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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 42 KB, 374x600, tomoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1985254 No.1985254 [Reply] [Original]

What /vt/ think about her?

>> No.1985273

her brother is cute

>> No.1985295

Cultured lady.

>> No.1985382


>> No.1985400

I like her and her girlfriend and her last collab with her brother was fun.

>> No.1985491

based lesbo

>> No.1986013

Her brother is small

>> No.1987005


>> No.1987784

I remember the first time she collabed with her brother aka a guerrilla collab

>> No.1988812


>> No.1988952


>> No.1989044

Cute hottie with a cute girlfriend and cute brother

>> No.1989330

A cool vtuber.

>> No.1989389

genuine question
who is she?

>> No.1989413
File: 258 KB, 1489x2000, Ef8Bu_pUcAEV5-U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm jealous of her because I wish Sukoya was my wife

>> No.1989855

Its cool when the "siblings" actually get along as well as her and Shien do.

>> No.1989894

Tomoe, a genuine sadistic lesbian.

>> No.1992519

I want her to top me

>> No.1992835

My Niji mommy.
I wish she did more ASMR.

>> No.1993361
File: 567 KB, 1038x737, 1598655946928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool and cute lady. The 生川家 and Crossick collabs this weekend were really fun.

>> No.1993755

Crossick makes me dick hard.

>> No.1993977

Very based

>> No.1999129

Alpha dike!

>> No.1999181

Punching bag of Night Kingdom.

>> No.1999348

dyke of the dykes

>> No.1999614

boring when not moaning along with 健屋花那

>> No.1999706

Haven't watched enough of her to say but I enjoyed her collab with Shien. She takes the lead in conversations and is also willing to play along with jokes, she seems like an okay person

>> No.2000175
File: 112 KB, 1150x605, EoW8pFKU8AA_PwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want what they have (but heterosexual)

>> No.2000214

I'm jealous of Sukoya because I wish Tomoe was my wife.

>> No.2000254

This: >>1985382
That loading screen of hers is pure elegance and sensuality, just like she is. I love it.

>> No.2000483

Who is her brother?

>> No.2000541

Shien from Holostars.

>> No.2000733
File: 1.41 MB, 1215x1075, She will never be yours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be her personal pet living off scraps of her leftover food while she act indifferent towards me until Sukoya shows up and physically hurt me out of jealousy, at which point she'll show some affection towards me by stopping Sukoya by telling her she's going too far and then treat my wounds asking me if i'm ok

>> No.2000756

Her voice is really mature, a real milf

>> No.2000890

a job and being forced to fake your sexual preferences for money?

>> No.2001069

As opposed to pretending to be gay for free like what you're doing?

>> No.2001077

nerve hitting post

>> No.2001127

go back newfag

>> No.2001143

that's the benefit, i don't have to fake it

>> No.2001597

Probably gayest Vtuber out there but that's actually great. She is a very good entertainer, knows how to make everything fun. And I honestly think her relationship with Sukoya is/was a good starting point to normalizing Vtubers being in relationships.

>> No.2002731

Always lovely when the alphabet bastards lose one more avatar which makes them go mad effortlessly

>> No.2003892

>convincing dom
>sensual as fuck
>lovey dovey
>knows the boundaries between kinky play and everyday life, deeply respects and communicate with her sub
>devoid of superiority complex, able to tank banter from her sub and admit her inferior intelligence
Sure hope I can redebut as Sukoya once I graduate

>> No.2003964

/vt/ isn't capable of thinking

>> No.2005071

You must be stupid to think it is fake

>> No.2005809

That one clip of her singing a Nana Mizuki song, turning around to see Nana is being projected in the wall behind her and proceeding to prostrate herself to the projection tells me she is based.

>> No.2008399

She's hot and I love her voice and Sukoya

>> No.2008546

I assume you mean within corporates, because there are plenty of Vtuber couples and/or couple channels floating around already. Benizuwaigani would be pretty cute together, but Akina does have a fair number of gachikoi.

>> No.2008986

Didn't Sukoya fall in love with tomoe at first sight
They talked about how it happened but I don't remember anything

>> No.2009176

Pretty much, it happened the first time they met up IRL. Before that, Tomoe greeted everyone in the Nijisanji Slack channel a week prior to her debut, but Sukoya was the first one to DM her to greet her personally, and then on consistently reached out to her for collabs.

>> No.2009241

>fake your sexual preferences for money
>there are twitcasts of them doing literal foreplay
Damn she must be dedicated to the kayfabe.

>> No.2009389

Not only that, but they openly talked about whether they should keep their relationship as business only or keep going further at some point.

>> No.2010080

You mean that drunken confession stream?

>> No.2010342

Pretty sure they are talking about when they met irl for the first time, that Sukoya said she saw Tomoe and pretty much couldn't handle how beautiful she was.

