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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 82 KB, 615x725, money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19856317 No.19856317 [Reply] [Original]

English Indies are very humble. They make low income and don't need anyone.

>> No.19856357

This guy seems pretty cool but why make posts like this...

>> No.19856371


>> No.19856445

>be nobody
>make money for the first time
>start talking like an ass
>become nobody
Like pottery

>> No.19856473

Sounds like cope. Nobody asked for your opinion on your wages.

>> No.19856482

I'm going to put good into the world until the day I day and then turn into a fucking demon and kill all you faggots for lying to me.

>> No.19856506

What use is life as a teacher when you only get one chance?

>> No.19856727

exactly thats how the world works right ? once you do X good deeds you get your money and then can be a dick.

>> No.19856779

you mean poetry?

>> No.19856787

>doing well
lmao ok

>> No.19856832

isnt this against TOS or something

>> No.19856884

If only. More like get taken advantage of for years then die with nothing. It's just a fucking dice role karma isn't real.

>> No.19856928

that's very good for an indie especially a male

>> No.19856943

at the very least it's generally a bad idea with any employer

>> No.19856966

No, he meam popeyes

>> No.19856994

are you retarded

>> No.19857059

thats close to 50k a year. better than most..

>> No.19857072

The way things are, this person won't even be able to pay for gas in a few weeks.

>> No.19857074

Any indie making a full wage with streaming is certainly doing well.

>> No.19857135

since when do streamers have to drive to there job?

>> No.19857632

if not it just puts a target on your back.

>> No.19857746

It's just 4k anon are you serious having your panties in a twist because she/he is making money streaming for a bit lol

>> No.19857822

Fuck this person for celebrating their modest success.

>> No.19857978
File: 10 KB, 189x267, tyues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am Humble
nope, humble people don't say they are, don't need to brag and show off how much they earn, they just are, you just seek validation

>> No.19858002

I would have to work 80 hours a week to make that. THIS IS BULLSHIT

>> No.19858056
File: 26 KB, 1057x605, my numberfagging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up whore, I can't even get a daily 1 view but you don't see me complaining my internet bills are due 1.5 months now.

>> No.19858058

this guy is a deadbeat btw

>> No.19858182

Every EN male this board shows me ends up being an asshole or saying untasteful shit like this. Where are the normal guys

>> No.19858232

in /wvt/ with 5-15 average viewers

>> No.19858355

It's part of a longer rant

>> No.19858495

good point but unwise to post it

>> No.19858557

Assuming his revenue remains consistent.

>> No.19858685

Why do people who get a tiny shred of success feel the need to boast how good they are while also being an ass?

>> No.19858787

Anonymity does that for you.

>> No.19858806

nice humble brag, as expected of a western vtuber

>> No.19858871

I learn from the mistakes of people that take my advice.

>> No.19858944

you might consider getting bots..

>> No.19859126

Yes? Anon 4k/mo is more than most people make by quite a bit

>> No.19859135

twitter reps

>> No.19859407

That's $50k a year. That's above what you'd make on minimum wage. And he's just playing video games while talking shit on a mic.

>> No.19859519

there's this really weird curve where people with like ~100 active viewers will occsionally attract super whales who throw a few thousands to the underdogs

>> No.19859717

thats like $25 dollars an hour which is insane if he acutally keeps it up

>> No.19860073

Before taxes

>> No.19860260

That is like an average income. Is everyone on this board a third worlder or minimum wage cuck?

>> No.19860319

He can live like a king in South America or SEA.

>> No.19860385

51% of people in the US make under $20 an hour you out of touch faggot. Get the silver spoon out of your mouth and look around once in a while why don't you.

>> No.19860429

That's about 10 dollars above the highest minimum wage in the country and he gets to do that from home while just dicking around on the internet in a career field that has multiple branch off paths to make even more money. So yeah pretty good.

>> No.19860533

its funny because that money is a lot for like 80% of the world

>> No.19860579

I make 42k a year and I have to get dressed and sit at a computer telling people to restart their computer and then be told I didn't use "Please" and "Thank you" enough in my monthly reviews so I'm not getting a raise.

>> No.19860614

That's multiple times over what I'd need to live my perfect life now.

>> No.19861865

Is funny how this thread made some zoomer anons expose themselves as shitters that don't know how hard is to make a living, thinking 4k month is something to laugh about

Also by the twitter thread it seems some people DMed the dude for the first time asking to collab before anything else and he got called clout chaser for not replying

>> No.19863475

that some backward ass logic. Why would he post his income ? if anything wouldnt that prove there point

>> No.19866378

that's more than double minimum wage don't kid yourself

>> No.19866543

EN indies are all mentally ill. Why do they always tweet like they have a million antis??

>> No.19866768

see >>19858495

He was fuming

>> No.19867108

right, so like he said, average

>> No.19871457

>indian name

>> No.19872356


>> No.19872642

Bro I make like $500 a month.

