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19676871 No.19676871 [Reply] [Original]

All I will say about this latest drama is... this happened already but the other way around, and she got cancelled and harassed for "shit talking".
But when the others do it, now it's not shit talking, just ranting privately huh.

>> No.19677211

And what Nippleniggers did to her was way, way fucking worse than anything Holobronies have ever done. And she's not the only one they've done that kind of shit to. Funny how that always gets memoryholed.

>> No.19677509

I think past events have made holobronies gunshy and drama averse.
Meanwhile nijiniggers are all brown, chinks, or women; and so instinctually thrive on shitting on nice things

>> No.19677528

I know you niggers don't actually care about Delutaya, so stop fucking using her for your bait threads. Better yet, kill yourself.

>> No.19677617

She didn’t lie about Chitose, 5ch doesn’t hold that against her anymore.

>> No.19677623

>they bullied aloe so its okay to bully their chuubas
nigger maybe they dont want that to happen again to anyone, an eye for an eye leads to people constantly taking eyes.
stop encouraging shitty behaviour just because shitty things happened before.
add onto the fact that happened before any nijifag around now were around and it was JP or the fact some of the jp holofags probably also joined in on that shit as shown by how theres nijifags joining in on this shitty drama to keep it stirring.
listen to >>19677528 and kill yourself.

>> No.19677655

Funny that the person she spoke about recently released a statement about how she had been harassed over the years, proving her right. And yet fans of a certain group insisted she was lying and slandering their beloved livers and bullied her severely for that...

>> No.19677704

>Funny that the person she spoke about recently released a statement about how she had been harassed over the years
Post it.

>> No.19677875

Back then Aloe got harassed by tribalists and nobody from the Niji camp did anything to help her. Nothing surprising here.

They'd sooner see someone from Hololive actually die than have their precious company, brand and streamers be placed under scrutiny.

>> No.19678017

theyre not obligated to help her, just like im not obligated to call you a nigger

>> No.19678053

First of all, kill yourself, nigger
Second, Don't act like there weren't holoniggers harassing her over their uwu pure idol shit too. Anyone who isn't disgustingly new has seen the video of the Holofag celebrating her being harassed
Third, REALLY don't pretend to care about her and ignore that her own (still present) mental health issues and her shitty family situation weren't even bigger contributors than ANY internet harassment
Fourth, and god I can't emphasize this enough, kill yourself. Commit suicide. ASAP.
I don't give a fuck if you hate Nijisanji, but leave her out of it. The girl deals with enough already.

>> No.19678249

kys idolshart

>> No.19678272

please take a shower

>> No.19678335

Door's always open. She chose to make up bullshit sob stories and suicide bait for her pity paypigs. Like Rushia she deserved it.

>> No.19678428

I respect an outright anti-post like this more than OP.

>> No.19678466
File: 156 KB, 750x741, DDD830AB-3B5F-4B25-AE01-C3A133E2E42C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Deltabro, you win this one
Now I feel bad for making a bait thread based on copypasted tweets
Unironically, God bless you

>> No.19678543

You still care about sex? She already has devoted paypigs to milk.

>> No.19679526
File: 308 KB, 498x498, Mano_Aloe_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She never got cancelled. She always had the option to come back and keep streaming, but she just ended up chickening out and quitting.

>> No.19679697

Quit because niplesanji fanbase harrasing her to the core
Thank you nijinigger

>> No.19679829

You niggas got a juicy new toy and you're still looping back to this, god damn

>> No.19680886

If anything it just proves that the holo talent reflect their fandom well? I mean they're aren't really publically cutthroat with eachother so their fans don't feel the need to be the same.

i'm proud of you guys for harassing people on 2/4/5chan but not actually threatening the lives of the talent that said that shit. But by all means never let them live that shit down on here I don't care if it's another 500 threads.

>> No.19681433

i miss Aloe

>> No.19681846

She got cancelled by her garbage family and her own mental problems desu, similar to Rushia minus the family.

>> No.19683430

