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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 477 KB, 650x650, FulgurSana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19867507 No.19867507 [Reply] [Original]

Where's the Fulgur-Sana general ?

>> No.19867630

black sheep

>> No.19867805


>> No.19868153

Jannies keep fucking deleting it for no reason, I'll try again next time fulgur streams

>> No.19868333

I support it

>> No.19868766

mods HATE unity and want to see an all out war

>> No.19868810

hate sex?

>> No.19868900

who and literally who?

>> No.19868921


>> No.19869143

>Endless retarded bait, doxx, and blatant discord/tribalfag threads go untouched
>The one well humored and fun thing from the recent "yab" is shoot on sight
No fun allowed on the Holoboard I guess. You probably have to disguise it as a full on Nijianti post.

>> No.19869252
File: 174 KB, 1200x672, FNXrmRLUYAEjCIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. this is Fulgur-Sana General in disguise

>> No.19869276

I ship blacksheep!!!

>> No.19869401

Truly the Romeo and Juliet of our times.

>> No.19869498


>> No.19869661

Upcoming Streams
Fulgur: Smash w/ Vox
Sana: N/A (get well soon)

>> No.19869679

i didn't know pomu is a mod here

>> No.19869870
File: 1.50 MB, 1536x800, ill hide discord when i fucking feel like it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl with the ugliest model
>guy with the ugliest name
It's a match made in hell

>> No.19869987

sonny has the ugliest niji model imo, wtf is going on with his mouth/ teeth

>> No.19870102

/blacksheep/ OTP

>> No.19870147


>> No.19870288

>sideboobs for days
>ugliest model
are you fucking gay, Fulgur?
Oh wait

>> No.19870319

based ship

>> No.19870430

Dunno if Sana is here (or anywhere to be seen) but it's mostly certain Fulgur is. So if you're reading this, confirm this ship, Fulgur.

>> No.19870460

drawfags please

>> No.19870499
File: 268 KB, 1000x1000, 1646767205251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana image

>> No.19870528

petra-anya but better

>> No.19870562

Not even a holo-niji anti, this crackship is funny as fuck and I can't wait to see the potential contents this thread can generate.

>> No.19871101
File: 148 KB, 405x473, Sana&Fulgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POTATOED (Fungus is Irish)

>> No.19871293
File: 9 KB, 790x71, unknown-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the first prop he used

>> No.19871300

yesterday fulgur streamed majora's mask. in clocktown, there's a dog that attacks you if you're deku link. so fulgur gets attacked, and he angrily says:
>get away from me, you fucking mutt
and i just thought thst was funny.

>> No.19871420
File: 754 KB, 1082x1080, 1633922841838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19871466

Medios or Jannies hate normal relationships because they have daddy issues or family problems

>> No.19871506

I love this

>> No.19871509
File: 1.30 MB, 2704x3240, 1615619532336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit why does this ship feel so legitimate and dare i say wholesome?

>> No.19871544

ngl these threads have made me sub to both

>> No.19871568

Fulgur likes to bully crippled women with back injuries.

>> No.19871740

Romeo and Juliet

>> No.19871749
File: 97 KB, 693x980, 1646808824342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19871751


>> No.19871807

who do you think she got the back injuries from kek

>> No.19872178

I have no fucking clue what's going on, what's up with all this?

>> No.19872251

We need more artists for this couple

>> No.19872369
File: 14 KB, 211x209, 86328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19872535

just saw Fulgur sucking dick behind a Wendy's

>> No.19872556

Sana futa

>> No.19872705


>> No.19872805

kek, what is this?
Starlord and Gamora

>> No.19872828

is this the new anya/petra thread?

>> No.19873220
File: 170 KB, 465x438, Screenshot_734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19873725

Enemies to lovers...

>> No.19873802
File: 214 KB, 768x768, 1645337735589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fungus says sana is a loser
>/vt/ starts shipping it

>> No.19873950

The correct term is "from enemies, to enemies that fuck each other."

>> No.19874109

How many hours a week do you think fungus gets pegged by sana?
I reckon 18, 2 hours a day normally, 4 on weekends as a treat

>> No.19874479

I wish I was autistic enough as an artist and can draw many pictures of them being cute together, I dont watch either but they really look good together, Like their energy just seem to match.
Sana bubbly and Fulgur edgy and tsundere.