>> No.2010495

I'm jealous of her because I wish I had a girlfriend who can become a wife

>> No.2010622

Wonderful singer and interesting person. I'm always a little surprised she's middle of the pack when it comes to subs and views. I'm expecting one of her covers or maybe an original song to blow the fuck up at some point and then Japan will find the rest of her music

>> No.2010766

Yeah talking about the difficulties of coming out to your family and giving out bad advice do to your insecurities is all an act man.
Next you'll say Gundo is a virgin or something.

>> No.2010997

I've only seen the clip of they talking about their first conversation, are there clips of those 2 other events?

>> No.2011524

Most of these are moments hidden in long J videos so they are not easy to find but here is a time where they talk about their first meeting.

I am not sure what the "drunken confession stream" is supposed to be but may be just that one popular ASMR stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMHYuHGNgA4 , Sukoya was really drunk that day and has since confessed multiple times that she got herself drunk in order to be brave enough to make something happen between them, she has also said she doesn't really remember what happened that night, though.

>> No.2012405

I remember her sending out some proving messages on twitter to see if she had the gay for real or not.

>> No.2013556

Tomoe is the dream woman

>> No.2013741
File: 2.55 MB, 2561x1440, Screenshot_2021-03-29-23-29-45~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, that's so cute. And the bit with Tsukoya's mom too. I guess I'd have eventually seen it, but it's literally impossible to find it by the title alone, so thanks! I'll go watch the rest of the clip and the other one now.

>> No.2013848
File: 1013 KB, 990x1400, ExqWlrPUUAEO8DM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much sex do she and Sukoya have on the regular?

>> No.2014014

Whenever they go to each other's place so every weekend when they are not in lockdown. They have honestly said way more about their sex life than they should.

>> No.2014246

>she got herself drunk in order to be brave
Sukoya ffs, you've already made it!

>> No.2014625

Oh how I wish all that great yuri fanart wasn't wasted on TakaMori but was about them instead, just like this one...

>> No.2014851

There is a lot of great Crossick fanart, they pretty much dominate the Japanese Vtuber yuri circles with popular mangakas like Yukiko, Tamamusi or Haruzo often superchatting them, tweeting about them and drawing art or even doujins of them.

>> No.2014925

>Tomoe's heartbeat
Oh, it's going pretty fast.
>Sukoya's heartbeat
Oh, shit, it's going at a thousand bpms!
>bite me with your fangs
>harder, do it harder
Jesus Christ!

>> No.2015049

I know that, I'm a deranged yurifag.
I just wish some of it wasn't wasted on that fake kayfabe.

>> No.2015316
File: 167 KB, 1000x1016, ExbI3DNU8AQtFYW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takamori definitely has the lead with quality individual pieces and the rate at which they're posted. Even some dedicated Crossick artists like pic related have started to drabble on Takamori

>> No.2017928

She has a pretty clear voice and it's best on her Katanagatari OP cover. https://youtu.be/iQjGbVi7hpU

>> No.2019453

Enjoy anons

>> No.2019480

Is this a virtual mommy gf?

>> No.2019507

based unapologetic dyke

>> No.2019599

Tomoe's father watches the videos of sukoya, has he seen all those horny videos of the two of them? Her daughter being touched by another woman and moaning with pleasure? The part where she touched sukoya's nails As his favorite part. The asmr of massages, bites, etc.

>> No.2019793

Her dad is a Crossick oshi, so probably. Her mom likes Night Kingdom and Flutoi more, but she's been baking bread for Sukoya and asks if Sukoya is at her place before she comes to visit. Sukoya's mom is curious about Tomoe and wants to meet her.

>> No.2019906

Honestly isn't it s bit creepy her dad enjoys watching his daughter making out with other girl?

>> No.2019979

Sounds like he's based

>> No.2020013

Sounds like an open-minded dad.

>> No.2020156

I mean, Tomoe acknowledges that he IS a pervert. We're talking about the same dad that played eroge in the same room as his kids and gave Tomoe access to his porn manga.

>> No.2020389

why not make them both your wife

>> No.2020477

Have you watched them?
I'd feel like a third wheel, man.

>> No.2020555

If you are a guy then Sukoya has no interest in you and she will despise your relationship with Tomoe.

>> No.2020749

Sukoya is weird, she hates het pairings in fiction and says it's impossible between her and a guy IRL, but she's a raging fujo and yumejo.

>> No.2020831

She's literally the one who's built up the night kingdom content. Notice that all night kingdom covers are on her channel.

>> No.2022273

Nice, playlists are really handy to discover clips I missed, thanks.

>> No.2023112

Really wish there was more solo Tomoe stuff

>> No.2023207

this bitch has penis envy

>> No.2024102

I don't think she does anymore now that she's dating such a dreamy woman.

>> No.2024191

Honestly, girls can have endless orgasms while guys are always limited by their refractory period. Which is why guys literally get the least amount of pleasure in an extended fucking session. Not saying I wish I was a girl, but I could do without being limited by a refractory period.

>> No.2024438

Why does Tomoe have such a high female audience?

>> No.2024461
File: 220 KB, 2048x946, ExAYSeGVIAAC0FO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha dyke pheromones

>> No.2025661

based dad

>> No.2029510

Gee I wonder

>> No.2032749

