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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19544868 No.19544868 [Reply] [Original]

Confess, friends.

>> No.19545887

i'm a sanalite but i trash talk her /here/ because it's the only kind of post that gets replies and engagements so that i can keep her face in the front pages

>> No.19546093
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I wish Gura had boobs

>> No.19546167

I am the nicest guy in the world in public and at work, and a complete unapologetic asshole at home. I just hate my family so much bros.

>> No.19546191

I should have done my Japanese reps, now male are debuting and shippers will take over

>> No.19546246

A yab turned me off one of the indies I legitimately enjoyed watching. I then went to one of her friends for comfort.

>> No.19546343

I hate Ina

>> No.19546376

I've been playing Elden Ring on m+k because I don't like holding controllers

>> No.19546374

can you say more?

>> No.19546421
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I masturbate to Sora and Mumei because they look like a girl I had a crush on in school.
I also watched that animation of Lamy slapping Marine’s butt while an imam was in the room with me.

>> No.19546433

Oh, geez, I don't think there's enough mercy in heaven to forgive that, my child.

>> No.19546564

The shit with Koopa and subsequent resulting dumb shit bummed me out so hard I began to consume primarily Nina instead and ended up dropping Koopa entirely. Just a fucking stupid shit show and probably the first time I let schizos get ahold of me but the response on her end was just shockingly tonedeaf.

>> No.19546619

I’m the opposite, I can’t play Minecraft without a controller because my retarded laptop has some sort of keyboard bug that won’t let me open trapdoors while climbing up at the same time.

>> No.19546651

was that the "koopa hanging out with a male fan" thing from ages ago?

>> No.19546700
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I don't want to marry my oshi, I want to possess her. Own her.

>> No.19546752

You did the right thing since she went on perma hiatus anyway.

>> No.19546751

I don't have an oshi. I just drift between chuubas like a whore.

>> No.19546807

Another vtuber who I think fucking vanished after named Spacer, yes. They made some fucking weird borderline NTR vocaroos that really set the threads on fire for a bit. She then proceeded to double down on defending them and claimed her content wasn't anything like GFE (a blatant lie) and that people were overreacting. Gross oversimplification as I don't have the manifesto on hand at the moment, but that's a very general gist.

>> No.19546839

I watch Uto, Korone, and Gura exclusively.

>> No.19546869

The fuck, really? What happened? Did she really never recover from that or is it health related?

>> No.19546914

ive already killed 1 gorillion russian scum and im not going to stop Cлaвa Укpaїнi!

>> No.19546955

Streamed less and less and now she does shit once a month

>> No.19547067
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I've been here since Kizuna Ai started and I don't consider any moment I spend watching chuubas wasted. Sure there are ups and downs and I stop watching them for months, but I always come back with a smile on my face.

>> No.19547143

My oshi's roommate is fucking flat and I can't stop busting my nut to her.

>> No.19547200

Christ. Maybe I'm lucky then. Shit still sucks though. I'm not really a big corpo person and Koopa was the first vtuber that really clicked with me, then it all got fucked up. At least Nina is a wonderful person and a lovely singer.

>> No.19547336

I have never streamed a day in my life and have a 12 hour work shift and live with my parents to save up money but i want to be a chubba now that the auditions opened and am sad i cant be for some reason lmao

>> No.19547582

Based but unironically.

>> No.19547844
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I was Tatsunoko but now I've gone ronin too.
Ironmouse, Kiara, Mori/DD, Gura... and of course the animated clips. HoloGra when I want to have weird dreams.
Today discovered Towa was such an amazing singer with a low register, holy shit. (cf. :azURe)
Hey talking voice is so different!

>> No.19548047

Yes, that's because she faked her talking voice to be more popular.
It was much deeper when she debuted.

>> No.19548150

If I had content creation experience I'd apply to Holostars EN, but I didn't even watch streamers before Myth, much less make anything

>> No.19548158

>It was much deeper when she debuted.
Also much better

>> No.19548210

I'm trying to get used to controller and it's mostly the camera that's annoying

>> No.19548501

Due to shit that happened to me when I was a kid I have a strong aversion to men. HoloEN has been a god send of escapism.
Now it might be coming to end soon in that regards and I just feel... tired

>> No.19548562

>Due to shit that happened to me when I was a kid I have a strong aversion to men.
What happened, Anon?

