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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20126598 No.20126598 [Reply] [Original]

THIS was supposed to be Nijisanji's follow up to Luxiem?

>> No.20126681
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>> No.20127757

Myth is to Luxiem like Council is to Noctyx. First gens were pure lightning in the bottle while the sequels were disappointing and lackluster.

>> No.20127858

Ironically only Fulgur is doing really well, even more with how his subs are

>> No.20127951

He's really engaging and likes to talk to chat non stop even during most intense gameplay. Apparently people like it.

>> No.20128027

>Hololive debuts a black vTuber - lowest viewed
>Niji debuts a tranny vTuber - lowest viewed
vTuber fans are kinda bigoted arent they?

>> No.20128035
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Luxiem literally destroyed NijiEN. Unicorns left. Their core fanbase is now chink fujos.

>> No.20128080

Based Based Based Anya destroying nijien

>> No.20128104
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looks like noctyx didnt do as good as luxiem

>> No.20128105

both should schedule a KRK asap
they are have no actual entertaining value right now
so a karaoke maybe prevent more people from giving up on them
especially yugo she can get a decent chunk of a male audience if she sings like stuck in the abyss

>> No.20128134

>Unicorns left
oh nyo

>> No.20128203

Fucking killing me that Yugo wasn't cast as a long-haired tomboy instead of this experimental move. Like it's clear her main appeal is her voice and singing, hell music is even in her character lore.

>> No.20128219

Fuck off twittard

>> No.20128350

fulgur is a really good streamer who can keep his audience engaged. he debuffed himself in the beginning so he wouldnt get the cringe fans from vox and mysta

>> No.20128516

forgot to say but alban is doing very well as well. it's yugo and uki that are lagging a bit behind

>> No.20128945

That's weird I thought otome and k-pop fans would rise since he's an actual korean gay.
I don't understand what is ((his)) key audience. He's bad at games, bad at streaming, not gay, not woman. Voice is great but everything else is meh.

>> No.20129231

It would be bigoted to oshi a black/trans vtuber, they deserve their own space without cis non-poc invading.

>> No.20129622

>now woman
Oh nonononono

>> No.20129710

The boys get much lower views when the stream during western hours. They get huge views during Asia hours.

>> No.20129824

HomostarsEN will spell the end of HololiveEN as a whole, won’t it?

>> No.20129866

Now post Nina with 6k yesterday.

>> No.20129952

Those two are just bad streamers. Uki barely talks during streams. Yugo is an ESL that does nothing but scream because he can’t speak English properly

>> No.20130153

>ki barely talks during streams
I've never watched Uki besides his debut stream. I remember he was in a collab and yea he was quiet and third wheel all around.
> Yugo is an ESL that does nothing but scream because he can’t speak English properly
They should just make Yugo a female, it's not a novelty for Niji to release a wave with a mixed gender group. His voice is female, his model is mostly female, it's just a pronounce that adds nothing.

>> No.20130470

>Millie incline
I kneel

>> No.20130684

Why do you think they're shitting up the board constantly with niji hate or with hololive hate? The unicorns know the end times are at hand they will cope and say oh they will never collab with the girls!!! But they will, they fucking will because Mori will spearhead that shit and some of the council girls will follow.

>> No.20130691

With the fact that those two got into Nijisanji I think the talent pool for EN male chuubas is dry af
Cover should just do aggressive scouting for Holostars En

>> No.20130785

Dude, the problem is that Yugo doesn’t want to play a female. That’s it.

Whatever you think of Yugo, the guy hates being a woman irl so much that he calls himself a man irl. He absolutely would not want to play a woman.

That said, I’m sure Yugo knew the consequences of doing that, and they’re coming true right now.

>> No.20130829

To be fair Sonny was playing MGR and his chat is just full of women who don't even give a fuck about the game and just want him to do voices or shota voices they asked him like 4 times through supas I guess women UOH too.

>> No.20130832

Honestly don’t see the issue with that. Just go back to watching JP. I have no sentimental attachments strong enough to ever bother wasting my time watching shit I don’t like—like collabs with guys.

>> No.20130836

Nina got 6k because the males joined in

>> No.20130886

The chat made me click off the stream. It's hilarious how much they don't give a fuck about the game. Poor sketcheck

>> No.20130900

If they had that kind of mental fortitude they wouldn't be here anon let's be real these people are deranged I personally don't give a fuck I actually like the boys because I find them entertaining but yeah I just want to laugh and be entertained by these circus monkeys.

>> No.20130934

That sums up Uki and Yugo. Yugo is a woman in a man's avatar with heavy amounts of ESL, tons of tech problems, didn't pick as many games as some of the guys in her gen, doesn't seem too engaging to chat with, and isn't a gamer. Alban and Fulgur is easily the two best from the gen, especially when you consider their banter between one another. Sonny is the middle child and has more potential to turn things around unlike Yugo and Uki.

>> No.20130982

So he's irl tranny? Okay then.

