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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20155639 No.20155639 [Reply] [Original]

unironically, what are the chances of her getting terminated?

>> No.20155657
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>> No.20155682

not high enough.

>> No.20155747

If she keeps doing what she's been doing, 0%. She's not menhera enough to violate her contract.

>> No.20155760

she will leave long before that

>> No.20155772

>not high enough.
My opinion in a vacuum, but I know Mori being terminated would affect the other girls in Myth badly

>> No.20155776

despite her being a cringy retard, she's not retarded enough to breach contract

>> No.20155907

>WHAT'S UP MY NIGG- *cancelled*

>> No.20155912

I see, considering how much this board likes to shit on her for doing the things she does, I assumed that at this point she must be walking on thin ice or something

>> No.20155964

same chances of me getting laid

>> No.20156027

An order of magnitude less than her leaving on her own.

>> No.20156045

Would it? Myth doesn't really feel close to Mori. In both tournaments she organised none of the myth girls bother to take part in. No myth in pokemon tournament. No myth in failure that was Jk tournament.

>> No.20156089

Nope, Kiara said nigga on stream, and didn't get canceled. Nobody even cared.

>> No.20156123

She'd have to breach contract for that to happen, so zero. She may be a wigger and a retard but I can't see her breaching contract. She'll just leave on her own volition someday.

>> No.20156174

She's more likely to quit than to get fired.
Would love to watch her try to "make it on her own" with her music and fall into obscurity

>> No.20156188
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0%. Mori has foot-in-mouth syndrome but it's always at her own personal expense, never at the company's.

>> No.20156215

Lmao anon this board mostly consists of brainrotten monkeys, don't take ANYTHING here at face value

>> No.20156254

Very low, unless it somehow comes out that she's /here/ and makes daily Sana/Kiara anti threads

>> No.20156309

I think she's come to like the company a lot more lately. The Chadcast group has a good rapport which is something Mori was lacking previously

>> No.20156329

Alcohol-wise, pretty high.

>> No.20156514
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pic rel, does anyone have the shitty diss track saved? The youtube videos got taken down and all the streamable links from the archives are gone too

>> No.20156611

>yt took it down
Really? The indog who made it mustve been good at scrubbing that thing from the face of the earth. The original streamable video was also gone hours after getting assblasted

>> No.20156673

She is the only EN with a legit 9 to 5 job experience. I doubt she'll breach any contract. She also hates the idea of having weebo dick inside her so there goes another potential yab.

>> No.20156807

This thread is not gonna age well I can tell. Put this in the screencap if you're on the archives.

>> No.20156844

she probably wouldn't get fired for it but I could see her quitting if she said it and there was zero ambiguity to it

>> No.20156849

Young Skelly is Flip
stop obsessing with indog, most indog hate rap music

>> No.20156852

yeah there was a guy on YT who reuploaded it, but then took it down. I asked him about it in the comments in another one of his vids but he deleted that

>> No.20156919

Flip or indog I dont care. SEAs sounds the same anyway. How would you know that he was a flip?

>> No.20156948

Pretty low. From the looks of it, she'll be staying as long as any other Holo member. Anyone who thinks she'll graduate or get terminated this year is suffering from /vt/ brainrot

>> No.20157080

What did I miss?

>> No.20157122

Almost zero. She’s less likely to do something stupid now after Rushia’s termination.

>> No.20157153

She hasn’t leaked potentially volatile business information to other third parties or spread falsehoods in Cover’s eyes. She’ll be fine.

>> No.20157199

More than zero but I don't think it's super likely either. She will probably yab at some point but I doubt she will pull a rushia.

>> No.20157552

It is more likely she did than not.
But not on her business accounts, she is not that inept.

>> No.20157858

Ideally she would've been fired within a week too bad it's been taking so long

>> No.20157962

She has done quite literally nothing even close to deserving of termination. You're so deep in the SEA you've forgotten what you're even sperging about in the first place.

>> No.20157993

did something happen lately? i don't like mori but it doesn't seem like she's done any yabs since the lean shit

>> No.20157999

I totally thought she'd let an n bomb rip when she tried to teach Laplus and Iroha "What's good" as an english saying.

>> No.20158099

50/50, it either happens or it doesn't.

>> No.20158164

I get the feeling they’re more like Holofantasy than people wanna believe. Most of them would understand and get over it if it was for a good reason and only Gura would be really beat up about it.

>> No.20158231

No. She just has a few die-hard schizos remaining.
The lean thing was also barely a yab, just her being a dumb wigger with no actual exposure to the real thing.

>> No.20158261

she's more likely to be the seething defense essayposts aimed at those threads

>> No.20158344

>stumble onto easy fame and money
>hire somebody to make music for you
>hire somebody to mix and edit the music
>write lyrics about how hard you worked to get where you are

>> No.20158347

If her yab is bad enough, hololive will find a reason to terminate her. It’s a JP company after all.

The question is what would she do and would she actually do it? I’m thinking Mori will eventually lash out in a way management can’t protect her after she has a another little break down arc.

