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1972949 No.1972949 [Reply] [Original]

Why did we hate Kiara?

>> No.1972959

Never did.

>> No.1972962

Shit personality

>> No.1972972


>> No.1972975 [DELETED] 

BLM woke white girl

>> No.1973008

>Terrible design
>Attention whore
>Poor entertainer
>Worst fanbase/simps/cult

>> No.1973063

she is not doing JAV

>> No.1973088
File: 8 KB, 224x284, 1613646523005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of the bottom-left joke but little did I know...

>> No.1973090

I don't particularly hate her, just her fanbase.

>> No.1973101

that's all of EN, much of JP.

>> No.1973110


>> No.1973173

At least she has a nice ass, has to count for something

>> No.1973362

This. I'm more of a KFP anti. I watched Moona Side during Pekoland construction and Kiara was actually good. It really is just her annoying voice.

>> No.1975489

Everyone always asks "why do we hate kiara", but no one ever asks "what is kiara?"

>> No.1975519

It's this kind of thread again

>> No.1975661
File: 344 KB, 640x853, 1616073035878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate Kiara. She is funny and cute and I like listening to her weird stories and tangents.

>> No.1975728

We didn't. It's just a handful of zhangs and ex-/egl/ trannies.

>> No.1975799 [DELETED] 

Everyone knows an abomination when they see it. they don't have to ask about it.

>> No.1975870

only people off their meds did mostly , besides a few people that really dont like her (and are watching someone else like normal people, well normal for this site anyways) only a few unmedicated dedicated psychos still bitch about her

>> No.1975981

I don't. She is like annoying sister, who can be such a cunt, but you still like her. Her negative moments are too insignificant for me. She is being hated from "not being professional" enough, to the absurd "I don't like her design, therefore I will shit on her everywhere".

>> No.1976027

Yet, with all of this you keep spamming her threads. Just fuck off. Talk about the worst fanbase is rich, considering people Reeeeee every time she collabs.

>> No.1976061

I hate loud people with zero self awareness. I would like to drown Kiara in a river.

>> No.1976127

I have grown to dislike kiara. Now I want to not see her nor hear her. I am bothered by her being everywhere, thanks to her fans, to the point of avoiding collabs that have her, a thing I "tolerated" before.
She doesn't provoke me an emotional reaction and by no means I want her drown in a river or graduated, in fact I want her happy and emotionally healthy, but far far away from me and my oshi

>> No.1976181

Frankly, the fact that there are people who like her is far more baffling.

>> No.1976222


>> No.1976228

I must be an anomaly then.

>> No.1976278

Because someone needed to be a hate sink, and Kiara was the easiest to use.

>> No.1976848

>Poor entertainer
>Literally her best content is just her talking to chat

>> No.1976865

I'm still surprised by that one robery one a few streams back

>> No.1977033

Because KFP are some of the worst posters on this board.

>> No.1977365

I don't hate her, I just wish she'd calm down in collabs a bit, and stop talking over everyone.

>> No.1977433

That'll never happen unless she learns humility, which is something nobody would ever learn as an internet personality, especially among a fanbase such as holofags that would refuse to ever hold said person accountable.

>> No.1979446

Yea right... there is like 10 of them in hlgg even when Kiara is streaming. How can they be the worst kind of posters, when they arent even present on this board?

>> No.1979497

she is not doing sentai gimmick

>> No.1979519

It's not so much that I hate her or even dislike her, I just want to beat her up

>> No.1979583
File: 145 KB, 456x368, 1613340638000_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terrible design
theres literally nothing wrong with her design other than her TWO dumb hats. she looks better hatless. her thighs are 10/10 btw

>> No.1979800

I don’t hate her. She just needs to shape up and stop feeling sorry for herself when things don’t go her way.

Her real voice is nice though, very cute, and I wish she’d use that over her chicken voice. She also does need a new design. Hopefully, Huke won’t be a fucking moron next time.

>> No.1980239

>making new threads way before hitting post limit
>shoving kiara into every discussion
>any other discussions they don't like they spam with buzzwords and boogeymen
Say what you will but they're the most obnoxious fanbase.

>> No.1980912

But she is cute IRL

>> No.1981034

>>Worst fanbase/simps/cult
this is what does it for me

>> No.1981080

For what it's worth, they are at least not Shartemis fans.

>> No.1981164

the thing with shartimus fans is that they don't even fight back anymore. They just take it kek

>> No.1981270 [DELETED] 

You have tranny jannies among the Shartemis fans. They don't need to fight back because the jannies will ban anyone who criticizes him.

>> No.1981430

because her schizo fans keep trying to flood the board with 50 threads of her, and the only people that show up in said threads are people telling you to fuck off and the 2 Kiara fags in existence trying to shill her regardless
this is a saddening revelation though I must wonder why are Jannies so consistently trannies?

