20254334


>> No.20254449

Most likely.
Mori will the first to be shit canned for breach of contract.

>> No.20254504

>and her thoughts on continuing her activities as a member of HOLOLOLIVE, which he has longed to be a part of.
google-chan retarded, and so is deepl
tl;dr her thoughts on her future with HL which she wanted to join for a long time/be apart of

>> No.20254555
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They printed the interview in english

>> No.20254592

Retarded justification for making this thread but OP isn't wrong. Her side gig is incredibly successful and she has shown a passion for animation. If she gets a very good offer, I wouldn't be surprised if she at least went on a long hiatus.

>> No.20254614

Oh mah gah

>> No.20254619
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Damn these are long articles
Gonna guess Gura actually said this lmao

>> No.20254829

>be apart of
"a part".
Apart means "separate from". If you want to be apart of something, you want to be away from it.

>> No.20254910

If gura says curry is japanese, then it is japanese.

>> No.20255000


>> No.20255041

You're either a sever ESL, or baiting. Or both. But I do know with certainty that you're a retard.

>> No.20255057

>graduation thread
>it’s not Mori

>> No.20255071

Considering cover has shown they're willing to let their talents go on stream whenever you feel like it type schedule I don't see why Ina would graduate as opposed to just streaming once a week or so. I mean keep in mind that she mainly joined hololive because shes a weeb fangirl and streaming is more of a hobby than a job so no matter how busy she was its unlikely shed quit.

>> No.20255086

Isn't she the main reason why council flopped?

>> No.20256858

He is right tho', you dumb sea creature.

>> No.20256906


>> No.20256973

Knowing Gura she probably thought "Janapese food" meant "first thing you ate in Japan"

>> No.20257919

kronii's still a sucess, sana just needs to stream more. her nepotism hires are top tier

>> No.20257956

Really makes you wonder what kind of deflection thread this is...

>> No.20258405
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>> No.20258494

is everyone going to just ignore this or

>> No.20258604


>> No.20258704

Council finally found their footing, is Sana who's dragging everyone back because she has been taking too many breaks, even if needed, and not having a proper stream schedule makes people lose interest.

>> No.20258744
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>> No.20258993

wtf is this schizo shit?
Seriously why is schizophrenia always accompanied by stupidity?

>> No.20259189

Na, it's the loreshit which took up their prime exposure time, and turned causal viewers off.

>> No.20259199

Why even speak english?

>> No.20259805

>fe br i
It glows

>> No.20260686

For how lax the talent is allowed to be with streaming, there's no real reason for her to graduate. She could stream once a week and be fine.

>> No.20265003

She will never say or do anything controversial and is likely more than happy to illustrate for Cover behind the scenes. There is no reason for her to graduate and would remain an asset to the company even if she streamed once a month

>> No.20265107

Japanese curry is distinct enough from Indian curry that you can consider it to be Japanese food. It's sort of the same way how texmex isn't really Mexican food, it's American.

>> No.20265165

Octopus is a cool guy, eh draws pictures and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.20265191

No wonder "she" is friends with trannies.

>> No.20265203

It's going to be Kiara. Not that I really want her to graduate, I just have a gut feeling.

>> No.20265238

Sana is twitterspacing right now, apologize!

>> No.20267238

What did Ina do to council?

>> No.20268629

kiara will probably outlast council lol

>> No.20269007

>Mori will the first to be shit canned for breach of contract.
I bet you that will actually be Kiara. She's more terrified of consequences, but she is also very dumb.

>> No.20269512

I know nothing lasts forever but I will reallymiss Ina.

>> No.20270438

Once she knew she was gonna be out of commission for a while she should have announced a hiatus and then explained everything later, when she had it sorted out. This whole Sana MIA arc has been a disaster.

>> No.20270486

kek, but the takodachis told me ina loves them

>> No.20270506

If Ina got a chance to work on an anime (something important like a character designer not a poorly paid grunt) she would 100% do it but she wouldn't quit, she would scale back her streaming.

>> No.20270586

Same way you can go to the US and eat a burger or pizza and say you ate American food, although neither are strictly speaking of unique American origin. They're both much different than their ancestors you'd find in Italy or Germany.

>> No.20270654

There's a difference between incidental and malicious breaches. She would get in trouble for accidentally spilling some inside info onstream but it's a lot different than giving some dramatuber access to your entire internal discord server.

>> No.20270663

Kiara wanted to be an idol for decades. If anything she'll be who stays the longest and until hololive declines

>> No.20270868

I really doubt that when she openly says onstream not to love her because you won't get love back

>> No.20270976

>wanted to be
He doesn't know

>> No.20271003

>has a very successful job as an illustrator
>doesn't need to join Hololive
>joins anyway because she's passionate about it and takes it seriously
>streams purely because she wants to
Mr. Ina won't be leaving anytime soon

>not realizing Hololive is Kiara's life
>not realizing she's a professional
>thinking she'd ever breach her contract
Look in a mirror, Anon. The very dumb one is you.