>> No.20158366

zero unless she breaks NDA. Worst case scenario if she becomes more trouble than she's worth is that she gets isolated from everyone in Hololive until she gets the message and quits.

>> No.20158501

Pretty slim as is now. She's the second most subbed EN. As much as /vt/ doesn't like it, she has her own style that clearly has an appeal. It's not one that any current holoEN fills, so it's not like if she left deadbeats would just go to another Holo to make it up. She'd basically need to go full Rushia menhara and seriously violate contract.

>> No.20158552 [DELETED] 

>Cuckbeat buys her rags to riches story. Believes no one else in HoloEN has had to struggle for their position.
You truly are a hive of sycophants.

>> No.20158686

By cover? Next to none
By a psycho anti who could easily track down when she goes on tour in Japan? About 80%, she's sullying idolhood and pushing vulgar language onto other idols with her English streams, people have been poisoned for much less in this industry.

>> No.20158692

the thing with Mori is that, similar to Coco, she never tosses more than absolute softball at the management or other girls
even on her roommate she mainly complains about her own mental issues and sometimes addresses shitposters - but even then it's more like 'I'm playing by the rules of my company, stop making up imaginary ones to trip me up'

she doesn't really have it in her to go on a full out offense that'd make her a risk for the business, anyone that actually watches is aware of that

>> No.20158708

Agreed. She talks shit to her friends in private, not with her work account. She’s not some retarded niji. But, she better hope none of them have any reason to throw her under the bus later.

>> No.20158802

based nuclear physicist

>> No.20158898

Sound of mind? She isn't stupid.

Drunk off her ass? Well...

>> No.20159669

here u go bro
it was a soundpost in the archives

>> No.20164085

thank you

>> No.20164200

kek she spent a whole day bleaching her shit. Mr. Clean would be proud.

>> No.20164295

page 10 bump from a new IP

>> No.20165531

Higher than anyone else. Entitled American woman, living in Japan, refuses to assimilate, drinks dumb bitch juice.

>> No.20165684


>> No.20165859

Mori top anti here: unironically 0.

>> No.20165930


She's already subconsciously made the decision to self-destruct. Both as an act of rebellion against cover/idol culture and an excuse to quit and go live her fantasy e-celeb rapper life. Trying out a new substance and using it as an excuse to shitstir was just her testing the waters. She's going to keep escalating until she goes too far and someone gets hurt.

>> No.20166385
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Getting better all the time.

>> No.20168468

It wasn't the lean thing that was so telling of Mori's attitude. It was the comment on the cuckbeat image crying from being cucked after the condom superchat. She said she commented to make fun of her haters, but made fun of the her more GFE fans. She said she loved the detail with the cuckbeat crying in her deleted reddit comment. That was a very stupid and disrespectful comment toward her fans.

>> No.20168638


>> No.20169476
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>but made fun of the her more GFE fans
frankly fucking based for doing this in hindsight, especially after the Rushia incident

>> No.20170135

This stuff is nothing new if you follow her.
She sang the ironic Waifu anthem "She's real to me" in one Karaoke.

>> No.20170347

She deleted it fast enough that most people didn’t even know that, but I saw it. She’s been very clear, time and time again, that the people she has a problem with are not the antis but the whiteknight cuckbeat fans who ride her dick and make her feel worse than any schizo ever could. Now that they’ve essentially turned morig into a Reddit thread I doubt she even goes there much anymore. The irony.

>> No.20170408

i've been waiting for her to get too drunk and do a proper yab

>> No.20170429

That's because she drips over Cr1tical anon, it's not that deep.

>> No.20170507

None, unless she gets blackout drunk and gets arrested or something. Much bigger chance of her getting tired of being in Hololive and bailing to reroll a new character on twitch. Still either possibility are pretty low since she's making a ton of money and would be unlikely to take a risk at giving it up.

>> No.20170560

why would you trust this boards opinion on anything

>> No.20170611

Stop reply spamming you dumb nigger.

>> No.20170850

You can cope all you want. But this is very telling of Mori's toxic personality. You may not like Mori's GFE fans, but they are what Hololive built their business model around initially. Idol fans are extreme GFE fans.
Also, many fans fall somewhere in the GFE spectrum. Some more extreme than others. The currently coping deadbeats are just the ones that don't have the high expectations and cling on out of desperation to their oshi.

>> No.20171106


>> No.20171128

Unless she starts shouting actual racist things over and over 0% because EN management.

>> No.20171563

>zero unless she breaks NDA.
I can guarantee she got drunk and broke NDA to Connor & the rest of the TT people.

>> No.20171661

unannounced drug test

>> No.20171856

Because the only two options are hiding a relationship and leaking classified information on one end and constantly blabbing about an ironic weeb podcaster's dick on the other?

>> No.20172068

what did she do now

>> No.20172082

its funny how Mori can be successful in several metrics but still be considered a terrible streamer because /vt/ doesn't like her content

>> No.20172129

You're going into the book of groodges

>> No.20172170

Nijiniggers are caught up in Taiwan drama, so Pink Woman is automatically Bad again.