>> No.19874584

Where's that Sena-Yozora screencap? It has the same energy too.

>> No.19874592


Fungus is a great tard wrangler and he seem like someone who can bounce off Sana's jokes compared to the rest of Council.

An actual Sana x Fulgur collab when?

>> No.19874623

Since hes just an edgy chuuni she would definitely tease him about it. Cute.

>> No.19874631
File: 490 KB, 887x664, 1634923839860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just doodle this.

>> No.19874683


Noctyx and Council will be SAVED!

Unitybros win!

Death of all rrats!

>> No.19874863

if I work up the motivation, I'll come post them here, as long as these generals survive I'll keep trying to make art

>> No.19874868

holy based

>> No.19875043

do it niger i will be the samefag

>> No.19875193

This crack ship is absolutely based

>> No.19875251

Bully the girl you like, until you rent free on her head - Fungus Covid

>> No.19875277

Imagine them talking shit to each other while having the most intense vanilla sex imaginable, complete with giggling and handholding

>> No.19875371

>Bully the girl you like, until you rent free on her head
The quote of my elementary life. Except it doesn't work in real life.

>> No.19875408

The best part of this shitpost ship is that Fulgur has absolutely read through these threads. No doubt about it.

>> No.19875432

I fucking kneel

>> No.19875436


>> No.19875723

Yesssss lets do thissss

>> No.19875956

thank u anon

>> No.19876378


>> No.19876429

>this dude didnt bully the girl he liked into suicidebmission

>> No.19876456

I wish it would be a thing, these two are my two favorite chuubas

>> No.19876543
File: 375 KB, 680x676, FUNGUSANA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made another shitty edit

>> No.19876655
File: 43 KB, 114x177, Beautiful Peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19876692

Love is a beautiful thing

>> No.19876694

This cured my tribalism

>> No.19876702

I need more, anon

>> No.19876732

Cute. Now make a story on how they met

>> No.19876755

please use this for the next general

>> No.19876829

They are this community's romeo and juliet

>> No.19876871

can someone explain why the two of them
I don't follow Holosanji

>> No.19876883

Where is the fanfic anon

>> No.19876898

BlackSheep love

>> No.19876921

>Both are the worst of their gen in terms of numbers
>Both are the face of bait threads for their respectibe tribe antis
That's what I get from observing the catalog atleast

>> No.19876940

This can't be real holy shit.

>> No.19877145


>> No.19877462
File: 84 KB, 267x261, 1637986925372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This general is a blessing.

>> No.19877523 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 527x112, sonnygo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19877551

>wrong use of tho
Guys i will become tiktok famous and apply too, fuck that

>> No.19877558 [DELETED] 

oh wrong thread lmao

>> No.19877575

>Fulgur trashtalking Council in discord
>Sanalite spamming catalog shitting on Fulgur
>Fulgur is 99% /here/
>rrat is that all the threads are made by the two shitting on each other
>that's kinda cute, forbidden love between niji and holo
>Sana-Fulgur general
>5 hours after the general is created, Sana streams for the first time in almost a month
genuinely the best thing that happened to /vt/ this week

>> No.19877678

This is really cute, I have the dumbest smile on my face right now. Greatest thing to ever come out of this board.

>> No.19877707

Calm down sis it's just anya-petra 2, no need to be so hyperbolic

>> No.19877806

Mostly to make fun of Fungus who has probably posted itt

>> No.19877814
File: 203 KB, 504x504, 1613534674423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The power of love

>> No.19878101

It's not even anything like Anya-Petra though? That only came about because there weren't enough fans for them to have a thread of their own without it getting bumped off the catalog.

>> No.19878917
File: 40 KB, 95x166, Love&Peace Peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19879247

>5 hours after the general is created, Sana streams for the first time in almost a month
This is what gets me the most. Endless threads about Sana being inactive? Nothing. One thread about being lovers with Fungus? I will now stream.

>> No.19879932
File: 68 KB, 1832x858, 1632017942574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19880006
File: 94 KB, 500x413, one-all-mighty-kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19880101


>> No.19880216


>> No.19880294

>sana bubbly
>fulgur edgy
>great tard wrangler
imagine fulgur coming here and using his future robot powers to find out where all of the sana anti's from /#/ are and killing them.

>> No.19880313

And Petra was the one who leaked Fungus's shitpost...