>> No.20271035

Why would anyone quit one of the easiest jobs on earth?

>> No.20271129

>not realizing she's fucking desperate*

>> No.20271170

people who work on anime are slaves, not great artists, unless shes doing character designs only.

>> No.20271180

Uhhh.. she already has

>> No.20271210

>has a stable career
>has a stable life
Anon I don't think you understand what desperation is

>> No.20271408

Do you know what board you're on?

>> No.20271525

You... don't really know much about her story, do you? Getting into hololive was her last(?) desperate gambit into the idol thing. She ate trash, got stuck in deadend jobs dancing at empty malls, sold gravure nearly-h sets, etc Not what she wanted by a long shot, but close enough.

That said I don't doubt she'd try to get into niji or something else if that failed as well.

>> No.20271546

For me it all wrapped up back to Kiara being the best since she cares.

>> No.20271572

Eh I thought she only did some VNs? Well it's probably why she's working herself to death half the time, trying to do a bunch of different stuff.

>> No.20271638

Cares for the well being of black people looting stores, you mean

>> No.20271647

She got screwed over by covid, and was looking at being stuck in Japan for another year with no real ability to what she actually came there to do. Would have been pretty miserable for her if she didn't get in.

>> No.20271650

This indeed triggers my savirofag senses

>> No.20271732

She didn't have the ability to be an idol in the first place purely on looks alone. Honestly I'd have sent the police to give a good, long look at her family purely for sending their underage daughter to Japan nearly unsupported following an impossible dream.
And this is why 9 in 10 hobos are men, we have saviorfag sensibilities wired into most of us

>> No.20271762

Bro... That's literally happening right now

>> No.20271767

>Getting into hololive was her last(?) desperate gambit into the idol thing
Actually it was more like her last desperate gambit to stay alive. But it worked and now she's living a good life full of stability. She's no longer desperate at all.

>> No.20271810

>last desperate gambit to stay alive
Not whoring herself? That's how the average hoe gets enough to pay rent

>> No.20271869

I have no doubt in my mind that I saw her in escort bars in Roppongi.

>> No.20271877

She probs joined holo to escape from that kind of life.

>> No.20271936

Takamori really lives rent-free in Muzzie heads huh...

>> No.20271946

wait ina? Oh ina you just completely forget she’s even in holo half the time or that she’s even alive but thsts besides the point

>> No.20271963

>she's no longer desperate at all
She's still desperate, anon, because different from many others she has no plan B. Hololive is already her plan F. If she ever has to leave for some reason she'll scramble to pull a Rushia and continue somehow as an indie, because she has no other marketeable skills.

>> No.20272027
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>Why would anyone quit one of the easiest jobs on earth?
Because a non-retarded person making Myth-levels of money would've saved up enough to just not work anymore by now. Neither Mikoneko nor Kson would've needed to continue streaming had they had the least amount of financial sense.

>> No.20272081


>> No.20272087

An LN's she did art for is getting an anime adaption.

>> No.20272148

>Her side gig is incredibly successful
It is? Does she draw for gachas like Sana? I thought she did art for fun.

>> No.20272155

meh, kiara seems stable now.
first few months she seemed too outgoing and was bitching about everything (early numberfagging, trying hard but not getting the results of other myths were comparatively lazy), I expected her to wind up dead in a bathtub
I don't get that vibe anymore

>> No.20272393


>> No.20272455

When your side-gig get to be animated it's a step further.


>> No.20272538

Japanese curry is indian curry minus the Hepatitis A, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis

>> No.20272595

>Actually it was more like her last desperate gambit to stay alive
You guys exaggerate way too much, calm your tits man. If Kiara didn't get the job she would be forced to go back home and get a regular job, she just a massive idol otaku who wanted a idol-related dream job.
You guys always bring up Yagoo/Cover save all these girls lives like they wouldn't they wouldn't just go look for another opportunity somewhere else.

>> No.20272679

She has no need for a Plan B because she is set for life. Kiara and Ina are the only ones in EN who know the clock is ticking and are saving up for the future. I'd worry about everyone else before I started worrying about Kiaras (and Inas thanks to Papa'nis) stable living situation post-hololive.

>> No.20272825

>no longer cripplingly insecure
>no longer a numberfag
>no longer does or says desperate things
>she's still desperate anon just trust me
Your rrat is dead. Accept it and move on.
>she has no plan B
She plans on being a stewardess after Hololive. I'd call you a clipnigger who never watches streams but her stewardess tangents have been clipped. So you're actually below a clipnigger. You don't even watch clips.
>she has no other marketeable skills
Yes anon, being able to sing, dance, and work a crowd aren't marketable skills.

