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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19838870 No.19838870 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, do you believe her? do you still like her? What is in store for this girl

>> No.19838973

Fake Australian confirmed. Everyone knows REAL Aussies are incapable of feeling pain.

>> No.19838990

>Now that the dust has settled

>> No.19838996

shes there to bait retardposter so they don't post bait about my oshi. i love her though

>> No.19839015

only salty nipplesharts rejects dislike her

>> No.19839021

Yes, hopefully she makes a full recovery

>> No.19839030

Doesn't matter is what she said truth or not. By not giving any info earlier and ghosting everyone, all while being active on roommate account, she showed she doesn't care about Hololive at all.

>> No.19839084
File: 688 KB, 608x713, 1642282261028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stupid poofter - REAL Aussies milk any injury to get fat work compo.

>> No.19839087

Do I believe her? Yes of course. Do I like her? Well I want to but disappearing for that long without updating your fans with what's going on is pretty retarded

>> No.19839133

take meds

>> No.19839143

>do you believe her?
Does it matter?

>> No.19839149

this time next year newfags are going to be asking why a middle-of-the-line streamer keeps getting called a lazy bitch

>> No.19839218

She have cancer or something?

>> No.19839241
File: 945 KB, 1636x589, Finana still seething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spam more threads nijigger

>> No.19839254

I fucking hate the fact she can't stop just milking the BEEG joke, has she moved on at all from her debut mode? Does she have any substance as an actual streamer?

>> No.19839256 [DELETED] 

Dog died and back horts when her other account is active? Hell no i don't believe her.
What's in store for her is another stream in 3 weeks.

>> No.19839277

no part of having a sore back keeps you from doing a twitter space or any kind of audio stream

>> No.19839278

Back injury.
According to /vt/ this means she can't do anything else besides lay in bed in pain.

>> No.19839294

>seething and falseflagging

>> No.19839328

>implying anyone new comes to this dead site
2006 was 40 years ago

>> No.19839382

This reminds me of shota Sana for some reason. Her dirty jokes are actually pretty funny. Sad that she keeps on sticking to her lore.

>> No.19839389

It's hard to get out of debut mode when you've barely streamed since then.

>> No.19839393

Hell no?
>Other hololive members have LOVED ONES die
>Take 2 week break at most and back to streaming
>Sana's fucking dog dies
>1-2month break
>Hololive members perform on stage with broken leg
>Sana takes half a month break because back hort
lmao she's just a lazy fuck.

>> No.19839444


how hard is it to write even just a tweet at the bare minimum explaining anything lmao

and to have a stream 3 weeks after her last with superchats on to milk the pigs before disappearing again

>> No.19839473

I can't believe her pinned tweet is from January

>> No.19839502

ye shes fine

>> No.19839514

>has she moved on at all from her debut mode?
Nope. She was cringe as hell in last 6 month anni council collab.

>> No.19839515

Kiara streamed through a neck injury

>> No.19839519

Pls understand anon
Back Hort, can only like tweets on roommates account

>> No.19839534
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she also saves on rent money by living in your head for free

>> No.19839544

I believe her when she says she's injured, but I think her not streaming is just her treating hololive like a third job

>> No.19839576

What’s her second job then?

>> No.19839593
File: 30 KB, 500x405, 1657117616966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how niji saves rent money by living in your head for free?
are all the Sana anti's niji anon? are they going to antagonize you tonight too?

>> No.19839605

Holosisters will accept ANYTHING tho own the voices in their heads huh

>> No.19839617


>> No.19839624


>> No.19839640


>> No.19839641

Aussies feel pain when their designated abo friend dies.

>> No.19839648

Me. Sorry. Couldn't help it

>> No.19839657

lol dilate /vt/rannies

>> No.19839675

refer to >>19839241

>> No.19839707





>> No.19839752

I love that brown bitch. I don't care if she got railed hard enough to hurt her back.

>> No.19839757 [DELETED] 

Gura streamed through coof.
Ame streamed while travelling.
Mumei streams while attending college.
Irys streams with throat hort.

No excuses for the back hort.

>> No.19839766

You're underestimating back injuries anon. You should know, having back injuries makes it hard for the parts of the body below the back to move right? So it's totally understandable that she can't/doesn't stream because maybe she wants to be comfortable/100%/in top-shape when streaming to us viewers because maybe she fucking cares about that shit. So, stop sticking your head up your ass and think for once because you just look like a nijinigger, dumbass.

>> No.19839798

yeah and everyone clowned her for it and told her it was a stupid thing to do and didn't make her seem any more like a hardworking idol. Only faggots thinks ~ pushing through the pain desu ~ is good content

>> No.19839848

coof doesn't impact your spine\
traveling didn't break ame's spine
attending college isn't an unexpected spinal injury
the throat is categorically NOT the spine

>> No.19839898

saying anything to her fanbase doesnt use her spine

>> No.19839939

remember when orange woman was bad and her streaming with a neck injury was proof she was needy and tryhard

>> No.19839947

>the throat is categorically NOT the spine
that's what the government and big pharma WANT you to think!

