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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1968437 No.1968437 [Reply] [Original]

Can friendship bloom between viewers and vtubers?
I'm talking about the indie vtubers who are actually approachable.

>> No.1968464

Yes, if you groom her properly

>> No.1968499

no. the moment you become actual friends with her you stop being a normal viewer. youre now her friend who is watching. on the other hand if a normal viewer pushes for more he would be overstepping his boundaries.

>> No.1968523

I've never seen it happen. Talking about legitimate friendship and not just acquaintanceship. Popular people only interact with popular people.

>> No.1968538

Fuck no, and that is a good thing.

>> No.1968645

It's possible but you're starting with a big handicap because you're approaching her from the subordinate position of a fan/viewer and women are very conscious of status.

>> No.1968657

what if you start talking to her as more of a person rather than her persona?
bringing up meta shit like viewer analytics and ads?

>> No.1969064

Still won't work. Just leave that poor indie alone already.

>> No.1969686

no, they said they became vtubers to make friends

>> No.1969755

Ok, groomer

>> No.1969794
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no bro. if your a fan of someone you can never be their friend. ever. they will never like you as a friend. give up. go outside.
pic related, my favorite vtubers

>> No.1969811

Absolutely fucking not.
You could be watching an indie with you being literally the only viewer, but you have to understand that there is a fine line here. You're the viewer, they're the streamer, and it can never go past that. With the bigger Vtubers it's fine because that line is so far out of reach that you cannot hope to go past it, and if you think you can, you're delusional. With indies with much smaller audiences, that line is much closer, so you may think you could cross it, but you really can't. It's still a line that is drawn.

>> No.1969825

dumb holotard

>> No.1969832

I've thought about it, honestly
There's an indie I'd watch sometimes and she streams to like, ten people at most
But I don't think I'll ever be anything more than a fan, even if I were to spend every waking moment there talking with her
She's not a friend, and never will be, and that's just how it is

>> No.1969837
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your indie twitch thot waifu will never want to have an online discord relationship with you. Have sex

>> No.1969940
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But miko IS/WAS a fan of Sora. A lot of the later gens were fans of earlier ones.
Though with that said, >>1968437, YOU will never be a friend to her. The relationship dynamic is too fucked for it to work, as you have too much respect for her compared to her respect for you. The ONLY way for you guys to be friends is for you to either coincidently meet her IRL without you realising it's her or for you to be a good enough vtuber that she respects you just as much as you respect her.

>> No.1970000

Yes. Someone wandered into my chat a while back and nowadays we do collab streams where I bully him in multiplayer games.

>> No.1970059

Yes, I became friends with a vtuber before she was popular by pretty much being her only viewer. Now she is pretty popular here in /vt/

>> No.1970571

An indie with 20 viewers per stream yeah it’s possible

>> No.1972823

>and it can never go past that
Just slide into her DMs. It's not that hard.

>> No.1972831

Let me pop a bloggy over here...

>mid 2010s
>be one of the 50 subs of random 14yo youtaite
>like her videos and always encourage her
>she starts talking to you in PM
>get to know her very well
>some drama going on with her muslim family
>she vents about it
>always try to console her
>you casually refer to yourself as fan
>she says she wants to be your friend
>some PM later she asks if you're a girl
>she always thought you were a girl because anime avatar and gentle personality
>she plays it cool because she's kind but she's obviously surprised
>thank goodness she didn't ask the age
>you always thought there were invisible boundaries between you
>she's sends PMs much less probably because of the realization she's talking with someone who could be sexually attracted
>she didn't reject you right away and you feel like confessing on the spot but obviously that would be yabbeee
>you never check your inbox again because of depression and feeling of guilt
>feel nostalgic some month later
>check the inbox
>find two PMs from her
>one asking how are you and where have you been these past days
>the other PM two weeks later says she's quitting youtube because her parents found out she's being haram on youtube
>check her channel
>everything is gone
>can't even PM her anymore because PM feature was removed
>she probably married some ugly ahmed at 15 and she is probably raising children right now

When you are a big fan and your beloved chuuba approaches you as a friend, you really start to question your life, or at least I did. Since then I've limited myself to shitposting in chat and on 4chan, never trying to get close to another chuuba ever again.

>> No.1976379

And then what?

>> No.1977689

i guess but the dynamic would be similar to online friends if the viewer isn't a creepy fuck

>> No.1982395

mate online friends arent even real friends

>> No.1985714

when it comes to vtubers you're either a cuck or a simp, nothing more.

>> No.1990216
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This is a really sad thread

>> No.1990261
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Fun blog I sub

>> No.1990283

we are really sad people

>> No.1990348

I don't come to /vt/ to be reminded of my sad life. I prefer rrat posting and being called a schizo to this.