>> No.19872799

Is there context for this? I just can't fathom why anyone would make this tweet

>> No.19873295

Probably just want to flex

>> No.19873671

This guy is an absolute nobody, 10k followers highest stream in his career 500 people. Even worse stats on youtube. And he makes 4 grand? Does that mean some shitter like Artemis of the Blue is making 80k a year and people like Bao and Haruka are are making half a million?

>> No.19874527

unironically yes. stats say having more than a 100 viewers makes you at the top 10ish percent of streamers and thats enough to fund a daily living.

>> No.19875018

>He's angry about clout chasers and his solution is to post his income.
>This makes it look like he's bragging.
At least his new antis will give him free publicity

>> No.19875066

It was probably just a good month for him. The
recent twitch leaks do not support this theory.

>> No.19875101

This is exactly why managers and corpos exist, to tard wrangle shit like that. Not that corpos have been any good recently at preventing yabs

>> No.19875112

>top 10ish percent
Having more than 6 (six) viewers puts you in the top 10%, triple digits are easily top percentile territory.

>> No.19875198

How many people are streaming to 0 or 1 person at any given time? Thousands?

>> No.19875820

it will follow some power law distribution

>> No.19877121
File: 33 KB, 798x398, 1627855018291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millions during holidays, hundred thousand during regular weeks
Pretty much

>> No.19877435

>more than I make in 2 months

>> No.19877438

Only difference is most people are working in factories or restaurants to make average money, not sitting on their ass streaming all day.

>> No.19877684

Anon 4k/month is more than many high-skilled jobs in some countries

>> No.19878284

pic related?

>> No.19878361

They are probably easily Making over 100K a year . Even more once you throw in sponsorships odj2s

>> No.19878561

I will save you

>> No.19878668
File: 83 KB, 594x641, 1634738969780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was having a melty because a 2view was being an autist in his DMs.
Chances are said 2view made this thread.

>> No.19878781

Why does he not simply ignore the two view? It clearly isn't difficult for more than those two people.

>> No.19878837

iunno. Something about swooceing into a chuuba's DMs gets under their skin regardless of how stupid it is.

>> No.19879086

fucking nobodies, don't reply to baits, you'll just make yourself look bad

>> No.19880132

holy shit how poor are you guys? I knew you were retarded but 50k before taxes is poverty tier. and you know the only reason he posted this is because its probably his best month ever

>> No.19882112

Idiot. Thats median. Hes well above median wage and below the average. The average is skewed heavily upwards.

>> No.19882296

How new

>> No.19882649

0.5views kek.

>> No.19885143

man if I made $4k doing youtube shit I'd be ecstatic

>> No.19885247

Many such cases

>> No.19885424

Imagine getting this riled up just because some random 2view sent you a DM

>> No.19885622

>actual indentured slaves replying to you

>> No.19885860

Dude, this is how much a judge here( Banania) makes.
Maybe i should...

>> No.19886399

>indie twitch male
Maybe I should actually do my guitar reps and start streaming

>> No.19886639

>0.5 Average Viewers
I'm lmaoing rofling kekkeking

>> No.19887123

Yes, he could live like a judge or a medic on Brazil.

>> No.19887500

where do you look this up?

>> No.19887712

>20times more views than me on twitch
Hey, atleast there is hope for me on youtube lmao

>> No.19887938

NTA, but I've never seen Suisei bragging about how much money she makes. Please correct me if she has.

>> No.19888341

of course you didn't see it. The retard you are replying to is a threadreader, he knows jackshit about Suisei and believes the "stacy" and "prideful" narrative is true when he didn't even watch a clip of her

>> No.19888909

She is prideful for sure, but in a good way

>> No.19889133

It's not "quit your day job" good but it's still a nice amount for an indie. Retards saying it's like 50k usd a year: that is before taxes.

>> No.19889173


>> No.19889195

Depending on where you live that's probably around 40k a year after taxes, which is unironically quit your dayjob money for some people

>> No.19889304

This only includes money he's getting directly from Twitch (subs, bits, ads). Can't forget that there are also donations and sponsorships. So he might be earning even more than he's showing in this tweet.

>> No.19889546

I'd be too. She started from the bottom now she here!

>> No.19889591

Wow, he's actually insane. I know we say meds all the time, but he really needs.

>> No.19889621

Why on earth would someone have a melty like this on twitter?
I get it, it probably sucks getting leeches DMing you for collabs or whatever, but just tell them no and that's it. This just makes him look like an unstable person.

>> No.19892448


>> No.19892653

I’ve seen this guy around. He’s a pretentious moral signaling cunt. He grew with creepy pasta and constant leeching and after he got big started posting tons of stuff about how he got here by working hard and how order vtubers have nothing to complain about, especially not men

>> No.19894604

Nice, this guy is pretty awesome. Great VA. Good to hear he's doing well! Ganbate !

>> No.19894676

Will 2 views ever learn to stay in their place!? Nobody wants to hear about you or from you, you losers!

>> No.19894761

I agree, kek. Literal peasant money.