>> No.19839983

>back hurt can't stream, but can spend hours and hours on roommate acc
Do you really believ it!?

>> No.19839990

so is the goalpost streaming or communicating? Because streaming is what we're talking about, we all agree not communicating on twitter or official channels was BS but you're taking some big steps with that goalpost

>> No.19840005

That's not true, most hololive fans hate her guts, willingly posting about your shitty back to hundreds of thousands of people who hate you takes quite the spine.

>> No.19840013

Why are you so concerned about what she does when you're not a fan? Gay.

>> No.19840059

We think both are fucking stupid, can't you read?

>> No.19840096

how could anyone be a fan when she doesnt stream lul

>> No.19840106
File: 55 KB, 298x188, 1638824555005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sit on your computer all day
>back hurts a little
>Wahh cant stream back hort too much
please shut the fuck up you stupid neet, I did hard labor and my back hurt like hell and I still had time to sit and play vidya comfortably.

>> No.19840120

>can't get out of bed and move for motion tracking and rigging
>can stay in bed and send a tweet
>exactly the same
I'd tell you to take your brain medicine but you'd need a brain first.

>> No.19840135

>do you believe her?
I actually don't. Her attitude toward the Pokemon tournament showed me she's the type that would lie about health issues just so people stop spamming about why isn't she streaming.

>> No.19840149

yes, and they were equally wrong about orange woman as they are about space woman

>> No.19840175

back hort...

>> No.19840183

Yet here you are, madposting in a Sana thread lul

>> No.19840197

Hi Fungus.

>> No.19840201

Then just sit there? Put a still image up and play a game? You don't have to bob your fucking head around like this is red vs blue, what is wrong with you?

>> No.19840207 [DELETED] 
File: 341 KB, 498x319, chihuahua-angry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Sanalite fanbase.
Cute but annoying.

>> No.19840208
File: 40 KB, 598x129, indogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he can get medicine at all
You are asking too much of the SEAnigs

>> No.19840225

She doesn't have to use the model, she could just have a jpeg

>> No.19840255

Calm down Sana. You're liar and a lazy whore, we get it. ENfags will eat up anything those girls say.

>> No.19840280

>Sana takes half a month break because back hort
Valentines Day was a management requirement, almost everyone streamed that day.

>> No.19840293

at this point i can barely remember what her voice sounds like.

>> No.19840306

>he thinks its sanalites shitting on you
you are being mocked by the entire board because you got outed as being the biggest tribalniggers and numbersfags in the industry while you get mogged by someone that doesnt even stream
t. /clg/

>> No.19840316

You guys sure know it all. So why aren't you vtubers already? I hope your applications to HoloStarsEN goes well.

>> No.19840324

What excuse did she give?

Im not going to watch that stream

>> No.19840327

>Her attitude toward the Pokemon tournament
??? What the hell are you talking about? How are these even related? What does being a sweat in Pokemon have to do with lying about debilitating injuries???

>> No.19840345

look at this motherfucker who is so sheltered he ain't ever been in pain before!

>> No.19840349

Fucking shut up and stream Sana you entitled fuck.

>> No.19840372


>> No.19840396

Then why did you come into this thread? Because it's easier to open a text board than watch a video on South East Asia internet?

>> No.19840409

lmao y;all really forgot they aren't anime girls. People in debilitating back pain aren't going to speedrun platformers for you faggot

>> No.19840450

I actually cant believe you are all excusing her shitty ass behaviour with some half assed excuse lmao

fucking vtuber fans are full of literal yes men

touch grass please

>> No.19840459

back hurt

>> No.19840465
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>> No.19840478

why are you pretending that its impossible for her to do anything when she streamed earlier today

>> No.19840479 [DELETED] 

Look who's talking. Being a tribalnigger is all the hope sanalites have and you just confirmed it with this: >"while you get mogged by someone that doesnt even stream"

>> No.19840486

yeah i still like her. i'll watch her when she streams and be happy when she does

>> No.19840513

>touch grass
you need to go back

>> No.19840544

Pretty much this. Rushia and Mori drama showed how dramafags will latch on to the biggest drama going on like crazy. Sana is probably the oldest EN and is an Aussie, so can take the heat of babies crying about the gap between streams.

>> No.19840547

"debilitating back painnnnn" LMAO Her job requires literally zero movement she can just lay down and talk or sit or whatever is comfortable even with the worst back pain which she definitely doesn't have. but keep sucking down her shit and paying for the privilege, piggy.

>> No.19840559

Can we get art of Sana laying on a pile of bread dogs now?

>> No.19840588
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>> No.19840589

>using touch grass as an insult
awww look at this little sweaty, did you forget where you were?