>> No.1990371

Jesus fuck get a girlfriend you ugly retard

>> No.1990385
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>> No.1990473

embracing suffering isnt the same as being a loser you dumb loser faggot

>> No.1990489
File: 569 KB, 1024x683, based manchildren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.1990545

Im not but youre retarded and a gay faggot and you should kill yourself

Embracing suffering of life = being a loser(you)

>> No.1990569
File: 101 KB, 540x720, bird mushroom mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you're so mad that's wild

>> No.1990613

/vt/ is threading dangerous waters with this 3DPD roommate faggotry

>> No.1990653

this is worse than /r9k/

>> No.1990664

It was always walking on the edge of a knife
Stray but a little and it will fail

>> No.1990668

My objective is to simply teach you that acknowledging and experiencing suffering isnt the same mindlessly wanting to be and remain a loser like you

No hard feelings nigger, youre just retarded and your self-delusion andobnoxiousness annoys me given youre a retarded loser trying to trick other retarded losers that its ok/preferable to be a retarded loser like you by misinterpreting teachings lmao

Ok i need some crack

>> No.1990694

Oh the obnoxiousness is just for fun
My life is peachy because I've never been fucking shot at or attacked by lions or whatever

>> No.1990729

You kept moving foward the wrong direction you dumb nigger, you do no good to you not others, not even good to you at the cost of others lol, absolute dumbass

>> No.1990767

>not even good to you at the cost of others
Ew why would I want to do that

>> No.1990882

This is a sad board on a sad website for sad people.

>> No.1996721
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>Can friendship bloom between viewers and vtubers?
>I'm talking about the indie vtubers who are actually approachable.
they dont exist and you have forgotten your meds once more, i will proceed to pull down my underwear and defecate on this thread as soon as you look away OP, please watch out as it will stink!

>> No.1996790

They're friends with their mods (who doubles as their viewers), yes.

>> No.1997790

Thinking that a vtuber is your friend is like thinking that the stripper is into you. And I say this as a devoted memboo of OP's pic who's really gonna miss her when she's gone.

I like a lot of these folks, and they're fun and entertaining and we even have fun in chat...but in the end, we're not friends who are hanging out. They're performers and we're their audience.

>> No.1998066

>we're not friends who are hanging out
Why not? I've done the same exact thing in real life. Hang out with a friend and watch him play a game and we talk. That's not much different than watching someone over the internet and chatting over the internet.

>> No.1998486

Genuinely sad that vtubers are probably the only opportunity a lot of you have to speak to a girl..

>> No.1999274

>I'm talking about indie vtubers who are actually approachable
If she's small enough that she will respond to most chat messages, then yeah, you can form a friendship with them. Also helps if they maintain a discord.


If your topic of conversation is viewer analytics and ads, you might be treating her like a robot, not a person.

>> No.1999933

Kind of a fair point. I'm mostly thinking that OP is referring to Mint, and Mint made it pretty clear from the beginning that A.) she wants to be an idol and B.) her friend base is her fellow v-tubers. We, the fandome, are her audience. She does a great job of engaging with us, but we are her audience nonetheless.

However, I got to thinking about another indie vtuber I like (whose name I'm not giving out because you creepy fucks will stalk her) who has said that she really doesn't give a shit about getting big or getting subs or views, she really does do this as a medium to just hang out with folks on the internet. Someone like that? Yeah, you could maybe become their friend.

>> No.2000092

>her friend base is her fellow v-tubers.
Considering that she threw mocca under the bus for clout, is that really true?

>> No.2000306

I am unfamiliar with this bit of vtuber drama. Details? Sauce?

>> No.2000449

Desu in general it seems that best way of befriending VTubers is being one yourself

>> No.2000461

No. The gap between viewer and performer is a chasm, and it's unhealthy to try to cross it. If you actually want to be "friends" (by which I think you really mean gf) you have to approach them on their level. Meaning, you have to be a performer or creator of some kind yourself. A streamer, musician, artist, dancer, or anything where you are actually creating some kind of content. They are a person with a dream who is pursuing their dream. The only way to approach them in a way that they can relate to you is to be your own creator with your own dream. Approaching as only a fan means they know you only see the performance side and not their whole selves, and in the end you are a leech, even if you don't want fame for yourself.

>> No.2000586

It gets easier once you've finally given up.

>> No.2003451
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Like yeah, you could start a gaemin friendship with any v-toober if you manage to play with them off-stream.
Just keep your /v/ power levels at check

>> No.2009576

That makes a lot of sense actually
Unless I become a Vtuber myself I'll never see them eye to eye and will forever just remain a fan or an audience member

>> No.2009629

shes not gonna fuck you bro

>> No.2009707

You clearly don't understand math, and also you're a hypocrite for calling anyone a loser as a drug addict.