>> No.20273190

>If Kiara didn't get the job she would be forced to go back home and get a regular job
Kiara has implied she would have committed suicide without Hololive, anon. You have no idea how much it saved her.

>> No.20273277

I hope you dramawhores realise how silly you are being.

>> No.20273314

Holy delusional KFP batman. She's just as fucking desperate for attention and approval as ever, she just has an army of simp/whales propping her now. Also if you think women 26+ can just pop in and become a stewardess easily you have no idea how that industry works either. That idea is almost as much a pie in the sky for her as going to japan to "become an idol" is.
>Yes anon, being able to sing, dance, and work a crowd aren't marketable skills.
They weren't doing her much good even when she had youth on her side anon...
Fanbase reflects the chuuba

>> No.20273394

You vastly underestimate how much money you actually need to acquire to be able to retire before 30, anon. Either that or you expect these random girls to be master investors in disguise instead of blowing money on frivolous stuff. Girl is going to squeeze this job dry then try to extend it further before being forced to look for something else.

>> No.20273545

>master investors in disguise
You literally just hire someone to think about that for you.

>> No.20273573

actually cracking KEK

>> No.20273649

And they get a cut of your earnings, while not taking any losses that happen. It's not that easy

>> No.20273776

>she doesn't act desperate anymore
>but I know she's secretly still desperate
>it was revealed to me in a dream
lol. You seem desperate to prove Kiara's desperate. Pretty funny and ironic desu.

>> No.20273868

Bruh you have to raalize that sometimes dramafags are right and sometimes its even worse then what some people are thinking that is happening behind the scenes.

>> No.20274220

People always bitch about “alot” but “apart” is much worse since it is already a word and happens to have a meaning that is an antonym of what people usually intend when using it.

>> No.20274340

Just let Rajeev soak his hands in the sauce for a few minutes to infuse the curry with all that indian goodness

>> No.20274494

For the love of god there is an actual english translation of the interview you absolute fucks why are you still talking about something from a machine translation?????

>> No.20274496

He meant she wanted to be a successful idol.

>> No.20274657


>> No.20274671
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How many times should I tell you to stop spreading your rrrrrrrats here nijisis?

>> No.20274710

Didn't know Kiara was literally homeless before hololive saved her from a life of prostitution. I like this thread

>> No.20274954

thanks anon

>> No.20275360
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>> No.20275529

YAGOO is a massive saviorfag. Someone please post the rrat about Kiara originally being intended as a member of gen5.

>> No.20276143

It is why rule 2 is a double edged sword. On one hand it stops much of the conversation that could center around their non-vtuber persona history and activities.
But sometimes that information can give context and answer the question of “why are you like this?”. Knowing Kiara’s history makes her bad habits and personality disorders, especially early on, extremely easy to understand and makes them provoke pity more than hate. It’s never an excuse but can be an explanation, which can make all the difference between “ORANGE BIRD BAD” and “I still won’t watch her but hope she gets better.”
And apparently she had gotten better as she has gone back home and come to terms with her original dream and Hololive.

>> No.20276474

Said context can also make you hate/dislike them, just look at Ollie's recent face reveal. KFP actively denies or downplays Kiara's lower-than-average appearance as well. Kronii's and Calli's roomate stuff can indeed make you hate them more BECAUSE now you have said context. Not to mention the massive flood of confirmed bfs.

I'm fairly sure the only people who are willing to use a chuuba's past to protect them from backslash are saviorfags and their own fanbase

>> No.20276751
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If I recall correctly, she has character designs in Arknights, Girls' Frontline and Azur Lane

>> No.20276810

Hololive is her side gig, anon. She's a bigger artist than Sana.

>> No.20276975

Retardkun, Kiara is the only existing English vtuber actually familiar with Japanese work ethics, culture and regulations AND determined enough to play her character to keep the viewers happy (as opposed to twitch-tier streaming antics by the other ENs)

>> No.20277112
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>art for fun
Ina draws art for more than just gachas. She's the lead artist in this game she was a part of

>> No.20277154

Holy shit you're pathetic, just accept that you lost the argument and move on.

>> No.20277294

Kiara shits on Covers expectations on idol behavior all the fucking time though.

>> No.20277380

I said she’s familiar not that she’s kowtowing to them. On one hand you get corposlave the other you get Calliope Mori. Kiara skirts the line gracefully

>> No.20277538

post fave chuuba

>> No.20277662

anons don't even try to hide the bait anymore

>> No.20277938

Yeah that is why I said the first part, about it being double edged. However I think Ollie’s situation was made worse by it not being something previously widely known and only being exposed in her own streams. It is recent as well so of course it will get lots of attention. Compare it to others like O**** or P**** where everyone already knows.