>> No.19880332

the /vt/ Cinematic Universe....

>> No.19880352

I don't think Fulgur is suicidal.

>> No.19880358

cute cute cute cute cute!!!

>> No.19880421

Fungus Covid... Petra's Chinese and exposed him via a (discord) leak... It can't be a coincidence

>> No.19880572

Why is AnyaPetra global allowed but not this pairing?

>> No.19880644

One angry sanallite janitor seethes at true love

>> No.19880693

The black sheep of generals.

>> No.19880714

This board really has lost it's mind huh?

>> No.19880770

War & Love

>> No.19881042
File: 75 KB, 1000x1000, 30B675B1-6F8B-4FD1-BDED-044D8732FF6B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing that came to my head

>> No.19881172

Goddammit, I read it as Fulgur-sama. Change it to Sana-Fulgur next thread

>> No.19881190

So is Sana's back destroyed because Fulgur fucked her or because she fucked him with her futa cock?

>> No.19881212

Is sanas lore like a space girl? Thats so cute. Bubbly space girl and edgy futuristic cyborg boy.

>> No.19881266

Is there any other NijiENxHoloEN ship?
I only know the Holostar one, winning son and the red rrat

>> No.19881270

>Sana is a chuuni
>Fulgur is a chuuni

>> No.19881382

All the males wanna fuck all the counsel members, think about it the only reason something lives rent free in a man’s head is if they wanna fuck it or murder it, so I’m guessing/hoping none of the NijiEN males wanna shoot up Cover.

>> No.19881450

Both Vox and Mori mindbreaks /vt/ for weeks, so maybe that.
Or you could ship the detectives together too with Mysta and Ame

>> No.19881471


>> No.19881521

Don't associate this based man with the feces vtuber.

>> No.19881561

I see.

>> No.19881674

Sana x Fulgur very wholesome idea, is one of those fantasy you wish happened to you. Mori on the other hand is a hard drinker rap girl and the other guy i know nothing about him, sounds like your average cringe fantasy, or maybe i'm just exagerating because i don't really care enough

>> No.19881734

Excuse me sir this is a serious thread about the hatelove between two great chuubas

>> No.19881771

Don’t keep her waiting Fulgur.

>> No.19881865

Ok vox and mori is great. A demon and reaper? Perfect

>> No.19881914

why the fuck can't you people just act normal.

pathetic weirdo headcanon shit. this will just help ruin the things you love. you can't help doing it. everything around you gets ruined because you're a fuck up.

>> No.19881929

Calm down dude

>> No.19882045

What are the sweaty levels of these two?

>> No.19882061

You cracked the code, now spam it for continuous Sana stream.

>> No.19882223

t. Reddit

>> No.19882225

Why do they all like it?

>> No.19882291
File: 64 KB, 960x720, 5436445654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19882302

big fan of your work fulgur-sensei

>> No.19882394

Someday you'll find love as cute as this pair and then youll understand.

>> No.19882535

It didn't do as good as they expected

>> No.19882622

same, i would draw so much cute shit if i knew how to draw
where the hell are all the drawfags

>> No.19882623

twitterfags need to kill themselves

>> No.19882970

I would draw them but I don't have a tablet...

>> No.19883004

Vox + Mori + Bubi triangle love let's goo?

>> No.19883012

i'm ip banned so i'm no good either

>> No.19883422

be the first ms paint drawfag anon

>> No.19883538

Just post it on catbox and ask someone to post it for you. Either that or save it on your phone and post it next time you leave your house

>> No.19884032
File: 136 KB, 976x695, ewiwa laptop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori x Vox would be like those Shoujo manga with prep student x womanizer bad boy.
Mori would be a hardworking, no-nonsense Reaper in the Underworld and Vox is the bad boy, rising star womanizer who's shocked the whole Underworld with his cocky attitude and ambition to be the top of the Underworld.
Bubi is the Prince-like character that has paid special attention to Mori but never really make any move until Vox came to the picture.

>> No.19884082

Classic star-crossed lovers, who could possibly dislike this?

>> No.19884525

t. Fungus

>> No.19884597

>who could possibly dislike this?
Sana and Fulgur.

>> No.19884794

Kinda hot

>> No.19885108

That just makes it better.

>> No.19885498

Anon, thank you for giving me respite on this hellhole of a board.