>> No.19840614


she has time to fucking post her gacha screenshots on her original roommate account, constantly retweeting and liking shit

what is the excuse here for her to stream for that 1 hour instead

fucking retard

>> No.19840656

you also need to go back

>> No.19840722

mald /vt/ranny is mad and bald

>> No.19840749

I have chronic backpain and i still have to to work every day. It wouldn’t kill her to stream for 2 hours

>> No.19840779

>Hololive members perform on stage with broken leg

>> No.19840780

After reading this thread I have now concluded that Sanalites don't exist and everyone defending her in this thread are actually just trolls. Also back pain apparently inhibits people from talking, that's news to me.

>> No.19840812

headcanon is as follow
>lazy bitch doing nothing
>sanalites defending her saying she was doing art for holoearth or some dumbshit
>meanwhile sana living her best life without working and going places
>last week partying hard, fell stairs drunk, fucked her back
>Now has a legitimate reason to not stream
>stream just to say "I can not stream LETS GOOOOO"
>in bed playing switch on portable mode right now

>> No.19840832

Damn, it really is this easy to make a bait shitpost thread huh

>> No.19840836

Funny because you’re here doing the exact same thing.

>> No.19840890 [DELETED] 


>> No.19840920

Her back didn't hurt to tweet about genshit stuff on her alt account

>> No.19840918

i would excuse it if she had posted some updates on twitter at all, meanwhile she went full silence mode as sana while being super active as roommate and celebrating her new gacha-character

so yeah, no, fuck her, i liked her so much when she started, i totally understand mourning for a dog but at this point all good will is gone

>> No.19841065

imagine being a member and getting 2 months of no content and still continuing to pay for membership

>> No.19841249

She's such a fucking chad

>> No.19841341

>>Now that the dust has settled

>> No.19841398

I believe her. Back injury can be either a nothing thing or so painful you can't do anything. Worse yet is it's such a generic term that it can be multiple things. It sounds like she thought it was something minor but it escalated to something major. She said she was told to start getting back into her normal routine now or she'll become weak so I believe it more as that is something doctors will say after surgery or after an injury. Take it slow but use the muscles before the atrophy.

Her major mistake was not really saying anything about it. I understand where she was coming from with it when she said she didn't want to say anything until she had more information and asked the other's who knew what was going on to not mention it. A simple, "Guys, my back is in a ton of pain. I'm going to the doctors to get it checked out but I won't be able to stream for a while. I can't even sit in a chair long enough to even set up a stream." would have quelled a ton of things. Hindsight is 20/20 and hopefully the same thing won't happen again with any other streamer.

>> No.19841408 [DELETED] 

Some people are just insane like that.

>> No.19841412

It inhibits people from sitting up straight, which is necessary to stream, retard

>> No.19841425

I don't watch her outside of collabs but she's a sweetheart and she'd have to really fuck up for me to start disliking her.

>> No.19841431

sana is now in a wheelchair

>> No.19841435

This is Cover. Are you surprised she went on an indefinite hiatus, without turning memberships off? Are you surprised superchats were on for this stream? Are you surprised superchats were on when chloe announced her grandmother died? Are you surprised they milked Coco's graduation for every penny?
It's all very consistent.

>> No.19841480

>this mad over other people willingly spending their money as they please

Retard? Retard.

>> No.19841504

damn I guess people doing twitter spaces or streaming places other than a computer are doing the impossible.

>> No.19841546

Girls are cutest when they're almost retarded

>> No.19841548

People like you are the reason these lazy whores keep doing what they do

>> No.19841590

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19841636

>he doesn't know about meme arrows

>> No.19841680
File: 387 KB, 541x501, Risuner Punch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regardless of whether I believe her or not, It still doesn't excuse her radio silence on twitter, both before and (likely) after the announcement. If she just communicated on twitter about how she's doing and giving progress reports or something then people wouldn't be escalating this out of control and arguing about whether she's actually lying about an injury or not (which would fuck over both her own career/s and possibly Hololive's reputation as well if she actually was lying), or talking about how little she cares about her fans. Even then, I really doubt this will be a wake-up call for her at this point. The only thing I think will turn it around is some sort of ultimatum from management.

>> No.19841700

>now that the dust has settled
im a bit of a utilitarian so really here's what matters. either she streams or she does not.
I hope she delivers! but every day I open holodex and click on someone that is streaming and lately that isn't her.

>> No.19841738

>What did she mean by this?
>What went wrong?
>This is _, say something nice to her!
>Who is bestgirl and why is it __?
>Why is she so perfect bros?
>blocks your path
>Who was in the wrong here?
>What the fuck was her problem?
>Could someone give me a quick rundown?
>(x) company is finished
>(x)fags BTFO
>How will they ever recover?
>Is she, dare I say, /ourgirl/?
>Find a flaw; Protip: you can't
>Explain yourselves
>Defend this
>What's her name again?
>Why does she trigger /vt/ so much?
>Would you?
>She did nothing wrong!
>Now that the dust has settled...
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>What was her endgame?
>What am I in for?
>Really makes you think
>How do we fix _?
>The absolute state of (x)
>What the fuck were they thinking?
>For me, it's _
>Was it kino?
>Redpill me on ___
>See this What do?
>Daily reminder
>The perfect girl doesn't exi-
>(x)bros... we got too cocky

>> No.19841896

I didn't say anything about streaming dipshit and even then you don't need to be able to sit up straight to tweet, use twitter space or stream you fucking nigger.