>> No.20131039

Non-binary. I don’t think Yugo cares about gender. If he could’ve been a girl but with masculine clothing that would’ve been fine too

>> No.20131067

I mean I watched it all cause I love MGR and Sonny is a bro but yeah I tuned out after a bit of supa reading because it got old just same shit of asking him to do voices that he's already done which ok man make your money that's great but fuck fujos are annoying sometimes.

>> No.20132043

same lol it's so sad that he's actually got based as fuck game taste but his chat would rather hear him talk like a child and make a shota impression
not that he will but if he graduates and just goes back to regular streaming, god i'd actually do my best to give him as much support as i could without chat being the cancer tumor that it is rn

>> No.20135385

It's still better than most

>> No.20135767

it's his 8 views + 1700 from the brand

>> No.20135867

if Sonny actually set his limiters off and actually interact with chat, he'd incline fast.

>> No.20137877
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>> No.20138944

>Voice is great
Interesting, because the thing that put me off immediately was his voice. It's too female for me to enjoy while considering him a male

>> No.20139204

That's big Yugo problem. Female voice stuck in male body. Too big dissonance. Anycolor really should give Yugo tomboy avatar instead of this shit.

>> No.20139254

Damn I expected Yugo to attract some girl lovers or something

>> No.20139284

>below fucking Anya
How the fuck is this even possible?

>> No.20139635

Anya has been slowly inclining under everyone's noses recently and I'm all for it.

>> No.20140391

Let's be honest here, Luxiem is only popular because they're the first batch of male EN vtubers for Nijisanji. If they released Noctyx first, all of those fans would've been on Noctyx's cocks all day and wouldn't give a shit about Luxiem.

It's either that or all of Noctyx's character designs are fucking garbage except for Alban.

>> No.20140685

There’s nothing to fucking interact with

>> No.20140771

dang, Yugo's voice is hot, thought he(she) would do better.

>> No.20140850

Remember what Connor said?

>> No.20140929

imagine doing worse than a flip esl

>> No.20140940

If he would take control and have something to say, it wouldn't happen. Sonny is just too quiet and spends all his time making cute noises.

>> No.20141299

Don't underestimate how much a good design can make a difference. First impressions matter. It takes a lot of work to turn around a bad first impression, like I did not like Nina's debut because every third word was honey, but she turned it around. I may not be big on Luxiem because they're not girls, but at least they stood out from each other on day one and their designs are distinct. Meanwhile with Noctyx I found all their designs to be off-putting generic shoujo/otomege male designs, and I still can't really tell them apart beyond their colours and the guy with the cat ears. Having a good design is table stakes for vtubers, especially for established companies like niji, and they are all really huge letdowns. You have to work really fucking hard to come back from a bad design debuff.

Their designs also tell me they're aimed straight at fujos, much more than Luxiem was. Since I am not a fujo I am being told, in almost as many words, that this batch is not for me.

>> No.20141344

Noctyx wishes they can get council's numbers lmao

>> No.20141795

I guess people are realizing that Holo ID Gen 2 deserves to be Holo EN Gen 2 more than Council.

>> No.20142813

Council wishes they can get myth's numbers lmao

>> No.20143005

Do nijiniggers even think their copes through before they hit that post button?

>> No.20143198

Very rent free of you.

>> No.20144365

nijisanji losing to nijisanji

they're over...

>> No.20144567

Does anyone else find they've watched a lot less NijiEN since the boys came in? I liked the vibe of the girls hanging out and doing collabs and stuff, but throwing these particular guys into it is a big turn off. Which is weird, because I like the guys in NijiJP because they are kind of weirder and more whimsical.

>> No.20144699

I only watch Mysta because he's unironically the only one that's not stupid and cringe.

>> No.20144879

Honestly, if you had the mental fortitude that you said you had you wouldn't be bothered by males, would probably even watch the non fujo bait ones. I hate hololive for what they turned this hobby into. Nijis almost brought it back but they brought dirty ass fujos along with them.

>> No.20145309
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>Nijiniggers vs HoloEN = HoloEN wins
>HoloEN vs HoloEN = HoloEN wins
What the fuck is that logic nijinigger?

>> No.20145359
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Can't even pass a bar that low. Truly pathetic.

>> No.20145410

Shambles thriving etc

>> No.20145432

No, you're completely unique and so valid sis

>> No.20145483

The problem with Yugo is that she has like Tenma Maemi tier english skills.

>> No.20145657

okay losing to Millie's ASMR (her buff content) is understandable, but this...

>> No.20145942


>> No.20146033

is it ok if I watch both Hololive and NijiEN?

>> No.20146066

Of course not.

>> No.20146115


>> No.20146365

I'm a Nijinigger and i think NijiEn deserve the ridicule.
They brought it on themselves for starting this dumb numbers rivalry.

>> No.20146404

like most normalfags do, vt's tribalism isn't real. now go back to kiwifarms

>> No.20146525

>They brought it on themselves for starting this dumb numbers rivalry.

>rival corpo starts male auditions following their own corpo's success
>they discuss why
shit, even the "shambles" comment was just playing on the tech shupport meme

>> No.20146590


>> No.20146591

>I'm a Nijinigger
Oh of course you are.