>> No.19885838

Thi is how a general like this survive, its how the anya-petra thread keeps going. Make OC.

>> No.19885960

is this from his ARG?

>> No.19886308

I can't believe this doesn't feel cucked at all. This is my mew favorite general.

>> No.19886497

because it's so retarded and goofy

>> No.19886621

this will reach a legendary status one day. don't let it be forgotten!

>> No.19886956
File: 1.54 MB, 900x1080, 1638552920042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19887027

How long has Fulgur been contracted by Nijisanji before he debuted? Does it match up with Sana going on an extended break to coach him on streaming?
It's possible she panicked and did her 15-minute stream yesterday because /vt/ was getting too close.

>> No.19887254

>Fulgur gets coached on streaming by the person known for not streaming
Sausage fungus sama

>> No.19887535
File: 248 KB, 707x1000, tsun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19887688
File: 253 KB, 707x1000, tsun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the skin color...

>> No.19887818

pure kino

>> No.19887835


>> No.19888604
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 4235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually don't like ship,
But this... does put a smile on my face

>> No.19888743


>> No.19888869

Not smart enough to be Kurisu
Not cool enough to be Okabe.
Valiant effort.

>> No.19888875

Nature is healing.

>> No.19889029

This is actually kinda cute, what the actual fuck

>> No.19889059

Go work on you arg Fungus.

>> No.19889158

Fungus stop being a fucking faggot and man up

>> No.19889187

Take responsibility, funyun covid.

>> No.19889490

chill the fuck out hololive_en_council_manager we are just having fun here

>> No.19889528
File: 648 KB, 4096x2784, vampirekiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave council to me.

>> No.19890654


>> No.19890666

Love is war
Also hatesex is hot

>> No.19890775

Tetsu no Fulgur
Muteki Fulgur

>> No.19891977

do you think Sana sends him cute messages when he has a bad day?

>> No.19893463
File: 258 KB, 2048x1132, 3243435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last sana stream: 23 hours ago

>> No.19893720

this is a sign of good things to come

>> No.19893812

Im Fulgur, stop shipping me with her, im racist and I dont like brown people

>> No.19893844

Where’s Sana at all?

>> No.19894029


>> No.19894067

I now understand how shiptrannies feel, because this is cute as fuck. Wishing them happiness.

>> No.19894174

reminder that folgers is a huge tsundere, and sana takes extreme pleasure in annoying him

>> No.19894369
File: 1.02 MB, 1491x936, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CUTE, Sana got such a great design.

Fulgur is the classic tsundere, he acts tough/edgy and talks shit when his dude friends are present especially his senpai Vox but instantly switches up when it's the two of them. It's bipolar.
Sana got the constant stubbornness of the modern tsundere and will bite back but she's still generally caring and can accommodate both of his sides and also because she's an M and enjoys being talked down and put in her place
Pic not related btw

>> No.19894619

Im sana, and you hurt my feelings. No dinner for you tonight

>> No.19894649

It’s okay.
You’ll never see her because she never fucking streams.

>> No.19894672

>classic tsundere
>but instantly switches up
You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.19894680

sauce on the pic, love this cute stuff

>> No.19894697


>> No.19894759

classic tsundere means they are only dere around their love interest and act tough with everyone else

>> No.19894809

It's funny that you can't get this wholesome dynamic in niji. Almost all girls are deranged or is currently brainwashed to be one.

>> No.19894843

This I suppose

>> No.19894876

Imagine Fulgur detaching his robot penis and throwing it at Sana and telling her to "go fuck yourself"

>> No.19894900

No. Classic tsundere is a character development. She hates him at first, but learns things about him that makes her fall in love with him and at the end of the series, she is in love. Other characters are irrelevant.

>> No.19895086

Shota Sana with a huge dick x Loli Tsundere Fulgur

>> No.19895195


>> No.19895234
File: 126 KB, 576x768, golden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shinning light in this dark hell of a board

>> No.19895332
File: 14 KB, 480x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19895379

God I want Sana to break into Fulgur's room and wake him up before school by throwing a loaf of crusty bread at him

>> No.19895433

Imagine shota Sana raping fulgur...

>> No.19895445

Fulgur could use some bread correction

>> No.19895512

To me it seems like anger and arousal are both linked somehow. Like maybe the areas in the brain that governs them are close or linked to each other in some fashin.