>> No.19548696
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Im gonna touch your buthole anon.

>> No.19548782

NTA but Jesus Christ. The implication is either he got fiddled like a Viola or was Mike Tyson's Punching bag. Probably doesn't need to respond to you now. I got you traumabro.

>> No.19548880

I don't care, I want to hear about both.

So I can more accurately make fun of him.

>> No.19548911


Eh, they're not gonna turn into niji and go takeshi all of a sudden when their JP audience still expects them to be idols.

>> No.19549021

Yeah, 'course he says he's perfectly fine with the idea of not collabing with them on screen - he's fucking Fubuki hard irl

>> No.19549137

Good for him. He still can't collab with most of the company and I doubt they'll change the entire dynamic just for EN.

>> No.19549180


>> No.19549260

> i doubt theyll change the dynamic for en
But anon, the EN fans (that are on reddit and YT) want exactly that dynamic changed

>> No.19549394

Considering the success of NijiEN, they'll probably imitate that too.
Prepare yourselves, your oshis are gonna be harassed by retarded schizos and their coworkers too.
It's not so bad that she has a confirmed boyfriend with no internet face now, is it?

>> No.19550116

Aight, I'm gonna save this message for the future

>> No.19550232

Feel free to grudgepost if im wrong
But normie EN fans demand japan bow to american normie beliefs

>> No.19550322

i want to apply to starsEN, get accepted, then leak tons of information and then kill myself on stream.

>> No.19550361


>> No.19551203

Beyond based.
I want the opposite, I want Japan to autistically enforce their own weird work ethic over their EN branches. I don't care if the talents get upset.

>> No.19552478

Why? Do you see yourself in them? I promise that people out in the world can tell you are a shithead to your family, by the way.
Also, when you say family do you mean your wife and kids or your parents and siblings?

>> No.19552499

I am very very lonely

>> No.19552550

Specifically wife and kids. I hate them so much, I can't help it. Hit my wife for the first time yesterday night and felt much better though

Nobody can tell I'm an asshole at home, btw, you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.19552608

That's called being a sociopath and you need help

>> No.19552652

You're pissing me off. Gonna hit her extra hard because of this

>> No.19552703

No, I know exactly what I'm talking about. If you're not just someone fakeposting you should leave your wife or make a good faith effort to do right by her. People like you can be smelled by honest people a mile away, and your wife loves you and wants the best for you.
As it stands right now, you are a subhuman.

>> No.19552863

have you tried going to therapy

>> No.19552907

what if he already did for something unrelated and his therapist did the touching

>> No.19553053

I lied and said that I saw Derek was drunk the night that he raped Samantha, even though I knew he was completely sober. I lied because he was my friend and he showed me the video he took afterwards

>> No.19553436

Right. Gonna hit my kids too because of your post

>> No.19553441

i created a slur for the anons i share a general with. im actually proud of it too

>> No.19553575

>he showed me the video he took afterwards
Based Derek.

>> No.19554696

Builds character

>> No.19555842

Kys. You dont know shit about my life, what I do, and whats been done to me. Youre just another judgmental faggot lookin for someone to take a shit to feel better about yourself. Dont ask if you're not going to try to understand.

>> No.19556048

I'm probably going to stop watching hololive EN after the males debut. I already stopped watching NijiEN after every fucking stream is either a collab with males or talking about males.

>> No.19556261

No, I'm telling you something you need to hear.

>> No.19556421

Youre being disingenous and flippant is what youre doing. Go back to your bait threads.

>> No.19556460

I loathe the decision to add male in EN

>> No.19556497

I'm really not, I'm telling you how people outside of the anonymous forum are likely to see you.
Why do you hate your family?

>> No.19557929

I don't feel like jerking off today, I'm sorry friend

>> No.19560138

Vtubers have made me realize that I have a lot of issues.

>> No.19560698

Barely have any shit on my name because I'm spending it all trying to keep my family alive, especially my mom who has cancer. Chuubas just keep stuff interesting. It kinda disgusts me whenever any of them says "I love you" because my head will immediately reply: "no you fucking don't lmao", but hey the ASMRs are very relaxing.