>> No.1981632
File: 124 KB, 1088x217, jannay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, you're right. i fucking forgot about that

>> No.1981693
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Despite her cheery genki presentation, you can tell she's had a hard life

>> No.1981703


>> No.1981731

I know it ramped up because of those rrats saying kiara was on this board

>> No.1981738

>>Worst fanbase/simps/cult
The chumbuds are by far the worst fanbase from holoEN considering all the numberfagging they do and disrespect they show for other VTubers.

>> No.1981771

it didn't help she confirmed it on stream multiple times

>> No.1981786


>> No.1982126


>> No.1982178

Most of her hate here is from her being loud and her fans creating too many threads. She's not bad in collabs, and is sometimes really great in them. I don't personally watch her, and don't personally like her, but she doesn't deserve all the hate she gets. A lot of people here call her talentless, but she is the most multilingual of the group. Her "German debut" was genuinely funny to me and I wish she spoke German more (I don't speak it buts its a cool language). Granted, sometimes she is really fucking loud in collabs for no reason. The constant /u/ shit also gets a little annoying. Doesn't seem like a bad person though, just retarded. Inb4 KFP.

>> No.1982584

A bunch mentally ill antis and schizo KFPs false flagging as each other. It seriously degrades the board quality and if the tranny jannies did their job and cleaned up that mess rather than white knighting for shartemis, things would be so much better for everyone involved.
Jannies do it for free and they're still over paid.

>> No.1982819

>Combining fast food with sentai
>Putting a food service worker in a micro skirt and leaving her thighs and belly exposed
>Way too orange

>her thighs are 10/10 btw
I agree but that doesn't salvage her design.

>> No.1984838

>thread asks why people hate Kiara
>anon explains why he hates Kiara
>(you): WeLL ThEn WhY aRe YOu sPaMMInG hEr tHReaDS?

>> No.1988804

I think the sentai would be cooler if they leaned more into it with another costume.

>> No.1988838

A permanent "why do you hate kiara" thread since the inception of the board until it was memed into reality.

>> No.1989198

I like her red hat desu

>> No.1989219

KFP are fucking retards that can't read, surprise surprise.

>> No.1989273
File: 169 KB, 561x700, 2A569C8A-45F6-4561-B497-E290BEBE719A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t hate Kiara, I don’t even dislike her. 99% of the hate here is just retards trying to fit in with the meme and outdo each other. There’s reasons why some prefer to watch other vtubers over Kiara, as everyone has personal preferences, but there is literally no non-schizo reason to hate Kiara.

>> No.1989673

Take your meds loser, I've only posted in these threads once

>> No.1989721

On point critique actually

If she manages to solve these it would be good

>> No.1989767


>> No.1989779

Fucking lord mate jannies should exit and people who defend them follow, specially the last ones since they have the mental capability of 12 year old children while being adults

>muh tasteless

kill yourself retard

>> No.1989838

I don't like the voice she uses. Her normal voice is fine, cute even but her Kiara voice is dreadful.

>> No.1989864

>*theres a flickering fluorescent light, barely functioning illuminating the room, cold hard concrete. The whole space is only around a few square feet, and the indifferent grey walls give off a suffocating atmosphere of hopelessness. Pekora doesn’t know if it’s been days, or even weeks since her last feeding. Her hazy vision sharpens as a familiar ring of light appears around the doorframe. It’s time again*
Hey Pekoraaaa-Senpaaaaiii! It’s your biggest fan here to give you your scraps!
>*she delivers the words as usual with total innocence, she’s perfected this fraudulent way of speaking. As if she doesn’t know what she’s doing, and why*
K-Kiara-chan, please-peko!
Nuh uh Pekora! You don’t talk without permission!
>*a sharp slap to the face sets the rabbit to the cold floor. Her gaze turns upwards as he sees Kiara squat over her head, her skirt and panties removed*
P-please Kiara-
Mhmmm here comes seconds Pekora-senpai!
*cough* Kiara-chan... I’m going to be sick again peko... please peko, why are y-
OHHH MAN! I’m gettin’ fired up! Here comes dessert! I'm going to shit that mouth real good!
>*Kiara lowers her foul smelling pucker right to Pekora's lips, the odour of expired instant ramen utterly overpowering, the festering gland pulsating as it releases it’s noxious gases, prepared to let loose another steaming shit into Pekora's pursed lips, muffled screams and choking are all that is heard as the little sharks mouth is filled to the brim with Kiara's waste, the dinner of the most watched vtuber. As Pekora takes it down her throat, her insides churning and on fire, she slowly loses consciousness. She will wake up later no doubt, when it’s feeding time again. Kiara sits up, slamming the door shut as she goes to start her Ryza stream of the day*

>> No.1990130

go on

>> No.1990230

I really want her panties to be something nice like this but I think they're just boyshorts

>> No.1990986

>the little sharks mouth
at least fix your copy-pasta before posting it

>> No.1991015

christ, KFP are embarrassing

>> No.1992909

You have to be 18 to post here.
