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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 187 KB, 512x512, 1644902808267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19814311 No.19814311 [Reply] [Original]

Ever though about how Gura has been scamming pedophiles out of their money by pretending to be a child on the internet when she is actually an adult? Pretty fucked up right?

>> No.19814335

Yeah, I think it's a really sad situation. I don't know the details, but you'd think there could be some way for her to have a normal life. I think it's weird that she's gotten more and more into the whole being a kid thing lately. I would be pretty pissed off if my wife became really obsessed with being a little kid. It's weird for me to see my wife becoming more childlike as time goes on. In the last few years, it's like her personality has become almost childlike. There was a time when she would argue and be aggressive. I don't remember seeing that in a long time. Now she hardly argues, but does things that are childlike in nature, like putting on a pretend voice.

>> No.19814336

>Ever though
Yup. SEAnigger hours.

>> No.19814370

So weird. She's probably getting a really good dose of drugs from these people who are doing this for money. I mean it's a very weird thing to do. That she would be in debt to these people for the rest of her life is kinda sad. Just because of the time involved in this, I mean it's a lot of money, you know? Some would do anything for money.

>> No.19814380

She's broken

>> No.19814405

It's pretty fucked up how she's been scamming fishermen out of their money by pretending to be a shark on the internet when she is actually a human.

>> No.19814407

Not sure, but I don't think it's that unusual. These days, any way of making money is unusual. I mean a couple years ago, the only people who made money were through the stock market. Even then, you needed to know some of the tricks to find good investments and to know when to sell and when to buy. Now everyone is into making money in a lot of ways. It's just sad. It's sad to think of the number of kids who have these predators looking for them all the time. I'm sure it's just a tiny fraction of the number of kids who are being abused or being exploited, but still, it's sad and we need to do something about it.

>> No.19814409

All of streaming is a scam dont listen to "entertainment" niggas

>> No.19814544

Even though she's not a child, she plays like one on the net to lure people in and has their money, all while knowing that she's a grown up woman and not a kid. It really makes me sick that she does this to people who have had it pretty rough in their life, most of whom have mental issues.
She needs to be held accountable.

>> No.19814564

The sad thing is that SEAnigger will never be range banned /here/.
Would instantly improve the quality of the board by a factor of 1000.

>> No.19814646

rushia already got fired anon, this thread is about gura

>> No.19814665


I didn't know that Gura was an adult. She doesn't look that old to me. She looks a lot like she's the same age as the girls I knew back in the day when we'd sneak around the back way to get to the park at night. I think she was pretty hot.

>> No.19814828
File: 222 KB, 1600x1500, 1646738859205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you telling me this is an adult? No chance.

>> No.19814861

Shit thread aside, I do like the idea of some kind embittered Ahab seething over being unable to find his Great Cunny Shark.

>> No.19814883
File: 1.26 MB, 1452x2048, 1645575757091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha yeah that's fucked up
I'll take one for the team and be in charge of the rape correction, I'll show her guys

>> No.19816143

Now she is even aiming straight for the Japanese lolicon by streaming at this hour, literally preying on the mentally ill.

>> No.19816285
File: 884 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the only loli's we can trust fellow ojisan's

>> No.19816305

>rangeban SEA
> half of nijien talents can't shitpost about sana anymore

>> No.19816365

damn, based gura

>> No.19816498
File: 103 KB, 260x244, 1645995857354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's supposed to be "acting like a child", she's doing a really poor job. Try La+ instead.
Meanwhile Gura is more like your cutesy UwU gamer girl minus being a whore.

>> No.19816551

>minus being a whore
Looks like someone is a greynigger...

>> No.19816611

Did she flashed her tits? No?
She just kissed me goodnight and wished everything was alright with me.

>> No.19816635

She literally gave me a blowjob in exchange for the membership fee

>> No.19816644

Yes OP, I think its wrong to pretend to be a loli online. Makes it harder to find the real lolis.

>> No.19816656

SEAniggers are retarded, but smart enough not to spam CP whenever things aren't going their way

>> No.19816684

Oh, yeah remember that now too. My bad.

>> No.19816986

>did she flash(ed) her tits

found the flip

>> No.19816999
File: 2 KB, 125x125, le tired shark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't she pretend to be like 9000? It's kind of messed up, hardly anyone knows any genuine 9000 year olds so the average person can't see through her weak facade. It's pretty sickening if you ask me, she even has all the health issues of a really old person. In the current year, age appropriation is not the answer.

>> No.19817481

And now I'm imagining Ame with a moustache as Ahab

>> No.19817613


>> No.19817837
File: 346 KB, 1039x1087, BREAD (100).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19818582

Gura's actual adult voice by reversing her voice filter

>> No.19822054

Pedophiles are people too, why does Hololive tolerate this blatant abuse of their spending power? They are getting duped.

>> No.19822091

It's based

>> No.19822177

Her fans are poorfag spics and seanigs shes barely getting any superchat she isnt scamming anybody

>> No.19822307

It's okay because she is a lolicon, only lolicon girls should be allowed to have loli models

>> No.19822399

She's doing a big service to society keeping all those chumpedos at bay, if anything she's a hero