>> No.19841923

Unironically this
Cover hired her to NOT stream, this focuces the schizos against her and leaves the other actual streamers in peace
>that's stupid, why would they pay someone for not doing anything?
They are paying her for the art she produces for them

>> No.19841940

That's not how it works

>> No.19842027

>>in bed playing switch on portable mode right now
Bros, she's just like me. I can't wait to watch her when she starts streaming again

>> No.19842055

I honestly get the feeling from the way she carries herself that she's genuinely unaware of all the hate. She's not like Mori who spends her day obsessively looking for hate posts to get mad at. She probably just sticks with her chat and that's it and all she sees is praise. She doesn't know how frustrated people are at her silence and she'll probably go right back to silence because nobody's gonna tell her not to be silent.

>> No.19842063

Yeah, probably should have waited approx. a week after valentine's and then explain her back is suddenly flaring up and she can't sit at her desk for long at the moment etc. Assuming any of this isn't just a cover story that is We know vtubers frequently BS excuses, we just saw Petra in NijiEN doing it coincidentally right after the discord leak several times, Ayame being caught on LoL while supposedly at the hospital etc. It's sickening.

Even if Sana's back really did go, and it was already hurting even right after Valentine's, if she announced it literally the next day after that people would roll their eyes and go "so break again huh, how convenient of timing", but a couple days later would at least clue people in. Like 3 weeks total silence doesn't really help anything.

>> No.19842069

And that's a good thing

>> No.19842139
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1605631050316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I uh, I think some people have never fucked up their back before. Back injuries can unironically cripple your ass for months or even years with crushing pain. They can take months of PT to even get them fixed. Also tweeting from your bed, and streaming with a whole ass vtuber setup are so vastly different that to use her tweeting shit on her roommate's account as some kind of attack or discredit against her is peak schizo shit.

>> No.19842238

>Going to any party ever
>Going anywhere outside her house ever
>The FGO autist who obsesses over gacha and draws 24/7
Anon she probably doesn't even leave her house.

>> No.19842243

I believe she can suck my dick.

>> No.19842249


>> No.19842261

Then how the fuck did she hurt her back?

>> No.19842323

do you agree with her deciding to not say anything for a month

>> No.19842354

"whole ass vtuber setup" you mean like slapping a jpg into OBS when they don't want to use tracking tech

I've hurt my back such that I could barely move. I could still speak and if I had a job that required me to play a video game I could have managed that as well lmao.

>> No.19842382

Fell down the staircase or something idk

>> No.19842462

>Doesn't want to worry her fans initially
>Probably assumes it'll be like a week for her back to get better
>It doesn't
>Suddenly Rushia's bullshit drops and Hololive is on fire
>Oh fuck now her telling people what happened will just add more fuel to the burning Rushia fire
>Best just stay silent till things have cleared
Idk seems pretty reasonable for an extremely ditzy-ass autist like Sana to do if I'm being honest.

>> No.19842505

get money
>Don't stream
get money anyway

I don't blame her

>> No.19842506

WIth un-optimal sitting posture and/or not a good chair, your back can start to get shitty if you're sitting funny for like 10 years and doing little else. You can fuck up your back doing nothing at all. Actually, that's the easiest way to do it, because if you never exercise and don't walk much your lower back muscles can start to atrophy and lock you into a crappy posture where the weight distribution is going to all be pushed onto a couple vertebrae that weren't meant to handle it.

>> No.19842517

Wrong reply, meant for >>19842323

>> No.19842525

She's a little autistic. You shouldn't use Kiara as the standard.

>> No.19842543

>rushia's bf yab happened near valentine's
>every holo had to stream on that day to dispel boyfriend rrats
Everyone say Thank You Rushia

>> No.19842588

Bad posture and sitting hunched over drawing for 10 plus years leaves your back in a rather not good spot anon. She probably literally got out of bed wrong and blew her back out.

>> No.19842709

Yeah if I was Cover and the Rushia BF yab was going at full force, I'd want all my talents streaming on valentines day too just to avoid any schizos getting weird ideas.

>> No.19842819
File: 113 KB, 1064x1071, IMG-20220308-WA0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blew her back out, sorry
>captcha related

>> No.19842985

that porn chick said she destroyed her spine from fucking too lmao

>> No.19843308

mind posting some of the art she makes? so far i´ve seen only like 4 little drawings that my retarded 5 year old nephew can draw.

>> No.19843414

Npc's will eat anything thats said to them, nothing new, and shes playing the game on very easy mode so.

>> No.19843496

Yeah but she's a woman don't forget. Even Australian women are still women.

>> No.19843506

She drew the promotional banner for council that was at the end of the council reveal trailer. Not too familiar with roommate activities but I know she's been drawing for gatcha like arknights for a pretty long time.