>> No.19561507

Kizuna Ai was the second vtuber I ever watched and after a while I just stopped viewing her content. After watching her last live I've been getting back into her videos and I feel like I really missed out and am partially responsible for her low numbers.

>> No.19562491

I confess that I'm hopelessly in love with my best friend Fubuki and wish she'd stop friendzoning me.

>> No.19564183
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Going back to old-style vtubers (10 minute videos) as opposed to streamers changed my life.
If you're the same I recommend Ponpoko/Peanuts or Omega Sisters.

Sex friend!

>> No.19564510

Same but with Okayu. I'm honestly worried the ideal I have of her in my head will make me incapable of forming a good relationship with women because they won't be able to compare.

>> No.19566898

At least she tried to push off gachikois, it's for their own good

>> No.19567442

this is why I stick to asmr scripts for my gf sounds needs

>> No.19568756

>I masturbate to Sora and Mumei because they look like a girl I had a crush on in school.
That's funny, I don't recall writing this post.

>> No.19568849

It's always the ones who discourage gachikois that are the most worth falling in love with.

>> No.19569860

I fapped to my oshi's roommate for several nights and then had a meltdown when I realized I'll never ejaculate inside her.

>> No.19569980

I want sora to dom the shit outta me and call me a good boy after whipping my bound body

>> No.19571451 [SPOILER] 
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NTA, but I feel you

>> No.19572880

I was a bit harsh on Rushia and now am shitting myself for fear of karma. I am sorry v-gods

>> No.19572950

I'm basically pulling an all nighter to check out this cute indie.
I feel like she could become my oshie but I'm retarded because our schedules don't match.

>> No.19573257

>I feel like she could become my oshie but I'm retarded because our schedules don't match.
And then you destroy your sleep schedule to catch her streams and you conflate it with dedication to your parasocial infatuation. Godspeed, mood kindred

>> No.19573648

lmao. this is funny to imagine

>> No.19573744

I want to be in Holostars EN

>> No.19573768

If you're a sadistic psychopath that gets off on expressions of extreme solitude of random strangers, yeah.

>> No.19577828

You're not?

>> No.19578791

I love vtubers and finally having something motivating me to learn Japanese is great, but fuck me has it not made me unpleasantly aware of how fucking lonely I am while simultaneously making it even harder for me to find any common ground the average person I meet in this shithole country. At least I can now fully appreciate ASMR and oneeshota doujins to help numb the pain somewhat...

>> No.19579343
File: 52 KB, 1080x608, FB_IMG_1645698029192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should really stop fucking around with my coworker at work times but she's down to do anything with me and we have almost gotten caught twice by our colleagues... She has rushia's body and an amazing butt, just typing this made my dick hard and I will probably ask her to suck me like 3 hours from now when I get to work... Yes I might get fired bros but this is the most fun I've had in over a decade...

>> No.19579414

I'm a mori anti but i want her to brap on my face while i jack off.

>> No.19579448

How do you deal with never being able to be the shota again?

Fuck you.

>> No.19579551

Wait until you find out she's been cheating on you with mafumafu

>> No.19579610

Was it good at least?

>> No.19579703

You don't want help. You want approval.
You literally need meds or a rope if you resort to the usual 13yo rant in an anonymous forum at such a bland answer.
No one cares.

>> No.19579716

Lauren did nothing wrong

>> No.19579727

I'm never going to have a Japanese woman treat me like that anyway so the fact I can't be a shota again doesn't seem worth worrying about.

>> No.19579794

Pics or gtfo

>> No.19579839
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I just fire drive-by shitposts at random and don't even look back if they get (You)s or not.

>> No.19579872

I gonna stop watching Hololive when they debut male EN and only watch indies.

>> No.19579990

Every videogame i like is "second job" tier like eve online or ARK but after a while i get bored of them and switch between

But since i made new internet friends i feel bad abandoning them since theyre more autistic and CAN play the same game every day for years

>> No.19580053
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>> No.19580162

That's how you get caught.

>> No.19580737

I don't even have a job.

>> No.19581772
File: 524 KB, 847x476, 1614452500103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped Hololive when Coco graduated. I am now a Niji/Tsunderia/Indie fan.

>> No.19582785

Introducing a q-tip in your ears feels way better than masturbating

I can't stop having sex with my ears!