>> No.20172447

A single bait thread isn't drama, no one outside of it gives a fuck.

>> No.20172473

But is Mori successful because of her abilities or because of the Hololive branding?
I think that's what /vt/ is mad about. Her content is average quality, but people will say its good because of numbers. If you watch a lot of vtubers, you get a better feel for quality content. It's usually Hololive only fans that think numbers and that Hololive content is better than anything else. It's the narrow mindset.

>> No.20172960

Her streams are nothing interesting and I doubt even deadbeats are going to contest that, but her originals are unique in the vtubing sphere. I've seen 2view rappers and most of them just upload covers, and others do trap and I do not like trap. For original music most of it is either idolshit or brainless pop. The covers that I did like though tend to come from Tsunderia or Prism, specifically Miori, Nen, Shiki, Yura, etc. You may not like j-rap and that's fine, but literally no one else does it. I'd like it too if vtubers started doing power metal or ska, but whatever.

>> No.20173083

Mori's a masochist so if anything she posts anti-Mori threads. She might even be OP.

>> No.20173127

Kiara is at the very least ESL, mori is a full grown corn fed American

>> No.20173162

idfk I have schizophrenia
im just doing what the voices tell me to

>> No.20173668

Oh I was mainly referring to her streams. Yes, her music is very niche and not many vtubers do it. I understand it being popular, but many people will say it is the greatest thing ever. I'll give her a 'good' at most for her rapping in english and japanese.

I don't mind j-rap if its done right. For instance, I love listening to Rene Channel / 龍ヶ崎リン 【シュガリリ】from SugarLyric. She does a lot of great raps with some originals as well.

I don't watch a lot of Amiya from Tsunderia but I hear she can do english rap pretty well.

I follow vtubers mainly for their music content. If I like the direction they take with their music, I'll follow them. Like Miori from Tsunderia that you listed, I love her interpretations of songs. Enna as well from Nijisanji.

>> No.20174080

Suspiciously specific denial right there.

>> No.20174261

It seems like it's pretty hard to get terminated from hololive, terminating your talent is like throwing away money. Rushia got fired probably because of the war. The stuff surrounding it is probably made up.

>> No.20174315

Ruined many a career

>> No.20174466

If they didn't fire her for the Lean then unless she is spilling company info (Which I wouldn't put past her) then they aren't going to do shit as long as she keep making music for them.

>> No.20174512

>Rushia got fired probably because of the war.
Far and away the single dumbest rrat I’ve ever seen.

>> No.20174523

>especially after the Rushia incident
>still thinking her termination had anything to do with le bf drama

>> No.20174628

As it stands, 0%. Mori will only leave when she decides to leave, she's unfortunately not big enough of an idiot to get herself terminated.

>> No.20175063

>one of the few songwriters in the company
>has written half of EN's songs
Singers are a dime a dozen, very few people have the skill or talent for songwriting, that's why 75% of pop music is written by the same 3 people. She'd have to fuck up pretty bad to get fired. As people have said plenty of times in this thread, she's more likely to leave on her own.

>> No.20175177

>has written half of EN's songs
That’s more out of convenience than anything.

>> No.20176011
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Pretty sure it's more likely that she'll quit then get terminated but I wouldn't be complaining either way

>> No.20179557
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It's only a matter of time due to her alcohol induced behavior, though it's possible she drags it out long enough that management talk her into a graduation ceremony.
She'll slowly get worst over the next few years as long as she stays on the bottle.

>> No.20180543

being dumb as a brick makes you susceptible to menhera

>> No.20182893

She's already getting cancelled (in the music scene) for being the latest cracker to do nigger music. It's pretty cringe. She could probably survive "nigga" but not "nigger".

>> No.20183094

What can she really do? Every Mori yab has been her talking shit to the faceless masses. You can come back from that every time.

>> No.20183166

Omega has given up on her. What a slinky fox

>> No.20183512

lmao, you win this one cuckbeats

>> No.20183539

People would have misremembered it to be so if you hadn't said >the deleted reddit comment, which was just "I'm just funposting guys!".
7/10, good effort darky.

>> No.20183754

Its important to note that Kiara was singing along a song with the word nigga in it when she dropped it which is the one situation most of these people will deem acceptable to let slip

>> No.20183883

I can't imagine idolschizos would get mad about a cute girl saying the fuck word.

>> No.20184285

The ods are not bad, not terrible.

>> No.20184370

That's every rapper

>> No.20184501

She tried to explain it off as "funposting". She ended up saying something along of the lines of "Let me have fun" in another post. Then the lean came up as an explanation for her posting.

>> No.20184542


>> No.20188180
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>> No.20188270

Fuck me this is good.

>> No.20188472

I thought her roommate was doing pretty well now though?

>> No.20188643

Mori is still part of hololive.
Horrifying news i know

>> No.20189068

the fact she's better at it than whatever an actual corporation can provide should surely tell you enough about what she brings to the table for them lol

>> No.20189405

>turn it into an empire for ironic weebs
It has been that since Coco got popular.