>> No.19843606
File: 79 KB, 710x400, 4534534555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, right?

>> No.19843714

Yes, that one. I'm pretty sure that image is also official council merch.
If only Dana's model looked as good as she does in her own art...

>> No.19843727

wtf that's good though?

>> No.19843788

Yeah, she's literally a professional artist.

>> No.19843878

Too bad she's not a professional streamer

>> No.19843949

You can check her art for fateshit here

>> No.19844540

lmao fucking no too many things happening at the same time that make her not being able to work, not even use social media while her roommate is happy jumping around the internet

>> No.19844823

It's absolutely not. Noose yourself.

>> No.19844902


>> No.19845158

Yepppp…Pretty much this. I’m not gonna waste my time hating on someone I don’t even know. Sounds like some really poor judgment on her part to not even mention it on her roommate’s account, but whatever.

I never really watched her streams, I was always more annoyed about Council’s issues in general, of which this was just one symptom.

>> No.19845308

Just find her art on that list, it should be easy

>> No.19845430

chronic isn't acute, faggot, good job outing yourself on not taking care of your body

>> No.19845448

Yeah, it’s as simple as that. Not gonna lie, being a Sana anti for a little bit was kind of fun, but there’s no way I’m gonna go full schizo like all the idiots here.

Sana is an idiot for staying silent for three weeks and not even hinting at the issue on her roommate account (which everyone knows is her). Otherwise, I believe her excuses because poor communication is way more plausible than…whatever the fuck this thread is becoming

>> No.19845501

Get outta here with your facts and logic. Don’t you know that you can automatically know what every single person ever is going through just by imagining it in your head?

>> No.19845712


And that was fucking stupid of her, even her fans said it. Back injuries fucking suck BTW.

>> No.19845887

Orange woman is still bad. Just because anons on here forget and focus on others doesn't mean she is good.

>> No.19846073

The dust is never settled, anon...

>> No.19846144

shes a chink, doesn't matter where she was born

>> No.19846275
File: 120 KB, 828x996, 160af6fcc2ec2444faca601a28dd6fbedfab821b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back hort
Does she think she's Togashi or something? Like fine I guess that can be an excuse to not draw but that's barely an excuse to not go live when Ironlung streams on her death bed everyday.

>> No.19846395

Can’t wait for sana's “back” to heal and then she continues to stream once every 3 weeks. Great oshi you got there fagalites.

>> No.19846500

Doesn't Ironmouse literally have a proper upright bed for her to stream in though?

Pretty sure she even got it from that one fundraise she did for a new hospital bed type thing that got funded before she even finished announcing it.

>> No.19846787

Sorry everyone, it was my fault all along. I went way too hard last week giving Sana massive and powerful sex during one of our romantic encounters, so much so, that I threw out her back. We're still trying to have a child. Anyways, my bad, everyone. We'll be more careful next time.

>> No.19846800

I don't believe her because she's been retweeting like crazy and she could have announced that she needed a break due to back injury at any time, but chose to only do so after quite some time.

>> No.19847044

I'd believe her, but I can't because my back hurts too much

>> No.19847052

>>Oh fuck now her telling people what happened will just add more fuel to the burning Rushia fire

This is not a logical conclusion.

>> No.19847108

She did say she wasn't originally sure what the issue with her back was and wanted to know for sure what was going on before she said anything.

>> No.19847126

i love 4chan culture

>> No.19847144

yea, I pretty much got out during the 3rd week of the dog stuff, never looked back, never regretted it.

>> No.19847169

Yeah that makes sense, even without the Rushia thing, it tracks given how Sana usually is.

>> No.19847273

>back hort
>say absolutely nothing for a month
>tell the rest of your gen to keep it a secret
>suddenly drop the news in a 20 minute stream, not even a vague estimate on when you'll return
Why, exactly?

>> No.19847370

Genshin Impact

>> No.19847380

>I'm having some back issues, but I'm not sure what's wrong so I'll be out for a while
>okay beeg space baby we luv u sananananana
wow, that was fucking hard.

>> No.19847408

Still though, giving updates is important. While Holo isn't a regular 9-5 job, if you call in sick to work or need some PTO, you let your work know. She did let her work know, her coworkers... but, her work also involves interacting with the fans to keep up good will. Fan relations are part of the job too.

>> No.19847442

She has one of the most forgiving fanbases. That's stupid.

>> No.19847467

To be honest, she will probably make her back unhurt sometime next month or the other aka she finishes her roommate work and she will finally be able to stream. Thing is, you have someone with little to no experience in streaming, that will stuck out like a sore thumb among HoloEN due to not really talking to them in months. It will feel like Sana is doing a solo gen debut but without the usual hype around them.
Probably will start having sub-chicken numbers after the initial good reception.

>> No.19847533

Imagine if when her dog died, her parents didn't say a word about it for a month, told other family members to keep it a secret, and then Sana went back home for a visit.