>> No.20278892

Step 1 - Turn on PC
Step 2 - Stream or play almost everything you want.
Step 3 - Say something to chat, even if it's not related to the current topic.
Step 4 - ???

>> No.20279855

By far the least likely along with Gura

>> No.20279972

Wut? Kiara is by far the most passionate about her job

>> No.20280059

Some people have passions.

>> No.20280073
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Have an extra (you), since you're fishing for it this hard

>> No.20280169

Wtf is Ina transitioning

>> No.20280283

i doubt it her roommate Diguised Toast is more active than ever.

>> No.20281522

Nah, once she's done with everything she wants to do in Hololive, she'll pull a Coco.

>> No.20281755

Who's roommate is Diguised Toast?

>> No.20284784

women are just illogical like that. When you give them the best of the best, they still think they can do better.

>> No.20285304

Not him but I don't. tell me

>> No.20285372

That's not how language works but okay.

>> No.20286766

Where does this say that in the interview?

>> No.20287290

2 members of Council were hired because Ina knew them.

>> No.20287524

I'm so mad that I didn't save all those cute pictures. Well, I guess if there's one thing she can do for ez bucks post hololive, it's rerelease those sets.

>> No.20287614

> Literal who RPG shit
So yeah she mainly does Gachas.

>> No.20287625

Is that why Ina always tries to act like she's better than everyone?

>> No.20287675

Yes, unironically. Hololive isn't what's paying the bills.

>> No.20287676

Sana and who else? Who is the other asian?

>> No.20287718
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>> No.20287733

Kronii. Baelz is also Asian but hasn't been referred by Ina as far as I know.

>> No.20287756

Never forget the wrestling video

>> No.20287786

I smacked it to that thing more times than I can count.

>> No.20287813

No, we've come to find out that it was actually mori behind most of the garbage everyone blamed Kiara for. Kiara is still slightly menhera, but Mori is considerably worse than her.

>> No.20287865
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>Kiara is obviously the first to graduate
Holy fucking retards. Couldn't be Mori who complains about Hololive enough on her roommate account, releases an album on it, gets a new manager and becomes more active on it.

>> No.20287899

Yeah, she's going to marry me so she won't need to stream anymore.

>> No.20287947

Anon with that face of hers I hope to god you're joking.

>> No.20287956

OP will ignore this

>> No.20287987
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Jokes on you, I've been called cute many times.

>> No.20288004

Mori's sense of righteousness, justice, pride, and judgment will get her graduated sooner than anyone else.

>> No.20288027

Council didn't flop though. A flop is a massive failure that the company loses money on. Council is way above that.

>> No.20288040

No one is leaving a la Rushia. The worst you're going to get is Mori dropping out because of roommate stuff or Ina dropping out because of roommate stuff when contract negotiation comes back. If I remember right, we should be coming up on that pretty soon given Kiara's talk last year on thr subject around June-ish.

>> No.20288051

Mori got a new manager?

>> No.20288106

I really don't expect many of council to stick around after their contract is up. Sana definitely won't. Will be interesting to see if they or mori leaves first.

>> No.20288116

? Isn't she cute though or are my information sources corrupted?

>> No.20288144

First one probably tried to tell her to keep fucking conner in secret but pleaded with her to stop interacting with him on her work account

>> No.20288436


>> No.20288571

Wdym what garbage? Can I get a source

>> No.20289317

no fucking way really? Damn Ina's great

>> No.20289637

Not really. At least not from what I saw. Though beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

>> No.20290435

>going to be Kiara
Are you serious? She streams for hours and does nothing but talk about nothing yet never runs out of words. She loves this gig.

>> No.20291792
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>She streams for hours and does nothing but talk about nothing yet never runs out of words.
Seriously, though. How the hell does she have so much energy? It's like she's some kind of an electric device that's constantly plugged into a wall socket or a power generator. How much coffee does she drink?

>> No.20292328

Is there a more fappable version of this other than the one i found on youtube after a quick google ?
Because i came with my meat in hand and left unbeaten

>> No.20293155

No that’s Kronii.

>> No.20294411

That was a very heartwarming read.
The interviews for Gura and Calli (Mori) are very nice as well.

vtubers have been a great pasttime for my autistic ass, I wish everyone the best.

>> No.20294797

>How much coffee does she drink?
None. She hates coffee. She once purchased an entire pallet of Dr. Pepper though

>> No.20295440

>Mori who complains about Hololive enough on her roommate account
>>her roommate account
>releases an album on it
>>>her roommate account
>and becomes more active on it.
>>>her roommate account
can you into context?

now ask me again if """mori""" got a new manager

>> No.20297985


>> No.20299946

Jesus christ

>> No.20300293

Kson enjoys streaming though. She could've just married the gorilla anyways, or get into Cover management.