>> No.19895528

>Fulgur says that lolis are fine on stream
>Turns out he's just a loli using a voice changer and wants the dick
It writes itself

>> No.19895672

Fulgur smash collab with vox starting now

>> No.19895768

>vox cucking sana

>> No.19895926

I can vividly imagine Fulgur getting toxic with vox when he makes fun of the "black sheep of the branch" cause he thinks he talking about Sana I'm literally going insane I hear the devil daggers laughing skull in everyday objects the wind is singing

>> No.19895979

>Sana 'rewarding' Fulgur depending on how hard he can publicly humiliate niji #1 beard-earner

>> No.19896100

>Fulgur absolutely washing Vox

>> No.19896262


>> No.19896329

Vox's chinkfujos are absolutely seething right now

>> No.19896390

This is really one-sided lol.

>> No.19896395

Sana probably messaged him “I hope you lose” but is secretly cheering him on right now….

>> No.19896540

>the black hololive is dating the white guy who's great with a whip

>> No.19896565

I like this because the unityfag within me just wants everybody to get along.
And maybe fuck.

>> No.19896931

Vox is getting robofucked in front of his yumes kek

>> No.19897089

Fulgur is hilarious WTF

>> No.19897296

Where have you been since his debut 2.0? He's really funny and never stops talking even in solo 6 hour streams

>> No.19897475

if any femanon is here and wants to talk, menhara or not Axi#9878

>> No.19897574

Fuck off

>> No.19899598
File: 328 KB, 1448x2048, FNbB-bkaIAAyrFk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fulgur says some wild shit at the heat of the moment.

>> No.19899739

Literal whos don't get generals.

>> No.19901582

L + ratio + you fell off + sana better + L part 2 + don't care + didn't ask + the hood watches fulgur now

>> No.19901688

Jannies won't allow it
Also we're posting in it right now

>> No.19901950

is it really possible for a council girl and a noctyx boy to be in a relationship

>> No.19902063

No, but one (Sana's futa cock) can impregnate the other (Fulgur's robopussy) in a scandalous affair

>> No.19902293

yes, where does Sana live?

>> No.19902313

Fulgur here. It's real.

>> No.19903703

pls stream, Sana

>> No.19903873
File: 160 KB, 690x786, 1646773387773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19906402

What did he say?

>> No.19906822

he said "fuck you nigger" on stream

>> No.19908446

>Fulgur has a chronic back pain and even tried to euthanize himself

>> No.19908726

>I'm not familiar about killing myself, that's a kindred lifestyle
>Your ancestors left you the moment you were born
>I support euthanasia on humans and almost tried it myself

>> No.19908778

>I'm not familiar about killing myself, that's a kindred lifestyle
Kek, poor Chinese OLs.

>> No.19908886

I'm not watching but I'm pretty sure he's talking about his clan.

>> No.19908940

>Fulgur has chronic back pain
>Sana is starting to develop chronic back pain

>> No.19909662

>Fulgur always tells his chat to be mindful of their posture
HOLY SHIT. This thing writes itself

>> No.19910012

Rrats told me this was actually a jab at Sana

>> No.19910698

I bet Fungus also told her that while she was riding him, but she didnt listen

>> No.19910944

Sana curing Fulgur's suicidal thoughts with her brown womb...

>> No.19911806

>changes from Richter to Link
He's just here to make people angry.

>> No.19912071
File: 2.72 MB, 1500x2100, holo girl and niji boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread made my day. Have a low-quality meme as thanks.

>> No.19912144
File: 169 KB, 700x600, fulgur sana smash c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew sana and fulgur smashing

>> No.19912179

Thank you anons this is very cute.

>> No.19912194

hot as fuck.

>> No.19912203
File: 16 KB, 200x356, 1635305878796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19912235

Based anons delivering.

>> No.19912517


>> No.19912781


>> No.19912953

thank you, anons!

>> No.19913031

Unholy thread. Hopefully pope Gura can hear your confession soon

>> No.19913081

why is this happening?

>> No.19913119

Forbidden love is interesting.

>> No.19913161

We're having a thing called 'fun'. You can join if you want.

>> No.19913205


>> No.19913218

See >>19877575.
Sana and Fulgur both being chronic pain cripples is a plus.