>> No.19847553

That's a poor way to handle things, by the time you're on an unexplained break for a week you should be tweeting that you are having back problems and might need to stay on hiatus until further notice. Its really that simple.

I can sympathize with back hort, but that doesn't mean i'm going to give a pass for her atrocious communication, especially considering the tweeting on public and private accounts.

>> No.19847611

she's always had sub chicken numbers, I'm waiting to see if she'll have sub NijiEN girl numbers.

>> No.19847666

>zero mention about back pain on roommate account
>suddenly back hort

>> No.19847723

to be fair, you don't usually go that parasocial on your artist twitter

>> No.19847771

After Luna and Kiara broke their fucking necks and Moona streamed from inside a fucking car, I don't believe anything Sana says.

>> No.19847842

One tweet to explain the temporary break for as long as it will be

>> No.19848148
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>It's almost like it's a lie

>> No.19848205

>do you believe her
Believe what schizo-kun?

>> No.19849687

lyr1c had pretty much the same back problem where he needed to get an operation to fix it so all he could do was lay in his bed But instead of just not streaming a laying doing nothing he brought all his pc equipment to his bed side and started playing Apex Legends with his keyboard on his lap and streamed for hours.

Sana could do the same thing maybe with just her phone pointed at her face and just hang out with chat.


>> No.19849834

This was his setup

>> No.19851028

I mean to be fair, the majority of her fans have been sympathetic. She has the kind of nagging fans that tell her to >stop worrying and focus on getting better.

This circumstance is pretty serious, and for me at least, it's completely in her character to do a stream properly discussing it rather than tweet "back hurt, brb"

I mean I partially agree, she probably should've mentioned something sooner, but I don't live in her head, I don't really know what she was thinking and I dont think anyone does. The best thing I think we can do is just let her take care of her personal life and be supportive. If this is the worst thing Sana does, we'll live.

>> No.19851109

Also, I follow her alt accounts, and besides retweets and her off-gig art she did in mid-feburary, she really isn't that active.

>> No.19851187

>a stream properly discussing it
>15 minutes where she's extremely vague about what happened and reveals she roped the rest of Council into this stupid secrecy

>> No.19851574

i need kiara art in kurt angles´s singlet

>> No.19851598

World's funniest face

>> No.19852071

wow her back hort so much she couldnt even post a single tweet

>> No.19852142

If she's telling the truth I feel for her, back injuries are fucking agonizing, but I don't get the logic behind her radio silence at all.

>> No.19852299

I slipped a disk trying to deadlift 405lb for 20 reps and it wasn't so bad I couldn't play vidya at a computer.

>> No.19852569

Oh come on, Reine fucked up her already fucked up back by falling on her charger, which fucking hurts a lot, and she still managed stream for almost everyday that week. She had to end a stream earlier than she wanted because she had to go to physical therapy. I could understand taking a break for a week but she’s been gone for nearly a month, there’s literally no excuse.

>> No.19852599

While tweeting on her roommate.
Yeah this is the worst excuse she could think of.

>> No.19852755

I mean discussing it in a stream rather than a simple tweet, eh, make of it what you will. I doubt you're willing to give her the benefit of the doubt regardless.

>> No.19852833


>> No.19853064

Neck yourself faggot

>> No.19853161


>> No.19853200

nipplenoggers just want to stay mad

>> No.19853233


>> No.19853262

This. Her illness is very serious.

>> No.19853331

4chan is full of 30 year olds calling themselves zoomers, we are a very young website.

>> No.19853371

Finana very active today nanodesu

>> No.19853407

Unfortunately for them I distrust women so I think all of them have boyfriends.

>> No.19853454

Someone, anyone: please just kill me

>> No.19853476

Nijicope thread.

She is australian.

>> No.19853523


>> No.19853607
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>> No.19854409

I wonder if Sana is a rugby or a gAyFL type of gal?

>> No.19855817

only artist who doesn't draw a nose

>> No.19855820

neither she's indog aussie and her family doesn't follow aus sports

>> No.19855917

It's obviously fake or she just doesn't give a fuck. Tweeting happy shit everyday on your other account yet you can't be bothered to update your fans why you're not streaming because you're "embarrassed" is something else.

>> No.19855918

I assume she still draws everyday. There's nothing stopping her from uploading a timelapse short of her art warmups.

>> No.19856091

Fuck no i don't believe her
No i don't like her
She should pack it up she is a embarrassment to the hololive company and unworthy of the moniker at least mori proved she is worth a little something to hololive even with all her retarded sperg fits unlike sana who is just dead weight.

>> No.19856196
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>> No.19856261


>> No.19856478
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No one forgot she was bad it's just for a moment other chumbas somehow manged to be more retarded for a moment

>> No.19856497

The only thing they need to do to fix this is fire Sana and just have someone move her model around to shake her tits

In fact they should update her model to be nude and covered in my cum, with a tattoo that says "property of anon" in her navel

>> No.19856998

>not even a vague estimate on when you'll return
So you didn’t even watch the stream then?