>> No.20146716

yeah, the issue with sonny is that he's ridiculously awkward too
his chat is garbage, and he's often too quiet in collaboration streams. i miss sketchek

>> No.20147153
File: 6 KB, 249x245, 167432094320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I am a Nijinigger too and I'm tired of our dumb pathetic whores who do nothing but suck Luxiem's tiny cocks. I'm thinking of becoming a HoloCHAD and immediately membering all of holoEN members who are clearly much better than our smelly nijilivers. Viva la Hololive!

>> No.20147207

I just want one of them to graduate do we have something to shitpost about.

>> No.20147254

Only Fulgur is the one worth a damn in Noctyx and he has tried his damndest to filter people from watching him.

>> No.20147288

>Council wishes they can get myth's numbers lmao
But they do? Do you not at least look shit up before you post retarded statements that can be fact checked?

>> No.20147966

>Let's be honest here, Luxiem is only popular because they're the first batch of male EN vtubers for Nijisanji.
Not really. Luxiem's popular because they choose to focus on the TW / HK / CN / Asia market. Their numbers during EN hours before switching to Asian hours weren't much better than Noctyx's current numbers.
Mock them as much as you want, at least Luxiem is smart and brave enough to try to crack an unexplored, yet has potential market. Noctyx is trying to bang their head into a wall. EN Male market is unexplored, sure, but I'm not sure how much potential there is. Maybe eventually it will work, but it will take much longer than it did for Luxiem since Asian female audiences are already used to male idols / BFE game.

>> No.20148069

The only "Myth's number" that Council can't get yet is Gura's. Mori is, more often than not, ahead of Council, but it's not like they haven't been able to reach her numbers occasionally either. Council (at least, 3/5) have already reached Kiara, Ame, and Ina's before.

>> No.20150484

>A female playing a guy does worse
Manjisanji this is just embarrassing. Your woman are lower than dirt.

>> No.20150560

>Whole stream was girl practically girl talk
Just admit the females are side pieces

>> No.20150684

I stopped before that, their bitches are boring

>> No.20150748

Funny enough, I know a weeb who has this exact same issue. He’s a 2view indie with shit content no one likes, but it doesn’t help that his voice is too girly to be a very convincing guy but he doesn’t want to have a girl avatar.

So he has an “nb” avatar and it looks like shit.

Oh, well. Yugo has at least 200 times the concurrent views as my acquaintance had last weekend, so it could be worse.

>> No.20150781

At this point Nijisanji stamp will get you guaranteed views.

>> No.20150864

I only knew about Selen from Kanae collab clips before Luxiem debuted now and only watched Nijien after Luxiem debuted so no

>> No.20150884

Yugo is probably as attractive to most girls as what most of this border thinks a “troon” looks like would be to a guy.

I personally wouldn’t give a fuck if a girl had a dick, as long as she was hot and sounded like a girl. But I’d never sleep with a girl who sounded and looked too manly, regardless of what junk she was born with.

Similarly, I bet most girls don’t care that Yugo has an axe wound, they just don’t like how girly he sounds.

>> No.20150915

Oh no nono holosisters, how could you fall so low????

>> No.20150950

Yes, every Niji EN group that isn't Luxiem is a failure. We know, OP.

>> No.20150986

Let’s be real, everybody knows that HoloID is just HoloEN, but with different branding so they don’t step on each other’s toes.

I mean, Ollie straight up saying, “Of course I’m gonna keep streaming in English, you guys are morons for even asking me to speak more Bahasa” was fucking based, but it also showed that the ID girls know who their real audience is

>> No.20151041

It’s the truth. Indies and smaller vtuber actually have to put in work, and some of them still get better views than the Nijisanji females and the tranny.

>> No.20151075

Yes, that was the joke…

>> No.20151129

I’m not sure why this is surprising. A woman (well, in this case, a guy who can’t sound like a guy to save his life) with a male avatar is basically the worst of both worlds.

>> No.20151137

What purpose does the Nijisanji females serve except for being unironic onaholes for the males?

>> No.20151156

You are contradicting yourself in your own post. All niji offers is management help and a group of friends you can have fun with. Not guaranteed 1 million subs like holoshit.

>> No.20151278

Ah Nipplesanji, a place where you can be literal whores with your friends and still have lower ccv than some indies kek

>> No.20151334

>bias Nijishit response
Both Nijishit and Holoshit are corporate, if their vtubers were so good then they wouldn’t be beaten by some twitch indies

>> No.20151346

Stop projecting your holo fantasies on nijis, also those indies are good friends with nijis, unlike holos.

>> No.20151415

HoloEn is the ideal situation. Why wouldn't they stop looking at the top of the mountain?

>> No.20151471

Cope. Nijilivers are two-faced whores, they must also have a discord channel backstabbing those indies. Don't defend your whores, they're just literal Luxiem cumrags with nothing else to offer.

>> No.20151504

>My company is good friends with indies while your company isn’t
Mental illlness. Code Miko is the top vtuber, now cope.