>> No.2010620

probably not. just leave the chicks alone.

>> No.2018853

Oh dang Mint is having a sudden graduation, hope she is moving on to bigger things.

>> No.2019174

Source Anon? This artwork is pretty nice.

>> No.2019362

you believe this?!

>> No.2019520

the usual

>> No.2019575

that popular circle of friends on twitch that reject viewers

>> No.2019744

already so deep

>> No.2019978


>> No.2020020

I know someone a case like that, so yes, it is actually possible.

>> No.2020124

How did they do it? Storytime?

>> No.2020238

Yes. A lot of indies will actually follow their viewers on twitter and will even answer DMs and shit. Obviously don't be a fucking creep but yeah it can happen.

>> No.2020338

I was in a Discord call with an indie and it was a mistake. I sperged out and dropped all my spaghetti, but they were nice enough to voice out a request before we never, ever talked again. I can't even watch them anymore out of embarassment.

>> No.2020388

stopped reading almost had me

>> No.2020411

Dropping spaghetti infront of a Vtuber you like is the fucking worst.

>> No.2020945

I'm not going to rat him out, but it is possible. Just find and indie you like and talk to her, and be a little daring every now and then. You have to take the initiative.

>> No.2020981

4Chan is so fucking weird, either you retards sperg out and act overfamiliar with Vtubers spilling out your intimate feels and life details or you act like there is some impassable chasm between viewers and vtubers. Haven't any of you ever made a friend over the internet before? Why would it be any different just because someone streams behind a virtual avatar. Just bring value to their life, if all you have to offer is being a fan you're going to get viewerzoned.

>> No.2021028

careful now, they'll use the "where do you think you are" reply like some shitty ass scapegoat.

>> No.2021052

>Just bring value to their life, if all you have to offer is being a fan you're going to get viewerzoned.
But you can only be a fan through the internet anon, unless you mean cracking jokes and having emotional moments with her as something that goes beyond just being a fan
In which case I already do that with my oshi and her roommate

>> No.2021146

>unless you mean cracking jokes and having emotional moments with her as something that goes beyond just being a fan
isn't that like, the whole point of what the OP is implying? Sadly, the whole thread is literally people who never interacted with smalltime indies, sucks for the OP anon.

>> No.2021356

There's so many people interacting with constant praise with my oshi an she's particularly receptive to that, but I think any girl would appreciate someone who is down for jokes and to have fun as well every now and then alongside the emotional messages .
Isn't a balance between fun and caring guy a girls' ideal friend/bf anyways?

>> No.2021433

>Haven't any of you ever made a friend over the internet before?

>> No.2021457

But it's true, 4chan isn't known for having super cool posters with lots of friends.

>> No.2021483

It's from the Utalive (Mint, Chiika, Mariya) short original song "Saigo No Fuyuyasumi". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz7xnpVB5OY

The art is by dotMango, Mariya's Mama.

>> No.2021525

Going after a vtuber romantically sounds like a horrible idea. It's already hard enough getting to know people online, imagine getting to know a girl who is playing a character and you don't even know what she looks like. What if when you see her face you don't even like her.

>> No.2021560

This thread is about making friends, not having romance.

>> No.2021614

I don't remember asking for your commentary anon-kun. Maybe next time, shut the fuck up.

>> No.2021638

>you don't even know what she looks like.
Oh sweet summer child.

>> No.2021671

Online friends are very different from friend friends
And even then I’d say you aren’t really online friends unless you actually do shit together like talk on discord or play vidya together or some shit

>> No.2022025

Maybe next time don't make an offtopic post in a thread.

>> No.2022743

It’s almost like we aren’t a hive mind retard

>> No.2024160

Pretty distasteful and insincere. Treat them as a character

>> No.2025358

>or you act like there is some impassable chasm between viewers and vtubers
Because there is

>> No.2025709

what if you go outside and meet a woman there?

>> No.2029924

But I like how this vtuber is IRL, anon.
Shes pretty, funny, and needy

>> No.2034364


>> No.2034863

Don't do this to yourself OP. It's not healthy.

>> No.2038847


>> No.2039157

you will never get laid and you will die alone

>> No.2039340

I travelled through half of Europe to do a week of vidya and hanging out with all my online friends who were up to it. Totalled 7 in 5 countries, good quota, fun times were had

>> No.2039708
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>> No.2041896

they all dodged a bullet

>> No.2048969

never seen someone with a gf who cares about tattoos

>> No.2050772
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I have a friend that became a Vtuber
Does that Count?

>> No.2051618

No, everyone is just a paypig to her. That includes the mods who deluded themselves into thinking the person cares about them just because they got some special position.