>> No.19857248

>get hurt
>get time of work
its great living in a social democracy

>> No.19857438

she's not taking time off her roommate job

>> No.19857626

I mean it worked for Delta.

>> No.19859189

If she's as big a nerd as people say then she has probably never exercised in her life and is hunched over 12-16 hours a day, I can actually believe it.

>> No.19859756

it's amazing how little people know and keep pushing as the truth.

The artwork for gacha people said kept her busy were done a year ago, she had the energy and time to draw new doodles and artwork of them after release on roommate account (during this time sana was afk). Gacha industry art doesn't pay as much as people think. She's very well off long before holo. In comparison Ina has multiple projects and art jobs before and since she joined holo and has no problem being professional.

Sana roommate actually draws a lot, and when she actually cares about something she is obsessed spending all her time and attention on it. If she cared about holo, you would know. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't even bother logging into her holo account during the hiatus.

While people were making excuses for her being so busy she can't even retweet fan art, she had no issue doing that and having fun on her roommate's account.

I'm sure this will be ignored as just trying to start drama. I'm not a vtuber, just have friends who's been in artist circles for long time.

>> No.19859785

the thing is if you really enjoy something you'll find a way to make it work, she can find time to draw fanarts of her gacha babies and play pokemon etc. But streaming and being a vtuber is obviously something she loathes doing, she had little to no experience streaming prior to hololive, and while she was excited at first the lustre has worn off. Her dog probably did die and she might be straining her posture from taking on too many commissions however hololive is the thing she is willing to give up when she's feeling strained, as opposed to her other interests, jobs and hobbies. Other talents who love vtubing take time off however they take the time to communicate with fans and engage with their audience in less strenuous ways, because they love and care about the gig.

>> No.19860496

What if the back injury is from an accident Sana doesn't want to disclose?

>> No.19860866

Sana: My tummy hort my dog died my back itches
>streams like once every month
Ironmouse: a literal paraplegic vegetable
>streams 31 days nonstop

Imagine how bad ina must feel for referring her

>> No.19860906

Well, she pretty much admitted that she didn't want to tell anyone she had a back injury which is kind of puzzling, but a lot of things about the way sana acts are puzzling

>> No.19861039

>do u rly bereive
No. The most damning evidence was the fact that she claimed she didn't want to say anything until she knew it was "better". The fuck was she going to do if it never got better, radio silence for months followed by a sudden "btw I guess i gotta graduate"? SOMETHING clearly happened in her life, but it sure as fuck wasn't an injury.

>> No.19861607

Nothing's happened, she just can't keep up with her professional artist schedule + other hobbies (gacha, games) + streaming ontop of that, unlike Ina she can't/ doesn't want to juggle everything.

>> No.19862052

>doesn't tell anybody about back problem until she can use it as a convenient excuse to explain her lack of streams
>also used "dog died" excuse to disappear for a month
>awful streamer with awful ugly model
>only popular because major corpo nepotism

>> No.19862285

she streamed for 15 minutes just to interrupt the daily counting threads. Unforgivable.

>> No.19862378

Her back hurts from her dog fucking her too much

>> No.19863801

do not stop the count. the count must go on and no 15 minutes "back hoooort" can stop the count.

>> No.19863965

> Gacha industry art doesn't pay as much as people think.
Japanese gacha doesn’t pay much but CHINESE I’ve heard are pretty high. I wish I knew the rate but no Chinese company has reached out to me, and people who do work with them are very hush-hush.

>> No.19864201

>Sleeping for 9 hours a week.
>Now back injury.
FFS Sana! Learn to take care of yourself.

>> No.19864276

No her back hurts from having to bury all the dead dogs.

>> No.19865473

jp gacha is 200-400$, chinese gacha is $1k+ per illustration

>> No.19865623

Didn't she stop doing Holoscope because people were complaining constantly in the comments and she was having low views?

>> No.19865678

Is that why she killed it?

>> No.19866273

it was probably just too much work and that's an excuse. Her big triumphant return from whatever other long break was "for whoever said my break was too long, fuck you!"

so yeah she doesn't give a shit about her audience.

>> No.19866366

Damn, Japanese were only paying me $100(and paying months late)

I dont blame the girls for choosing Chinese mobage over everything else, they treat them right

>> No.19866409

I can definitely believe she has a fucked back, she's an autist artist. I assume she waited to find out if she had a permanent problem before telling anyone about it.
I mainly believe her due to there not being much to gain from lying about a physical condition. She could just say she's not feeling herself etc otherwise. "my spine is in tatters" doesn't make for a great fib.

>> No.19866463
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>owie back
>can't sit in a chair
pff ogey

>> No.19866482

hey, i'm dog. I'm still alive.

>> No.19867001

That seems to be because she's terrified of doctors.
I love this chickem.

>> No.19867094

>She could just say she's not feeling herself etc otherwise
She already played that card with the "my hecking pupperino!"

>> No.19867133
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only fatties get back injuries lel

>> No.19867225

Could Kiara survive a head amputation like Mike the headless chicken?

>> No.19867612
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I hope she is.

>> No.19867667

She could've done chatting streams, people would've been happy to have ANY content at all, there's no fucking excuse for her.

>> No.19867835

u think someone with an ouchy boo boo sore back can speak? you misogynist !

>> No.19867878

I hate women but that's irrelevant.

>> No.19868353


>> No.19870910

honestly i didn't give a shit about the other holoscopes but i was curious about what she'd have to say for my sign
unfortunately she never reached it, oh well

>> No.19872016

Recent news has only made me support her harder, on the dole for life

>> No.19872454

>Recent news
>back hort so I'm literally unable to even tweet or give a heads up about the situation :(
>but I'm perfectly capable of shitposting all day about unrelated stuff on my RM account fuck you :)
Stop excusing shitty behavior when it's a woman.

>> No.19872754
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>Too sore to work but not sore enough to shitpost!
Fuck, this sheila keeps getting more true blue each day.
I can't wait for her "I'm fucking back cunts" stream!

>> No.19873150

Does her roommate have a different private twitter too? Because I don't see it.
She retweets some art of her characters every now and then...

>> No.19873226

aussies were born to make SEAniggers and burgers eternally seethe

>> No.19873307

the nipplefags have chosen schizophrenia it seems

>> No.19873741

>she was radio silent for a month because she hurt her back
>not a single tweet telling her fans about that, despite her roommate being active every day on Twitter, and tweeting about the new pokemon stream on the official account
Sorry, but you have to be a moron to believe her lies

>> No.19874287

But anon, don't you know that it's BASED because it makes people angry?

>> No.19875597

I will believe this rrat. I have see Ina produce art for Cover on multiple productions. Presumably Sana is doing similar work for Cover since she's not streaming.

>> No.19875681

She sure as hell can play genshin though

>> No.19875695

God I love her cute face. Upload some short clips or screenshots like Ame does every once in a while, would ya, Sanners?

>> No.19875747

Lol lmao
I actually lol'd

>> No.19875829

Probably a doctors appointment to confirm, makes sense. Council isn't necessarily as interested in sharing their personal lives as Myth, which I think is a good thing.

>> No.19875879


>> No.19875923

>Council isn't necessarily as interested in sharing their personal lives as Myth, which I think is a good thing.
I don't, it just highlights their general disinterest. It's acceptable in girls like Fauna because she's passionate about what she's creating, and it does suck that Mumei's interests got slashed out of her character by management, but the rest have no excuse. There's something offputting about vtubers who don't really engage with their audiences.

>> No.19876042

I love the 4chan lingo. It's so versatile.

>> No.19876099

I have been watching massage porn for the past hour already. Damn you Sana.

>> No.19876683

You don't need to think, of course they have.

>> No.19876778

wait, what happened to mumei?

>> No.19876882

The ghost of the dog possessed her back

>> No.19876947

Literally last comissioned in 2019

>> No.19878851

she has a couple, but I will get banned if I reveal them though

>> No.19878947

Mumei literally had a 2 hour stream where she described a visit to the dentist in great detail. The only Council members that don't engage with their audience are Kronii and Sana. In short, watch streams.

>> No.19878997

I hope she makes a big comeback and proves my doubts wrong, I don't WANT to see any Hololive member be unsuccessful

>> No.19879018

>Just trust me bro

>> No.19879131

i just happened to know because i used to be mutuals with her rm many years ago, but it is not of importance since they are all locked anyway

>> No.19880532

Reminder that she told virgos she loved them

>> No.19880707

>Reine fucked up her already fucked up back by falling on her charger,
Did she turn into a superhero?

>> No.19881136

>Hindsight is 20/20 and hopefully the same thing won't happen again
People have been saying that about Sana for the last two months. Her fucking Valentine's stream was her saying "sorry I've been so quiet guys I'll work on that", and then it was nothing for the next three weeks.

>anon forgets she told the people who shat on her about her dog dying to fuck off

>> No.19881237

Niggers can't understand different kinds of back pain, because they haven't experienced it. I once broke my back and can still do chores, but I literally can't do anything when one of my spinal nerves got close to impinging.

>> No.19882125

I do know, I've seen people end their careers because the pain was unbearable and the meds made them unable to perform. I just don't believe her.

>> No.19882757

you can't play arknights lying down, especially not do high risk CC

>> No.19882962

>Council "civilization" member
>Can't talk about history or anything remotely related to civilizations because you might hurt someone's (china's) feelings

>> No.19883176

She lied about keeping her fans updated so why would I believe her about this?
I stopped liking her when she told me to fuck off
She will probably remain as irrelevant as she currently is

>> No.19884950

Let's be real, a lot of Americans would also be triggered if Mumei talked about America's dark history. Blaming it on China is pretty hilarious when America literally has slavery, genocide of Native Americans, the Vietnam War, etc. as part of their history.
